Iwaku: Rebirth

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Yes, it'll be a clue, of sorts.

There will be a few in the RP
I was hoping for more than just a "Everyone gets in the car and drives there" post.

alas twas not to be.
Pffft. So I did the cliche "Drive here, receive plot item." for you. Keep it up and that's all I'll have for you.


I just need to reign you guys in so you are involved with some of the plot a little more. There will be good things for you, NOW BE GOOD.
We're chaos our opinion of good may or may not be a little bit skewed
LOL, the two of you are like wildfire... hard to control, or... maybe you more more like puppies... you're WILDFIRE PUPPIES.

Just got to the address, and recieve stuffs.

I'm waiting for a post from Vay, TC, LuluRS and Sakura.

After reading the story thus far and back tracking through the site to pick up some info here and there I've become interested in making a move to gain power and status among you all. I must make myself known to you all in hopes of gaining followers! Or people willing to join in my own RP's.

Current Username/name: Danny Orthius

Past names/lives: Many nameless NPC's that have been butchered or forgotten in the many other Worlds of Iwaku coming back to claim vengeance on the PC's! Other then that / None.

Appearance: [SPOILI]

Cults/Clubs: None

Who are you supposed to be with?: No one

Who are you with now?: I feel forever alone by saying No one again.

Number on your barcode: 0 09976 6954 9001

Current occupation: Surgeon

Dream Weaving - Runic Bones - Danny's Skeletal structure has been engraved with runic marks allowing him access to an arsenal of arcane magic that taps right into a living creatures life source, blood. With each spell cast a portion of his his blood is expended, the amount varies with the power and difficulty of the spell. This gives Danny about 2 liters of his own blood to play around with at any given moment before he risks losing consciousness, but as long as Danny is in physical contact with a source of blood using his own isn't required. The one draw back on using runes is the lack of altering the magical property they have power over, thus Danny is limited to the single element, lightening, which only seems to compliment his look.

Reality Bending - The Art of NPCing - After the cycle trapped Danny in the role of many different NPC's he had learned two true facts. NPC's are everywhere and they can do everything. With this knowledge Danny has tapped into the system and now NPC's around him feel an innate sense of respect or charm when being addressed. It's not uncommon to even witness characters treat him as if they have known each other a life time. This ability only seems to work on the most basic of NPC's, the ones that have hardly any presence and wouldn't even be noticed at times, since this is what he was reduced to prior to breaking free. Two of his more reoccurring NPC's happen to be a young red haired women and rather wild eyed scruffy looking gentlemen which go by the names Rose and Steve, they don't talk much but they seem like personal attendants whenever they are present.

Rose - A budding sorceress adept in the use of fire and air magic her attire is that of a modern day skirt suit.
[/SPOILI] Rose seems around the age of 17 and rather confident in mannerisms giving her a more adult feel.

Steve - Much older then both Rose and Danny, Steve has what seems to be a constant 5 o'clock shadows worth of scruff on his face and a rather large body frame. This comes as no surprise as he is a lycan by breed giving him complete control over his shifting abilities while maintaining his rationality. The suit he wears is nearly never buttoned and the deep red tie hangs absurdly loose. (Lycan form.

Confluence -
Genetically Altered Bio-Human - Wherever Danny originally came from had taken leaps and bounds in genetic human advancement not only breaking down the human genome but being able to alter it in such a way as to enhance the survivability of a human race.

(Break down of Genetic Alterations)

Evolved & Heightened Count Of Leukocytes

This allows Danny's body to combat against nearly any form of pathogen, foreign substance, or environment and adapt accordingly. Prolonged exposer to a poison, infection, virus, tranquilizer, or other such things could have the desired effect they are intended to but his body is developed to break these down quickly in a means of self preservation.

Cellular Regeneration

Given enough time and energy Danny's body can re-cooperate from many forms of cellular decomposing or dismemberment. Of course this is limited and takes quiet a bit of concentration to tap into and activate normally shutting down most body functions while he repairs the damage. Based off the human liver's regenerative powers.

Dense Skeletal Structure

The strength and thickness of Danny's bones increase the weight for his build but also the durability of his frame. This allows better protection to his internal organs as well as a stronger resistance to impacts.

Constrictive Muscle Fibers

With heavier bones comes a need for stronger muscles yet not something to noticeable. To any that look at him, Danny's build looks rather thin and frail. In fact the muscle design was meant to hide his power from sight. Tightly compact muscle fibers encase all of his frame not only making him strong but since they are so tightly wound up they are easily ready to snap at a moments notice causing him to have remarkable reflexes. These muscles also increase his weight but keeps his size compact.

Heighten Sensory

Sight, Smell, Taste, touch, and Hearing have all been amplified to a degree of super human like standards so much so it has come with some problems. Sight for instance has been increased so well that he see's things not just on this spectrum of reality but can see things most creatures would rather keep hidden. Those possessed or in fact of other worldly design tend to have a different presences around them that Danny can get faint visual clues to. His sense of smell is probably extremely acute mainly when he comes around scents he enjoys, such as death, despair, and fear. His hearing is acute but he tends to have trouble singling out any one sound in a crowd, at best a general direction of where it originated from.

Have you been involved with the "Angel Wing" project yet?: Negative

Personality: Danny is the type of guy that can smile and lie right to your face if that's what he needs to do but it's the burtal honesty that will really kick you in the teeth. If you are able to get close to him one will start to realize Danny's not all there and tends to slip in and out of different moods or persona's at time. This was a defense mechanism from early abuse and long periods of solitude during his genetic altering. It also doesn't help that with his heightened senses he can see and hear things that others can't. One thing that seems to always stay true to his personality is that he tailors his reactions to each person he interacts with to best suit his own means until he feels like he can begin to push them in the direction he wants them to go.

A lurker among the masses of Iwaku-ins for that last year or so finally opening a page of his own book is what he thought until the cycle had its own plans for him tossing him into a steam of events that he could never really be a part of in his own way. Forced to be background characters, no named victims, and random store clerks in many different stories Danny finally broke free. No longer in the confines to the animosity of the cycle and characters that refused to even give him a second thought in their lives Danny grasped at straws until he found himself reformed (for the most) in this world now. Playing along with what is transpiring waiting, CRAVING the moment were he will take seat and be acknowledge by all for the misgivings he received while merely a pawn in their stories to further their own goals.

That's right I come in the name of persecuted NPC's and BG Characters everywhere!

I.....I like you. (I'm a bit busy today, but somewhere in it, I'll send you a PM)

You're.... not exactly a timid new player, are you? I like the spunk.
Timid isn't something you would want to associate with Danny. So I had to make it quiet clear on each post I have made so far. I want Danny to be recognized as a

He is someone that would work in the background subtly twisting the views and actions of people to his whim. A puppet master of sorts with a knack for making other think they are really doing what they are doing of their own choice. It's the mind I aim to control!
I dunno, I can never trust people who use their usernames as character names in mythos RPs...
Could always change it back to Morizaki or Kayto Styles, but I wounder if some one on this site would know me by those names from the many places I've been....
No. It's too late. Your name is locked in and you have to live with your choices. You now have to use this name in every singe roleplay you join on Iwaku or face the might of the banhammer, which makes godsplitter look like a nerf hammer.
Alright, the second I get a post from most everyone I need, and PM Danny- I'll make another GM post- Sakura seems busy, so I'll put her bit on hold. LuluRS isn't responding, so someone else poke her.

We have three potential big time villains in the works, and I either have to choose between them, or ask them to cooperate with each other.

This is turning out just fine. ^.^
What's the point of being an admin if you can't troll?

*shifts the thread back onto topic*
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