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"you know him, he won't tell anyone" Hian stroked Zach's cheek and kissed him softly. "I'm sure that we can trust him" Hian trusted two people with his live, Zach and Louis. "He's a good fellow and trustworthy. He is already a small part of this family"
"I know I know." Zachary stated. "You know I worry." He smiled softly and pressed a kiss to Hian's forehead. "Tea's done." And just the next moment the kettle was screeching, steam spewing out. Zachary lifted it off the heat and turned off the stove.
(right, you Americans don't have kettles ;p )

They both made their tea and went back to the livingroom, sitting on the couch. "I'm glad you're staying. I was really worried" he leaned against Zach and closed his eyes, sipping his tea. "it's so quiet, I kinda got used to her crying"
((I tried. I want one though))

Zachary wrapped an arm around her husband and had him tucked against his side. "We also got her in the right formula so she's less gassy now." He commented taking a sip.
"it's nice to sleep" he chuckled. He had taken a good long nap in the afternoon after Louis had left. "Zachary, do you sometimes think about what life had looked like if I hadn't found comfort in that bar that day?" He was talking softly, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere. "I mean, life his unfair, but. That was... Wonderful. That I met you"
Zachary set his cup down and looked at Hian. "Yeah I have.." He answered softly. "I've thought about it a few times. I would have taken over the family business, sending men out to shake down already poor and struggling people because that was what was expected of me." He muttered truly ashamed he would have done that. There was no convincing him he wouldn't have because he knew he would.
"But I'm glad you went in there. I'm glad you were staring at me and I'm glad I was asshole-ish enough to come up to you and call you out on it." Zachary chuckled and kissed Hian softly. "I'm glad I met you."
"I'm strangely glad that father beat me up and that I went in there, knowing he wasn't allowed in that bar. I was glad I stated at you because everybody seemed yo be scared of you" he chuckled and kissed his cheek. "you are not so scary now are you" he giggled. "did you ever think about being a daddy?"
"I used to be. You made me soft." Zachary tickled Hian's side as a smile lit his face. He leaned his head back thinking. "Occasionally. I wondered how my parents met and how they made it work. How they were able to form a family in that business." Zachary shook his head and sat up. "But I'm glad that day happened." Zachary leaned in and kissed Hian and then his jaw and then his neck. His free hand rested on his husbands knee, steadily inching upwards as his kisses concentrated on Hian's soft spot.
"I never did actually, think about children.." he stopped talking when Zach kissed his sensitive skin and made him close his eyes. He moaned softly and felt a hand creeping up his thigh. "your so sneaky" Hian said softly and then settled in Zach's lap quickly
"It's my specialty." Zachary muttered before kissing down Hian's collarbone. He nipped here and there, hands moving up his husbands back beneath his shirt. He kissed Hian's Adam's apple before removing his shirt. Zach reattached their lips pulling Hian flush against his body.
He quickly did the same and took away Zach's shirt. "I love you my dear husband" he smiled and kissed him roughly and heated. "like a thousand amount of love" he joked and looked into Zach's beautiful brown eyes. They looked like a warm afternoon in autumn. His hair was like chocolate. He was married to the most beautiful man in the world
"Keep talkin." Zachary chuckled locking lips with his husband. His arms circled around his waist as his kissed continued to move down and over his chest. "You're beautiful." He sighed softly. He licked over Hian's nipple, circling it and biting down before he trailed hot kisses over to Hian's other one and repeatin the process.
Hian closed his eyes again, enjoying the feeling. It was all without haste, it wasn't fast or lustful, it was calm and loving. He let a sigh escape his lips and leaned his head back, hands roaming trough Zachary's hair. He moved his hips in a slow rhythm. This was true loved, he could feel it in every viber in his body
Zachary hummed softly as his kisses trailed lazily over Hian's body. It had been so long. They'd been so busy and he planned on showing how much he really missed Hian.
Zachary kissed his way up to Hian's neck, trailing kisses over his jaw and kissing him slowly. His hands cupped Hian's backside as Zachary stood. Kissing his husband lovingly, Zachary carried Hian to their bedroom. He lay him down on their mattress and pulled back, smiling down at him. "You're so damn beautiful." He captured Hian's lips once again as he unbuckled and unzipped them before slipping them off.
He let Zach carry him up the stairs and moaned ever so softly when Zach carcassed his body. "I love you" Hian said between kisses and wrapped his legs tightly around him when his jeans were gone. He closed his eyes and relaxed totally
"" Zachary whispered between their heavy make out. His hands ran over Hian's thighs and stomach, taking his time. He, once again kissed his way down Hian's chest and reached the hem of his boxers. He licked around the waistband, nipping at Hian's side. He lifted his legs and kissed down Hian's sensitive skin on both legs. There would definitely be little red marks tomorrow.
Hian was breathing shockery. "hng~ oh please" he said softly and let the feeling if pleasure flow trough him. He felt Zach nibble on his thigh and he sighed. "God, yes"

(sorry it's short)
Zachary pulled off Hian's boxers and kissed around his member. He licked a stripe up Hian's shaft before taking him into his mouth. He sucked softly, going slow. He didn't want to rush anything tonight.
Hian felt so loved and amazing. "oh Zachary" he breathed out and closed his eyes. He arched his back, letting out an high pitched moan. Hands wound into Zach's hair, clenching. "You're doing great" his eyes rolled back in his head. "you're so amazing" he praised "you're so fucking amazing"
Zachary moaned as Hian gripped his hair. He loved that so much. That mixed with the soft little murmurs of reassurance sent heat coarsing through his body. Zachary pressed two fingers inside of Hian, pumping slowly. He released Hian from his mouth, leaning up to capture his lips in a heated, passionate kiss.
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