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Ok, not that freakishly changed...

Also, the other proto-infected, is it taken yet? (Yeah, tell me I'm lazy for not checking)
I want to be an evil girl behind it all.
Im a female, I can help you if you message me for tips and stuff.
Ok, not that freakishly changed...

Also, the other proto-infected, is it taken yet? (Yeah, tell me I'm lazy for not checking)


No, it's not taken. But we must continue this discussion via PM.
I'm almost done with my main oc, Suou's Bio. How many soldiers do you want? I can control three-five for a good unit, seven-nine for mid level level or 11+ if you want grunts to be slaughtered the first conflict. Though the larger the number the less time they live I will constantly have at least two grunts plus Suou as she will arive in a APC.

as a side note after a short while if seperated they will become npcs to be pupeteered or killed to start conflicts. Personally I will travel with the first survivor group i run into.
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Name: Suou Pavlichenko
Age:18 almost 19
Affiliation: Military
Gender: Female
Bio: Suou is a enigma amongst her unit, this being said she rarely talks outside of missions and combat making herself to be a self made loner. Further adding to this her quiet nature allows her to 'fade' into the background seemingly at will. This along side being the units' sniper has earned her the call-sign "Ghost".

In truth nobody knows much of anything about her, not even spooks. on government record she was born into a wealthy family under normal conditions. she was a social child and perfect student even starting school a year early. this continued until she disappeared at the age of seven shortly before her home was burned down killing her parents.

Seven years later Suou returned at the age of fourteen holding a strong hate for gangs crime lords and other such topics. She eventually was deemed as mentally stable and physical she showed no signs of abuse. When she was questioned about what had happened her only responses were along the lines of "I took care of the problem" or "You don't need to worry about them anymore". For the next two years she trained, studied and read books while in a foster-home and eventually enrolling in the US naval academy, starting her military career.

Suou has a long history in the military for only being in the field for a year. Having graduated with no demerits and a perfect record, she was eventually placed as per request 102nd devision marines demolitions squad, also known as the "Hades corps" as a lieutenant. Following the footsteps of her her predecessors she lead the unit into battle never failing her objectives regardless of the cost. This continued on no mater the mission difficulty earning her the alias of "the ghost in a shell" after coming back after even subside or rearguard missions with little injury and showing no emotion even after loss of most of her unit.

She has shown the same behavior and responses even in the recent events caused by the rouge bio weapon. This was demonstrated in quarantine zone zero in fighting through the city before reaching the military staging area after losing radio communications. The reason as to as to why she did so even after evacuation was ordered was answered with "I had to bring in the debriefing report" before she commandeered a small number of Bradley MK3 APCs along side other equipment and destroying the FOB.

Currently she is following evacuation protocol and searching for civilians and VIPs while heading towards the Rally point in Langley.

Name: Suou Pavlichenko
Age:18 almost 19
Affiliation: Military
Gender: Female
Bio: Suou is a enigma amongst her unit, this being said she rarely talks outside of missions and combat making herself to be a self made loner. Further adding to this her quiet nature allows her to 'fade' into the background seemingly at will. This along side being the units' sniper has earned her the call-sign "Ghost".

In truth nobody knows much of anything about her, not even spooks. on government record she was born into a wealthy family under normal conditions. she was a social child and perfect student even starting school a year early. this continued until she disappeared at the age of seven shortly before her home was burned down killing her parents.

Seven years later Suou returned at the age of fourteen holding a strong hate for gangs crime lords and other such topics. She eventually was deemed as mentally stable and physical she showed no signs of abuse. When she was questioned about what had happened her only responses were along the lines of "I took care of the problem" or "You don't need to worry about them anymore". For the next two years she trained, studied and read books while in a foster-home and eventually enrolling in the US naval academy, starting her military career.

Suou has a long history in the military for only being in the field for a year. Having graduated with no demerits and a perfect record, she was eventually placed as per request 102nd devision marines demolitions squad, also known as the "Hades corps" as a lieutenant. Following the footsteps of her her predecessors she lead the unit into battle never failing her objectives regardless of the cost. This continued on no mater the mission difficulty earning her the alias of "the ghost in a shell" after coming back after even subside or rearguard missions with little injury and showing no emotion even after loss of most of her unit.

She has shown the same behavior and responses even in the recent events caused by the rouge bio weapon. This was demonstrated in quarantine zone zero in fighting through the city before reaching the military staging area after losing radio communications. The reason as to as to why she did so even after evacuation was ordered was answered with "I had to bring in the debriefing report" before she commandeered a small number of Bradley MK3 APCs along side other equipment and destroying the FOB.

Currently she is following evacuation protocol and searching for civilians and VIPs while heading towards the Rally point in Langley.


Right. Where's she from? Pavlichenko sounds Northern Eurasian.
I might sign up for this; what character types/positions do you need more of? :V
So we got a cop, a mob boss's daughter, a former sex slave, a Russian soldier, and zombies. .This outta be fun.


I believe we could use more military types, especially the corrupted kind.
So we got a cop, a mob boss's daughter, a former sex slave, a Russian soldier, and zombies. .This outta be fun.


I believe we could use more military types, especially the corrupted kind.
It seriously sounds amazing
+Is eating handfuls of cookies+
I might sign up for this; what character types/positions do you need more of? :V
The group as it stands has positions in any of the three fields open. As it stands we have three survivors a shock trooper and a lot of soon to be dead grunts. If your looking for a easily usable area I suggest a survivor or military figure leaving you with a relatively open start point where you can start solo or tag along. On the flip side you could fill one of the unused position as a Epidemic Investigation Service detective and be the kind of person who searches for the answers, or as a BioSpec Operative and cover up the companies tracks. So in short do what you want with your OCs be a light in this dark world or if that's not your cup of tea be as dark as you want and join us.

As is we have two possible dark figures: a overly trigger happy teen from the mafia, and a cold lieutenant who doesn't have a heart.

We have two possible pseudo-light figures: the former sex slave and a cop who sees the world as it is.
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