I Will Always Be There For You

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He grinned, "Yum Pizza! That dsounds amazing!" He hopped up to his feet, "Come on lets go!" He eads out the door amd hops into the drivers side of his car.
Casey laughed at his enthusiasm and swiftly joined him in the car. "Okay but since I chose the arcade, you're choosing the pizza place." She smirked. Casey-logic. Foolproof.
She knew what he would choose anyway. It was always a never ending battle between them because she always chose Little Caesar's and he always chose Domino's! They debate about it every time, but never reach a conclusion
He chuckled, "Alright fine." And woth that he drove off. He onew she thought he would pick Dominos. But this time he didnt. He chose Little Ceasars. He wouldnt tell her. She figured it all on her own when he parked in front of Little Ceasars.
He didn't argue with her, which was just as well because she wouldn't have backed down. He paid for a fun day at the arcade after all. If he was going to buy pizza, he should at least choose the pizza he wanted. Except he didn't. She huffed when they parked in front of Little Caesar's and punched his shoulder again. "Okay either you're being too nice to me, or you have realized the true deliciousness of Little Caesar's pizza and it's superiority over Dominoes and admit your defeat on the grand pizza argument."
He smirked at her not even pretending like it hurt, " There is no such thing as being too nice girly. Now come on and lets get some pizza." He unbuckled and jumped out of the car.
Casey sighed and followed him in, sniffing at the wonderful scent of pizza. "Actually there is. What if you happened to catch a lion's meal for it and it ate your head off? I think that would be too nice." She pointed out inside. He would know what she wanted
He couldnt help but laugh out loud at that, "Well I doubr that would ever happen. I dont ever see any lions running around here." And with that he ordered her pepperoni and sausage pizza while he got his cheese pizza. He never knew why but he always loved cheese pizza. As they were waiting one person who caught his attention. However he had to do a double take. It was Isbella, his ex . She was actually quit pretty. Long black curly hair, high cheekbones and bright blue eyes. He thinks 'Shit.' Casually looks away and casually tries blocking Case's view. Bella and him were together for quit some time. 9 months in fact.
Casey scoffed. She didn't actually mean that it would happen around here, it was just an example. He ordered and she once again wondered why Erin always got the plain cheese. It's just so boring! A ding front the doorway rang in the store and someone came in. Someone wearing heels. Someone that Erin apparently didn't want her to see. Casey turned anyway. Oh. Isabella. The gorgeous girl Erin had dated for so long that had always stole his time so she could hardly hang out with him. She'd been very lonely all those months and the worst part was when she threw it all away to date a guy in college. Slut.
Casey responded to his lion reply a little late when she saw Isabella. "I do." She snarled. That beautiful girl had always made her feel so insignificant and ugly and boring and terribly flat chested. But at least Casey wasn't rotten inside. Suddenly, Isabella caught Case glancing at her. Blue eyes turned cold even when she tapped Erin's shoulder with a perfect manicured nail. "Hey, Erin! Haven't seen you in awhile, what's up?" She used a sickeningly sweet voice that made it all too obvious to Casey that the girl was fake and a terrible person. She totally ignored Casey after all. And she was clearly standing with Erin,
As soon as he felt a tap on his shoulder he knew his attempt failed. He sighed and turned around to face her. He could see through her now desptie the sweet voicwe and kind eyes she was giving him. She had done so much damage to his relationship with Case. And she cheated on him with some college guy. "I'm fine." He said bitterly.
She giggled and twirled her hair with her finger, "Thats good I actually wanted to talk to you." She goes to touch his muscular arm but he jerks it away before she can, "About?" She looked at Case giving her a cold stare then looked back at Erin, "I actually need to talk to you alone." Before he could object he gets dragged into the janitors closet. She shut the door and wraps her arms around his neck, she pushed her body close to him and said in a sexy voice, "I missed you baby. I realized I messed up."
"Good for you." He said his voice still bitter. Unlike Terrance he didnt hit women. He simply just gently pushed he away and left walking back over to Case he went back to his smiling self so she wouldnt worry and graabed the pizzas paying for them, "Alright! Lets go!"
Casey reveled in the bitter tone Erin used with the witch she so despised. She was so glad he wasn't falling for her stupid sweet girl act anymore. Casey, who was invisible until Isabella glared at her, smirked when Erin kept her from touching him. She was sooo glad they were no longer a couple. But she wasn't glad that she could so suddenly whisk him away to a closet. Casey reached for her best friend's hand but Isabella was surprisingly swift in heels so Casey glared at the door. She wouldn't eavesdrop, buy she would have faith in her friend. He wouldnt let her manipulate him again. It was no longer than 8 seconds that the pair was in there and she sighed din relief when he replaced his smile and suggest they get out of there.
Casey nodded and hightailed it out of there with him. As soon as they were heading into the car, Casey spoke up. "What did she say?" She growled, hating the girl's guts with a passion
Once he got into the drivers side he explqined, "She tried winning me over again. Apparently it didnt work out with her and her college boyfriend. She basically tried seducing. That obviously didnt work. I see right through her now." He starts the car once she get in.
Casey narrowed her eyes when he said she tried seducing him. What a slut. Casey was very glad that he turned her down this time. She couldn't bear it if he got back with that bitch. "Good. Took you long enough." Case huffed, 9 months to be exact. How she held onto someone as amazing as Erin for so long she had no idea!
He actually pouted a little whih was rare for him and gently patted her hand, "Sorry I didnt realize it sooner." Then he put both hands on the wheel and started driving, "By the way I heard about the stuff she said to you while I wasnt around. Dont listen to her alright? You are actually prettier than her. She is just jealous." He said with a grin.
Casey sighed when he apologized and simply leaned back in he chair. She didn't want to talk about Isabella. She wasn't his problem anymore. Now that they were on their way to Erin's house, she had more important things to worry about. He reminded her of the cruel comments Isabella had made when she was with Erin. Like that one time she had knocked on Erin's door while she was there and he was in the bathroom. Casey went back to her house right beside his, crying that day. These days she felt doolisah for letting the girl get to her. Her eyes met Erin's with a puzzled look. "Don't lie. Of course she's prettier than me, that's why you dated her for so long. There's no way you were with her for her great personality."
He simply sighed, "She fooled me into thinking she had a great personality . Her looks were just another plus. But you definatly are much prettier inside and out." He smiled brightly. It took them like 10 minutes to get to his house. It was a nice 2 story house. Erin and her actually could climb up to the roof easily through his bedroom window. They went onto the roof quit a bit. Especially at night to look at the stars. He turned offhis car and hopped out.
How she had been so good at lying and tricking him into being with her for so long was beyond Casey. But whatever. It's over now. Permanently. So she just blushed and smiled shyly when he said she was prettier. She didn't understand it because she looked like a little girl without wearing much make up. She only wears powder. Eyeliner if she feels fancy one day. So she probably wouldnt agree with his opinion for a long time, but if that's what he really thought of her, no need to change it.

She followed him out of the car and smiled at the window they climb out of to watch the stars from. She missed those night so much when he had his various girlfriends. In order to keep him from thinking about Terrance, she brought up a question she had always been to nervous to ask. Afraid of the answer. "Hey Erin? Have you ever...taken one of your girlfriends up on the roof with you?" She asked, looking up at the window instead of at his eyes. She really hoped the answer was no. But she supposed it would make sense if he had tried to be romantic with them and made hearts out of the stars for them. Ew. Yeah Casey sticks to constellations
He stilll hasnt forgotten about asking her about the entire Terrance thing. He decided to wait a little bit li ger to ask about that. Suddenly she asked a question that made him give her a funny look, "What? Of course not. Thats our thing. I mean we have been doing that since I first moved here. " he realized that did kinda sound like they were together but hs tried to ignore that. He was orginally from scotland and moved here when he hit 2nd grade. He can speak scotish actually quit well. Every now and then he has a slip up and accidently says something in Scotish.
"Okay. Thanks." Casey smiled, relieved that he wouldn't share that with anyone else. She tried not to think about the fact that it made them look like a couple. He was like a brother to her...right? Maybe not. Yeah sure she has known him since he moved in second grade. She had always lived here. It washer dad that moved away not her. So she's known Erin for a really long time. She was the only one who actually knew for sure that his hair was bright red because it was natural, not because he died it, the white streaks were debatable, but the red's real. She knows because she used to make fun of it when. They were just kids. And back then, his accent was so heavy that she hardly remembered him even saying her name. Becuase he was always saying 'lass' instead. These days, the accent is very very subtle, but sometimes she catches him reverting to his roots. Sometimes it was really cool or cute. But other times it's because he's really mad. She didn't took forward to hearing him speak any Scottish if he was going to remember her boyfriend-er..ex boyfriend. Casey bhit her lip and followed him inside, wondering if his parents were home today. She could never remember their schedule.
He smiless as he walks inside with the pizzas. "No problem." He started to wonder if she was to be concidered a sister. He wasnt too sure . But he dodnt think abput it long. Once he got inside he set the pizza boxes on the table. Alright we can dig in now." Suddenly they heard a very familiar squeal. It was Julie, his 5 year old sister. She was quit adorable. She had long curly red hair and and the same green eyes as Erin. All in all you cpuld see the resemblance. As soon as he got two pieces of pizzas his little sister jumped into his arms, "Big brother! " he quickly caught her with one arm and set his pizzas down so he could hold her more correctly. "Hey girly."
She smiled big and hugged him "I missed you!" She looked at Casr e and grinned when she saw her, "Hey Case!"
Casey sat down first, pulling her pizza box out from under his. There was something about pizza that always seemed to make her able to eat large amounts of it. Every other food was eaten by Casey in small quantities, but pizza for some strange reason, was different. Before she could even open the box with the tantalizing scent however, Erin's adorable younger sister came in, red curls flying behind her before jumping into his arms. It made her wish she had siblings. Casey smiled at the sweet scene and figured one of his parents had to be around somewhere if Julie was here.

"Hey Jules!" She smiled brightly and took a bite of one of her pizza slices. "Want a bite?" She offered the freckled child sweetly
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