Just Another "Normal" Anime High School...(Always Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
as far as i know its still open for chars so go for it :D
be careful Conrad, skeletons can be quite spooky

Name: Hikari-Kuro Shimizu
Age: 15
Race/Species: Fallen angel turned demon resulting half angel/demon
Personality: A seemingly optimistic person, she plays the act well. Deep down inside no-one knows she is going into a coat of depression. Witty, and tends to betray people (there's the demon). She's also a kind of hopeless romantic, but is commitment phobic
Power/Ability: Can fly sometimes, and also people believe everything she says (not bunny-moding, just they don't know she's lying)
Othr: Is actually lesbian, and no-one knows.

Edit: What went wrong with the spoiler :3
@~Infinity~ . Accepted~
You're characters an angel like mine XD... well half.

And I'm glad to see people are still active
still any open slots?
Sorry I haven't been on guys!

I had an epic battle with the work beast yesterday, resulting in my complete fatigue and going to bed immediately upon getting home.
There was another battle today, not quite so epic, so I'm tired but actually have enough brain-power to post. Yay!
I'm gonna start catching up now.
(Wait where u talking to me XD I'm sorry I left for a sec)
@Nerdy Chick Sorry I was talking to Shino, but maybe if you make it to the classroom she can bat a lash for you too :D
@Nerdy Chick Go to the first page of this thread, read the rules there, then copy and fill out the provided character sheet. Once you have done that, send the character sheet in a reply to this thread.
Name- Lili Benny
Age- 17
Personality- Sweet, kind, weird, lovable, and Amaing! (DUH ! Jk XD)
Race- Fox/Angel
Powers- I can fly and has a small tail knowone Realy seems to notice. And is good with short weapons like daggers.
Secrets- likes food and can eat for hours non-stop and has a crush on who knows I'll make it up later in the RP XDD
Please accept me bc I will be on atleast every 2 days unless it's weekend or holiday! Thank you and can I start RP-ing anyway?
Wait wait wait...she just..popped in? Oh well... Anywho, Shino, (being half-kitsune and living among spirits all the time) is calling Bull**** on so many levels right now :lol:
One question since I am accepted what is the IC forum?
Well never mind because of personal reasons I'm now leave sorry undying no FxF unless we take it to pm.
Can I jump in? I'm putting my character in the next post just in case.
Name- Arcturus Mencer (Arc)

Age- True Age Unknown

Race/Species- Shifter


Personality- He is fun-loving and mischievous.

Power/Ability- He is a Shifter. Meaning he can change forms. Whenever he touches an organism, his body absorbs a small amount of DNA and stores it for use. He reconstructs his DNA to change his form to whatever he desires, as long as he has its DNA stored. He also can control ice and create it out of the water in the air.

Other- Seeing as how he was pulled out of his school and forced into this new one, he can be irritable. He is very acrobatic and good with a dagger and long range weapons.
*comes back from life stuff* hey guys, sorry for my abscence, but I am back so I shall start posting again.