"Je ne suis pas important." (Mocking Jayy and Desu

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[fieldbox="Koshi Nagamine, lightcyan, dashed, 10"]"Five...?" Koshi bit the inside of his cheek, jaw tensing as he considered the idea. He really, really wanted to go to the beach... He was back to playing with his sleeves, running the fabric between his digits as he thought. It wouldn't be so bad... He's hung out with people before. But, Kaito had completely, utterly destroyed and notion of confidence in the boy. In fact, he himself had only aided in the process - it was so easy to think up reasons to hate himself, they came so naturally to him. May was offering him a chance to go outside, and maybe even let the salty air clear the clouds from around his mind. He was sure that it would help, as long as May's friends were as friendly as she was. Be himself...? If he let his heart slip up, if he let his true self in... He'd be dead. That, he was sure of.
Perhaps he could make it a picnic... Ah, no. He'd rather do that with just May, alone. That sounded fun as well.

He could feel something bad slip into the brew in his mind, something was beginning to feel off again. It came abruptly, suddenly swelling up his cheek, and the rising tide. "Alright, this weekend would be best..." He muttered, lowering his head into his hands. It would be just like the other, more recent times a the beach. He would be too afraid to take off his shirt, and he'd be called weird for it.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Kaito Nagamine, darkred, dashed, 10"]Kaito merely responded with a laugh as he swallowed the stolen bit of cake, feeling particularly victorious. "Nah, I gotta go. I should check on my brother, plus that pain-in-the-ass math teacher gave me a whole packet of shit to do." It was important for him to keep his grades up, especially becuase he was part of the football team. Having good grades was mandatory for them. [/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May, green, dashed, 10"]
May bit her lip, hoping that the amount of people that would be there wouldn't be a bother. She knew it would be hard for him, but she would be there to help. To lead him towards the path, to which he would need to navigate through himself. She could easily take over and help him talk to her friends, but she wanted him to attempted to talk to them. To socialize on his own accord.

"Hey, what's wrong?" May questioned as she leaned down to observed the male as he placed his face in his hands. "It'll be alright. Just trust me." May murmured as her fingers began to, once again, run through his desk locks of hair.


[fieldbox="Hisao Tachibana, blue, dashed, 10"]
"Alright then...Ill stop by later. I need to go get some shit done." Hisao quickly finished up what remained of his slice before setting the plate in the sink. "Here, I'll walk you out." Hisao walked along with the male towards the front door. "You gonna go to practice tomorrow?"
[fieldbox="Koshi and Kaito Nagamine, grey, dashed, 10"]Kaito followed Hisao to the door. He felt a bit bad for leaving so soon, but it was already getting pretty late, and he knew he had a lot of homework to do. "Yeah, I am. I really need to stop missing practice..." He muttered, brows furrowing as he remembered how angry the coach got at him last time he ditched. At the door, he turned back to glance at Hisao, pensive gaze meeting azure blue. He really didn't want to leave, and he didn't quite understand the reason why. Kaito couldn't stop himself in time - he reached out to hug Hisao, pulling away after a mere second with a bright blush on his cheeks. Man, that was hella gay. "(See you later~)" Kaito called as he quickly disappeared out the door, and loped over to the sidewalk, and to his own house.

Briefly, he wondered what Koshi was doing. Unlocking the door, Kaito quickly stepped inside just as Koshi finally figured out how to smile again. May's hands were bringing him comfort as they gently combed through his hair, and Koshi couldn't help but close his eyes as the wonderful feeling. She had found one of his weak spots, with such incredible ease... "Nothing... I'm fine," he lied.

But in a moment, all of that was ruined when Kaito appeared. Koshi heard the door open - his head snapped over to where a very pissed-off looking Kaito stood in the doorway. Surprisingly, the male decided to play it cool. "Hey, May."[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
A smile of her own, appeared on May's lips when Koshi lost that glum expression. However, the door opened up the next second, revealing the main tormentor of Koshi's life. Instead of pulling away or trying to play off their closeness, May moved her hand to rest on his shoulder as a way to provide him reassurance. "Hey, Kaito." May greeted the male with a small smile. "How are you?" She questioned while she gave Koshi's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

[fieldbox="Hisao Tachibana, blue, dashed, 10"]
Hisao nodded in agreement. They both needed to stop missing practice. Suddenly Kaito wrapped his arms around him, shocking the male. It had ended quickly as it had started, leaving Hisao to stand there like a dumb ass as he watched his friend go. "See you." Hisao called out after a few seconds.
[fieldbox="Koshi and Kaito Nagamine, grey, dashed, 10"]Koshi's nervousness only grew with each passing second. As Kaito passed by them to get to the kitchen, the boy visibly flinched. He appreciated May's gall as her hand moved to squeeze his shoulder, and it gave him strength. Koshi straightened up, despite the fact that he could literally feel Kaito's glare boring holes through his head.

The twin poured himself a glass of water and gulped it down before responding to May's question in a tone that hinted at how much burning-hot anger was pumping through his system. "I'm great. Couldn't be better." In truth, he was remarkably pissed off about the fact that Koshi had hit Hisao, even though it was done in self-defense. That didn't matter - it was unacceptable to him.

After setting the glass down in the sink, he turned back to May. "Do you want to hang out tomorrow?"[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
The brunette's eyes followed the twin as he made his way to the kitchen while directing a glare at his brother. If looks could kill...Fortunately, the reasurrance she tried to give Koshi worked and he sat up straighter. A small smile hinted at the corner of her lips, but she refrained from expressing her joy due to Kaito. She could feel the anger in his tone as he answered her question, yet she didn't even flinch.

"Tomorrow? I'm sorry but I can't." May answered with an apologetic smile. "I'm going to be...busy." She refrained from telling him of her and Koshi's plans, since she felt that it would only anger him further. "Perhaps a different day..." She suggested.

[fieldbox="Koshi and Kaito Nagamine, grey, dashed, 10"]Kaito merely nodded, sensing that he had interupted something important between his brother and May. He knew he was being silly, but he felt... Replaced. May and him had always hung out together, he had shown her his positive side on multiple occasions, yet now... That obviously hadn't been enough. He had firmly believed that he had a chance with her, and Kaito knew that he would never again meet someone as kind, unique, and patient.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket, glowering at the screen as he selected Hisao's name and began to type a messsge. "bro, May's at my place hanging out with Koshi. Like, wtf. Can you get her to go home? Call her, or something? she was literally petting him when I came in, so talk some fucking sense into her." He pressed 'send,' then quickly shoved his phone back into his pocket.

He'd stay - Kaito decided he would stay there just to ruin their little moment. The male perched at the edge of the counter and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "The goddamn math teacher is so annoying..."

Koshi nodded, feeling a bit awkward in Kaito's almighty presence. "I've never had a nice math teacher.."
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
The comforting atmosphere had morphed into one of awkwardness thanks to Kaito's sudden appearance. He didn't seem to want to leave either because he perched himself at the end of the counter while typing away on his phone. No doubt he was doing this on purpose.

Before she could join in on the small conversation, May's phone buzzed in her back pocket. Shifting slightly, she pulled it out and saw that she had a text from Hisao.
"Where are you? I need you to come home. Mom and dad want us to prepare dinner." May starred down at the text with narrowed eyes, trying to see if he was lying or not, since on occasions their parents tended to ask them to make dinner. "Hey you guys...I have to go." May said as she turned to look at the twins with an apologetic smile.

[fieldbox="Koshi and Kaito Nagamine, grey, dashed, 10"]At May's words, Kaito couldn't help but smirk, he was nothing short of overjoyed at the fact that his idea had worked. He could always count on Hisao, and the male really valued that. "Aw, so soon?" He asked, glancing down at his phone to type, "Thanks bro, you're the best."

Koshi's smile dramatically fell, and the male wrapped his arms around his middle, slouching over. "Really...?" He asked, and mentally cursed Kaito. It was his fault, he was doing this on purpose. Just when he had someone to talk to... Just when life had finally given him the right lemons to make lemonade, Kaito ripped them out of his hands. Sighing, Koshi stood up, unhappiness rolling off his heart in ocean waves. "I'll walk you out..." He muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
May could tell that Koshi wasn't happy about her sudden departure and neither was she. "Yeah, I have to go help prepare dinner before my parent get home." May answered as she glanced over at Kaito, who was far too satisfied. "Alright." She gave Koshi a small smile before looking over to Kaito once again. "Bye, I'll see you." She gave him a little wave before making her way towards the front door. She put on her shoes and turned to Koshi. "I had a good time with you. I can't wait for tomorrow." She murmured, so only he could hear before wrapping her arms around him in a hug.

[fieldbox="Hisao Tachibana, blue, dashed, 10"]

Hisao glanced down at his phone and smiled at Kaito's text. "Anytime." Pressing send, Hisao placed his device in his short's pocket with a light smirk. At least his text to May had worked. Their parents hadn't actually called, obviously, but he knew that she would listen to that text since she always obeyed their parents. What would happen, besides cooking, would be a talk that was long overdue. May shouldn't be associating herself with someone so dark, so...destructive to his own person.
[fieldbox="Koshi and Kaito Nagamine, grey, dashed, 10"]Koshi smiled as he felt May pull him into a hug, and he quickly returned the gesture. It had been nice, being able to talk to her. He smiled as he pulled away, and responded, "Yeah, I can't wait either." In the background, Kaito was practically fuming. May had hugged Koshi - she barely ever hugged him. He didn't bother to stop and consider the fact that May should be free to hug whoever she liked, he was much too angry to think clearly.

Koshi opened the door for her, still managing to hold onto a smile for her. "See you later... Call me when you have time?" he asked, completely oblivious to Kaito, who had been wanting to practically kill Koshi from the moment he had arrived.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
May pulled away from the hug and gave him a small smile as he pulled the door open for her. "I will. Bye Koshi." May gave him a big smile before walking across the lawn and towards her home. She pulled out her keys and unlocked the door before stepping inside. Immediately she was greeted by her brother, who didn't seem happy. "What?" She questioned while taking off her shoes and placing them neatly against the wall. "Why were you over at Kaito's, hmm?" Hisao questioned while crossing his arms over his chest, glaring down at her. The brunette instantly knew where this was going and annoyance crawled up her spine. "Why the hell does that matter? I'm sure you know anyways." May answered as she stepped past him and made her way to the living room, the male following behind. "Why do you bother to hang out with that loser? He isn't someone you should hang out with." Hisao reached out to stop her from walking further and she immediately shoved him away. "Why?! Why does it matter so much? He isn't a bad person! Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean that I have to do the same!
[fieldbox="Koshi, azure, dashed, 10"]Kaito abruptly charged him, reaching out to seize the collar of his jacket in a tight fist. "What the hell were you doing with May, huh?" Koshi slightly shook his head, unable to believe that this was actually happening. He knew that Kaito was really jealous when it came to the brunette, but now... This was just overkill. "Calm down, Kaito."

"Who the hell do you think you are, telling me to calm down? Shut the fuck up, runt." The hand holding onto him shook, moving Koshi back and forth. "What you did today... You cannot hurt my friends. You cannot touch Hisao. Don't even look at him, asshole." Ah, this was what Koshi expected. Kaito couldn't care less about how hypocritical he was being - nobody hits Hisao and gets away with it. Especially not when the hitting was more like 'kneeing in the face,' damn, he was so pissed. "You guys always hit me... You know about dad, right? Hisao must have heard it from you..."

"What? What are you talking about?"

[glow=black]"'No wonder your father beat you, you don't listen...'"[/glow] Koshi quoted.

"Gotta agree with that, though."

Koshi was completely taken aback. "... You really have no heart, huh? You say and do what you want, no matter how it affects other people - you're just like dad, just like that alcoholic assh-" Wham, and just like that, it started again. Kaito drew back his hand and smashed it into Koshi's face again, and as his head jerked back with the force of the blow. Shocked, Koshi could do nothing but stare at his brother as a grey-green tidal wave hit him. Why did Kaito always have to hit? A fist caught him in the stomach, and nausea welled up as the air was forced out of his lungs - he couldn't breathe, he was drowning, it was all so much, too quickly. The next blow caught him over the fresh bruise on his jaw, and another forced him harder against the wall - Kaito's fist smashed into his nose, and a river of blood spurted down Koshi's face and the front of his shirt. With tears in his eyes, Koshi quickly reached up to pinch his nose, trying to stem the flow of blood. Kaito was pissed - all day, he had been struggling to contain all the frustration in the world - an unresponsive mother, a quiet brother, and the struggle of identity, Kaito couldn't recognize himself, and he couldn't internalize that pain. So, it exploded forth in another barrage of fists. And Koshi couldn't even manage to lift his hands in defense, he didn't want to hurt Kaito. It was too dangerous. He fell to his knees, and to add injury to injury, Kaito drew a leg back, and kicked him hard in the side. Koshi cried out, doubling over and hiding his face in his arms as the flaring pain rocketed through his body, echoing in his bones. He shook with its intensity, stomach wrenched into his heart with the pain of not being able to do anything - how could he fight himself?

Kaito pivoted on his heel and walked away, and Koshi, wretched, bleeding, and angry with himself, struggled on his own, as always.

... After several minutes, he finally stood, deeply in pain. Pathetic, he was utterly laughable. Koshi winced at the feeling of his palms sticking together, covered in copper-red. He limped over to the stairs, knowing nothing by the cycles, the pattern of drawing back and being hit with cresting waves, and it made him sick. His whole body ached as he climbed up to his room.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
Hisao threw his hands up in exasperation when May failed to see his reasoning. "Don't you fucking understand!?" He shouted as he glared down at the brunette, before ceasing her shoulders and giving her a shake. "I'm trying to protect you from him! Koshi is only destructive towards himself and I don't want...I don't want him to drag you down."

Hisao only wanted what was best for May and that wasn't Koshi. She deserved someone much better - someone who wasn't broken. May would only end up cutting her hands trying to place the sharp pieces back together. He would only hurt her. Hisao couldn't stand to watch May crumble down again. That first year when she moved in with them had been like walking on eggshells. She was far too fragile and he didn't want her to return to that because of some dumb ass kid who can't even defend himself.

"What the hell are you talking about? Protect me from Koshi? He wouldn't hurt me." May growled as she directed her own glare up at her brother as she pushed his hands off of her shoulders. "You're being ridiculous!" The brunette was fed up with this bullshit. They needed to stop. "You're the one who doesn't fucken understand. He reminds me of myself when I was alone. When I had no one to confide in. When I was constantly being attack. I know what he's feeling! He needs someone because clearly Kaito isn't smart enough to realize that he's fucking Koshi up! If anything, Kaito's the destructive one here! It makes me sick just watching both of you mess with Koshi!" May shouted as her eyes widened in anger and her words only angered her brother further. "Shut the fuck up! Kaito is much better than that fucken dweeb." Hisao's hands shot up and roughly pushed May back, however it was too late when Hisao realized his mistake.

The brunette went stumbling back before her foot got caught with the edge of the rug. Her petite body crashed against the edge of the coffee table and she cried out at the pain that exploded from her side, near her ribs. "May, I'm sorry!" Hisao rushed forward to her aid but she only flinched away from him. "L-leave me alone!" She cried out meekly as her shaking hands moved to push her up. The brunette needed to get out of here, away from him. "May please...let me help you." Hisao reached over to grip her arm, but the brunette only squeezed her eyes shut in fear and tried to pull away.

[fieldbox="Koshi, azure, dashed, 10"]He crawled upward, sniveling, hitting his feet on the tops of the steps because he couldn't lift them up. Everything was too heavy, he couldn't make it up, so Koshi sat down at the edge of the steps for a moment, cupping his hand over his nose. It was unfortunate, but Kaito found him again, on his way up to his room. "Move," He said, trying to get past the twin crumbling onto the steps. "I said, move!" So he shoved, sending Koshi's side painfully into the wall. "I c-can't..." Koshi shook - he really couldn't get up. "You're pathetic. If you're going to continue on this way, then you might as well [glow=grey]kill yourself[/glow]." Koshi's eyes widened to the size of moons, and he stared up at his brother, a plea on his lips - no, no... You really mean it? And in the dead-set gaze, chock full of rage, he saw - yes. So slowly, the male stood up and clambered up the rest of the steps to his room, turning and shutting the door behind him as he heard Kaito make his way up as well.

He was inconsolable, sitting at the edge of his bed, defeated and shaking. He could heart Kaito open and close the door to his room, and for a long, long, long time, Koshi sat there. Kaito was on his social media, talking to strangers, laughing as they made him feel better about himself. Everything was already fine, Kaito was feeling good. Koshi laughed too - but laughed in the wrong way, the way a drowning man would laugh at the irony of his demise. Slowly, he turned, feeling like a rat in a tunnel, and dug through his drawer.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
"M-May..." Hisao called out softly to her as his arm came around her and pulled her close to him, making her head rest against her chest. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you." He apologized once more. The brunette allowed for him to pull her close despite the fear she felt. Heavens...her side hurt so badly. Tears couldn't help but to form in her eyes at the pain and she didn't bother to stop them from falling.

Soon the male began to rub her back in soothing circles and they sat there for a while. Hisao's guilt only deepened at her tears and the fact that he had actually dated to push her. What the hell was he thinking? He was so stupid. "Can I go to my room?" May questioned as she sniffed and Hisao immediately nodded. He stood up and helped the girl up, before questioning if she needed assistance to get up the steps. She only shook her head in response and left the living room to go upstairs.

Once she disappeared out of sight, Hisao began to pace back and forth, before getting out his cell phone and calling Kaito.

[fieldbox="Koshi, azure, dashed, 10"]He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the drawer, stuck one into his mouth, and stumbled over to the balcony to fall against the handrail. It was a last-ditch effort to feel some kind of comfort, anything, because Kaito had taken the final straw and shoved it through Koshi's heart. He was destroyed, struck down with a vengeance, full of numb, all numb, everywhere. He lit the cigarette and held onto the railing with two hands, as if at any moment, he would fall over. After a few drags, he knew it wouldn't do anything. He struggled so hard to bite back the sob gathering on the back of his tongue that he bit the cigarette, bending its neck. It desperately hung between his lips, hoping to make him finish it, then gave up with the angle of its neck killed its balance, and it fell.

Koshi looked down on it, stomped it out, and then turned to stare at May's house, blood still sickeningly running down his face. Was she in there, miles away, already making dinner for her family? Was she anywhere? He couldn't feel her, all the strength that her caring hands had given him was gone, all fucking gone. He wondered if she could see him.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Kaito Nagamine, darkred, dashed, 10"]Kaito was on his back, laying on top of his bed with his laptop on his chest - true potato position. He reached over when he heard his phone ring, grinning when he noticed that it was Hisao.

"Hey, what's up bro?"
[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
The brunette slowly made her way up the stairs before turning in the directions of her bedroom. Tears were still streaming down her cheeks, but she didn't bother with them. Her mind was occupied with the thought that Hisao had actually pushed her. Never, in the years that she's been here, did he ever hit her, much less push her. So why now?

Pushing her bedroom door open, she stepped in and shut it behind, then leaned against it. May pulled out her phone and slid down to the floor. It was quite obvious who she was going to call, since he seemed to be the only person she could truly trust. SHe pressed Koshi names and it immediately began to call the male.

[fieldbox="Hisao Tachibana, blue, dashed, 10"]
Thankfully, Kaito had picked up. "Dude..." Hisao called out to the male as he walked over toward the kitchen. "I fucked up so bad. I fucked up." He almost sounded desperate. "...I hurt May." He finally stated as he collapsed on the stool.
[fieldbox="Koshi, azure, dashed, 10"]He shook his head and stumbled back inside, dropping down on the bed. The world was spinning around him, and it was making him sick - it twirled, and twirled, and continued on, and he was the only one that couldn't go with the flow. Koshi knew... His lips lifted in a bitter snarl, and Koshi doubled over, sobbing, overflowing, and spilling out - he phone buzzed, but Koshi ignored it. He was in the ocean, in too deep. His shoulders shook, bitterly trembling like a leaf in the wind, and he could take no more. The water should claim him. All those years, all his life, he had nobody. And the moment somebody had finally found him, cast astray in the sea, it was too late - he had taken in too much water. No wonder your father beat you... You should just kill yourself.

He was a dying animal, he should be put out of his misery, as Kaito said. His legs shook as he stood, his whole body trembled - every inch of him knew, and thus, was struck with terror. It didn't make sense anymore, the whole world was against him. For years, he had known that it didn't make any sense. Koshi reached into the dark depths of his closet, and found the unfortunate rope, already tied the right way. He was silent, in the darkness of his room. The curtains were shut, they had been since the morning. All the world was suddenly still, all the spinning, all the voices and the insults - all stopped. He reached up and put the noose around his neck, locked the door, and sat at the edge of the bed again. Koshi was all silence, all bitterness, all pieces. He reached out for the phone, and weighed it in his hand.

One missed call, from May. It would be a game of chance, in a way. If she called again, he would answer. If she didn't, he knew he didn't matter, and he would end it all.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Kaito Nagamine, darkred, dashed, 10"]Kaito's eyes widened as he heard what Hisao said, and immediatly, the laptop was cast aside as Kaito sat up. "You did what now?" He asked, in utter disbelief. Hisao loved May, he'd never... It was almost too hard to believe. "Dude, I told you to talk some sense into her, not..."

He paused, biting his lip. It the realization struck him - "I did something bad as well..." If only he knew just how bad.[/fieldbox]
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[fieldbox="May Tachibana, green, dashed, 10"]
The brunette held the phone up to her ear as it rang,she had expected him to answer but she was directed over to voice mail. Frowning, she starred down at the screen in thought. Perhaps he was busy? Deciding to just give it one more shot, May pressed the icon again and lifted the phone up to her ear. Immediately, the ringing sound was heard through the phone and she waited anxiously for the male to answer.

She needed to hear his voice. It brought her comfort in a way.

[fieldbox="Hisao Tachibana, blue, dashed, 10"]
Hisao slumped over the counter and ran a hand through his hair. "I know...but it was...I was so angry." He murmured into the phone. Regret mingled with guilt producing a terrible feeling in his heart, but it was his own fault for feeling this way. Why did he push her? I'm such an idiot. "What did you do?" Hisao questioned as he listened to his best friend.
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