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Phil Connors

" I guess I will go second, I hope that there isn't a trap activated after one person steps on something. That would be really annoying. If you insist on going last, I think I will go second, you will be behind me, correct Saeko?"
He asked, feeling better if she was.

@Otto @Atomyk @Minerva @thatguyinthestore
"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

Cap decided to go with Bullet through the right door. "I don't like this one bit..." He mused aloud but there really wasn't anything else he could say. If they wanted to get out of here they had to play these sick games.

Cap just hoped no one would die this time.

@Atomyk @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Neither do I, do be careful Mister." He tells Cap't as he heads towards the middle, looking at Mason. "Coming along, little brother?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Of course... big brother," Mason said. Seeing as they hadn't found a way to make a proper splint, Mason instead uses the blazer as a makeshift sheath for the bokken, giving him one free hand when walking. With one hand free, Mason grabbed Leon's hand and dragged him over to the left door.

"See you on the other side, Bullet, Captain. No dying on us, got it?" Mason contemplated eating another petal now, anticipating another murder by Lucas's vile traps. He held close to Leon.
@Atomyk @Jeremi @Krieg @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti
Makoto was startled straight into shock. The second slap sent him stumbling backward a step so that he crashed into the dresser, knocking over a framed photo. He looked away, not meeting Kyoko's gaze, even as she grabbed him and pushed him harder up against the dresser.



The boy had no words. This was his wife, and she had never raised a hand to him before, not in their whole lives as a couple. The action alone had shattered him, let alone the look of hate he could just barely see out of the corner of his eye. He said nothing. He couldn't say anything.

Noembelu could see a few interesting items around the room. There appeared to be a secret passage under the bed, but it was bolted in place and the space too small for anyone to squeeze under. By the bed were a stopped clock, a fork, and a globe. On the western wall, there were three marks above a closed book where paintings looked like they should be. By these was a second locked door, but this one had a strange padlock. A cabinet nearby was locked.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

The light revealed a stone floor that looked wet and dirty, but nothing immediately dangerous. Faint sounds could be heard. When Shen followed through, nothing immediately attacked him, though he saw a grim sight... Half of the room was divided by a metal fence. This fence kept Shen and the others safe from three monsters on the other side.


The monsters slammed against the fence in vain.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

Dice appeared on Adam's codex screen, showing a six.


"Now, step six squares ahead..." Passing over an orange square, a red square, a green square, a yellow square, and then another orange square, Adam would land on a red square. "Owch," Lucas said. "That's a hit!" A panel in the wall opened to reveal a set of deer antlers that popped out of the wall and gave Adam a good whack. His codex beeped but stayed green.

Reiner went next, landing on a five.


He landed on an orange square.

"Oh, question time! I hope you know tiny, insignificant facts." Lucas cleared his throat. "What word can you make up using the symbols for the elements carbon, potassium, oxygen, and sulphur? You do know the elements, right?" Perhaps Reiner was not the best person for this question.

When the Batter went, his number turned out to be three.


He landed on a green square, where Lucas played a recording of a crowd cheering. "That's health!" The Batter still remained yellow, as he was at 3 HP still.

Counting ahead, the group would see there were twenty-four spaces in total across the room.

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

On the left were Mason, Leon, and Shane. On the right were Bullet, Captain America, and Nancy. Both doors opened and allowed each group to pass through. The doors closed shut behind them and both groups were faced with a short hall with a door at the end of it.

"You folks ever play... Battle Ship?"

On one wall of each hallway was a touch screen monitor. It looked as if Lucas had modified tablets to make this up. On each screen was a board where the top was labeled A through E and the side was labeled 1 through 5. Seven squares were darkened on each screen, representing three ships.

"When it's your turn, you'll press on a square to shoot at the other players' ships! I've went ahead and chosen your ships for ya, so go hog wild. The winners get an advantage in the next challenge! Don't think about not playing, believe me."

"Jesus christ," Bullet whispered under her breathe.

It seemed that for now, it as Shane, Mason, and Leon's turn first. They could choose any square on the grid, such as A1, or C3, or D5.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement
The book would not open. A wire connected to the book that went into the wall. It opened electronically somehow.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom
@Atomyk @Verite @Crow

Weird...maybe those missing pictures had something to do with it? Noembelu would sneak past the lover's quarrel going on and get a look at the framed photo Makoto knocked over.​
Phil Connors

Phil looked up at Lucas. " So what's the catch, Lucas? Are we going to have to fight those monsters? Is the fence coming down?" He asked, feeling totally fucked. Maybe he would have had better luck anywhere else but this room. He groaned, hoping it was a 3x3 thing.

@Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Otto
The light revealed a stone floor that looked wet and dirty, but nothing immediately dangerous. Faint sounds could be heard. When Shen followed through, nothing immediately attacked him, though he saw a grim sight... Half of the room was divided by a metal fence. This fence kept Shen and the others safe from three monsters on the other side.


The monsters slammed against the fence in vain.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

"That...doesn't sound very safe. How is it down there?" Beatrice called down, apparently having joined the group in the Monitoring Room at some point. She could hear the sound of something slamming into a fence, but at least there weren't any sounds of fighting so all seemed well. As well as things got in this house, anyway.

@Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom​
Makoto paid Noembelu no attention as she examined the photo. It seemed to be a picture of "Daddy," though he looked a lot different dressed up in military gear. Writing on the photo read, "Jack, Military."

It was about the right size for one of the marks on the wall.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

"Not yeeeet... Turn around."

On a table behind the group were about ten syringes. "I think it's time to close up shop on this one," Lucas said, locking the door behind Beatrice. A mist was then poured into the room that smelled vaguely of chemicals but didn't seem to irritate or annoy.

"That room probably smells like shit, don't it? See, I got those beauties across from you so you can observe them. I want you to know a secret... those are people. People who have received the gift. They weren't always like that, but now things are lookin' up for them. Things can look up for you guys as well soon enough."

There was the creaking of a chair as if Lucas was leaning back. "Y'see, I just gave you guys the gift. It's in the mist. It'll transform you eventually and soon you'll be one of them, bangin' against the fence. I hope you've lived a good life, fellas, 'cause it's only about to get better."

Lucas waited a long moment. "... That is, if you don't take one of the syringes. Turns out the gift can be reversed. Not sure why you'd want to do that, really, but it's an option. In each of those syringes is an 'antidote' that will cure you and make the mist not affect ya at all! It seems pretty obvious what ya should do if you don't want the gift..."

"... Or was that a lie? There certainly is the possibility that I was lyin'. I don't do it often but I coulda done it there. To be honest, maybe those syringes contain the gift itself. Taking them would put you where you, presumably, don't want to be! Friends, I think I've gone and confused myself here. I wonder what y'all should do, huh?"

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @Kaykay @MonitoringRoom
Phil Connors

The possibility raced through Phil's mind when he realized something. The solution was right in front of them.... and he knew how to do this. " If Lucas is telling the truth about the mist being the gift, then those things shouldn't change. They have already been turned. So in theory, there are five of us, ten syringes. What it could be is that all of them have the 'gift', half of them have the 'gift and half have the cure. Or he could be lying entirely. So, we should observe them and see what it does. If the syringe has the cure, then perhaps one of us can stab one of them to see if it cures them," he said, looking at the syringe, taking one, but not injecting it into himself, and observed the monsters to see if they were cured by the mist, occasionally checking himself for any changes.

@Minerva @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Otto @Kaykay @Montoiring Room
Makoto was startled straight into shock. The second slap sent him stumbling backward a step so that he crashed into the dresser, knocking over a framed photo. He looked away, not meeting Kyoko's gaze, even as she grabbed him and pushed him harder up against the dresser.



The boy had no words. This was his wife, and she had never raised a hand to him before, not in their whole lives as a couple. The action alone had shattered him, let alone the look of hate he could just barely see out of the corner of his eye. He said nothing. He couldn't say anything.

Noembelu could see a few interesting items around the room. There appeared to be a secret passage under the bed, but it was bolted in place and the space too small for anyone to squeeze under. By the bed were a stopped clock, a fork, and a globe. On the western wall, there were three marks above a closed book where paintings looked like they should be. By these was a second locked door, but this one had a strange padlock. A cabinet nearby was locked.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

The light revealed a stone floor that looked wet and dirty, but nothing immediately dangerous. Faint sounds could be heard. When Shen followed through, nothing immediately attacked him, though he saw a grim sight... Half of the room was divided by a metal fence. This fence kept Shen and the others safe from three monsters on the other side.


The monsters slammed against the fence in vain.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

Dice appeared on Adam's codex screen, showing a six.


"Now, step six squares ahead..." Passing over an orange square, a red square, a green square, a yellow square, and then another orange square, Adam would land on a red square. "Owch," Lucas said. "That's a hit!" A panel in the wall opened to reveal a set of deer antlers that popped out of the wall and gave Adam a good whack. His codex beeped but stayed green.

Reiner went next, landing on a five.


He landed on an orange square.

"Oh, question time! I hope you know tiny, insignificant facts." Lucas cleared his throat. "What word can you make up using the symbols for the elements carbon, potassium, oxygen, and sulphur? You do know the elements, right?" Perhaps Reiner was not the best person for this question.

When the Batter went, his number turned out to be three.


He landed on a green square, where Lucas played a recording of a crowd cheering. "That's health!" The Batter still remained yellow, as he was at 3 HP still.

Counting ahead, the group would see there were twenty-four spaces in total across the room.

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

On the left were Mason, Leon, and Shane. On the right were Bullet, Captain America, and Nancy. Both doors opened and allowed each group to pass through. The doors closed shut behind them and both groups were faced with a short hall with a door at the end of it.

"You folks ever play... Battle Ship?"

On one wall of each hallway was a touch screen monitor. It looked as if Lucas had modified tablets to make this up. On each screen was a board where the top was labeled A through E and the side was labeled 1 through 5. Seven squares were darkened on each screen, representing three ships.

"When it's your turn, you'll press on a square to shoot at the other players' ships! I've went ahead and chosen your ships for ya, so go hog wild. The winners get an advantage in the next challenge! Don't think about not playing, believe me."

"Jesus christ," Bullet whispered under her breathe.

It seemed that for now, it as Shane, Mason, and Leon's turn first. They could choose any square on the grid, such as A1, or C3, or D5.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

Having no other option but to play through. Leon payed close attention to the board and calls out, "D5"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement
Makoto was startled straight into shock. The second slap sent him stumbling backward a step so that he crashed into the dresser, knocking over a framed photo. He looked away, not meeting Kyoko's gaze, even as she grabbed him and pushed him harder up against the dresser.​
Phil Connors

The possibility raced through Phil's mind when he realized something. The solution was right in front of them.... and he knew how to do this. " If Lucas is telling the truth about the mist being the gift, then those things shouldn't change. They have already been turned. So in theory, there are five of us, ten syringes. What it could be is that all of them have the 'gift', half of them have the 'gift and half have the cure. Or he could be lying entirely. So, we should observe them and see what it does. If the syringe has the cure, then perhaps one of us can stab one of them to see if it cures them," he said, looking at the syringe, taking one, but not injecting it into himself, and observed the monsters to see if they were cured by the mist.

@Minerva @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Otto @Kaykay @Montoiring Room



The boy had no words. This was his wife, and she had never raised a hand to him before, not in their whole lives as a couple. The action alone had shattered him, let alone the look of hate he could just barely see out of the corner of his eye. He said nothing. He couldn't say anything.

Noembelu could see a few interesting items around the room. There appeared to be a secret passage under the bed, but it was bolted in place and the space too small for anyone to squeeze under. By the bed were a stopped clock, a fork, and a globe. On the western wall, there were three marks above a closed book where paintings looked like they should be. By these was a second locked door, but this one had a strange padlock. A cabinet nearby was locked.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

The light revealed a stone floor that looked wet and dirty, but nothing immediately dangerous. Faint sounds could be heard. When Shen followed through, nothing immediately attacked him, though he saw a grim sight... Half of the room was divided by a metal fence. This fence kept Shen and the others safe from three monsters on the other side.


The monsters slammed against the fence in vain.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

Dice appeared on Adam's codex screen, showing a six.


"Now, step six squares ahead..." Passing over an orange square, a red square, a green square, a yellow square, and then another orange square, Adam would land on a red square. "Owch," Lucas said. "That's a hit!" A panel in the wall opened to reveal a set of deer antlers that popped out of the wall and gave Adam a good whack. His codex beeped but stayed green.

Reiner went next, landing on a five.


He landed on an orange square.

"Oh, question time! I hope you know tiny, insignificant facts." Lucas cleared his throat. "What word can you make up using the symbols for the elements carbon, potassium, oxygen, and sulphur? You do know the elements, right?" Perhaps Reiner was not the best person for this question.

When the Batter went, his number turned out to be three.


He landed on a green square, where Lucas played a recording of a crowd cheering. "That's health!" The Batter still remained yellow, as he was at 3 HP still.

Counting ahead, the group would see there were twenty-four spaces in total across the room.

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

On the left were Mason, Leon, and Captain America. On the right were Bullet Shane, and Nancy. Both doors opened and allowed each group to pass through. The doors closed shut behind them and both groups were faced with a short hall with a door at the end of it.

"You folks ever play... Battle Ship?"

On one wall of each hallway was a touch screen monitor. It looked as if Lucas had modified tablets to make this up. On each screen was a board where the top was labeled A through E and the side was labeled 1 through 5. Seven squares were darkened on each screen, representing three ships.

"When it's your turn, you'll press on a square to shoot at the other players' ships! I've went ahead and chosen your ships for ya, so go hog wild. The winners get an advantage in the next challenge! Don't think about not playing, believe me."

"Jesus christ," Bullet whispered under her breathe.

It seemed that for now, it as Cap, Mason, and Leon's turn first. They could choose any square on the grid, such as A1, or C3, or D5.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement
Makoto paid Noembelu no attention as she examined the photo. It seemed to be a picture of "Daddy," though he looked a lot different dressed up in military gear. Writing on the photo read, "Jack, Military."

It was about the right size for one of the marks on the wall.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

"Not yeeeet... Turn around."

On a table behind the group were about ten syringes. "I think it's time to close up shop on this one," Lucas said, locking the door behind Beatrice. A mist was then poured into the room that smelled vaguely of chemicals but didn't seem to irritate or annoy.

"That room probably smells like shit, don't it? See, I got those beauties across from you so you can observe them. I want you to know a secret... those are people. People who have received the gift. They weren't always like that, but now things are lookin' up for them. Things can look up for you guys as well soon enough."

There was the creaking of a chair as if Lucas was leaning back. "Y'see, I just gave you guys the gift. It's in the mist. It'll transform you eventually and soon you'll be one of them, bangin' against the fence. I hope you've lived a good life, fellas, 'cause it's only about to get better."

Lucas waited a long moment. "... That is, if you don't take one of the syringes. Turns out the gift can be reversed. Not sure why you'd want to do that, really, but it's an option. In each of those syringes is an 'antidote' that will cure you and make the mist not affect ya at all! It seems pretty obvious what ya should do if you don't want the gift..."

"... Or was that a lie? There certainly is the possibility that I was lyin'. I don't do it often but I coulda done it there. To be honest, maybe those syringes contain the gift itself. Taking them would put you where you, presumably, don't want to be! Friends, I think I've gone and confused myself here. I wonder what y'all should do, huh?"

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @Kaykay @MonitoringRoom
Phil Connors

The possibility raced through Phil's mind when he realized something. The solution was right in front of them.... and he knew how to do this. " If Lucas is telling the truth about the mist being the gift, then those things shouldn't change. They have already been turned. So in theory, there are five of us, ten syringes. What it could be is that all of them have the 'gift', half of them have the 'gift and half have the cure. Or he could be lying entirely. So, we should observe them and see what it does. If the syringe has the cure, then perhaps one of us can stab one of them to see if it cures them," he said, looking at the syringe, taking one, but not injecting it into himself, and observed the monsters to see if they were cured by the mist.

@Minerva @Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @Otto @Kaykay @Montoiring Room


"Yes, let's waste a possible antidote on one of those things instead of using it on ourselves." Toffee said dryly before suggesting an alternative idea.


"Instead, why don't you 'take one for the team' as one would call it? If it turns out to be an antidote, then we'll know that our captor was telling the truth and you'll be cured. If it turns out that he was lying, then I suppose that we'll all turn into... whatever those are."

@Atomyk @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @Otto @monitoringroom​
Adam gave no reaction to the rules, merely a stiff gaze, getting the simple mechanics of the game. "I will go first." He stated to the group, his words more a statement than a request. With that, he pressed the button on his codex to let the dice roll.

@York @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter@DrawingRoom
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife

The cyborg decided to finally join the drawing room crowd, bending down every so often and finally noticed the strange sadistic board game.

"I'm late."

Makoto was startled straight into shock. The second slap sent him stumbling backward a step so that he crashed into the dresser, knocking over a framed photo. He looked away, not meeting Kyoko's gaze, even as she grabbed him and pushed him harder up against the dresser.



The boy had no words. This was his wife, and she had never raised a hand to him before, not in their whole lives as a couple. The action alone had shattered him, let alone the look of hate he could just barely see out of the corner of his eye. He said nothing. He couldn't say anything.

Noembelu could see a few interesting items around the room. There appeared to be a secret passage under the bed, but it was bolted in place and the space too small for anyone to squeeze under. By the bed were a stopped clock, a fork, and a globe. On the western wall, there were three marks above a closed book where paintings looked like they should be. By these was a second locked door, but this one had a strange padlock. A cabinet nearby was locked.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

The light revealed a stone floor that looked wet and dirty, but nothing immediately dangerous. Faint sounds could be heard. When Shen followed through, nothing immediately attacked him, though he saw a grim sight... Half of the room was divided by a metal fence. This fence kept Shen and the others safe from three monsters on the other side.


The monsters slammed against the fence in vain.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

Dice appeared on Adam's codex screen, showing a six.


"Now, step six squares ahead..." Passing over an orange square, a red square, a green square, a yellow square, and then another orange square, Adam would land on a red square. "Owch," Lucas said. "That's a hit!" A panel in the wall opened to reveal a set of deer antlers that popped out of the wall and gave Adam a good whack. His codex beeped but stayed green.

Reiner went next, landing on a five.


He landed on an orange square.

"Oh, question time! I hope you know tiny, insignificant facts." Lucas cleared his throat. "What word can you make up using the symbols for the elements carbon, potassium, oxygen, and sulphur? You do know the elements, right?" Perhaps Reiner was not the best person for this question.

When the Batter went, his number turned out to be three.


He landed on a green square, where Lucas played a recording of a crowd cheering. "That's health!" The Batter still remained yellow, as he was at 3 HP still.

Counting ahead, the group would see there were twenty-four spaces in total across the room.

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

On the left were Mason, Leon, and Shane. On the right were Bullet, Captain America, and Nancy. Both doors opened and allowed each group to pass through. The doors closed shut behind them and both groups were faced with a short hall with a door at the end of it.

"You folks ever play... Battle Ship?"

On one wall of each hallway was a touch screen monitor. It looked as if Lucas had modified tablets to make this up. On each screen was a board where the top was labeled A through E and the side was labeled 1 through 5. Seven squares were darkened on each screen, representing three ships.

"When it's your turn, you'll press on a square to shoot at the other players' ships! I've went ahead and chosen your ships for ya, so go hog wild. The winners get an advantage in the next challenge! Don't think about not playing, believe me."

"Jesus christ," Bullet whispered under her breathe.

It seemed that for now, it as Shane, Mason, and Leon's turn first. They could choose any square on the grid, such as A1, or C3, or D5.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"I'll go next..."

Amir took a breath and pressed the button on her codex to roll the dice after everyone else took their turn. She hoped she was lucky, if not then she hoped Six and the others would have Lady Luck smile down upon them.

@Atomyk @Glostechk @York @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @dark @Drawing room
Phil Connors

Phil wasn't about to argue with Toffee about the matter when he paused at the syringe in his hand and rolled it once or twice in his hand. He looked at his codex. Yellow.

If you stub your toe, I'll know about. This records it all. Phil paused and considered this. " What if that is what Lucas wants? He specified that every hit we will know about. What if this is a way to take some HP from us?" he asked. As he looked over at the monsters, he looked for something else on them. The codex that they all wore. What if this was another test to save someone? He also checked his own skin as he did this.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @Kaykay @Minerva @Atomyk @Monitoring Room
The globe had nothing unusual on it. It was a classic globe with two halves.

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

The monsters did not seem affected by the mist, but neither did the group. Everyone's skin was fine. There were no codexes on the monsters, but it didn't seem their arms could support wristwear anyway.

Lucas cleared his throat. "Did I forget to mention it could take hours for symptoms to appear?"

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @Kaykay @MonitoringRoom

Amir rolled a one.


This took her to the first orange square. "Let's see... Ah, you get a memory problem! Or, whatever. You guys were in the guest house, right? You know, the one with the slot machine and shit? I set that up myself, just so ya know. Anyway, what was the statuette you found in the cabinet locked with a padlock?"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @dark @Gands @DrawingRoom

"A hit!"

Boats Remaining: 3

Bullet exchanged a glance with Nancy and went ahead and pressed B2.

"A miss!"

Boats Remaining: 3

"Hit the ones around it then," Shane said.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement
To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

Adam gave no reaction to the rules, merely a stiff gaze, getting the simple mechanics of the game. "I will go first." He stated to the group, his words more a statement than a request. With that, he pressed the button on his codex to let the dice roll.

@York @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter@DrawingRoom

Reiner Braun
@Takumi @The Batter @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Atomyk
@Drawing Room

Reiner nodded; it seems like he was in an agreement with the others... However, it was evident that things wouldn't be quite so easy. While there was indeed a rifle in the room, they had to go through some sort of strange... Game, one that could potentially kill them. Nonetheless, he knew he couldn't waste time, and thus, seeing that someone else had already taken the initiative to go first... He decided to go next.


"I'm next..." He said, frowning a little as he peered at his codex.

As soon as he was able to (without breaking the rules anyways), he decided to press the button on his codex to roll a dice, even if it did take him a good few moments to figure out how the whole thing worked...​

The Batter watches as they entered the strange room. He then looks to the rifle pointing at him and his friends. He did not like it. He then listens to what Lucas had to say. 'He wants to play a game with us?' He questioned of what Lucas was think but then looks on the ground seeing mutliple colored squares. 'So it's a game of chance?' He looks at the gun that was shot as warning for cheating the game...Well he wasn't going to cheat anyways. He then looks to Reiner.

View attachment 143197
"I'm going after Reiner." He then looks to his codex. He would wait until Reiner has roll the dice and taken his turn.

@Takumi @York @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Atomyk

Dice appeared on Adam's codex screen, showing a six.


"Now, step six squares ahead..." Passing over an orange square, a red square, a green square, a yellow square, and then another orange square, Adam would land on a red square. "Owch," Lucas said. "That's a hit!" A panel in the wall opened to reveal a set of deer antlers that popped out of the wall and gave Adam a good whack. His codex beeped but stayed green.

Reiner went next, landing on a five.


He landed on an orange square.

"Oh, question time! I hope you know tiny, insignificant facts." Lucas cleared his throat. "What word can you make up using the symbols for the elements carbon, potassium, oxygen, and sulphur? You do know the elements, right?" Perhaps Reiner was not the best person for this question.

When the Batter went, his number turned out to be three.


He landed on a green square, where Lucas played a recording of a crowd cheering. "That's health!" The Batter still remained yellow, as he was at 3 HP still.

Counting ahead, the group would see there were twenty-four spaces in total across the room.

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

The cyborg decided to finally join the drawing room crowd, bending down every so often and finally noticed the strange sadistic board game.

"I'm late."

Amir rolled a one.


This took her to the first orange square. "Let's see... Ah, you get a memory problem! Or, whatever. You guys were in the guest house, right? You know, the one with the slot machine and shit? I set that up myself, just so ya know. Anyway, what was the statuette you found in the cabinet locked with a padlock?"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @dark @Gands @DrawingRoom

Another game? There wasn't much she could do but play along, so she pressed the button on her codex to roll the dice.

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Atomyk @The Batter @dark @Gands @DrawingRoom
Phil Connors

Phil wasn't relieved by this in the slightest. Risk it or die. Risk it or die. There were no other options to do.

Phil took a deep breath and sighed. " I'm sorry, Rita," he muttered under his breath, as he jabbed himself with the syringe.

@Atomyk @Minerva @thatguyinthestore @Kaykay @Otto
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