Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Logan began to search the gym for other important things.



She felt a mix of terror, nervousness, and... Comfort. Maybe at least one of her fears could be cured, if people just used a caring and tender touch over a harsh and ill-intended one.

And hey.. Maybe this one fear was worth facing.

@BarrenThin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

He released her. "Welcome to the family. Though I guess you may want to run this by Brian first." It was about then that the voice spoke and Logan left.

Aaron nodded. "Yes, I need all the help I can get. There's two more locks on this thing I didn't see. Try to open the Hockey sticks at the top and bottom, see if anything is in there." He handed Tom the '1' stick.

"Sure", Tom said, taking the hockey stick. He tried to take off the blade end at the end of the straight stick, and the plastic handle at the butt end of the stick, to find if it was hollowed out inside and had something in it.

"Sure", Tom said, taking the hockey stick. He tried to take off the blade end at the end of the straight stick, and the plastic handle at the butt end of the stick, to find if it was hollowed out inside and had something in it.

There's nothing to be found. A search of every numbered stick will reveal they are all normal.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan

Jake decides to look through the storage room and give the mats one more look over. "Could someone help me rip these open?"

Meanwhile, Logan finds nothing else in the gym.

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There's nothing to be found. A search of every numbered stick will reveal they are all normal.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan

Jake decides to look through the storage room and give the mats one more look over. "Could someone help me rip these open?"

Meanwhile, Logan finds nothing else in the gym.


Logan came to Jake's aid after finding nothing. "Good idea." The teacher went to help Jake.

There's nothing to be found. A search of every numbered stick will reveal they are all normal.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan

Jake decides to look through the storage room and give the mats one more look over. "Could someone help me rip these open?"

Meanwhile, Logan finds nothing else in the gym.


Aaron looked at Logan. "Could you see if anyone out there has a pencil?" He asked. He then turned to Umeko. "Hand me that picture, please."

@TheBombMan @BarrenThin
Logan came to Jake's aid after finding nothing. "Good idea." The teacher went to help Jake.

"Thanks," mutters the nurse. With your efforts combined, you rip up a few of the mats to eventually find the green key. "I'd guess the last one is in here somewhere," Jake says.

"Thanks," mutters the nurse. With your efforts combined, you rip up a few of the mats to eventually find the green key. "I'd guess the last one is in here somewhere," Jake says.


Grunting in agreement, Logan went back to the picture and decided to try and remove it from its frame. It was worth checking.

Kyle was still filming all of this, acting like a shadow. It took until Sarah nudged him to realize he could impact this in some manner. "I have a pencil," he says, fishing it out of his pocket and handing it to Aaron.

@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan

Aaron took the pencil from Kyle and began rubbing it against the paper. Hoping something would show. "Thank you!" Aaron said.
"Thanks," mutters the nurse. With your efforts combined, you rip up a few of the mats to eventually find the green key. "I'd guess the last one is in here somewhere," Jake says.

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Your efforts will reveal the message--




@The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan @Wedge Antilles

Smashing the frame and looking at the back of the photo will reveal a message--





Aaron scratched his head. "Could this clue have something to do with the Hockey sticks?" He asked.

@BarrenThin @TheBombMan @Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150

Logan just scratched his head at all of this.

@The Silver Paladin
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