Illusion Game II: School Daze

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"Yes...?" James sighed, waiting for her to hurry it up.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Not right now. Later." She wanted to make small talk to pass the time, but what was she going to do? Ask who he had terrorized today?

Ugh. Maybe it wasn't too late to change her plan. After all the last one hadn't gone that well. Still, if she kept her emotions in check this might go better.

@Gummi Bunnies
Adrian suddenly shot up. "Re..Really?! Oh, Thank you! I'll be sure to try my best!" He said out loud with glee.

He turned his head to face the dance floor, Seeing both Aaron and Umeko dancing together, Deciding not to interrupt, He simply sat back and watched, His focus was clearly on Umeko, spectating her surprisingly amazing dance moves

@The Silver Paladin

Aaron nodded. "Right, you see that man with the mask? Can you please find a chaperone or Horatio or something?
Logan, himself, was not drawing a whole lot of attention to himself, but with his height and build, the absolutely beaming teacher stood out quite a bit.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Not right now. Later." She wanted to make small talk to pass the time, but what was she going to do? Ask who he had terrorized today?

Ugh. Maybe it wasn't too late to change her plan. After all the last one hadn't gone that well. Still, if she kept her emotions in check this might go better.

@Gummi Bunnies
James gave a grunt, seeing that she was possibly buying time before he left or something. He clearly didn't have much patience.

@Thuro Pendragon
"Well Ah'll be! Congratulations you two! Ah'm forgettin' long have you been together now?"

@BarrenThin @Josh M

Logan got very solemn at this. "She... er... well, she came along when Jason's mother died a few years ago." Logan cleared his throat. "We haven't been dating that long, but she's practically been a part of our family that whole time."

@Josh M
//ooc: Josh, I'm just gonna say the past is taken care of. lol. I already mentioned Minori got a dress from good will. So I'm just going to stay in the present now. :)

@Emperor of Gallifrey

Minori flinched when she heard Jason's voice, causing the drink she was holding to spill on her own coat. She blushed and shot Jasona a sheepish smile afterwards. "Y-You came. It's good to... see you. You look... uh..." Minori felt her tongue froze. She had meant to give Jason a compliment, but again nerves got in the way. She frowned, looking down at her now stained coat. "I-I guess I got clumsy..."
Adrian detected the masked man from amongst the crowd of students and teachers, Whom was with Umeko, He grew suspicious, He pointed towards the masked man. "You mean the boy talking to Umeko?"

@The Silver Paladin
@Whoever that masked man may be!

Aaron nodded. "Yes, him, go find Horatio. He's wearing an Orange sash over his tux. You can't miss him. I'll dance with Umeko, then we can trade." Aaron ran back into the crowd. "Sorry, Umeko. Sorry, James!" Aaron said smiling.

@Gummi Bunnies @TheBombMan @Atomyk
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Tom finally walked into the gym, alone. His date, Anouk, had stood him up. He took it well, though, thinking sometimes if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. He stood in the background, just watching from a distance and not wanting to draw any attention to himself.
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