Iwaku's Very Special Fundraiser - Starting Friday the 13th!

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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@Gen. Gwazi Senpai

Dude, you're projecting feelings onto Asmo that you only assume he has. You've been throwing around things like "he COULD be thinking negative after negative thought" without confirming this to be true. You don't know Asmo; you're not his friend, and you haven't been his close confidante (and I'm pretty sure you haven't read his diary, which I imagine he definitely has). Meanwhile, Tegan- his wife- and Diana- his good friend and coworker for years- think this is appropriate and will not hurt him.

It is POSSIBLE for friends- good friends, who know each other's boundaries- to tease each other and give each other a hard time in good fun. Boundaries differ from one person to the next. Just because YOU wouldn't enjoy it doesn't mean that other people wouldn't take it in stride.

But regardless, this is what is happening. Either donate or don't. Either quit, or stay. You have to do what you think is right. But you've said your piece, so learn when to forever hold your peace.

I have no counter-point/argument for this.

Good catch there, seriously. :P
I'll refrain from the "This could be cruel to him" issue I had with this from here on out.
Would it make everyone feel better if I shared Asmo's ban time along with him? O__O
... Excuse my derp. I miss-read this completely. >.<

I assumed you just meant "Publicly post the time Amso get's banned for".

If you mean being banned alongside him?
No, don't do it... :/

I disagree with the choice, but it'd be ridiculous to have Iwaku's most active and involved Admin get suspended from the site.
That wouldn't benefit anyone, it's only accomplishment would be to feed a false sense of justice to people.

Now that I've read this right though this time (hopefully) the offer is appreciated a lot more.
But seriously.

*Spritz Diana*

No! Bad Diana! No leaving Iwaku! :P
{Sigh} What I'm saying is this: It's a chance for him to remain on the site(after his time, of course) without having to deal with fallout from his previous actions, as this fundraiser provides the opportunity to do so.
(Note: I'm not trying to argue/debate this This is for the sake of civil discussion).

Temp-Bans would still accomplish this though. :/

Though not dealing with fallout is something up to the members who had issues with Asmo.
And honestly that's a person by person basis, some may not be satisfied with this.
Other's might not even be paying attention to this.
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai <_< I understand where you're coming from but perhaps it's best to let it go at this point. This is really amusement for most and the feelings of those who oppose it is becoming a bit of a nonstop topic/joke in chat to where it's a little overwhelming. So please, for you and everyone else...please let it die so they can stop whining about you guys whining in chat for HOURS cuz it's getting pretty boring in there.

And to those who are sending Diana angry PMs, stop it. It is not a good feeling to sign on to a website that you've spent years building only to be harassed because people don't agree with it. DIANA HAS FEELINGS AND DOESN'T NEED PEOPLE TO MAKE HER FEEL WORSE ABOUT A DECISION SHE ALREADY FEELS BAD ABOUT. SO shove it.


/shoves @Asmodeus down a pit of vipers.

He's trolling you guys with his posts, again. GJ, Asmo. GJ.
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Iwaku's staff team are pretty damn awesome. I have been MIA for long periods of time before and they handle things pretty well. :D Granted, Grumpy's scaring me a bit lately. >____>
@Gen. Gwazi Senpai <_< I understand where you're coming from but perhaps it's best to let it go at this point. This is really amusement for most and the feelings of those who oppose it is becoming a bit of a nonstop topic/joke in chat to where it's a little overwhelming. So please, for you and everyone else...please let it die so they can stop whining about you guys whining in chat for HOURS cuz it's getting pretty boring in there.
I've already been ignoring the people choosing to be hostile over this. But yea, this does seem to be getting dragged on.

If anyone else wants to discuss it further with me, respectfully, shoot me a PM.
And to those who are sending Diana angry PMs, stop it. It is not a good feeling to sign on to a website that you've spent years building only to be harassed because people don't agree with it. DIANA HAS FEELINGS AND DOESN'T NEED PEOPLE TO MAKE HER FEEL WORSE ABOUT A DECISION SHE ALREADY FEELS BAD ABOUT. SO shove it.

And speaking as someone whose argued about this decision the most on here this behaviour is seriously uncalled for guys. >.<
Voice your disagreement/disapproval of the decision, totally.

But there's a big difference between that and simply attacking/harassing an individual for it.
Seriously, cut it out! >:C

Not really, the last thing staff need right now is me going Vigilante. But seriously, cut it out.
Iwaku's staff team are pretty damn awesome. I have been MIA for long periods of time before and they handle things pretty well. :D Granted, Grumpy's scaring me a bit lately. >____>
Grumpy's just being Grumpy. :P

Also, I feel an owe an apology for getting a bit too angry/worked up over this.
I still disagree with the choice, but I shouldn't have gone on a snappy rant like I did at the start. :/
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Also, I feel an owe an apology for getting a bit too angry/worked up over this.
I still disagree with the choice, but I shouldn't have gone on a snappy rant like I did at the start. :/

See, this is why you're alright Gwaz.

You're at least willing to apologise and stuff.

Unlike me.
I feel like this will turn into the hydra.

Get rid of Asmo, and two more will take his place.

They won;t be as effective, but there will still be two more.
Play nice Seiji
Diana thinks this is the end.

  • Nice Execution!
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