Just Another "Normal" Anime High School...(Always Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
I'm sorry guys for not being very active. So, at this time, I would like to elect a Co-GM. To fill in for me and keep things under control when I'm gone. With homework, school, and work, I don't exactly get alot of leisure time, so I need someone who will enforce rules and help me run this roleplay. There isn't going to be random people being my co-gm, I'm going to chooser/ask them. I'm just letting you all know for the furture.

@Esakrel Alkaos Young , I'm sorry to hear that. Your character was one of the more original ones, and one of my favourite. You will be missed *Wipes tear from eye*

@Nerdy Chick, Please read all the rules on the first page. You already broken three, and I haven't even read all your posts yet.
I'm sorry to everyone who's in this roleplay for what's happened recently in the IC thread. Because I can't delete posts in the IC, except for my own, I'm just going to have to ask everyone to ignore the pages 37 and 38. Every post made on those two pages will not be a part of this roleplay, and they wont be regarded in further posts. I'm sorry again about this, but there has been rules broken continuously on those two pages, and there wasn't permission for those posts. If you've made a post on those two pages, I'm sorry but we're are ignoring them and moving on in the rp.
I finally updated the Original Post! There are some new rules and an updated Accepted characters list.
Check out the rules, and look over the Accepted characters list. If your name isn't on the list, and you're active please let me know.
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Is La Blue's post on page 37 still okay since it was directed at me and Shino?
I think he was mostly referring to the 1x1
Oh, makes sense. Also, where's La Blue's character sheet because I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Hey guys, I posted way back on page 36. Deron addressed the whole class, asked if first years had any questions and, if @La Blue Love wanted to get off of @Conrad Norwood's lap.

So, class has technically been started....:blah:
Have you read the rules and had a character sheet approved?
Esakrel, I would love to have you back. Ara was a good addition to our little community here.
Start a conversation with me about the 1x1 stuff, we'll talk about it there.

@justice hunt , You can most certainly join. Just make a CS, and I'll check it out when I have time tomorrow. (it's midnight on a school night here, so.)
Esakrel, I would love to have you back. Ara was a good addition to our little community here.
Start a conversation with me about the 1x1 stuff, we'll talk about it there.

@justice hunt , You can most certainly join. Just make a CS, and I'll check it out when I have time tomorrow. (it's midnight on a school night here, so.)
okay cool thanks
i was so confused @Undying Curiosity i thought you made a 3 person post rule O.O like 3 diffrent people have to post before you post again T.T i read 2 whole pages....so many posts and i wasnt gone for 24hrs O.O nami's head hurts
WELL... for some reason, my alerts were not working for just this RP.
Which is extremely frustrating because this one was my favorite of all of the ones I'm in, and I was sad because I thought it had shut down. (Cause I had gotten NO alerts..none)
Soooooooooo, I noticed that the first post doesn't have my character as an accepted character anymore?
Was I kicked due to no-posting? Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly ok with that, I just want to know..
..And also I wanted to know if I could come back in..
@Enthriper , I had to update the character first post because the character list was outdated and rules needed to be added :P
You were not kicked, to be frank, I just thought you lost interest XD.
I'm not quite sure how much you missed but make a post and jump on it, if you want. You were the neko male, right? Can't think of his name at the moment :x
Name:Cyril Kenchi
anime 2.jpg
Personalty:Cyril is a nice and shy guy,he is really funny and sarcastic but you can't find that out until you become friends with him, he's stubborn and gets pissed if you call him Cyrus,he's sensitive and a ton of fun, he is kinda irresponsible and can be a douche when sad,depressed, or mad, He gets depressed when he has no one to count on,he respects his friends and will stand up for them whenever he can

Powers/Abilities: he has pure white wings,his hands and eyes go pure white when emotional and when he touches someone or something,he heals it
Other:He is gay, he keeps his sexuality hidden and only wears his light blue hoodie and black, jean pants
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@justice hunt , I can tell you're keeping his power a surprise, but I need to make sure it's not overpowered. So I apologise, but can you please add more description?