Just Another "Normal" Anime High School...(Always Accepting)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Name: Sygil Occlan
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Dragolich/Human
Occupation: Student/Wanderer
Power: Flight/Grow wings, Necromancy
Personality: Meet him
Name: Deron Hollingberry
Age: 27 years
Race/Species: Skunk Anthro
Personality: Deron is a generally kindhearted individual, so long as you can get him to let his guard down. He always tends to be a little guarded due to the "assumptions" others tend to have about skunks. He has a quick temper, but he's just as quick to calm down. Deron has a good sense of wit and a passion for books.
Power/Ability: Deron is a skunk, so naturally he's able to emit a rather nasty, hard to get off smell. He has become accurate with his spray over the years and has better control than most.
Other: Deron is the librarian and a fill-in teacher whenever needed. He fancies other males and doesn't stand much higher than 5'1".

I've noticed a small decline in the IC thread activity. If you guys are getting some what bored with the pace or the events, feel free to add some suggestions on what I ccould do to spice things up a little bit. Just post your ideas here in the OOC thread and I'll take them in consideration.

Flame Demon
She is quiet the character egocentric, manipulative, and chaotic. She has a lust for emotion and chaos. It is what drives her art. Though she has a more animal side, which is almost more like a dog then wolf. If repressed to long, it will reveal itself.
She has fire powers which include being able to make flames. She also is resistant to any flame being born from the pits of hell and all. Her wolf gives her stronger fire power and more protection, but she is unable to control it at all.
Art teacher and always uses her tail as a paint brush.

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@Undying Curiosity

I'm not sure what to do for IC activity. I've just joined, but it seems like everyone is in a waiting pattern.
Perhaps a timeskip away from class? Or I could edit my post and have Deron cover the class that everyone's in at the moment?
If you want to cover the class, that's fine by me.
If you do that, I'lol make a time skip after that class.

@La Blue Love , accepted
Okey-dokey, I'll do that! Hopefully we can get some movement in the RP. :bsmile:
Name: Jason Koizumi

Age: 17

Race/Species: Human of Japanese descent (Bloodline is tainted with demon blood)


Personality: Reserved in most social situations, Jason is a hard-working student who tends to be too serious when it comes to his work, be it homework or monster-hunting. However, he tends to be kind to his comrades, defending them and patching their wounds as best he can while on field assignments.

Power/Ability: Is an excellent pistol and assault rifle user, scoring 987 hits to 13 misses against fast-moving targets thanks to his bloodline giving him quick reaction time. Has received medical training and can administer first-aid during battle. If driven to extreme anger or sadness, his bloodline's demonic side begins manifest physically, given him great strength and the ability to wield fire as a projectile weapon. However, he keeps from using those powers as much as possible as the demon blood has a corrosive influence on his mind, causing him mental trauma that requires visits to therapists to repair.

Other: I've wanted to do a character based on Yukio from Blue Exorcist for awhile and I finally get the chance. Also, this will be my first character of Japanese descent! However, I'm not doing any kind of gun dual-wielding. If you understand anything about guns, then you know why. Oh, and if the last part involving his demon ancestry is overpowered, I'm perfectly willing to abandon the strength and fire powers.

Edit: Forget this guy, everyone. Can't use him so I made a different character under the same name down below.​
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@Conrad Norwood , I like your character and all, but I've made a point of no guns a page back.
Also, I'm fine with your character having the emotionally triggered demon manifestation as long as he doesn't rage like the hulk and smash stuff up XD
Oh damn, guess I'll have to rewrite him.
Name: Jason Koizumi

Age: 16

Species: Human of Japanese descent (Bloodline tainted by a demon)


Personality: With a willingness to be reckless and over the top in battle, most people assume Jason is simply a boy wanting to be a berserker with a spear instead of an ax. However, outside of missions, he's a rather mellow and kind individual, helping his friends with cooking or moving things around the dorms. His class work is decent enough to have him accepted into the academy, but his real shining point is his ability to remain determined and optimistic in battle, leading to some of his crazier stunts.

Power/Ability: Is proficient in using his spear to fight in both close-quartered and open-area combat. He supplements this skill with street brawling-like punches and kicks, something he picked up during his troubled childhood. If driven to extreme anger, his demonic heritage begins to manifest physically (note his ears sharpening to be seemingly elf-like when this happens.), giving him access to great strength and the ability to wield fire. However, he avoids this due to both the demonic blood having a corrosive effect on his human body and mind, causing numerous hospital and therapist visits to be necessary, and the fact that he believes using this power is an insult to the sacrifice his adopted father, a Catholic priest, gave to save him.

Other: Switch one brother out for another! Also, I didn't want to use a sword in this RP because I've done that many times before in other academy RPs. Hopefully this one will work well enough.
Little bit of a heads up, there wont be that many opportunities to use weapons. There will be classes and events maybe, but fighting other students doesn't happen all that often.
oh yeah! Reminder to everyone that if you want to spar someone, have their permission before entering combat with 'em. No fighting in the classroom though.
I know I said this before, but I'm going to update the original page's character list. To do that, I'm going to need to know everyone who is still with me in this roleplay. Just state you're still active or something and I'll remember to add you to the character list.
Yo, my new GM, you know I'm going to be active!
Yeah, the class hasn't been specified yet. I'm thinking of a class that will get people moving and interacting with class......