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Aurora sat on the floor, a bit giggly. It didn't matter how fast or slow she fed she always found herself high off of blood. She felt warm on the inside and everything seemed heightened. She had watched as Akon eat ravenously, unafraid. If anything his animal instinct and hunger made her excited, even turned on. She kept giggling as she disassembled the remains, and put them in drawers of dressers left behind. Once that was done there was no trace of death. Only the feeling that lingered with a person gone. To any human or good spirit it would feel heavy and disgusting. But as a demon, Aurora wanted to soak it in. She lived for it. Turning into the white cat once again, she rolled around in the spot his body laid purring. She looked to all the boys, please with them. The promise of a meal made them work together well. She continued to purr, encouraging Akon to join her.
Akon knew what she was saying, and blushed a bit. well, she's in cat form, she can't exactly do much. He thought before turning cat and laying down somewhere a bit away from her, still worried she would lick his cheek again.
Adrian let out a quiet sigh before laying down, usually feeling exhausted after taking a soul. Alex looked around, though he was pepped up a bit from the blood, he shrugged and guessed it would be good to sleep it off and leaned up against a crumbling wall.
Aurora twitched her nose, happy. Though she had formed temporary partnerships before, never had there been another demon who had a cat form. She found that she enjoyed the company of a cat much better than that of others. Alex and Adrian having Akon as a brother seemed to have a good level of understanding, which she found a comfort as well. Giddy and overjoyed, Aurora pounced on Akon, trying to start a play fight. She batted her paw at him, and tried to get him on his stomach. She let out a series of meows, high pitched, almost kitten like. The last time she felt so elated was when she found herself in the last place of the earth untouched by the hand of evil.
At first he was surprised and worried, but seeing she just wanted to play he mewed happily and started to play back, batted his paws at her ears and soon getting her sideways to him on the ground. Adrian opened one eyes and smiled a bit while Alex just stayed in his little area, fast asleep. Akon continued to bat at her and nip at her fur, meowing and hissing sometimes in a kitten-like way. He had no problem coming a bit out of his shell like this, but would probably soon get shy again.
Aurora was full force. She hissed and pawed, returning his every move with her own. When he nipped she nipped twice. She squirmed around always trying to get on top. That's how she always wanted to be, in life. She preferred being a dominant force. Leading. Play fighting was no different. Every time Akon put her one way, she'd attempt to pin him down. This happened over and over until she succeeded. But once she was looking down at him, she had no clue what she planned to do. She then wondered if he had what she called a sweet spot. Often she found that demons in a different form had a spot on their bodies that triggered them to switch to their most human state. Aurora's spot was just behind her right ear. When it was touched with pressure it felt like her body was crumbling and suddenly she found herself not a cat at all. She put her paw on his face, searching.
Akon squirmed under her, trying to throw her off put he was pinned down tight. He turned his head in annoyance trying to get her paw off it, but by accident it landed in the very base of his chest. Pressure from her paw came down and he hissed out, but for real this time. Just as earlier, without even seeing it he transformed. He was now back in his 'human' appearance. "Hey, don't touch there, will ya?" He now easily slipped out, holding his chest in slight pain, but it quickly faded away. "That hurt.." He murmured.
Aurora switched forms imediatley, "I found it!" She said, too excited, to loud. She quickly hushed herself, not wanting to disturb the others, "Cool. It wasn't that hard to find." She covered her mouth as Akon expressed pain, "I'm sorry..." She approached him, backing him against a wall. Placing her hand on his chest gingerly, she continued, "I didn't know it would hurt you."
She looked down at the floor, then brought her eyes back up to him. She wasn't a shy person, but her desires embarrassed her. The things she wanted were sinful, she could grant herself that, but they were grossly human. Restraining herself, she turned her back to him, knowing she was being to invasive. Aurora was aware that her actions made him uncomfortable. She held her arms close to her body. Aurora had very little emotional feelings for anyone, it wasn't in the nature of demons. But there was a bond she felt which was unnatural to her.
Akon watched her in confusion. He soon tuned into what she was thinking, though he didn't like to do this much. Her thoughts were pretty jumbled up, so he couldn't exactly read them clearly. But he could get a few glimpses of things. A bit of blush appeared on his face again, and he looked at his brothers. Adrian couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and was fast asleep along with Alex. He carefully kissed Aurora on the cheek, before backing up against the wall again. "...if, you want to say something, you can." He muttered, looking at her.
Feeling his lips on her cheek made her shoulders tense up. She drew in a sharp breath, before letting herself relax. She turned back to him, to see him against the wall. She couldn't see him all that well in the darkness, with her human eyes she could make out the shape of him, and the features of his face. Moonlight did illuminate the left side of his body a bit. "If I want to say something?" She repeated, flustered. In her mind she sorted every explanation she could come up with of how he could so easily read her. Some people, were just good at knowing how a person is feeling. They read body language and such. But that was to simple. He had to have some sort of mind tap. This made her feel a bit invaded, but not so much to change her feelings.
"There's not much I really want to say, no." Aurora answered, as she ran a hand through his hair, which she found to be much thinner than her own. She his jaw, tilting his head. "I know what you can do." She had her free hand by his hip, gripping at the cloth of his shirt. She furrowed her eyebrows, "How old are you?"She asked, kissing the corner of his mouth.
Akon started to blush again, luckily the shadows hiding it. "I, lost count a long time ago. But, my brothers and I were awakened at 20..if that helps.." He muttered. He hated to admit it, but he liked how this was feeling. He quickly shook his head a bit clearing that thought. He looked back at her, his eye flashing in the moonlight. "Why do you keep kissing me? Touching me? What is it about me that you like so much? Please tell me, I want to know." He whispered, his words fast. He didn't really think about them, they just exploded from his mouth. Usually the girls always chase after his brothers, he's usually the one left in the shadows. Why did Aurora seem to be backwards?
Aurora smiled, softer than her usual. But it still was tinged with a trace of deviance. "That makes me feel like a kid," she responded to his age. She figured herself to be around 17 or 18, though she looked older. Though she couldn't remember, she was almost sure she was once a human who died and went straight to the pit. Time doesn't pass down there in the same way. You age but you don't change by growing old. You change into a creature of the night, and forget your old self. She felt no regrets and did not ever mourn who she once was. She was very content with her bad self. Aurora figured her human self must have been pretty bad anyway.
Akon's questions shot out quickly in nervous fire set her at ease. "Just look inside my head again, I dare you to." She thought about her answers. How she liked uncharacteristically shy he was, since it broke the usual, and enforced her own sense of dominance. How she was drawn to his flip side, hungry and driven and strong. She wanted to unleash the demon wrath inside him onto the world and stand back and admire him. Her thoughts included some simpler things, like how she simply found him attractive. Yes, of course his looks were that of his two brothers, but there was slight difference. The wideness in his eyes.His skin was smooth. She was such a curious creature and wanted to see all of it. But the high of the blood was coming to an end, and soon she would be tired. So she was content on following her feline instincts, to keep him within her control until she could no longer.
Though Aurora admired his brothers as well, it was different. She had not found any reason to want to touch them in particular in the time she'd known them.
"I-I-" he had been caught off guard with that statement. "I only looked because you were acting strange. I wanted to see what was the matter. I hate reading people's minds, I do, really." He looked away, upset with himself. "I didn't mean to, annoy you or anything, I just..." He trailed off, and stared at the ground quietly. He suddenly didn't like her so close and he sank to the floor so he could be untouched. He glanced back out TGE window, slightly tired, but yet really awake. Akon's eyes drifted back to her, standing above him. He murmured something, but you couldn't exactly make out what he had said. He pulled his legs in up to his chest and redirected his gaze back to the floor again.
Sighing, Aurora slumped forward over him, letting her head hit the wall. When Akon's eyes left her, and returned to the floor, she took a step back. She blamed herself. She was always too pushy. Too bold. This did not appeal to everyone. She tried to convince herself to be mad at him. Since she provided him with a meal, she had a right to try and get what she wanted. But she couldn't make herself believe it. She looked around the small, crumbling house. Bugs and moonlight drifted in from open spots, while dust settled on spots that remained untouched. This wasn't a place they could stay for very long. Her brain started to automatically plan ahead, thinking of a way to get a better residence, or a different village to move on to- but she stopped herself. She'd give herself a headache trying to do these things when she was so tired. The other two brothers were asleep, dealing with the discomfort and cold in their own ways. Tilting her head from shoulder to shoulder Aurora cracked her neck, before changing forms a final time for the day, into a cat brown like her hair. She crawled between Akons legs and his chest, licking his skin once before trying to curl up, and go to sleep.
Akon looked at Aurora, at first slightly confused, but then sighed. He turned into a cat himself and wrapped his body around her. It didn't take long for Akon to fall asleep, exhausted from the day, but he hoped that Aurora would be able to rest. He curled around her a bit tighter until she was completely wrapped then rested his head on her back, trying to keep her warm and comfortable.
Unsurprisingly, Gazardiel was kicking himself for allowing this to happen. The second the demons had left them be, he had hastened to his charge, cradling Claire in his arms as he checked her over for various injuries. Thankfully she was not badly injured, and would probably wake within the next few hours. So, his priority for the timebeing needed to be getting her to a defensible position. The guardian lifted her in a sprightly manner, striding away to find somewhere sheltered where the girl would be able to recover in peace.

For the next hours he watched over her, also placing crudely fashioned traps, in the form of tripwires around their position. He was taking no chances this time, and so anyone who sought to crash into them would be met with a pile of stones to the head. It was all pretty primitive stuff, but it would do the job he needed.
Alex winced as he was shaken. "Nooo, tiirred..." He slurred, pulling away from Adrian. "I'm going to kick you..." He sighed and kicked him in his leg. "Ow!!" Alex sat bolt upright so the sun shined into his eyes. "Oh." "Yeah, 'oh'!" He rolled his eyes. Akon sighed, his eye twitching in annoyance from the background noises. He finally blinked his eyes open and uncurled himself, before stretching. Akon turned 'human' and rubbed his eyes "you guys are so loud..."
Aurora was awoken by Akon's absences. She'd fallen asleep with him curled around her, soothed by his breathing. She blinked open, eyes adjusting to the daylight. It was warmer than before, but the dawn was still chilled. She stretched for a bit, before switching into her human form to continue stretching. She reached her arms above her head, "You all sleep well? We've got a long day ahead of us."
Alex yawned. "I guess." He stood up, and looked across at Akon with a raised eyebrow, then a smirk creeped across his face. "Eh? Shy my ass." Akon blushed. "What are you talking about?! I just fell asleep next to her!" Alex ran a hand through his hair snickering "suurre. I believe you." Akon immediately got annoyed, tensing up as if wanting to punch him. "Will you both knock it off? You heard her, we have a lot to do today. Stop waisting your energy attacking with each other, and save it to attack human. Got it?" Arian called out at them, soon getting a unison reply from the two "yes."
Letting the brother's get their fighting out of their system without interruption she said nothing as Akon denied willingly curling up with her. She supposed it was better that way. It would be wrong of her to play favorite, or at least show it. And doing cute kitten things like cuddling wouldn't help her keep dominance and respect. Running her fingers through her hair she said the first on her to-do list. "First things first, we've got to get us all a change of wardrobe, and then washed off. No matter how much we like our ethnic outfits they make us stand out."
"Wha? I've been wearing these outfits since I was little." Alex said defiantly but once again Adrian broke in. "We all have. But we need food, and if that means taking off these clothes, that's just what we have to do." Alex looked depressed, but Akon said nothing. He still seemed embarrassed about what Alex had said, but his it from his brothers. "So, where are we going to get these clothes?" Adrian asked.