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take it away ernie

Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Primarily Prefer Female
Fandom, Romance, Angst
Hello hello hello! 🙂

First time posting an ad here! Hoping to catch someone's interest 😊

**Basic info and writing preferences**

26, she/her, **I am 18+ so all characters and partners must be 18+ too!**

I have been roleplaying since 2010 but have just recently came back after a bit of a hiatus so just going to leave this post and hope to catch some one's interest!

I write in 3rd person POV, paragraph format with a minimum of 200+ words, word length doesn't really bother me tbh just as long as we both have enough to work with, that being said i definitely can and will do longer novella styled responses if that's more your jam too! I usually prefer MxF for my side but happy to write any pairing for yours! **I definitely prefer my roleplays to be plot focused, please keep that in mind if reaching out!** I love telling a story plotting with my partners so please feel free to share your ideas with me

I love romance, slow burn, drama, angst, all the jolly good things to torture our characters with!

We all have lives outside of RP, so don't worry about taking time with replies! I will always try to reply as often as I can, which can be multiple replies a day or one a week, but I'll be sure to keep you in the loop if I'm too busy to get to reply asap!

~ On to the fandom ~

So I'm really looking for someone to play Eggsy Unwin against my female OC. I do have an idea for this, but I'm dying to rp this fandom so I'm also willing to change it ideas!!

So for my initial idea:-

Before Eggsy went through his Kingsman training, there was a girl who worked behind the bar at The Black Prince that he fancied the pants off of. He used to force the boys there for pints, just so he could see her. He had enjoyed some light banter with her and she humored his flirting, but he'd never gotten the chance to ask her out - mainly because a lot of Dean Baker's boy's, especially Rottweiler seemed to be trying to fire into her any chance they got. Not that she seemed she was anywhere near interested.

Eggsy went off on his Kingsman training and picture that kind of that moment at the end of the first movie where he completes the mission, he grabs the champagne and glasses, ignores Merlin trying to communicate with him on the radio, Slave to Love kicks in and he heads straight to the Princess' cell?

Well imagine like THAT vibe but going back to the girl he'd always been too chicken to ask out. Leaving a boy in a tracksuit and coming back a MAN in a tailored suit who kicks A$$.

We could start at the beginning and build up that background relationship or start when Eggsy had already joined Kingsman and include flashbacks to their earlier days, tbh I could go each way and every way with this one!

>>Also very willing to completely ignore the plot of Golden Circle or tweak it to fit our style!<<

As always, I am more than happy to double up! :) I'm dying to rp this, so if you're not interested in a Kingsman love interest for your side, but still down to play Eggsy for my side, then i can definitely do another fandom for you!!

other fandoms I can do for your side

Harry Potter

Stranger Things

Once Upon A Time

Peaky Blinders



Marvel- I can do the most of the main MCU for this!

a few others that I can't think of right now, you can definitely feel free to reach out with fandoms but if it's an anime it's probably gonna be a no, sorry!!

Please send PM if interested!