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He sighed. "If I let you keep him, then he stays inside. I'm not going to be lenient with this choose. You kill him or you keep him." Roland set the knife in the boys hands and stood up, walking back to the bench.
He eyed Charles as the boy walked over, wondering what he planned to do.

Would he kill the jock...or keep his ex as a house pet?
"I'll be in charge of my own pet," he growled back.
Charles got him to come home with him, keeping his yells quiet.

A few muffled weeps came from the basement, then a few yells. Charles threw Casper into the living room.
"You did good so you get to sleep here." Charles said as he fairly bandaged Casper's arm. He had large gashes in horizontal rows.
Charles went to bed and Casper couldn't sleep.
Casper looked up at Roland, his black hair messy and his eyes tired. "...hi" he didn't know why he said that.
When they got home, Charles put the boy in the basement with the girl..after he came back up, Roland faced him.
"Understand something kid..I'm the Alpha here. You want to try and run this set-up then be my guest. You try and tell me what's what again...and you'll be picking your guts off the ground. You understand me? I like you kid. You're cute and you got potential...but you work for me. You do what I say."

he didn't say anything else to Charles, but let him have his time with his ex. When Charles Fell asleep with Casper in the living room, Roland entered to Find Casper still awake.
Roland gazed at the jock. "Hey."
He settled into a chair nearby the couch where Charles slept.
"What's your name?" Casper asked as he shook violently. Why was he being so polite?
Casper held onto his arms, scared of what he might do.
"My name is not important to you kid. You're his pet." Roland gestured to Charles.
"I got mine and I guess the kid wanted one too..even though he said he was fine before. Must have changed his mind. We went to the school and he picked you out."
Roland took a sip of his drink as he sat in the dimly lit room.
Roland laughed. "Not quite. Maybe he wishes I was...but I'm not. I'm Bi-sexual so I like both men and I'm sure he won't stop trying. Maybe he will now that he has you to play with though."
He took another drink.

"He's technically my protege. I'm training him to be the next great killer after I'm gone. He's got quite the bit of potential."
"I see," Casper got more and more calm as he listened.
Charles woke up a little and made himself comfortable as he snuggled up to Roland. Charles fell into his deep sleep again.
"Would you care if he died?" Casper asked.
Roland wondered why this kid was getting closer and his free hand settled on the handle of his knife.
"If he died? Why? I don't think he plans on dying anytime soon...unless you plan on killing him."

Roland eyed the jock as he took another sip of his drink.
"why? Do you plan on killing your ex kid?"
"You seem very protective of him." He said.
"If I did, I think you'd collapse."
Roland looked at the kid. "Wrong..." He took a big sip as he finished the beverage. "I'd miss him a little I'm sure...he's probably the most obedient protege i've kept. If you did try and kill him...then you'd wish you never thought of the idea."
His eyes held a look of utter powerlust and dominating fear.
"trust me."

He relaxed in the chair. "You'd do well to lay by him instead of me kid. I'm not your master."
Charles was far more into his deep sleep, gripping to Roland's side.
Casper eyed the situation and rested his elbows on his knees.
"I'm sure he's going to be devastated if he knew that he meant nothing to you." He said as he looked at his bandaged arm.
Charles started to grumble in his sleep, as if he had a bad dream. Charles gripped more onto Roland's side.
Roland glared at Casper. "Don't put words in my mouth kid. I never said he meant nothing to me."
He stood up and towered over the kid.

"Trust me kid. It's not a good idea to test me...least of all at night when I haven't slept. Now sit there and behave!"
The boy went silent and Roland went to go get another drink. He only got a glass of water and came back to sit down.
Charles woke up again, giving a huge yawn.
"I'm going to sleep in the bedroom." He mumbled, obviously annoyed by the talking . Good thing he didn't hear anything.
"Good boy," charles pinched Casper's cheek and went into the bedroom.

"I'm going to steal him away from you." Casper said, staring blankly at the wall.
Roland didn't respond. He wasn't afraid of this punk. All he did was lean his head back against the chair and rest there.
Tomorrow he would start on Charles, Casper and the girl downstairs.
It would be a busy day and he would need his rest.
Charles woke up and headed to the living room. He started to groom Casper by playing with his hair and stroking his face.
"You're so cute," he smiled as he continued to groom Casper.
Roland decided that even though he could listen to those two, he would sleep in today. He needed to rest up since he hadn't gotten a good chance to lately.
Shifting a little to get more comfortable, he laid in the chair and relaxed.
"I'm going to have some fun with him." Charles reminded him as he headed down to the basement.

It was rather strange that Casper wasn't making and yells of pain, more of moans of pleasure. Even Charles' innocent sound was getting louder and louder.
He lay there for a few more moments before he sighed. Damnit, they went downstairs. The girl's down there....

He sighed as he stood up. Better just go and get her before they get too involved. He opened the door and headed downstairs to go get the woman and bring her upstairs.
Leave Charles to his business.
They already had finished up by the time he got downstairs. Casper sat there, out of breath and smiling to himself. Charles was running up stairs, kissing Roland's cheek on the way up and leaving Roland to Casper and the girl.
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