Illusion Game II: School Daze

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Logan was trying very hard to remain calm. "Both of you be quiet, okay? This isn't the damn time. The food needs to be rationed equally. Not based off of cliques." His eyes met Damien's with a hard, disapproving look.

"We're the muscle!" Damien exclaimed. Hell, he even decided to flex for you, coach. Deanna stood off to the side, her eyes going wide in annoyance. "We need our strength up, and so do you guys! Cliques or not, that just makes sense, ya know?"

"E-Everyone!" Horatio yelled, running into the cafeteria. "We have an issue! It's a state of emergency! The big house has been breached! It's code red!"

@BarrenThin @FireDrake150
"We're the muscle!" Damien exclaimed. Hell, he even decided to flex for you, coach. Deanna stood off to the side, her eyes going wide in annoyance. "We need our strength up, and so do you guys! Cliques or not, that just makes sense, ya know?"

"E-Everyone!" Horatio yelled, running into the cafeteria. "We have an issue! It's a state of emergency! The big house has been breached! It's code red!"

@BarrenThin @FireDrake150

The gym teacher was about to tell Damien off when Horatio showed up. "Speak English, boy."

Scott looks at Horatio and approaches, setting a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, Take me to the source." While true he has nothing on, he was an instructor before the game began, so if anyone could help, he would be giving it a shot. "Breached by what exactly?"

The gym teacher was about to tell Damien off when Horatio showed up. "Speak English, boy."

"There's a--" The boy cut himself off as he realized everyone was staring at him. He let out a sigh and gestured for a select few to follow him. "You need to see this."

He would lead everyone to the gym, where Takuro is missing. Though, probably even more alarming was the fact that Jacky Robertson is lying dead on the gymnasium floor. Gasping, Jake ran over to the boy and rolled him over to get a look at his wounds. "Did anyone-- Did anyone see anyone?!"

@BarrenThin @FireDrake150 @The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan
Scott moves back to the door. He had no medical expertise, so all he could do was keep as many of the students from flooding into the gym as possible. "Nothing to see here, Move along, go feed yourselves." Standing in the way of the door, looking towards the body*

"There's a--" The boy cut himself off as he realized everyone was staring at him. He let out a sigh and gestured for a select few to follow him. "You need to see this."

He would lead everyone to the gym, where Takuro is missing. Though, probably even more alarming was the fact that Jacky Robertson is lying dead on the gymnasium floor. Gasping, Jake ran over to the boy and rolled him over to get a look at his wounds. "Did anyone-- Did anyone see anyone?!"

@BarrenThin @FireDrake150 @The Silver Paladin @TheBombMan

Logan came in, saw the corpse... And froze. He went to examine the body with Jake. "Jesus fucking Christ..." The teacher started to turn a little green.

Logan came in, saw the corpse... And froze. He went to examine the body with Jake. "Jesus fucking Christ..." The teacher started to turn a little green.

"A knife did this," the nurse quickly determined. He looked over the floor and found drops of blood leading back out into the Atrium.

Horatio hugged himself, looking like he was shivering. "The kitchen... there might have been knives in the cafeteria."

@BarrenThin @FireDrake150
"A knife did this," the nurse quickly determined. He looked over the floor and found drops of blood leading back out into the Atrium.

Horatio hugged himself, looking like he was shivering. "The kitchen... there might have been knives in the cafeteria."

@BarrenThin @FireDrake150

"Just keeps getting better." Logan went to check the kitchen, but not before standing up with his hands on his knees above a trash can, trying not to vomit. A kid had been murdered. After getting more control of himself, he really searched for the murder weapon.

Scott heads for the Atrium to look for more clues after attempting to block the doors, following the only clue he has.

"Just keeps getting better." Logan went to check the kitchen, but not before standing up with his hands on his knees above a trash can, trying not to vomit. A kid had been murdered. After getting more control of himself, he really searched for the murder weapon.

"Logan," Jake said softly as the man turned to leave. He shook his head, once the teacher was gone and stared down at Jacky. "... There's a freezer in the kitchen, but we can't put... put the body in there with everyone in the cafeteria. It'll cause a massive panic."

"W-What about the storage room," Horatio offered. Jake could only sigh.

"I'll think of something."
Scott heads for the Atrium to look for more clues after attempting to block the doors, following the only clue he has.

The trail of blood leads you to Classroom 110-3, which has the number 6 painted on it. You also notice the sheeting in the hallway to the left of this classroom displays a painted 4. The door to the Staff room displays a painted 5.

"Just keeps getting better." Logan went to check the kitchen, but not before standing up with his hands on his knees above a trash can, trying not to vomit. A kid had been murdered. After getting more control of himself, he really searched for the murder weapon.

Damien comes up to you once you enter the cafeteria. "Yo, Mr. Wilson, what was that about? What did the kid find?" He's noticed you look a little pale, and he's clearly concerned. Deanna comes up behind him and grabs his arm.

"Babe, come on. I'm cold."

Damien looks annoyed. "One second, De."

"Good job sticking out your chopstick for the other team," Anna said mockingly to Meira, "so smash their faces in. Put your action where your mouth is, Meira."


She then walked away and looked for Simon. Once she found him, she asked. "Where should we go from here?"

@Mighty Roman
As Anna approached him through the crowd, Simon hugged her, and then stepped back, sheepishly. 'Just...I'm so glad you're okay. We did the right thing. We made the right decision. We should check out some of the marked rooms, but first.'

Simon approached the table where Damien was standing. 'Hey, big guy! Who put you in charge? Who died and made you King?!

@Mari @Atomyk
"Logan," Jake said softly as the man turned to leave. He shook his head, once the teacher was gone and stared down at Jacky. "... There's a freezer in the kitchen, but we can't put... put the body in there with everyone in the cafeteria. It'll cause a massive panic."

"W-What about the storage room," Horatio offered. Jake could only sigh.

"I'll think of something."

The trail of blood leads you to Classroom 110-3, which has the number 6 painted on it. You also notice the sheeting in the hallway to the left of this classroom displays a painted 4. The door to the Staff room displays a painted 5.

Scott Sighs. "Well, Here we are. 4, 5, and 6." He turns back towards the Gym and calls out loudly. "ANY Staff still in the Gym, Come to the Atrium As Soon as Possible!!!!" He then starts to head for the Door to 110-3, the 6. The watch says 6, This door says 6, heh, the irony there will be if another 6 is beyond this door...."
Damien comes up to you once you enter the cafeteria. "Yo, Mr. Wilson, what was that about? What did the kid find?" He's noticed you look a little pale, and he's clearly concerned. Deanna comes up behind him and grabs his arm.

"Babe, come on. I'm cold."

Damien looks annoyed. "One second, De."


Logan looked at Damien quietly for a few seconds. Should he keep this to himself, or trust Damien with the information? He ended up trying to pull Damien away from Deanna. This wasn't something she needed to hear. In contrast, Damien and the rest of the team were the muscle. They needed to be in the know to help.

As Anna approached him through the crowd, Simon hugged her, and then stepped back, sheepishly. 'Just...I'm so glad you're okay. We did the right thing. We made the right decision. We should check out some of the marked rooms, but first.'

Simon approached the table where Damien was standing. 'Hey, big guy! Who put you in charge? Who died and made you King?!

@Mari @Atomyk
"I did," was all Damien had to say on the matter. He crossed his arms and didn't bother to look your way, still turned toward Mr. Wilson. Thomas decided to jump in once he saw the look on Damien's face.

"Look, I'm sorry about this," he said. While on the football team, Thomas was known to not quite get along with the other members. He was the only openly gay student on the team, after all. "I don't agree with Damien's methods, but someone did need to step up and ration the food."

@Mari @Mighty Roman
Scott Sighs. "Well, Here we are. 4, 5, and 6." He turns back towards the Gym and calls out loudly. "ANY Staff still in the Gym, Come to the Atrium As Soon as Possible!!!!" He then starts to head for the Door to 110-3, the 6. The watch says 6, This door says 6, heh, the irony there will be if another 6 is beyond this door...."
Standing before the number 6 door, your watch changed to read--


After having stored the body, Jake looked pale as he came up behind you. As he approached, you noticed your bracelet change slightly to read--


"What have you found?" Jake asked.

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Logan looked at Damien quietly for a few seconds. Should he keep this to himself, or trust Damien with the information? He ended up trying to pull Damien away from Deanna. This wasn't something she needed to hear. In contrast, Damien and the rest of the team were the muscle. They needed to be in the know to help.

Damien was eager to leave Deanna and the others for the moment, He just gave the girl a dismissive shake of his head as Logan pulled him away. She was clearly furious.

"... Is it bad?" the boy had to ask.

Damien was eager to leave Deanna and the others for the moment, He just gave the girl a dismissive shake of his head as Logan pulled him away. She was clearly furious.

"... Is it bad?" the boy had to ask.


"They found a kid cut up pretty badly. Very..." Logan turned a little more green at the thought. "... dead. You guys are going to have to watch out for the other cliques, okay? And don't tell anyone outside of people you cab trust. The last thing we need is a panic."

Scott turns to Jake. "3 doors, one a 4, one a 5, and one a 6. Also, it seems it says my quota is 2/6ths complete. What do you make of this? a Death? Quotas? BP?" He tries to open the app on his phone again, but it merely sings to him, once more. "and that. Somethings amiss here...."

"They found a kid cut up pretty badly. Very..." Logan turned a little more green at the thought. "... dead. You guys are going to have to watch out for the other cliques, okay? And don't tell anyone outside of people you cab trust. The last thing we need is a panic."

Damien blinked, staring at Logan for a moment before uttering, "Holy shit. Holy shit. Was it that guy? That guy who trapped us here?" Damien looked lost for a moment as he clasped his hands together. He looked behind himself to look at Deanna, who was giving him a glare from her position. "I'll only tell a few of the guys. I promise, coach." He turned back to face Logan, looking a lot less boastful than he did before. "I'm sorry about taking over the cafeteria, but I was just trying to help."

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