Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Finally, the football team collapsed, having rammed the door probably far too many times. The team seemed too exhausted to comment on this failure, but the students around them began to panic, creating a buzz of activity. People were starting to go stir crazy, and it had only been about twenty minutes since they had woken up.​

Logan cursed at his lapse in direction, moving over to his collapsed players. "I said try to ram the door, not kill yourselves! Anybody got some water?"

Logan cursed at his lapse in direction, moving over to his collapsed players. "I said try to ram the door, not kill yourselves! Anybody got some water?"


"Here," Kisho began withdrawing several metal bottles from his jacket and handed them over, "I had been saving these for myself, but this is more important. Sorry that it's flavored."
Kei blinked a few times as Meira stole his drink and downed it in a single gulp "Remind me never to be your drinking buddy" he mutters, before being thrown around into some kind of dance with the woman. Kei wasn't the best dancer, but he did what he could, taking her lead and doing mostly as she did, trying his best not to embarrass himself at Prom, with a girl he barely knew "W-Well, you see...I didn't plan on coming, but that girl Kumiko...y'know always covers one eye with her hair...she made me come...threatened to do something if I didn't...and she's not arrived yet"

"... For some reason, that sounds like something I would do."

And then all hell broke loose.

After awakening...

What. What. What what what. What the actual hell. What. A game? Really? What. And it really did seem like a game? Was there any reason to this? "So uh... What happens to the people we vote out? Heh... Aha hah..." Ow. Her heart. ... It hurt. Sweat was ruining her pirate make-up. She just tossed off her hat, running her hands through her face and hair. No. No no no. There was never any reason. Never. ... Her eye hurt too. She didn't want to go through this. Not again. No no no, this time it was different. Other people were here. Right? "Why... What... Who would vote..." She stumbled forward, trying to walk but failing. She caught herself, correcting her positioning a bit before turning around and slamming her back against a ball. Dire Consequences. Ha. Hahaha. A joke right? The school... prom joke... Right? ... No. She was unconscious. That mist... Haah. The feeling of her mind slipping... her body still felt a bit numb. But her heart was beating fast. Too fast. She needed to calm down, calm down...

She slid her body down, trying to sit. But the stupid plastic scimitar got in the way. In frustration and panic she fought with it, jerking it this way and that before unlocking the belt and tossing it and the toy off to the, slamming into a corner. Her make-up was running from all the sweat. Finally taking a seat down in the fetal position, she tried rubbing away that stupid pale coloring she had used. Her hair was still stiff and frayed, and with the pressure of the situation, it felt like a stranger's hands were on her. She shivered and tugged her body back and forth, trying to get comfortable and calm down. But she wasn't able to. "Calm down, calm down, calm down..." Dire consequences.

With a strong shiver and without any hesitation, Meira just chose the first option on the bracelet. Simon Black. Didn't even know who he was. No... no one else would vote for him right? Yeah... She just had to vote for someone who no one else was voting for... Yeah. Safe. She was safe now. Even if she was breathing hard and in a cold, shivering sweat... Dire Consequences. Hah... No. No. No. She flailed about, trying to keep her uncomfortable hair from touching herself. Right now, she just wanted to be safe, at home, taking a bath....

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Logan cursed at his lapse in direction, moving over to his collapsed players. "I said try to ram the door, not kill yourselves! Anybody got some water?"

Damien shook his head. "No... It's okay, coach. We tried our best. We'll try again in a bit, okay?" The team seemed mostly in agreement, though Kristoff eventually gave in and asked for the water.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician
Damien shook his head. "No... It's okay, coach. We tried our best. We'll try again in a bit, okay?" The team seemed mostly in agreement, though Kristoff eventually gave in and asked for the water.

@BarrenThin @The Tactician

Kisho shook his head at the protest, "No, you are all going to rehydrate. We don't need the lot of you to die of exhaustion. Now start rationing the water I'm providing," Kristoff received one of the bottles first with a shove from the computer teacher.
Umeko was surprised at what was happening.

Something is keeping them in, and everyone tried various ways to get out.

Umeko just hid.
"... For some reason, that sounds like something I would do."

And then all hell broke loose.

After awakening...

What. What. What what what. What the actual hell. What. A game? Really? What. And it really did seem like a game? Was there any reason to this? "So uh... What happens to the people we vote out? Heh... Aha hah..." Ow. Her heart. ... It hurt. Sweat was ruining her pirate make-up. She just tossed off her hat, running her hands through her face and hair. No. No no no. There was never any reason. Never. ... Her eye hurt too. She didn't want to go through this. Not again. No no no, this time it was different. Other people were here. Right? "Why... What... Who would vote..." She stumbled forward, trying to walk but failing. She caught herself, correcting her positioning a bit before turning around and slamming her back against a ball. Dire Consequences. Ha. Hahaha. A joke right? The school... prom joke... Right? ... No. She was unconscious. That mist... Haah. The feeling of her mind slipping... her body still felt a bit numb. But her heart was beating fast. Too fast. She needed to calm down, calm down...

She slid her body down, trying to sit. But the stupid plastic scimitar got in the way. In frustration and panic she fought with it, jerking it this way and that before unlocking the belt and tossing it and the toy off to the, slamming into a corner. Her make-up was running from all the sweat. Finally taking a seat down in the fetal position, she tried rubbing away that stupid pale coloring she had used. Her hair was still stiff and frayed, and with the pressure of the situation, it felt like a stranger's hands were on her. She shivered and tugged her body back and forth, trying to get comfortable and calm down. But she wasn't able to. "Calm down, calm down, calm down..." Dire consequences.

With a strong shiver and without any hesitation, Meira just chose the first option on the bracelet. Simon Black. Didn't even know who he was. No... no one else would vote for him right? Yeah... She just had to vote for someone who no one else was voting for... Yeah. Safe. She was safe now. Even if she was breathing hard and in a cold, shivering sweat... Dire Consequences. Hah... No. No. No. She flailed about, trying to keep her uncomfortable hair from touching herself. Right now, she just wanted to be safe, at home, taking a bath....


Tom didn't know Meira that much, but as he did pretty much all he could do with cracking the lock on the box, he'd approach her.

"Hey," he said to Meira, "doing okay? You seem, nervous, agitated. Anything I can do for you?"

Continued from here.


Horatio was found by Umeko, Aaron, and Adrian soon enough. His face looked a bit red due to the heat of the gymnasium. "Have you been fighting the good fight?" he asked. He waited for the inevitable report, but the arrival of someone on the stage pulled his attention away.

The students had become eager to learn who would be this year's Prom King and Queen. Lena Watson, a member of the student council, was the one on stage to announce the results. The music died down as she began to speak. "Thank you all so much for having such a great time!" the girl exclaimed. "The council would like to extend our thanks to each and every one of you for making tonight the best that it could be! Midwich is awesome! Go Cuckoos! Hehe!" Deanna practically puffed up like a peacock, having already expected to win. She strut out into the centre of the gym, spinning slightly to show off her dress yet again.

"I know you're all excited to hear who this year's Prom King and Queen are! Wooo!" There was a spattering of excitement coming from the students, indicating Lena to get on with it. "All right, this year's Prom Queen is..." Lena paused to read off the card and the audience practically held in their breath. Kyle manoeuvred about the gym to make sure he had a good shot of Lena with his video camera. "... Umeko Moe?" Lena obviously sounded confused-- she had no idea who Umeko even was. Two television screens on either side of the gym turned on to show a close-up of Umeko. The cameras in the gym were focused entirely on her. "W-Well, congratulations! Before you come on up, let's announce the King!" Before the girl could continue, she found that Deanna was furious. She screamed at Lena to stop it with the practical joke. Her boyfriend, Damien, didn't look much too pleased either. "I'm sorry!" Lena bleated, sounding like a defeated goat. "I'm sure Umeko won fairly!"

"I better be the King!" Damien demanded. "And Deanna must be the Queen!"

Lena only stood with her mouth open. "U-Umm... okay! The King is..." Lena pulled out the card, but her face noticeably paled at what she read. When someone yelled at her to spit it out, Lena nervously uttered, "James Lancaster!"

One of the television screens changed to show James, his identity obvious now despite the mask. The crowd of students booed, of all things. Horatio became alert, crying, "James is here?! That menace to society must be stopped!" Jake moved in to calm down the mess with the other faculty, but found himself pushed away by Kristoff, who was demanding a recount on behalf of his friends. Jake pulled back, standing near Viviette and Brian.

"Stay behind me," he quietly said to them. Over the din of yelling came a sudden scream, though no one was quite sure where it was coming from. Jake looked off to the side to see a bunch of students running from the sides of the gym.

"It's coming from the vents!" screamed one girl. Everyone's attention turned now to find a sort of mist seeping into the gymnasium. The entire student body broke out into the chaos at this as they rushed to the doors of the gymnasium.

"Everyone calm yourselves at once!" demanded Brennan, but his command fell on deaf ears.

Kristoff smashed into one of the doors, but found it didn't budge. He continued to bang on the door, but found it wouldn't open no matter how much weight he threw against it. In fact, none of the doors would open, and the students who were breathing in the mist were dropping to the floor. The screaming and panic inevitably died down as the students were put to sleep one by one. Horatio, somehow one of the last to succumb to the gas, crawled across the floor in order to get to one of the doors. Grunting, soon he too was passed out on the ground.


"Everyone," cried Horatio. "Please wake up!" Having been the first to awake, the boy began awaking others, who were mostly groggy from the sleep. Eventually, one girl started screaming, which quickly awoke the rest of the group.

Everyone was still in the gym. Someone moved to the gym doors and found that they still wouldn't budge. It seemed nothing had changed.

... Except, 26 people within the gymnasium now wore bracelets on their arms. The 26th person with a bracelet was none other than Jake Cline, your school nurse.


Try as hard as you might, these bracelets weren't coming off.

"The televisions!" cried Kristoff, pointing to one of the screens, which were both now displaying static.


The static gave way for for a vague silhouette of a person, though it's hard to tell their identity, or even their gender. On the intercoms was a sudden bout of static, followed by, "Finally, you are awake." The voice sounds obviously digitally altered to be anonymous.. "I am the overseer, and what you are all now a part of is something bigger than yourselves."

The gym was deathly silent, waiting for the voice to continue. "... While you are all now participants in a game, only 26 of you are the actual players. For the sake of clarity, I will refer to those with bracelets as players, and those without bracelets as non-players."

"What the shit!" Deanna cried. "A game? Is this some kind of joke?"

"Is the principal behind this?" Damien asked.

"The commander would never do such a thing!" cried Horatio.

Brennan practically growled. "Everyone shut up!" he yelled.

The voice continued. "Phase one of the game is simple, and it is the first step to escaping the school. Among the 26 players are three agents-- players who essentially represent myself in this game. While all players will work together to complete the game, if any of my agents make it to the end, only they will survive."

There was a sudden bout of verbal dissent at that notion, but more demands of keeping quiet kept everyone's mouths shut. "Right now, we will hold a vote between the players to determine who they think are one of my agents. It's a tough decision, so I shall give the players a clue... Look for those among you acting different than usual. My agents are masters of trickery, and will likely try to trick the other players and cloud their minds. Once the vote is complete, we will move on to the next phase of the game. You have thirty minutes to make your votes. Just use the right button on your bracelets to cycle through the names on the interface, then press the left button to vote."

As the television screen began to fade to black, the intercom said one last thing. "In honor of your Prom King and Queen, you may not place a vote for either of them during this initial round of voting. Those of you who don't vote will face dire consequences."

Silence for a few precious seconds, and then-- "This is sick!" Deanna was practically wailing as she held up her cellphone. "I can't get a signal! This is disgusting!" She turned on the nearest person with a bracelet, Tom, and screamed at him. "Hurry and vote so we can get out of here!"​
"Here," Kisho began withdrawing several metal bottles from his jacket and handed them over, "I had been saving these for myself, but this is more important. Sorry that it's flavored."
Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Anyone else

Avia groned a little as she finaly came to, a little later than the others; perhaps it was due to how tired she was by the time the dancing had more or less concluded, she was barely able to catch up on what was going on, hearing something about votes and... Agents? Suddenly, she stood up, looking around for a moment before her eyes fell on her husband "Got any idea who to suspect?" she asked, tilting her head a little "Or are we busting outta here." she added, looking around a bit, she could have sworn she heard talk about breaking down the doors...​
"... alright, I'm going to help... just stay put or else I may mess up," James sighed, seeing that Vivi was so scared of him. He still held up his right thumb to his mouth, but noticed Michelle was doing something here.

"I don't believe that would help. Hell, I think that would worsen it for her," James sighed, but knew that it was going to be hard on Vivi if they didn't do anything. So without any more hesitation, he bit the tip of his thumb to the point where he began to show hints of bleeding from his bit thumb. With a gentle grip on Vivi's wrist with his left hand, he began to draw a certain symbol onto Vivi's wrist with the blood that was from his bit thumb, not even making the slightest mistake or splatter with the impractical drawing medium.

When he was done, he carefully let go of Vivi's arm, leaving a strange mark with his own blood on her wrist.


"... better?" James spoke with a sincere look in his eyes, observing that the symbol he made with his blood stayed as it was when he applied it. Strangely, despite the peculiar method, Vivi would start to feel better in terms of her breathing and some other physical traits. It didn't seem to help with emotional and mental stress, but it did help with physical stress.

"Oh, and don't worry, after a bit, you can just wipe it off. As long as you feel better... I guess," James reassured her, hoping that she wouldn't freak out or something. Because if she did, then the mark wouldn't be as effective.

@Thuro Pendragon @Hospes
"Stupid media misrepresentation." She muttered to herself. But she put it away. She was watching James like a hawk. Not for trouble, well mostly not for trouble, but because she really didn't know this version of him. What was he playing at. Could he have been... could he have been telling the truth?

Time would tell.

@Gummi Bunnies
Avia Taniyama
@The Tactician @Anyone else

Avia groned a little as she finaly came to, a little later than the others; perhaps it was due to how tired she was by the time the dancing had more or less concluded, she was barely able to catch up on what was going on, hearing something about votes and... Agents? Suddenly, she stood up, looking around for a moment before her eyes fell on her husband "Got any idea who to suspect?" she asked, tilting her head a little "Or are we busting outta here." she added, looking around a bit, she could have sworn she heard talk about breaking down the doors...​

"Apparently, we can't bust out, dear. The football team tried to ram the doors but that obviously failed," Kisho replied as he continued to hand out bottles of water. Soon, he had run out of the containers, leaving the team to have to fill the used bottles back up. Turning to Avia, he crossed his arms and gave a shake of his head, "Something tells me Miss LuAnn is a part of this. However, if you believe someone else is to blame, I will side with your vote."
Great. Michelle thought. She's rabbiting.

She pulled something out of her purse and handed it to her. "Smoke this." She said.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Hospes
"... alright, I'm going to help... just stay put or else I may mess up," James sighed, seeing that Vivi was so scared of him. He still held up his right thumb to his mouth, but noticed Michelle was doing something here.

"I don't believe that would help. Hell, I think that would worsen it for her," James sighed, but knew that it was going to be hard on Vivi if they didn't do anything. So without any more hesitation, he bit the tip of his thumb to the point where he began to show hints of bleeding from his bit thumb. With a gentle grip on Vivi's wrist with his left hand, he began to draw a certain symbol onto Vivi's wrist with the blood that was from his bit thumb, not even making the slightest mistake or splatter with the impractical drawing medium.

When he was done, he carefully let go of Vivi's arm, leaving a strange mark with his own blood on her wrist.


"... better?" James spoke with a sincere look in his eyes, observing that the symbol he made with his blood stayed as it was when he applied it. Strangely, despite the peculiar method, Vivi would start to feel better in terms of her breathing and some other physical traits. It didn't seem to help with emotional and mental stress, but it did help with physical stress.

"Oh, and don't worry, after a bit, you can just wipe it off. As long as you feel better... I guess," James reassured her, hoping that she wouldn't freak out or something. Because if she did, then the mark wouldn't be as effective.

@Thuro Pendragon @Hospes
Viviette.. Responded pretty negatively to the offer to smoke. She'd long since sworn to avoid any and all drugs, after her parents.. Even little things like weed, or prescription medication.

But, she didn't respond any better to James's tactic. Her emerald eyes widened further, and she watched with sheer terror. Seeing him make himself bleed, alone, made the trembling worse and caused her to cringe. As he told her she could do, her eyes sealed shut as he went about all of this, out of pure fear. She flinched away from his touch, at first(physical contact was one of her biggest fears).. But stayed as still as possible, for someone shaking so violently.

But, to Viviette's complete and utter shock, the trembling stopped... The pain in her chest stopped, she was no longer dizzy or nauseous, she was no longer in a cold sweat, and her heart slowed back down... What the hell had James done to her..? She was still terrified, more than ever, and the fact she had someone's blood on her didn't help.. But the physical effects of this immense and endless fear seemed to have disintegrated out of existence, despite the panic attack still being in motion.

She stared at James with wider eyes than before, opening and closing her mouth helplessly. "How.. How did you...-?" the words trailed off the second that Vivi realized that, for the first time since she was only five- before her parents began to abuse her -her voice didn't shake. She didn't stutter, or falter. This only scared her even more. "What did you do to me?" she inquired, clearly scared by the fact that James had clearly just worked some sort of magic on her.

"And.. And what happened to you? Why are you helping me?" she asked, voice a bare and terrified whisper. Suddenly, she recalled what the overseer had said, and seemed to grow even more terrified. "Are.. Are you.. One of those agents that man talked about? Did he.. Brainwash you? Give you some sort of.. of black magic?" she inquired. Despite the magic he'd work, all of this happening had her heart beating dangerously fast again. She backed further against Minori, but this only made her tense more. The physical contact was scaring her even more.

For now.. Her vote was on Annette. After her admittance of killing someone, and with how she acted, Vivi was almost as terrified of her as she was of James. But, since James seemed to be trying to help her, and he had immunity...

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Thuro Pendragon @Anyone​
Aaron sat in a corner of the gym. he scrolled through names. "Who to choose, who to choose?" He muttered. He closed his eyes, and hit a random button. He reopened them. He had hit Meira. "Crap."
As the group around her talked about who to vote for, Annett sat against the gym's wall. She was staring at her new engagement ring. her eyes styed glued to it. She was I shock, clearly. She would slowly stand up.wobblying her way to gym doors. She was locking at them very close.

"Hmm, the metal, it looks cheap. Some bring the booze at a match. I have an idea."

@BarrenThin @Jeremi @Hospes @Emperor of Gallifrey @Thuro Pendragon @Mari @aotmyk
One does not simply 'ask if you're going to have a panic attack'.

Viviette was... Genuinely surprised, when James said he was sorry. She stared with genuine astonishment, clearly confused, and still terrified. Was this... Was this some sort of prank? A practical joke? It had to be! There was no way he was being serious.. Right? Even if he was, she was still terrified; and it showed. Honestly, Michelle trying to help didn't help. She'd seen how close she'd been with James, which made her just as scared of her as she had been of the male.

And, when someone is having a panic attack, it's kinda hard to answer the question of whether they're having one or not. Or, well.. Answering any questions, at that.

When James offered to help, she only tensed further. She was clearly scared of him... But his apology seemed so sincere.. And he actually seemed to want to help. What the heck was wrong with him..? Had the mist somehow damaged his brain? Was he hallucinating? Or, maybe Vivi was the one hallucinating. Maybe she was asleep.. Dreaming.

Because of how badly terrified she was, she just stared at James with wide eyes filled with terror. She couldn't speak, and was hardly breathing anymore, so it looked like he'd have to decide if it was okay to help or not. She was still back-to-back with Minori, her hand unknowingly mere centimeter's away from touching Minori's. She was aware of the other girl's questions.. But couldn't manage to speak to reply.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Thuro Pendragon
Minori shivered, trying to get her own anxiety under control while Vivi attempted to manage hers. She didn't have a clue Vivi was having a panic attack, but could feel the girl's back against hers. Turning around, Minori grabbed the back of Vivi's shirt, cowering behind her. "I'm scared," she finally admitted. "E-Everyone else seems calm, but I just can't... do this..." She had no idea who she was talking to, if it was Vivi, James, anyone else nearby, or herself, but she mumbled the words to herself, hoping that if she admitted the truth out loud she'd be able to overcome it somehow.

While she cowered, Minori could hear James attempting to help Vivi while someone else attempted to help her by offering the girl... something to smoke? Strange tactics, but at least she had people around trying to help her. But as usual, Minori remained invisible. And in a way, she liked that...

Also, Minori voted for Annette. She always thought it strange how the woman had mentioned killing someone before. For all she knew, Annette could've been their enemy...

@Gummi Bunnies @Thuro Pendragon
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"Thanks," James says as he cautiously approached Vivi, knowing that she was probably scared him greatly. He just had to be careful and hope that Vivi wouldn't freak out on him.

"... Viviette... I know you may think of me as an enemy, but I would like you trust me to help you. This may not seem practical to you, but it is to me... Unless you don't feel comfortable, you can shut your eyes, you don't have to look at me," James spoke with a surprisingly genuine soothing voice, and taking a moment to see that Michelle was keeping an eye on him,"Michelle is keeping an eye on us. We are out in the open for those to see, I'm not stupid or dimwitted enough to commit anything... unsavory." Waiting for the girl's confirmation, he silently held up his thumb to his mouth.

@Thuro Pendragon @Hospes

"Now is not the time Takuro. How about you wait over at that corner if you will?" James groaned in dismay. This wasn't good timing for that kind of business.


"I believe that everyone here gets the bloody point already!" James hollers over to Brennan. Again, not great timing to be hearing this when he was trying to comfort and help Vivi out of all people.

Takuro grinned, "Of course" The boy then walked over to a corner and stood there with this foot up against the wall.
Michelle looked at James and sighed. "All right. Maybe you better tell me that story of yours again. No tricks this time. I just want the truth of who you are now. All that other stuff can wait."

@Gummi Bunnies
"Stupid media misrepresentation." She muttered to herself. But she put it away. She was watching James like a hawk. Not for trouble, well mostly not for trouble, but because she really didn't know this version of him. What was he playing at. Could he have been... could he have been telling the truth?

Time would tell.

@Gummi Bunnies
"Sooo... do you have some sort of cloth or bandaging? I guess I bit my thumb too hard, and I rather not lose too much blood," James says to Michelle as if it were a normal thing to talk about.
Viviette.. Responded pretty negatively to the offer to smoke. She'd long since sworn to avoid any and all drugs, after her parents.. Even little things like weed, or prescription medication.

But, she didn't respond any better to James's tactic. Her emerald eyes widened further, and she watched with sheer terror. Seeing him make himself bleed, alone, made the trembling worse and caused her to cringe. As he told her she could do, her eyes sealed shut as he went about all of this, out of pure fear. She flinched away from his touch, at first(physical contact was one of her biggest fears).. But stayed as still as possible, for someone shaking so violently.

But, to Viviette's complete and utter shock, the trembling stopped... The pain in her chest stopped, she was no longer dizzy or nauseous, she was no longer in a cold sweat, and her heart slowed back down... What the hell had James done to her..? She was still terrified, more than ever, and the fact she had someone's blood on her didn't help.. But the physical effects of this immense and endless fear seemed to have disintegrated out of existence, despite the panic attack still being in motion.

She stared at James with wider eyes than before, opening and closing her mouth helplessly. "How.. How did you...-?" the words trailed off the second that Vivi realized that, for the first time since she was only five- before her parents began to abuse her -her voice didn't shake. She didn't stutter, or falter. This only scared her even more. "What did you do to me?" she inquired, clearly scared by the fact that James had clearly just worked some sort of magic on her.

"And.. And what happened to you? Why are you helping me?" she asked, voice a bare and terrified whisper. Suddenly, she recalled what the overseer had said, and seemed to grow even more terrified. "Are.. Are you.. One of those agents that man talked about? Did he.. Brainwash you? Give you some sort of.. of black magic?" she inquired. Despite the magic he'd work, all of this happening had her heart beating dangerously fast again. She backed further against Minori, but this only made her tense more. The physical contact was scaring her even more.

For now.. Her vote was on Annette. After her admittance of killing someone, and with how she acted, Vivi was almost as terrified of her as she was of James. But, since James seemed to be trying to help her, and he had immunity...

@Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Thuro Pendragon @Anyone​
"Vivi, I know how you must feel about this... but its quite a pain to explain it all in one sitting. Just trust me... none of this that we're in... its not any good for us... that I'm certain," James was careful with his wording, and he knew that this would suspicious to some that he was suddenly acting so pleasant.

"To quote from another piece of poetry I know:

The ear of man cannot hear, and the eye of man cannot see;
But if we could see and hear, this Vision-were it not He?

Its fine to be confused, because I suppose I can explain little by little as time goes on. Is that fine with you, Vivi?"

@Thuro Pendragon @Hospes
"Sooo... do you have some sort of cloth or bandaging? I guess I bit my thumb too hard, and I rather not lose too much blood," James says to Michelle as if it were a normal thing to talk about.

"Vivi, I know how you must feel about this... but its quite a pain to explain it all in one sitting. Just trust me... none of this that we're in... its not any good for us... that I'm certain," James was careful with his wording, and he knew that this would suspicious to some that he was suddenly acting so pleasant.

"To quote from another piece of poetry I know:

The ear of man cannot hear, and the eye of man cannot see;
But if we could see and hear, this Vision-were it not He?

Its fine to be confused, because I suppose I can explain little by little as time goes on. Is that fine with you, Vivi?"

@Thuro Pendragon @Hospes
Michelle tore off one of the pieces of her stupid dress and handed it to him. "Here you go. The black should hide the blood."

@Gummi Bunnies
Michelle looked at James and sighed. "All right. Maybe you better tell me that story of yours again. No tricks this time. I just want the truth of who you are now. All that other stuff can wait."

@Gummi Bunnies
"Alright, no tricks. Pity that I have to tone that down, because that was all I was good for," James shrugged, and since Vivi would hear this as well, he whispered for the two of them to hear,"I'll repeat this part. I'm not James Lancaster, I'm not someone you knew before... my real name is William Herondale, but if we're alone and away from those that want me dead for my strange behavior, feel free to call me Will. I'm... how should I put this... a Nephilim, a half-angel... that would explain why I was able to heal Vivi of the physical stress she felt earlier..."
Michelle tore off one of the pieces of her stupid dress and handed it to him. "Here you go. The black should hide the blood."

@Gummi Bunnies
"Oh, thanks. This should do," James nodded before wrapping the black cloth around his bleeding thumb.

@Thuro Pendragon @Hospes
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