Indepentent State Armed Forces recruitement

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Julez grins happily and then stretches for a moment. "So where is he?" she inquired and then ran over to Archetype, hugging hir, clearly adoring her instead of fearing her.

"And where's your daughters? Have they been well?" Julez asked further, then motions Deimon over.

"She won't bite you, you know...." Jlez muttered.
"Thankz for the ride." *She leaps lightly from the vehicle, then stands up straight, looking up at the building curiously while twitching her tail* "Thiz iz the gym? Where the Lieutenant Traviz iz found?"
"It's not the bite I'm worried about..." Deimon says. "It's what might be IN the bite that I'm worried about..."
Julez rolls her eyes and drags Deimon closer, smiling at Archetype.

"Please, can we see Akira, please?"
"Of course you can. Pincushion is with her." Archetype replies as Deimon tries to make himself as small as possible.
Julez smiles cheerfully.

"Where are they?" She asked, grabbing Deimon's hand so he couldn't run away.
Quiinn got in the back of the HumVee, placed his rifle on the flloor, and waited*
The Combat Medics close the doors of the Humm Vee, turning around and heading back to the main base. Carl looks in Vay's direction and sees him being chased by a Paladin II Improved.

"Maybe we should have asked them to fit dozer blades." he comments as the Kroot drops into a crevice.


"Base nursery." Archetype replies, going back to jotting down observations on hir patient.


"Alright, here we are..." the Minigunner says to Kichek, popping the shit into reverse. "Knowing Lieutenant Travis they'll be in the outdoor facility. It's on the other side of this building."
"Thank you, Archetype!" Julez shouted as she dragged Deimon off, leading him over to the nursery.

"Pincushion! I heard you're watching Akira, how is he? Can we see him, please?" Julez asked, excitedly.

Vay screamed as he say the metal behemoth, jumping clear of the base he ran faster than seemed possible away from it back towards his lines.
*WMD, still oblivious to the fact that the trainign excersise has been canned, sets off towards the tank chasing Vay, powerfist crackling*
*Vay, seeing the terminator jumps over him, and lands on the hum-vee containiong quinn*
The Paladin swerves around WMD, cresting the road and following Quinn.

"RUN, MOTHA FUCKA!!!" a Minigunner shouts as the Humm Vee skids to a halt, the drivers unaware of their passenger.

"Anyone tell the Warmaster that the exercise is on hold?" Carl asks, watching WMD follow the heavy tank.


"Oh, hey!" Pincushion says, looking up from a book. Akira is in a crib, fast asleep.
Julez smiles and goes over to the crib and looks down at Akira, motioning him over quietly.

"Meet your son again."
Vay jumps from the humvee and speeds off and is soom cowering in the trenches
*WMD spins around and though slowly at first, begins to chase the tank as he runs, he fires his stormbolter at the treads of the tank, though the rounds loaded are training rounds*
"Ooh, that'll get their attention..." a Minigunner comments as WMD's bolter goes off. The Paladin keeps moving, still rolling after Vay.

"He's too far for the Point Defense Laser to open up." Carl comments, taking a swig from his canteen, the tank slowing down. WMD is hit with a disabling shot from the laser, putting him on his face. "Mayhaps we should have put a pot out on the Warmaster too."
Vay scrambles through the trenches and comes out on the other side, still fleeting the metal bohemoth. "Why did it have to be tanks?" he stops for a second to take a potshot before resuiming his mad dash, and soon reaches the field commasnder's position and without even a galance jumps over him and heads for a patch of rough terain, scatred with fisures, and volcanic pools.

"Ha try to follow me in here."
"Looks like the chase is over..." a TC comments.

"Nope... Not yet..." Carl says as the tank stops at the road. Carl motions to the Minigunners, mimicking grenade pins being pulled. The Minigunners shouldered their weapons and fired off a volley of 40mm teargas rounds.

Normally Minigunners used White Phosphorous Flashbangs. For training purposes they used CS teargas rounds.

Plenty of which were falling on top of Vay.
Vay crawled, jumped and ran through the magma field, grenades goin off all around him. "Ok, those things have a maximum range." he reasoned, bu reaching the far end of the field stopped. Any further amd he would be on open ground, while the grenades could get him here, out there there was the main gun. "FUCK!" he swore. "well can't stay here, and a blast from thoses things will be over fast." He scranbled out of the fisure and ran for the airfield, zigzagging as he went.
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