Insane or "Different"?

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For some reason, Adrian's body moved, and a moment passed before he was just at Stephens side. His head fell on the other's shoulder, revealing how much smaller he was than the other. One of his feminine hands gripped at Stephen's sleeve as he took a shaky breath. "I don't know... what's wrong... sometimes.... My heart just starts hurting and... I don't know what to do..." His voice was just a whisper as he lied there, close to Stephen. He was trying to convert his troubles into words, but it was hard for him when it was shapeless problems just making his heart ache.
Stephen felt a head rest on his shoulder, and a tight grip on his sleeve. He glanced at Adrian, as Stephen's face began to soften, but sadden at the same. He knew exactly how he felt,"It's okay, I promise. You aren't alone.." He whispered in a rather soft voice. "You'll be alright.." He added, hesitantly, beginning to wrap an arm around him. He closed his eyes and sighed, as the jet black tear marks under his eyes thickened a bit.
He leaned against Stephen for a while, and eventually nodded softly. He closed his eyes and leaned into the embrace of the other. He wasn't interested in men. For some reason, he just needed to be in close contact with another human. He let out a few more sobs, but other than that he was basically quiet. He looked down into Stephen's shirt, trying to gather his thoughts. He needed to sort things out before he spoke up again; he was grateful for what Stephen had said, though.
Seeing that he quieted down some, he removed his arm from around him. Just giving him some time to think, he didn't do or say anything. Slowly opening his eyes, he just decided to look at the same broken window, which the moonlight poured through, illuminating his chilling red eyes. He glanced at Adrian again, just making sure he wasn't...too deep into his thoughts like what usually happened sometimes, occasionally.
"Thank you..." He spoke softly, wiping away a few of his tears. He looked over at Stephen with a small smile. "I've... been a bit upset... about the doctors recently... refusing to call me by my right name, even daring to tell me I need to act more like a girl. I want to run away." He ran his hands through his hair, his eyes closed in frustration. He hadn't been able to convince anyone that he was a boy, not a girl. His body had just decided wrong when he was made. His body was in the wrong, not his mind. He looked in Stephen's direction, glancing at the window as well.
Steohen's gaze turned back to him, when he heard him speak. "No problem." He whispered, although he didn't really smile back for some apparent reason. "Those doctors are being complete asses." He muttered. "Actually, those "things" don't even sound like doctors. Just ignore them, they really need to go back to school, and learn what the hell they're talking about." He added.
"They're talking about my biological body, which makes me a "girl". Couldn't they, of all people, stop reminding me what went wrong at my birth?" The words were filled with regret, and his skin prickled to draw the razor again. But he wouldn't. Last time that had happened, he had been on medication, thinking that he was crazy. He didn't want to go back to that time. He clenched and unclenched his fists trying to calm the burning feeling on his lower arms, as if all of his wounds had been reopened. He had to resist this temptation.
Stephen went eerily silent for an unknown reason. He slowly turned to Adrian once more, just staring at him. He began to very slowly, shake his head. Mostly, when he did that, it oddly meant "Dont.", as if he had the feeling whoever he did that to, would let all their anger out suddenly, or would just try and hurt themselves. His eyes just stayed on him for about a minute or so.
He blinked slowly as if he was in a dream, looking up at Stephen. His eyes were almost blank as he looked at the other. He didn't want to do anything bad, so he just sat there staring at the other for a while. He wouldn't let himself get hurt after meeting a person like Stephen, a person who understood him. A person who wouldn't throw him away. He again leaned his head on Stephen's shoulder, closing his eyes. It seemed as if he had fallen asleep.
Stephen just continued to look at him. But seeing he wasn't going to do anything, his gaze slowly met the ground again, as he felt Adrian's head rest on his shoulder again. He still stayed eerily silent, not even moving. He thought he had fallen asleep, so he didn't want to wake him.
He leans against Stephen, breathing slowly and rather calmly for the first time in his life. He hadn't felt this calm ever before, he'd always been running, running from the truth, running from friends and family, trying to get a reason as to why he had become like this. He had become a monster, a strange creature, nothing anyone could accept. But here he was, in company of a fellow monster, realizing that he wasn't all alone in the world.
He glanced at Adrian again, and began to smile some. "At least he's calm for now." He thought to himself. Without trying to disrupt him, he began to reach over for his mask, that had to be about roughly, four inches away from him. Hopefully, he wouldn't lose his balance, and fall.
After a few moments, he seemed to open his eyes. For a moment he looked dazed, as if his mind still belonged in another dimension of dreams. He gained full consciousness and blushed softly as he scooted a little to the side. "I-I'm sorry. I fell asleep all of a sudden." He muttered, wrapping his arms around himself as he looked at the ground, feeling a bit embarrassed over himself. Great. You meet a nice guy and make a fool of yourself.. way to go, Adrian. Moron. He thought, lightly cursing himself inside his mind.
"Crap. I think I woke him up." He thought to himself again, glancing at him. "No, you're fine. I mean, it's late at night. Go home and get rest." He reassured, a warm smile appearing on his face. He finally grabbed a hold of his mask, and began placing it on again. He began to lay down on the wood, creating a creaking sound, but he ignored it. This placed seemed to be pretty old, anyways.
He walked over, and, as a last spur of the evening, he bent over, removing the mask half the way, planting a small kiss to Stephen's cheek. Blushing, he stood up and dashed out of the building, jumping back over the fence and sneaking back in through the door. No one caught him on the way, and when he reached his room and had quietly closed the door, he lied down on the bed hitting himself on the head. Dammit! What was I thinking! He's going to think I'm some kind of freak now... I just acted on impulse, that's all...
He didn't really react or respond, but was surely an awkward moment for him. Just then, he began to pull his mask back down, back in place. "I don't know what that was. Nor do I want to." He whispered to himself. When he was alone, he'd just randomly blurt out what was currently on his mind. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, like always, so he just turned to his side, facing the damaged window again.
He looked out at the window over to the building across. Would things now be bad between him and Stephen? He sighed deeply as he opened the window, leaning his arms out. He had changed into a pair of shorts, a top with straps and a small cardigan. When he dressed this lightly, it was clear to see his.. "condition". That his body wasn't exactly what it was supposed to be. He sighed and ran his hand across the curve on his chest. If they would just disappear...
Stephen decided he wouldn't ask the other why he did such a thing, if he did come tomorrow. He crawled to the window, glancing up at the sky as he always did. The moonlight entered his eyes, turning them into a more greyish, purpleish color. He sighed. He just wished he could watch the night sky with his parents like he always did, but he figured that had ceased a long time ago, and that maybe he should just stop wishing and face reality.
Maybe he didn't hate men anymore. Maybe he had become normal in that sense. He sighed and looked out of the window. From this angle, him and Stephen wasn't able to see each other, but somehow, Adrian could sense that he was looking out of a window somewhere. He buried his face in his palms. How did one explain a random kiss? After all, he was a boy. It was awkward.
He couldn't really get the thought of his head. It just appeared and disappeared like a mirage. He sighed a bit sadly, trying to think about other things, but it just kept coming back each time. "Tomorrow's a new day, so I might as well get some sleep and stop stressing myself out by the thought." He whispered to himself, beginning to lay on his side by the window.
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