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Its romeo and Juliet but not really

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Elena laughed happily with a smile, her arms wrapped around Roys shoulders "well, that was unexpected"
"What was? Me pulling you under, or the kiss?" Roy asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. His breathing was a little heavy, and laughing wasn't helping it but he didn't care.
Elena blushed softly "both" she replied softly and bit her lip "what does this make us? Pretty sure friends don't kiss like that"
Roy froze for a second, thinking. "Yeah, they don't. You are engaged remember? Does it feel right to you knowing you would have a fiancé and a boyfriend?"
Elena shook her heads "to me a fiancé is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, not some random guy I don't know" she replied softly
Roy couldn't help but smile. He pulled her closer. "Then, Miss. Elena Whiteheart will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?"
Elena gave a giggle and nodded "why mister Blackhorse, how could I possibly say no to that?" She asked with a grin
Roy couldn't describe how happy he was to be kissing Elena. He felt a little wrong in knowing she did technically have a fiancé but he knew that wasn't going to be for long. She would be his in the end so it made it a little better.
Elena pulled away slowly when they both needed air and she gave a small, happy sigh "I wish it could be like this all the time" she said softly
Roy sigh as he pulled her close, resting his chin on her head. "I know what you mean. But we will figure out how to be together. We'll tell our families about the lovers before us, and then we will tell them about us and they will let us be together. Even if they don't like it, there is no way in hell that I want to be separated from you."
Elena sighed happily and relaxed against Roy with a smile "thank you, I don't known what I'd do without you Roy. You always know just what to say" she said softly
"Not really," Roy said swimming to the bank of the pool, pulling Elena with him. "I just speak my mind"
Elena let Roy lead her where he wanted "I just want us to be free to do want we want. I mean come on, that lady like rubbish isn't me"
"That's an obvious statement." Roy said trying to keep his laughter back. He couldn't help but laugh at "Lady Elena". "I don't care to be the careless Darkhorse either."
Elena have a giggle and nodded "it was an..interesting experience seeing you like that" she replied with a grin
Roy smirked at her. "Oh, and what was so interesting about it?" He asked getting out of the pool and walking over to Beast.
Elena climbed out and shrugged "it was just really Strange seeing you all laid back and all...blackhorsey"
Roy was quiet for a second and then burst out laughing. He couldn't help it. When he noticed Elena looking him weird he laughed harder. "Sorry, I just pictured it switched. You acting Blackhorsey and me acting Whitehearty.
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