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Phil Connors

Phil was silent for a moment, considering Nono's offer to him and Six. He debated it aloud before he became lost in his thoughts . He knew there was death and injuries in each room, but there was something else. The last two times Lucas had cut them off from the rest of the group. Locked them in rooms. Like the Living Room and then the monitoring room. Small groups. Less than seven each time. " Lucas, what's the room quota for each of the three rooms?" He asked. He doubted the man would answer him, but it was worth a shot.

"Just open up to me, Troy. Please ju-"

The woman stopped as the group arrived.

"Troy? What's happening."

As the group watched the couple, a cold draft drifted through as a man arrived. The man slowly crept to them, eliciting a weird noise as a walked. When he spoke, he sounded like he was speaking forward and backward.


"You all have died... but are you awake?"

Billy still seemed confused, but he managed to catch something familiar about all this. "Die, huh...? Die... Didn't this woman... die?" Billy said and pointed to "Annette," who looked startled at the accusation.

"Die? Troy, what does he mean?"

The man named Troy was at a loss for words now.​

Continued from here.

Chapter Four
"Who's Your Daddy Now?"

At a time indeterminate...

"I had them!" cackled a woman. "I had them and they slipped away! They might be under the house!"

"I'm looking now, Marguerite." Wanda then spoke in a sing-song voice, as if she was being playful, "Jude! Makoto! Come out now!" Her words echoed throughout the backyard. "You two must be somewhere!"

Moving toward the porch, the witch heard moving coming from under the house. Wanda laughed as she bent down.

"You two are just like my boys. They too like to hide under the house!"

Fearing what Wanda would do if she saw them, Makoto began to squirm in an attempt to retreat deeper into the crawlspace under the house.

"Makoto!" Jude grabbed Makoto's arm. "Don't move." The boy stared back at him, eventually nodding. They waited, not breathing, waiting until Wanda's face appeared behind the wooden barrier on the edge of the crawl space under the house.


The two boys began to crawl, coughing as dirt and dust drifted into their faces. "We're not getting out of here," Makoto said, his voice tired. "There has to be somehow, someway... I can contact Kyoko!"

"Just move!"

The dust and dirt grew thick and Jude felt it form a physical hold around his leg. He cried out in surprised as he was dragged toward Wanda. Makoto made a grab for Jude's arm, but he was pulled out of Makoto's grasp. "Wanda--!" Makoto watched on in horror as Wanda ripped the wood aside to get to Jude.

"Oh, Jude. Why did you've to do this? You of all people. Why?" Once she pulled the boy out, he was tossed hard into a lawn ornament.

As Jude went flying, Makoto turned around and started crawling toward Wanda. "Wanda... I know this isn't you. I know you're trying to break free but you need to try harder. Don't give into despair... Please, I believe in you, Wanda!"

"Makoto. I am despair."

Suddenly, a light surrounded Jude. He disappeared without a trace. "Come out, Makoto. Now."

"... Wanda, I beg you..."

Makoto did as the Scarlet Witch commanded. He crawled out from under the house and stood before her. He stretched out his arms. "I'm right here, Wanda. I'm your friend. Don't you believe in me, too?"

Grabbing the boy the throat, Wanda tossed him across the lawn. "All I want is my family."

"B-But Wanda..." Makoto weakly stood to his feet. "I am your family... and Kyoko and..."

"When i rold you about Shane, about BOB, you thought I was crazy!" Wanda kicked the boy in the stomach as she yelled. "You, the Avengers, the Coalition, even my own twin. All of you have betrayed me. Why would I call you family?"

"I-It's not that I didn't believe you..." Makoto groaned, unsure if he should bother trying to get up again. "I just thought you needed help. You still do, Wanda."

Wanda stood over him as her hands started to glow.

"Just die."

"Wanda, don't!"


"Wanda..." A woman Wanda knew but Makoto didn't recognize had burst out of the trailer in the middle of the backyard. She stared Wanda down, holding a protective arm out toward Makoto. "Wanda, he's right, this isn't you! You know it. It's that damn girl..." The woman bit off a curse. "Look what you're makin' me damn do, Wanda! Just, please, I don't think you're as far gone as the others, I don't!"

Wanda seemed conflicted. She held her head and groaned. "Zoe, leave... Go!"

The woman, Zoe, took a few cautious steps back. She looked to Makoto. "Run, boy!" She took a few steps toward the trailer. "Wanda, get going. Go back in the damn house. Anything to spare this one!"

"Go... go!" Zoe made a run for it, seeking the safety of her trailer. Makoto got to his feet and made a run for it as well toward the forest. "Geeet out!" Wanda screamed, shooting out a light that shot toward Makoto. Before he could escape, he was enveloped by the light and he disappeared.

Wanda dropped to her knees. For now, she was all alone.

At a time in the present...

"Damn, shit... I won't even bother to ask if you're okay," Bullet said to Nancy, biting her lip as she examined the other girl's burned hand. She went to grab Nancy's gun before offering it back to her. "Guess it's no good to you for now, but it's still yours."

"I can help carry you again," Teddy offered.

With Daddy's corpse on fire, it was unwise to approach him to get a good look. Likewise, Noembelu's codex and her axes were as lost to the flames.

Daddy's axe was on the ground, having been dropped in the attack at some point.

"Someone's touchy," Lucas said to Leon. "You haven't caught on to how the gift works yet, have you? The family's only a part of her gift. Either way, my dad's not interfering for now, so it's time for y'all to get moving. Right when you get to the upper hall, there'll be a map under my dad's old football helmet. He loved that thing."

With the new area open to the group and Lucas ushering them forward, there was no reason to stay in the main hall, especially considering the stench of burning meat and death was permeating the area. Still, Shane was in no condition to move, considering he was still on the ground, sweating and squirming occasionally. Noot Noot stamped his foot whenever someone tried to move Shane, indicating the doctor penguin didn't think it was a good idea further.

"Is someone gonna stay with him?" Owen offered, not wanting to be the one. There was a silence in the air before someone spoke up.

"I can stay with him," Makoto said, entering the main hall from the monitoring room exit. "Better me than... someone more useful."

"I will stay with Shane as well. Besides, I'm an old woman. I'll only hold you all up."

"You both sure about this?" Captain America cautiously asked. Makoto nodded his assent.

Kyoko only sighed softly at the end of it all. So much blood had been shed in such a short amount of time... The evil that lurked here was certainly hungry for life to feed off of, be it the Dark Presence itself or something that lurked within it. She could only hope that there was a way to restore the lives that had been lost, but in a situation where all she could do was hope, there was little of it that she could feel at this present moment.

Life wasn't always that convenient, after all.



As Makoto and Agatha offered to stay behind with Shane, she looked at her so-called "husband" for a brief while, blinking once. To an extent, she almost pitied him. The Ultimate Lucky Student had his moments of ultimate unluck, it seemed, stemming as far back as the Coalition Civil War, and possibly even beyond. He always meant well... or so she believed, but the friction between intent and action was a loose one that caused even the best of people to slip up. Makoto Naegi had sinned, and there wasn't much evidence to argue the contrary with, that much was certain.

Waves of emotions she was not familiar with swam into each other, confusing the Ultimate Detective briefly, but... this was beyond all of them right now. So she could only say one thing.

"... Stay safe, Makoto."


"Okay. Let's move forward, everyone. The sooner, the better."

And with that, she turned her head away and moved to the front, leading everyone to the new area that Lucas had so generously unlocked for them all. At least no trap awaited them when they stepped into the next hall.

Beside the map was a vase full of the Wundagore Everbloom. The map indicated a few new areas on the upper floor. "There's the recreation room. Don't worry about grandma's room, it's closed off. Then there's the bathroom, and finally, you'll see another room labeled as the kid's room. That's mine an' my sister's old room. You fellas better not fuck up any of my trophies!"

At a time in the beyond...

"This isn't right... not at all!" Billy turned on Mrs. Altman and held a threatening hand out toward her.

"Billy!" Teddy cried. It was quite clear now he was a part of this illusion as well. "That's my mom!"

"She's not."

Mrs. Altman only smiled. "Why, Billy, first you cheat on my boy and then you threaten his mother. You have been very, very naughty. You seem to have caught on, so I really must wonder... did you think someone like me would disappear so easily?"

Teddy grabbed a hold of Billy, but Billy's eyes glowed blue and he tossed his boyfriend off of him with a magic blast. "Teddy, she's not your mom... she's that parasite... She's--" As Teddy got up and charged Billy once again, the young reality-bender shot off a beam of energy at Mrs. Altman, causing her to explode into a strange sort of goo. Teddy screamed and dropped to his knees, though that was not the end.

Mrs. Altman began to reform.


"Where do you think you are, young Billy? You and your friends, they've fallen so far. It is here where I sleep, don't you know?" The woman held out a hand toward Teddy. A strange substance shot out and began to consume him.

"You treat mother with disrespect."

"... Mother."

"Mother" extended her parasitic power to others, grabbing at many of the guests of the wedding. Billy and the Young Avengers seemed at a loss for what to do.


"Come now, can't we all get along?"

In a flash of lightning and raw power, Wanda appeared before Mother. "You dare invade this place? This was supposed to be something special for my son--!"

"How dare I? How could I not? Your actions caused this, Scarlet Witch. Your own fractured mind has created imperfect illusions. The slightest provocation causes them to topple like a tower of cards. I was called here, and I shall feast off the power of your boy. There is no meddling God of Mischief this time around. I will not lose again."

"Not while I breathe!" Wanda's eyes went bone white and fire danced around her. Mother looked unimpressed.

"Then perhaps you should cease to breathe."

Mother shot out her parasitic energy toward Wanda, but the Scarlet Witch retaliated with a battle cry. A white light exploded out from her, enveloping everyone. The group was tossed into the ether, where they fell, and fell, and fell...


A scene was forming.

In a suburban home, a door unlocked and a young woman stepped through with a key in hand. Shutting the door with her foot casually, she looked around the room.


"Troy? Where are you?"

The house was clean, it always was clean. The woman sighed loudly as she marched down the hall. "Troy, it's Annette, Where are you? Your car, it is still here."



Troy stood in an adjacent room, his arms crossed. He looked at Annette with a disappointed gaze. "Surprised I'm home?" he asked. "Does that interfere with any plans of yours?"

Taken a back by Troy's tone, the woman shook her head, clearly confused. "What plans? I was just letting you know I was home. I know how you hate being surprised." That last sentence hung in the air with a clear tone of slight bitterness.

"Yeah, I don't." He stared at her for a moment. "Don't sit down. I just want to know. Is there something you want to get off your chest?"

"What? No. You're treating me like I'm one of your students. What is this about?"

"Jesus, do you have to turn everything into something like that? You seem to have a problem so I'd very much like if you expressed it. It should be a nice surprise if I'm home early."

Troy looked away. "Or would you rather be talking to someone else?"

Annette's eye widened before narrowing. "Oh my God, you think I'm cheating on you. Is this about Logan being in my office this morning? He's just a friend."

"I'm supposed to be the good guy and believe that, I know." He sighed deeply and ran a hand through his hair. "I've worked with Logan for years. I know the man. I've seen the looks. Even if you might not realize it, Annette..."

"I thought you had OCD, now you also read mind?" Annette was all mixed up. She was sad, hurt, and angry. "Why can't you trust me, Troy? It's been almost three years. I've put up with all of your quirks and Why? Because I love you!"

"Excuse me?" Troy lifted his hands to make the gesture for air quotes. "You 'put up' with my quirks?"

She sighed. "God, I can not, Troy. What do I need to do to make you happy? Is my love not enough?"

"Annette! I--!" The man groaned. He closed his eyes and reached up to rub at his head, having a slight feeling that he and Annette were no longer alone. When he next opened his eyes, they were not in their home any longer, but inside a room surrounded by red curtains.


Standing nearby, watching them, was the group who had died. Billy was with them, the only carryover from the illusionary wedding. The man and woman known as Troy and Annette suddenly looked as if they were lost. They did not speak, only swayed in place.

"... What just happened?" Billy asked. He looked out of it himself.

Cast List
@Takumi as Amir Halgal [Otoyomegatari]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Arno Victor Dorian [Assassin's Creed]
@Kaykay as Beatrice Waltrud von Kircheisen [Dies Irae]
@Midnight Maiden as Belle French [Once Upon a Time]
@dalecOoOoOoOoOper as Dale Bartholomew Cooper [Twin Peaks]
@Gummi Bunnies as Kiyohime [Fate/Grand Order]
@ShiroKiyoshi as Klein Ullyr Green [OC]
@Ryu Keiko as Koriand'r [DC Comics]
@Verite as Kyoko Kirigiri [Danganronpa]
@Leon Moretti as Leon Moretti [OC]
@Bomb as Lola [Fairy Fencer F]
@dark as Marcus Wright [Terminator]
@Mason Moretti as Mason Travis Moretti [OC]
@Krieg as Nancy Wheeler [Stranger Things]
@Yun Lee as Noembelu [Street Fighter]
@Crow as Nono Morikubo [The Idolmaster]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Percival of the Round Table [Sonic and the Black Knight]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Phil Connors [Groundhog Day The Musical]
@ShiroKiyoshi as Rant T. Mouse [OC]
@Gands as Raven Darkholme [X-Men Cinematic Universe]
@York as Reiner Braun [Attack on Titan]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Rumpelstiltskin [Once Upon a Time]
@Minerva as Saeko Busujima [Highschool of the Dead]
@Otto as Shen [League of Legends]
@Glostechk as Six [Little Nightmares]
@Seishin Ryuu as Spartan-B312 [Halo]
@Jeremi as T'Challa [Marvel Comics]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Tekhartha Zenyatta [Overwatch]
@J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X as Teth Adam [DC Comics]
@The Batter as The Batter [OFF]
@thatguyinthestore as Toffee [Star vs the Forces of Evil]
If no one else had taken the axe, Adam would take it for himself, hefting the thing over his shoulder after inspecting it's weight and balance. Now with a deadly weapon for each range, Adam felt quiet ready for any oncoming threats. He headed out of the main hall, though he decided to not inspect any of the rooms this time around, figuring he had more than enough in terms of equipment. "Let's see them try me." He muttered, waiting idly for the rest to make progress.​

@Atomyk @Main Area peeps.
The lights in the kid's room went out, followed by all the light on the upper floor flickering off. A weird noise echoed throughout.


The lights flashed on as a man walked out of nowhere. He looked familiar.


The man seemed nonplussed as he walked into the kid's room unannounced. He stopped before those gathered.

"Lucas, I am not happy. Neither is she."

The man waited, glancing at Kyoko, Leon, and Nono. His voice boomed, malice and dread dripping with every word he spoke.

"This need to finish, Lucas. So I will be watching. Is that understood?"

Lucas was silent.

@Atomyk @Verite @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom
The lights in the kid's room went out, followed by all the light on the upper floor flickering off. A weird noise echoed throughout.


The lights flashed on as a man walked out of nowhere. He looked familiar.


The man seemed nonplussed as he walked into the kid's room unannounced. He stopped before those gathered.

"Lucas, I am not happy. Neither is she."

The man waited, glancing at Kyoko, Leon, and Nono. His voice boomed, malice and dread dripping with every word he spoke.

"This need to finish, Lucas. So I will be watching. Is that understood?"

Lucas was silent.​


Kyoko blinked when the strange man seemed to appear out of nowhere shortly after they walked into the Kid's Room, addressing Lucas directly as though he were in this very room. She couldn't make heads or tails of who he was supposed to be, or what exactly he wanted. It seemed that he obviously disapproved of Lucas's actions, but Kyoko still wasn't exactly comfortable saying that he was on everyone else's side.

No, he felt larger than that.

"You... " Kyoko spoke, addressing the man, "Who are you?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom
The lights in the kid's room went out, followed by all the light on the upper floor flickering off. A weird noise echoed throughout.


The lights flashed on as a man walked out of nowhere. He looked familiar.


The man seemed nonplussed as he walked into the kid's room unannounced. He stopped before those gathered.

"Lucas, I am not happy. Neither is she."

The man waited, glancing at Kyoko, Leon, and Nono. His voice boomed, malice and dread dripping with every word he spoke.

"This need to finish, Lucas. So I will be watching. Is that understood?"

Lucas was silent.

@Atomyk @Verite @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom



Kyoko blinked when the strange man seemed to appear out of nowhere shortly after they walked into the Kid's Room, addressing Lucas directly as though he were in this very room. She couldn't make heads or tails of who he was supposed to be, or what exactly he wanted. It seemed that he obviously disapproved of Lucas's actions, but Kyoko still wasn't exactly comfortable saying that he was on everyone else's side.

No, he felt larger than that.

"You... " Kyoko spoke, addressing the man, "Who are you?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom

When the lights flickered off, Leon pulled out his knife on instinct. Noticing the man that appeared out of nowhere, along with Lucas' silence, there was one one possibility he could think of.

"Would you have to be this 'Dad' person that Lucas mentioned?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Verite @kidsroom
The lights in the kid's room went out, followed by all the light on the upper floor flickering off. A weird noise echoed throughout.


The lights flashed on as a man walked out of nowhere. He looked familiar.


The man seemed nonplussed as he walked into the kid's room unannounced. He stopped before those gathered.

"Lucas, I am not happy. Neither is she."

The man waited, glancing at Kyoko, Leon, and Nono. His voice boomed, malice and dread dripping with every word he spoke.

"This need to finish, Lucas. So I will be watching. Is that understood?"

Lucas was silent.

@Atomyk @Verite @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom



Kyoko blinked when the strange man seemed to appear out of nowhere shortly after they walked into the Kid's Room, addressing Lucas directly as though he were in this very room. She couldn't make heads or tails of who he was supposed to be, or what exactly he wanted. It seemed that he obviously disapproved of Lucas's actions, but Kyoko still wasn't exactly comfortable saying that he was on everyone else's side.

No, he felt larger than that.

"You... " Kyoko spoke, addressing the man, "Who are you?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom
When the lights flickered off, Leon pulled out his knife on instinct. Noticing the man that appeared out of nowhere, along with Lucas' silence, there was one one possibility he could think of.

"Would you have to be this 'Dad' person that Lucas mentioned?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Verite @kidsroom

Nono squeals as the light flickers.

Nono brings Kyoko and Leon closer to her as she started to whisper.

"I think I saw his face among our group... and I think he..."

Nono made a throat-slitting gesture, indicative of death.

"... maybe it's one of those doppelgengars. They say there are at least 8 people on Earth that look exactly like you, not including identical twins. That has to be the case, r- right?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Verite @Leon Moretti @kidsroom​
When the lights flickered off, Leon pulled out his knife on instinct. Noticing the man that appeared out of nowhere, along with Lucas' silence, there was one one possibility he could think of.

"Would you have to be this 'Dad' person that Lucas mentioned?"
Nono squeals as the light flickers.

Nono brings Kyoko and Leon closer to her as she started to whisper.

"I think I saw his face among our group... and I think he..."

Nono made a throat-slitting gesture, indicative of death.

"... maybe it's one of those doppelgengars. They say there are at least 8 people on Earth that look exactly like you, not including identical twins."

"Don't be absurd. As an Ultimate Detective, I'd wager that Dad was... the person who Lucas called Dad repeatedly, as in, the man we just fought earlier," Kyoko said somewhat dryly to Leon, stepping in front of him as though intending to let herself do all the talking, letting Nono scurried behind her.

The young idol's words were certainly something, but for some reason, the young woman doubted that the man would suddenly up and attack them out of the blue.

@Leon Moretti @Crow @Atomyk @Josh M
Last edited:
"Just open up to me, Troy. Please ju-"

The woman stopped as the group arrived.

"Troy? What's happening."

As the group watched the couple, a cold draft drifted through as a man arrived. The man slowly crept to them, eliciting a weird noise as a walked. When he spoke, he sounded like he was speaking forward and backward.


"You all have died... but are you awake?"

Billy still seemed confused, but he managed to catch something familiar about all this. "Die, huh...? Die... Didn't this woman... die?" Billy said and pointed to "Annette," who looked startled at the accusation.

"Die? Troy, what does he mean?"

The man named Troy was at a loss for words now.​

"As awake as a dead man can be," T'Challa responded to the bearded man. "Who are you and what is this place we now find ourselves in?" This entire place just felt...wrong.​

@Atomyk @Takumi @Minerva @Josh M @Jeremi @York @Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Afterlife
@Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Takumi @Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife

Could nothing be normal? Noembelu had no idea what just happened, but she really had no desire for context. What she did desire, however, was to check on someone here.

"Amir..." She made her way to her...friend? Were they friends? She didn't really know. In fact...she didn't know what to say. What exactly could she say? Well, a lot of things-how are you, Six is all right, I'm glad to see you, despite the circumstances...but at the moment her mind was drawing a blank.​

Well... That happened. Saeko could just not live a normal life after the apocalypse, could she? As the wedding fell away, so did her kimono. It faded away, and as the Red Room came into being, she was back in her normal school uniform. She was quiet as this all occurred.

She saw Noembelu rise and go to Amir. She also made her way over.


The illusion had been broken, but that at the end did very little to get them out of a dangerous situation. Divine intervention however made that they managed to escape from the domain of this "Mother" and fall to some place...new.

"Another place between spaces?" T'Challa said aloud to no one in particular. The concept of Limbo was not a foreign concept to the king...but he wasn't certain that if could be applied to this place just yet.​

@Atomyk @Takumi @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife

"Noembelu?!" Amir was surprised to see her here. On top of the confusion of everything that had happened, she wasn't quite sure what to say exactly.

"When did you... how...oh gods is Six still alright?" she asked, when Saeko walked over, she glanced between the Japanese studen and the Native in a flustered and speechless manner before taking a deep breath to try and calm down a bit.

"What happened before you died?" she asked after a moment of quiet had passed.

@Atomyk @Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Afterlife

"Just open up to me, Troy. Please ju-"

The woman stopped as the group arrived.

"Troy? What's happening."

As the group watched the couple, a cold draft drifted through as a man arrived. The man slowly crept to them, eliciting a weird noise as a walked. When he spoke, he sounded like he was speaking forward and backward.


"You all have died... but are you awake?"

Billy still seemed confused, but he managed to catch something familiar about all this. "Die, huh...? Die... Didn't this woman... die?" Billy said and pointed to "Annette," who looked startled at the accusation.

"Die? Troy, what does he mean?"

The man named Troy was at a loss for words now.​

@Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Takumi@Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife

Noembelu ignored the strange little fellow, too ashamed to really care about anything else. "Daddy attacked," she told Amir. "He was on fire, burning everything. I made a wrong move, and got burned, but I took him with me." She couldn't speak a moment. "...I'm sorry. Six is okay. She's with Kyoko."

Mason chose to stand next to Amir, along with Saeko and Noemblu. He felt a bit more safe and comfortable with Amir, and felt a sort of friendship between them after his emotional talk earlier.

However, the strange man in a suit, however, made him feel much less comfortable. Not only that, he was downright annoyed. "I hate these kind of puzzles. Well, we're up and walking, so I think we are awake, unless you're talking about intellectually. We don't know what's going on, so I assume we're asleep. There, I answered your question both ways. Now, please tell us what's going on."

@Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Takumi@Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife​


Kyoko blinked when the strange man seemed to appear out of nowhere shortly after they walked into the Kid's Room, addressing Lucas directly as though he were in this very room. She couldn't make heads or tails of who he was supposed to be, or what exactly he wanted. It seemed that he obviously disapproved of Lucas's actions, but Kyoko still wasn't exactly comfortable saying that he was on everyone else's side.

No, he felt larger than that.

"You... " Kyoko spoke, addressing the man, "Who are you?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Leon Moretti @KidsRoom

When the lights flickered off, Leon pulled out his knife on instinct. Noticing the man that appeared out of nowhere, along with Lucas' silence, there was one one possibility he could think of.

"Would you have to be this 'Dad' person that Lucas mentioned?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Verite @kidsroom

Nono squeals as the light flickers.

Nono brings Kyoko and Leon closer to her as she started to whisper.

"I think I saw his face among our group... and I think he..."

Nono made a throat-slitting gesture, indicative of death.

"... maybe it's one of those doppelgengars. They say there are at least 8 people on Earth that look exactly like you, not including identical twins. That has to be the case, r- right?"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Crow @Verite @Leon Moretti @kidsroom​


"Don't be absurd. As an Ultimate Detective, I'd wager that Dad was... the person who Lucas called Dad repeatedly, as in, the man we just fought earlier," Kyoko said somewhat dryly to Leon, stepping in front of him as though intending to let herself do all the talking, letting Nono scurried behind her.

The young idol's words were certainly something, but for some reason, the young woman doubted that the man would suddenly up and attack them out of the blue.

@Leon Moretti @Crow @Atomyk @Josh M
The man glanced over at the three as they talked about him. His eyes met with the detective. The man kept glaring into her eyes like he was looking into her soul.

"I am Agent Dale Cooper. However, if you'd like my... business associates call me Mr. C."

While he did look like the original Cooper that was a part of the group, clearly something was different.

"Tell me, Detective, what are you thinking about?"

@Verite @Crow @Leon Moretti @Atomyk
"As awake as a dead man can be," T'Challa responded to the bearded man. "Who are you and what is this place we now find ourselves in?" This entire place just felt...wrong.​

@Atomyk @Takumi @Minerva @Josh M @Jeremi @York @Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Afterlife
The one armed man paced around the king before stopping and responding.

"My name is MIKE. You are in a waiting room. It's not time to return yet. I must prepare."

Suddenly, with a blink, he was gone. For the time being, they were hostless.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @York @Minerva @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Gands @Takumi @Mason Moretti
The man glanced over at the three as they talked about him. His eyes met with the detective. The man kept glaring into her eyes like he was looking into her soul.

"I am Agent Dale Cooper. However, if you'd like my... business associates call me Mr. C."

While he did look like the original Cooper that was a part of the group, clearly something was different.

"Tell me, Detective, what are you thinking about?"

@Verite @Crow @Leon Moretti @Atomyk

The one armed man paced around the king before stopping and responding.

"My name is MIKE. You are in a waiting room. It's not time to return yet. I must prepare."

Suddenly, with a blink, he was gone. For the time being, they were hostless.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @York @Minerva @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Gands @Takumi @Mason Moretti

The implication that they still had business to take care of before their return had T'Challa intrigued. "It appears that our quest is only beginning in this, waiting room." He however didn't plan to sit around and wait, T'Challa was going to act.​

Mason chose to stand next to Amir, along with Saeko and Noemblu. He felt a bit more safe and comfortable with Amir, and felt a sort of friendship between them after his emotional talk earlier.

However, the strange man in a suit, however, made him feel much less comfortable. Not only that, he was downright annoyed. "I hate these kind of puzzles. Well, we're up and walking, so I think we are awake, unless you're talking about intellectually. We don't know what's going on, so I assume we're asleep. There, I answered your question both ways. Now, please tell us what's going on."

@Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Takumi@Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife​

"Perhaps MIKE did not mean us," T'Challa responded before taking a closer look at the couple that had arrived here with them. That woman...wasn't she the one that had been on of the first casualties of the house? "Josephine." He recalled her name from the banquet. "Josephine do you recognize us? We met briefly at the mansion. Are you alright?"​

@Josh M @Minerva @Mason Moretti @York @Takumi@Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife

Seeing as how no one was heading towards the recreation room, Cap decided to do just that. He didn't want anyone else to get hurt due to his actions inside the house so going at it alone was to him right now the best course of action.​
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"I got a feelin' you want to game the system," Lucas said to Phil. "Y'all gonna be chickenshits and not choose a room? My dad ain't even the only one wanderin' around. Besides, you really think I'd allow no one to play? You need the prizes within the rooms, or you'll never get out alive. Funny how that works."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @dark @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Otto @Glostechk @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @UpperFloorHall

"I'll join you," Bullet said, following Nancy to the bathroom. She'd been up here before, but only the kid's room had been unlocked then, for whatever reason. In any case, she didn't need to see it again.

The bathroom looked normal at first glance.


"... The hell...?" Bullet said, expecting far more.

@Krieg @Bathroom

"What are you talking about?" Troy asked. "Her name is Annette, and she's my..." He paused, looking down at his hands, which were bear of rings. "We're not married...?"

@Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Takumi @Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife
Phil Connors

"I figured as much, but knowing how you play the games so far, each room has some sort of trap before we get a prize. And see, your last two traps left me nearly dead. As much fun as it would be to play whatever games you have, unless you can reassure me I won't die by something, I'm not moving unless something does come. Then I'll fight it. As I said before, I'm on death's door and I rather not meet it any time soon. If I knew why the others were staying.... well, I would tell you."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @dark @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Otto @Glostechk @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @UpperFloorHall[/COLOR]
The man glanced over at the three as they talked about him. His eyes met with the detective. The man kept glaring into her eyes like he was looking into her soul.

"I am Agent Dale Cooper. However, if you'd like my... business associates call me Mr. C."

While he did look like the original Cooper that was a part of the group, clearly something was different.

"Tell me, Detective, what are you thinking about?"

Kyoko remained silent, meeting the gaze of "Dale Cooper." While she might have been unnerved any other day of the week, Kyoko was almost numb at this point to the uneasy horrors within this madhouse. So she gazed back at him, baring her entire soul to him if he wanted so badly to look at the whole thing, for she was an open book with nothing to hide. All her fears, all her hopes, he could look at it all if he so desired.

But her thoughts? Well...

There was only one thing that dominated her thoughts. One naive boy who often fell, only to get back up, only to fall again, only to rise once more, like an endless cycle. The kind of boy who was just good enough of a person to be crushed under the weight of being unable to become a better person. He was all she could think of, because he was the only one who could drive her as crazy as he did.

But what to say to the man instead...

"What am I thinking about, you ask? I'm just thinking about getting out of here along with everyone else," she said curtly with a furrowed brow, "And might I ask what you're thinking about, then?"

@Crow @Josh M @Leon Moretti @Atomyk @KidsRoom
"I got a feelin' you want to game the system," Lucas said to Phil. "Y'all gonna be chickenshits and not choose a room? My dad ain't even the only one wanderin' around. Besides, you really think I'd allow no one to play? You need the prizes within the rooms, or you'll never get out alive. Funny how that works."

@Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @dark @ShiroKiyoshi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Otto @Glostechk @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @LuckycoolHawk9 @UpperFloorHall

"I'll join you," Bullet said, following Nancy to the bathroom. She'd been up here before, but only the kid's room had been unlocked then, for whatever reason. In any case, she didn't need to see it again.

The bathroom looked normal at first glance.


"... The hell...?" Bullet said, expecting far more.

@Krieg @Bathroom

"What are you talking about?" Troy asked. "Her name is Annette, and she's my..." He paused, looking down at his hands, which were bear of rings. "We're not married...?"

@Josh M @Minerva @Jeremi @York @Takumi @Gands @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Mason Moretti @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Yun Lee @Afterlife

Behind the two came the silent Klein, who was only so because he was trying to decipher how a man could withstand so much damage. He instinctively followed the sounds of footsteps after the fight and ended up in the bathroom when he paused as he smelled blood. He cocked his head and his shadow searched the bathroom as Klein surveyed the area. However, the child version of himself had noticed the injury Nancy had first. It tugged on Klein and pointed repeatedly at her leg before he shooed it away. "You should get that fixed up." Klein said as he stepped into the bathroom and started running the bath water.

@Atomyk @Krieg @Bathroom
The orthodox nature of the bathroom, which, ironically enough was unorthodox, did not concern Nancy in the slightest.

In fact, if anything, it drove the proper, suburbia girl further into her delusion. A delusion that, held truth once, but now was a mirage. Throwing her hands further at the bathroom mirror, the Wheeler let out an uneasy breath, fog staining the refined glass before her. Gripping the sides of the mirror, she softly butted her head against the glass.

"I-I have to go back, I came through a mirror. Yeah? It'll take me back, Barbara isn't here, Barbara isn't here..." Nancy kept murmuring and claiming to herself, shaking the sides of the mirror as if wanting it to produce some magical force. Presumably, to her dismay, producing another rip in space-and-time would not be conjured by the shaking of glass and wood. Her hands hissed with pain, but the Wheeler couldn't care- she had to go back.

Inside out, upside down- back from where she started

@Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @bathroom bois
The orthodox nature of the bathroom, which, ironically enough was unorthodox, did not concern Nancy in the slightest.

In fact, if anything, it drove the proper, suburbia girl further into her delusion. A delusion that, held truth once, but now was a mirage. Throwing her hands further at the bathroom mirror, the Wheeler let out an uneasy breath, fog staining the refined glass before her. Gripping the sides of the mirror, she softly butted her head against the glass.

"I-I have to go back, I came through a mirror. Yeah? It'll take me back, Barbara isn't here, Barbara isn't here..." Nancy kept murmuring and claiming to herself, shaking the sides of the mirror as if wanting it to produce some magical force. Presumably, to her dismay, producing another rip in space-and-time would not be conjured by the shaking of glass and wood. Her hands hissed with pain, but the Wheeler couldn't care- she had to go back.

Inside out, upside down- back from where she started

@Atomyk @ShiroKiyoshi @bathroom bois
"She's gone mad..." Klein's inner demon muttered. His childlike self climbed on its head and hummed a tune as it made a comment. "But, we're all a little mad on the inside!" He shouted with joy as he continued his tune. Klein listened as the two made their speculations on the girl and shortly turned around to confirm them.

"Shut up." Klein ordered his demons as he observed the girl with his eyes rather than just his ears. She was slumped over the mirror, practically trying to tear the mirror from the wall in hopes that it would do something significant, although he did not know what. She had gone quite made with fear. So, he walked over, quietly, like an assassin would, and slowly grabbed her arms to stop her from breaking the thing.

"I know what it is like to be in pain, I know what fear of death is, but I also know how to confront it. I can feel some of what you are feeling." Klein said as he tried to turn her to face him, at which point he would release her, and gently turn her face to him. Scars would line the arm that he used as the sleeve fell down it and his finger-less glove did little to hide what was on the palm of his hand. "I don't think breaking your way out is the best option and besides, I will keep you alive." Klein then turned to Bullet. "Both of you." He then went to go clean his blades in the tub. Hopefully, it had run.

His shadow had disappeared with this act of kindness, but his childlike self had decided to have fun in the tub and hopped in. "Wow, you didn't kill her! That's impressive." Klein looked to it and rolled his eyes before continuing his task. "She's still a child. Such bloodshed isn't for them. They should still very much fear the dark."

@Atomyk @Krieg @bathroom
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