
He/They. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈♾️♓👽
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All of them.
Sign ups and OOC- OPEN SIGNUPS - Ivanov vs Japan

Interest Check: GROUP RP AD - Dystopian future interest check

The History
In the year 2020 a man in Russia named Igor Ivanov rose to power, but he had a vision... World domination. A vision he is so close to making into a reality.

The countries he's been able to take over form an empire called, the Ivanov empire. Countries in the Ivanov empire are required to follow these laws.

1. Countries are allowed to keep any tradition aslong as the russian government approves of it, however russian is the official language in the entire Ivanov Empire, so speaking any other language publicly will result in persecution.

2. No citizen is allowed to choose their job or career, citizens will dedicate their lives to whatever thegovernment chooses for them.

3. Citizens cannot choose their spouse, once a citizen reaches the age of 25 they will be matched withanother citizen whom they'll have to marry. If unmarried, romantic or sexual relationships are not allowed, platonic relationships between two people of the opposite sex after age of 12 are illegal.

4. Citizens under the age of 25 cannot socialize with anyone unless the other person is the child of a friend of their parents

5. Citizens under the age of 25 are not allowed out after 9:00 p.m or before 5:00 p.m

6. Reading, or watching, any form of media which is banned by the Russian government will result in execution

In the western hemisphere he has been able to take over all of North America. While in the eastern hemisphere he has been able to take over every single country, however there is one country which is different then the rest. Japan.

Citizens not allowed to leave the Ivannov empire, so the best place for citizens to go for a better life is the northern side japan, as it is the farthest off the map, and therefore the rules are much less rigid (for example rules 4 and 5 don't apply and one can get away with rule 6 if you know the right guy). However this isn't easy in order to move to another country one must earn their citizenship, something which costs a lot of money.


Meanwhile on the southern side of Japan is where a rebellion sparks, those who are tired of the Ivannov empire's iron fist move to southern side of Japan. Those looking to join the rebellion will face trails to enter southern japan, but if you really want freedom, then breaking a few laws will be a walk in the park.

People from all over the world move to the land of the rising Sun for one of two reasons. To start over a new life, the legal way, or to rise up against their oppressors, you choose why you came and where you go, just know one thing once you made up your mind, you can't change it.

The Setting
The role play takes place in Japan, both north and south, you live in either one of these as either. A citizen, a government official, rebel, or anything else.

The Story
This story takes place in April of 2050, a time in which the japanese school year starts, and the battle between Ivannov and the rebellion is heating up, many non rebel citizens that live in southern japan are starting to move to northern japan, leading them to go into an econimic crisis, however the country stays the highest in education. However many rebels go to northern japan to lay low for a while before going back to southern japan. Causing the government to send body guards to the area to check for anyone. This is where the roleplay starts.

(You may only reply if you have sign up in the sign up thread)
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I put my head down and wined " yea I guess your right, but I never had friends, usually I would see soldiers telling jokes and story's when I had no one to talk to, so I just wanted someone to talk to. But I'll go see if that other guy will find me other frie...sorry teammates, bye." I walked away slowly with my head down, wondering if this will be just like America.