Kazeyama High School

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Thank you thank you thank you.

*worships zypher*

*angelic music*
*does a victory dance with Kura* I'M IN!

Name: Patrick Glaus (since moving to Kyoto, his name has been legally changed to Rei)

Age: 16

Race/Nationality: Hmong from Mongolia. Recently moved to Kyoto, Japan.

Personality: You could easily describe Rei to be a normal kid. He socializes with little-to-no difficulty, enjoys himself, makes friends, and even supports his school when he can. Outwardly, he doesn't seem to have any personal quirks or weird - for this school, that word is fairly relative! - habits. Rei simply blends in, mingles around like a regular teenager, and has his fun when he can.

At extended study, one can notice that Rei doesn't talk that much about himself or his personal life, or why he's never mentioned his birthday. It's like he has nothing to say about it. He isn't in very many clubs...I wonder why..?


Power/Ability: The Iron Curtain: By Japanese mythos, Rei has an odd way of manipulating his Chi. He can take specially modified (sewing strands of his hair into the fabric) strips of ribbon, or cloth, and make it as hard as any forged steel. This does NOT affect the sharpness of the material whatsoever. A "cutting" motion with the supposed cloth, or ribbon, would require a degree of strength Rei simply doesn't have in order to be successful with such a tactic.

A Dancing Cobra: Lastly, Rei is capable of controlling this material like an extension of himself, but with incredibly limited mobility and dexterity. Doing this requires a great degree of concentration, and will almost certainly leave him disoriented.

Clubs/Affiliations: Drama Club, Baseball, Tennis, Earth Committee (Keep this school - and the planet - clean!)

Allies/Friends: None at the moment.

History: "When they work you do not work like them; when they get results, you act like a dog looking on—with envy."

Other children enjoy simpler lives, with bright, sunny days and mirthful laughter. These children don't think about tomorrow, or even consider what they're doing within the next hour. They are free of responsibility, of concern, of weighing their words.

Free, even, of self-worth, and depression.

Patrick, or Rei, has grown up in a passive aggressive household. Homework and chores are his life, living day-to-day with the same back-breaking activities and no choice given. His father was a tired, overworked man within the Mongolian political agenda. Mom stayed home, but it looked like she'd given up a long time ago. Misery hung in his house like a thick sheet.

"My father wasn't gracious enough to leave me an inheritance or trinkets when he died. You'll get none, either."

Before he did his chores, Rei visited an old Mongolian wiseman. This particular wiseman took a pointed interest for the child, as he was one of few that somehow remained so untainted amidst his see of torment. He taught Rei a way to express himself, and "help him continue to flow". Father soon learned of this particular friendship, and forbid his son to return. Unfortunately obedient, Rei listened to his father, and wished the ancient fellow good tidings.

Complications in dad's employment forced him to move to Kyoto, where there was a bigger opportunity for success in politics. The move didn't bother Rei, as he didn't have any real friends at his old school either. He never once considered the thought that he was depressed; he didn't know what anything else was. Having been in high school for a year, the fates hope Rei can finally find true happiness.
....I wanna hug your character....
Well it looks like Yuki is going to have an interesting scavenger hunt. >_>
XD Oh, this should be fun. Speaking of which, let me get a post up.
I need to post as well!
Do I need to wait for an introductory post from you Zypher?

I was going to substitute myself in as a transfer from a different class. Would that be ok??
I'm starting to wonder if Yuki will even make it to the scavenger hunt alive. So many things could go wrong right now. XDD
Late letter means busy editor. Will be back in the swing of things for RP's soon. If anyone can do you think we could get a short summary of character events thus far? I mean it would definitely help me when I get back and others who had joined half way through the 4th page. Here's mine:

Prince Edward "Spoony Bard": Has prepared himself for the first day of his fourth year and is now taking interest in the actions of Celena. Is a member of group 3. (also said to be stalking Celena.)
Yuki "Blizzard" Arikado: Has arrived for his first day at Kazeyama, making friends with Kenta and a few others while having interest taken IN HIM by Aisha, possibly Celena, and possibly Kenta. Plus Darius the Demon Slayer suspects his true nature! Is a member of group 3. (Also said to be despised by Prince Edward)
Celena Agdeppa: Has arrived for her first day at Kazeyama, running into her old aquaintance Prince Edward, and falling twice so far. Was saved by Yuki Arikado, also groped. Decided to forgive him, and is currently headed to the common area.
Allie Logan: After almost not even making it to school at all because she fell asleep on the train, has finally gotten her things unpacked and managed to lose and break her phone (her only means of communication between her and her overly-protective father). Currently she is back in the commons area, and a memeber of Darius Ravata's group.

Also, my apologies for my lack of posting the past few days. The sick has captured me. c.c;
Name: Barbiel Johnson

Age: 15

Race/Nationality from alberta, canada. race is Angel

Personality: nice for the most part, will become enraged it some one hurt her friends, she can some times seem "crazy" and will talk to cat as if they can reply

Appearance: long dark hair, white or black wings, brown eyes, is about 5'1 and her face mostly looks sad, even when shes happy

When she's pissed off

Power/Ability: can fly and she can seem to "talk" to cats
Clubs/Affiliations: maid cafe

Allies/Friends: not yet, but hoping to meet new people
History: she came here on a scholarship, her home life is very messed, her dad being a angel for haven and her mom being a fallen angel, but some how they make it work, she is very smart and some times shy, and sticks up for her friends.she became an angel when she was three as all angel do. she can some times talk to cat all thou no one belives her
her dads work as a TA at a school in heven to show angel how they have to behave
her mom work as the devils "right hand man" and mostly just slacks off. when Barbiel was four she learn'd how to fly, thats when her dad started putting her in to schools that are ok with her race. when she truned 10, god made her angel of october.
Hey, Zypher, have we transfered to group yet, or is it still in the IC in the RP area?
Had to post on my friend's laptop, and he's trying to kick me off right about now. Doesn't help that he's using someone else's connection, so the speed is terrible.