How to Train Your Dragon OOC and Sign-ups (Spoiler Warning)

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As far as I know he's going to accept us or reject us at some point today because his hand was hurting him last night or something like that
Insert She for he, and that's pretty much the gist. I was mauled by my fluffy kitty-cat. :( So it became really painful to type (or to even have my hand exist) yesterday.
Use your non dominant hand! When I broke my thumb I learned to be ambi when typing and I learned further ambi typing by well...using my phone to type, haha
@Raven, Not bad but for one thing. In your history you only listed out when you found your dragon. That's good and all, but there's other history there.

@Leo, Looks good. Accepted.

@Maddeline, I'm not sure what you mean by this: Communication as in language and talking or working with dragons?
After exploring more of Europe, she came across Vikings that taught her more advanced communication skills. [If this is okay] She now uses these skills to work as a more neutral bounty hunter, following the currency until she can afford a castle for her and her Bolt to retire.
Other than that, I'm not sure if having two Skrills which are more uncommon in Berk is a good thing. If GoodEveningClarice is okay with it, then I'm okay with it.
I edited her history let me know if I need to add any more or fix anything else.
How do we go about creating a new dragon species as others have in here?
I'm just curious. And no, communication with other humans was advanced by her meeting with Vikings.
@Archangel, I know you've sent me more stuff over PMs. Is your character finished? It looks like it to me, but the last I heard you said you were going to make a few edits.

How do we go about creating a new dragon species as others have in here?
As far as I know everyone just made them up. A few I had them depower them a little, but other than that basically everything came from them. I've really set no guidelines. (and so far it's worked OK)

I'm just curious. And no, communication with other humans was advanced by her meeting with Vikings.
That's Ok. So your character's accepted but I'm going to hold off for a bit on the dragon.
I'm editing the dragon now, since I can make one but it will have similar functions probably.


Created a new dragon, hopefully that fixes that problem.
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Oh good, I'm glad the Skrill thing got cleared up. When I saw that I was like "OH NO. THEY'RE GOING TO KILL EACH OTHER." since they're hyper territorial I couldn't seem them getting along.
It's fine! I personally don't care for the majority of the designs for the HTTYD dragons, with a few exceptions.
So, is there an estimated starting date now that we have so many peoplez? >.>
Next week, maybe Sunday if I get enough time. It'll also give Archangel and Shizuka time to let me know if they're still in it.
Cool, i think i should be on. I don't remember which weekend I'm going on vacation >.> but when I get told again I'll tell people if this will affect my posts
Ultimately, I cannot participate in this RP. T_T I'm sorry. I wish it the best of luck though.
I have an vacation that starts next weeks Sunday and ends Friday. So I'm not sure if I could still participate. If not I wish you all luck. The idea seems really fun.
Just because you can't start the rp, doesn't mean you can't join mid-way.

Usually, the site that I'm from anyway, starts at a given time. Those who want to rp in it can do so at any time. With this number of people I'd say that it would be possible, just have the others join in when they can.
Just because you can't start the rp, doesn't mean you can't join mid-way.

Usually, the site that I'm from anyway, starts at a given time. Those who want to rp in it can do so at any time. With this number of people I'd say that it would be possible, just have the others join in when they can.
I agree with Maddeline on this one. But that's the way you feel, okay I guess. :\
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Okay I'll try and join in then but I might should wait till I get back. So will see.
Did this role play idea die off? I've already started an entire role play and gotten 5-6 individuals on it and gotten two pages in and I made my character for this first xD
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