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Bullet had managed her cool earlier when she met the group, but now that most of them were shuffling away and not paying attention to her as much, she found herself growing tense. The death of that girl was weighing on her conscience, even if she hadn't known her at all. Wasn't like she could really trust this group at all, but maybe if she had only said something a second earlier--

"Oh!" She jumped slightly when Captain America approached her. She had to peer up at him because really, he was pretty damn tall compared to her. He also looked like he could destroy her. Well, that didn't mean she would cower. She tried to look tough again, even as he called her out on how she was looking.

"Yeah, maybe you could get me the hell out of here," she said with little humor. "Or, you know, get me that smoke I asked for. None of you have a cigarette on you? Seriously?" She stared at him for a moment, wordlessly. She knew he'd catch on to her deflecting. "... Look, I'm exhausted. I've been running around this house all night, being chased by people who... may as well be monsters. I just feel fucking strange. I run into all of you and some of you are talking to me as if I'm... shit... some fictional character who is supposed to be dead. And maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but fuck it-- I'm tired. Those same assholes ignored me and ran off as if to get away from me. Sorry but, I get it. I'm on my own here."

Christ, that was the most she'd said all day. There was so much she wanted to get off her chest, but no time to do it. As far as she could tell, no one here cared. She was going to flip Cap the bird and walk off, but a girl approaching her made Bullet pause. She was honestly surprised to hear someone wanted her advice.

"Listen, I, uh... those rooms were locked before, so I don't know what's inside them. There may be a trap on the stairs to the basement, but I..." Bullet paused. "... The basement, hm... Okay, well, it would seem to me the parent's room is probably the safest. There's some weird shit going on around the monitoring room. As for me, I think I'll... test the basement out. Yeah."

@Josh M @Jeremi @Cromartie Sarkissian

"You're never alone,"
Cap assured the teen. "You're here with us now and that means we're going to help each other out to get out of here. That's a promise."

Bullet was momentarily annoyed to find that this Captain America guy was following her to the basement. She watched out for traps, noticing that indeed, there was a trip wire on the stairs she figured she'd seen earlier. She warned Cap and any others following to step over it as she made her way to the basement door. When she found it locked, she banged against it and said, "The fuck, Lucas?!"

"Not very many of you headed to the basement, huh?" Lucas said. "You scared? Heeeere's the teeny little thing... I'm going to require at least four people in the basement."

Bullet looked at Cap. "Well, two more then..."


Back in the main hall, Lucas had something else to say. "Look at all you fuckin' cowards, hanging out where you think it's safe. Half of you still green... I'd think again if I were you. My dad's hanging around and if he catches any of you in that main hall, well... let's say it won't be pretty!"


Cap was going to keep his promise and followed her down the basement. As they got stopped by a locked door he couldn't help but sigh. "If only I could do this with out putting other people in danger..."

Soon enough though it seemed that they were getting more people in the basement. "About time that you let your guests in, Lucas?"

@Atomyk @Josh M @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti
The only glass Saeko would find was on the grandfather clock in the room. Most of the windows were out of reach or boarded up. There would be no immediate traps to find in the main hall.

"Saw my... what? Is that a no on the smokes?" Bullet scoffed. "Whatever. I'd ask why you have a robot and shit with you, but for some reason, it doesn't seem too weird. The shit I've seen the last few days..." Then she heard something rather odd and she looked to Mason and Noembelu. "Excuse me? Are you trying to fucking say something about me? Trying to say I should be dead?"

"You people sound fucking crazy," Owen muttered. "Murder? Limbo? Are you out of your minds?"

Shane turned on Noembelu angrily. "You trying to pull one over on us? I ain't about to get myself killed because you say fuckin' magic will bring me back. We already got another playing with us so we don't need another doin' the same damn thing!"

"The Dark Place?" Lucas said questioningly. "Fellas, hate to break it to ya, but you're just in my house. A dirty, stinking, hellhole of a house. Last I checked, thhose dead bodies weren't getting back up. Oh, wait... I guess one of them disappeared, huh? I wonder..."

Makoto glanced warily at those crowding around Kyoko. She was sure popular. "I... I'm sorry, let's wait until Lucas makes us move."

@Crow @Verite @Yun Lee @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mason Moretti @Minerva @York @LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X

"Um... I hope?" Teddy stepped aside to allow T'Challa inside. "Honestly, I didn't think us getting married would be a big enough deal that someone like you would show up. Did the Scarlet Witch invite you?"

So confused... ❞

Kiyohime felt lost as soon as they arrived at the living room. All this talk was flying over her head, leaving her feeling quite out of it. And with Reiner giving her a pat on the head given her mild complaints about how things went in the laundry room, the Berserker really felt unsure on what to say other than stating that she was terribly confused.

@Crow @Verite @Yun Lee @Cromartie Sarkissian @Mason Moretti @Minerva @York @LuckycoolHawk9 @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Atomyk
The Batter was following behind Reiner, confused at first at this place....but it reminded him of something....His thoughts were interrupted when he saw a new strange named Captain....Well he didn't catches his name....He didn't trust him...He didn't trust anyone. The only people he could trust was his friends. He then watches as the door opens and introduces him to another new stranger named 'Bullet'. She looked high suspicious too. For all he knows, she could be a killer. He was messing with the shard of the projector he kept in his pocket.

View attachment 143156

He then looks to Reiner "Hey Reiner you ok?"

@York @Gummi Bunnies
Teddy was momentarily speechless by Black Panther's offer. He stood awkwardly, staring at the man, until the arrival of someone new saved him.

"Uh, Teddy? If you're not gonna take that offer, then I'm stealing it out from under you."


Kate Bishop, otherwise known as the other Hawkeye, offered T'Challa a tiny wave as she walked into the hall. "Not that I'm getting married anytime soon. Wait, maybe... Eh, well, we'll see. Anything for that honeymoon, right?"

"Er--" Teddy swallowed the lump in his throat and finally remembered to close the front door. "Well, it's just that there's not really a whole lot of people here yet and the ceremony isn't until later tonight so everyone's kind of just running around and I don't want to see Billy exactly even though that's kind of a hetero sort of ritual, right? So--"

"Dude, breathe." Kate gestured for T'Challa to follow her into the sitting room. "May I?"


For all the good will she had shown the group upon first meeting them, Bullet now looked at them with suspicion. They talked over her as if she was not there at all. If the situation were anything but how it was now, she would have shown them a piece of her mind. She would have yelled or gone to blows if need be, but there were too many of them for her to go after any one of them. Even if it seemed Lucas was forcing them into this together... whatever this was, exactly, she knew she was still on her own here. Zoe gave her a job to do and Bullet was going to see it through.

Owen looked similarly upset but seemed too flabbergasted to make anything of it. He did not enjoy the implication his death was cheap on any level. Those that had worked to save his life largely seemed to do so reluctantly, and the two who seemed to mostly have his back now seemed too unreliable in his eyes. For a regular kid, he was too far out of his element to do much of anything but follow along for now.

As for Shane, he was Shane. It's not like he trusted any of these people to begin with.

Teddy said nothing on the matter, though he looked at Noembelu differently now. He did not like what she had to say about Billy, not one bit.

Eventually, Lucas decided enough was enough. "You havin' fun lookin' the room over? Let's just get to it. Come on, grab the map on the table!"

Cap went ahead and took it this time, showing it to the group.


"I've just locked the doors to the second floor, so no going back for your new friend! For now, you guys have just three locations... the Drawing Room, where my dad's got all his old hunting shit The direct way there is a little tight, so be careful! The Monitoring Room, well... Up the stairs and to the right is my parent's room! Better hope they aren't in! Of course, there's also the Basement! Kinda dark down there, fellas..."

With this in mind, Starfire went to open one of the doors that were now unlocked. Bullet reached out and said, "Hold up a second, some of these doors--"

But it was too late. When Starfire opened the door into the hall leading to the Basement and Monitoring Room, a trap was released. It sailed through the air before impaling her in the chest and sending her falling back into the main hall. "Jesus fuck!" Owen exclaimed.

"I tried to fucking tell her!"

"Oh, damn!" Lucas said. "Guess that was a bit too strong, huh? I mighta left some of those laying around..."

As Starfire fell dead, Agatha cringed. "Another light snuffed out. What is there to do? Desperate times call for desperate measures..." Walking to a nearby vase, Agatha gestured to the Wundagore Everblooms inside.

"Do you all remember these from the dinner? I may not have been there that early, but I do know the legend was never discussed. You see, there a is legend about them that they can let one see the future. I say 'legend,' but know that many legends carry truth with the. The legend goes that one must eat the flower petals twice to gain its effects. Once before hunger, as in, while one is eating or when one desires to eat."

"But most of us ate just a few hours ago," Captain America said.

"Oh?" Agatha laughed. "Did you really think any of that food Wanda served was real? Foolish. Certainly, the majority of you must be feeling hunger, but that is not the chilling part of the legend. I never stated the conditions one must be under for the second petal. Bear with me, but it is once before hunger, and once before murder. It can be assumed this means that one must consume the second petal either during the act of murder, or before it occurs. If those steps are followed, a vision should come after."

There was silence, at least until Cap said something. "You must be joking."

"I am not," assured Agatha. "More traps await us and certainly not all will see them coming. If one wants to be prepared, I have offered a solution. That is all."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore
Bullet was momentarily annoyed to find that this Captain America guy was following her to the basement. She watched out for traps, noticing that indeed, there was a trip wire on the stairs she figured she'd seen earlier. She warned Cap and any others following to step over it as she made her way to the basement door. When she found it locked, she banged against it and said, "The fuck, Lucas?!"

"Not very many of you headed to the basement, huh?" Lucas said. "You scared? Heeeere's the teeny little thing... I'm going to require at least four people in the basement."

Bullet looked at Cap. "Well, two more then..."


Back in the main hall, Lucas had something else to say. "Look at all you fuckin' cowards, hanging out where you think it's safe. Half of you still green... I'd think again if I were you. My dad's hanging around and if he catches any of you in that main hall, well... let's say it won't be pretty!"

Reiner Braun
@The Batter @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Glostechk @Atomyk

Reiner gave Kiyo a sympathetic look, as he too seemed a bit lost in the fray, putting a hand on her shoulder briefly, though he didn't seem to have anything to say at the moment... But nonetheless, he enjoyed their brief moment of peace, losing himself in his thoughts, at least until the Batter spoke up, asking if he was okay, to which he seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering this time.


"... I'll live." He muttered.

Well, for now anyways; he wasn't exactly severely injured physically, but his HP was down, and his spirits were a little down... Regardless though, when Lucas got back to them, pointing out at least four locations to go, while Bullet tried (and unfortunately failed) to warn one of their party members about a rigged door in time. It seems like there were a few "instant kill" ones laying about, which certainly did not bode well for any of them, even those with alot of HP still left.

They may have a little help though, from the petals of the flowers Agatha pointed out, but... Considering the conditions he'd have to consume the petals in order to see the future, he wasn't sure if he was up for it. For now, he instead looked over the map, and ultimately decided to head to the drawing room, motioning for Kiyohime, the Batter, and potentially anyone else interested to follow suit. It seemed there were already two heading off towards that direction.

"We need better weapons... We just have to be carefull." He said, cautiously taking the lead.

This time, Reiner was treading carefully, keeping a lookout for any potential traps, as he knew he couldn't afford to make any sudden moves, given how low his HP was, along with who knows how many others...​
Nancy Wheeler headed to the basement.

Why did Nancy Wheeler go to the basement?

No particular reason, really. She could of went to any of the rooms equally, such is the grandeur of choice. Through her tepid steps, the slacking and lagging young woman felt a bitterness brew in her heart. She remembered that time, that felt so long ago, being wrapped in bandages by kind men with kind faces and kind intentions. A ringing rattled in her ears, trails of crimson oozing gently down her nose and upper lip. An uneasy breath escaped her, following the few others down into the descent. Reaching her hands up to almost grasp her head firmly, the teenager nearly buckled in her stance.

She lost people in that hall. Many people. Perhaps the few she could call friends. Darting her eyes, the loner approached silently, troubled in both physical stance and expression.

Nancy, for once, felt absolutely alone- and always, absolutely lost.

@Atomyk @Josh M @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @basement bois​

As Six nodded at Amir, she glanced over at Noembelu who was walking towards the room of Lucas' parents. She would have wanted for all of them to stick together, but it seemed like Noembelu wanted to be away from them. Amir's and Phil's words comforted the child as she knew that they were only upset at the mastermind of their situation. Letting out a deep sigh, Six and Amir headed to the Drawing room. Before they entered the room, Six checked the entrance of the Drawing room for anything suspicious. She learned that even opening doors can lead to a trap, so the girl wanted to make sure it was safe to enter.

@Takumi @Atomyk @Drawing Room​

Amir sayed close to Six, keeping an eye out for any traps on the way there. Lucas said that the hallway was a little tight, so there could of been a chance that it was lined with traps.

@Atomyk @Glostechk

Reiner Braun
@The Batter @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Glostechk @Atomyk

Reiner gave Kiyo a sympathetic look, as he too seemed a bit lost in the fray, putting a hand on her shoulder briefly, though he didn't seem to have anything to say at the moment... But nonetheless, he enjoyed their brief moment of peace, losing himself in his thoughts, at least until the Batter spoke up, asking if he was okay, to which he seemed to hesitate for a moment before answering this time.


"... I'll live." He muttered.

Well, for now anyways; he wasn't exactly severely injured physically, but his HP was down, and his spirits were a little down... Regardless though, when Lucas got back to them, pointing out at least four locations to go, while Bullet tried (and unfortunately failed) to warn one of their party members about a rigged door in time. It seems like there were a few "instant kill" ones laying about, which certainly did not bode well for any of them, even those with alot of HP still left.

They may have a little help though, from the petals of the flowers Agatha pointed out, but... Considering the conditions he'd have to consume the petals in order to see the future, he wasn't sure if he was up for it. For now, he instead looked over the map, and ultimately decided to head to the drawing room, motioning for Kiyohime, the Batter, and potentially anyone else interested to follow suit. It seemed there were already two heading off towards that direction.

"We need better weapons... We just have to be carefull." He said, cautiously taking the lead.

This time, Reiner was treading carefully, keeping a lookout for any potential traps, as he knew he couldn't afford to make any sudden moves, given how low his HP was, along with who knows how many others...​

Understood. I may have this knife... but I reckon that some need a form of self-defense as well. ❞

Kiyohime had went with those to the drawing room, unsure on what to expect. Better to be prepared in some way than to never be at all. With the others, she lingered close to the group, not wanting to tempt fate and losing another point of her HP.

@The Batter @York @Takumi @Glostechk @Atomyk
The Batter seemed to doubt that he was telling the truth...but there was no point of asking him again. Besides, they had better things to do...like getting out of this place. He looks down. He grabs his shard of the projector. Reiner was right about one thing: they needed better weapons. He needed a bat....not broken shards. He didn't want him and his friends to get hurt. He looks towards Reiner.


"I agree Reiner. We need better weapons. I'll follow you." The Batter starts to follow Reiner, but not until after he gave a cold stare to Bullet. He then walks away. He begins to watch for anything that seemed out of place...in case of traps as he went to the drawing room with Reiner and Kiyohime...

@York @Gummi Bunnies

Understood. I may have this knife... but I reckon that some need a form of self-defense as well. ❞

Kiyohime had went with those to the drawing room, unsure on what to expect. Better to be prepared in some way than to never be at all. With the others, she lingered close to the group, not wanting to tempt fate and losing another point of her HP.

@The Batter @York @Takumi @Glostechk @Atomyk

The child showed the other three strangers her lighter. She didn't really know who they were but seeing that they were in the same situation as Amir and Six, the girl decided not to question them. She pulled on Amir's arm, pointing at the two who joined them so that Amir could ask them their names.

@Takumi @The Batter @York @Gummi Bunnies
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife
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Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife

Saeko once again turned on her pistol's tactical light and pointed it down the hole. "Anyone?" She asked calmly.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Otto
Phil Connors

" I'm already yellow and would prefer to not go red and dead. Saeko and ... I don't know your name," he said gesturing to Shen. " It might be safest for you to go down first since the lizard and I are in the yellow and we have no clue what is in it."
He was being logical and he liked living.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @Otto @Atomyk
@Atomyk @Verite @Crow

So...was this room like that classroom earlier? And with only four people in here, things were simple enough-or so it looked. "We just need to find our way out, huh?" Noembelu looked around for anything that could prove useful for breaking out.​
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife

Cap decided to go with Bullet through the right door. "I don't like this one bit..." He mused aloud but there really wasn't anything else he could say. If they wanted to get out of here they had to play these sick games.

Cap just hoped no one would die this time.​

@Atomyk @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Girl, we really need to sit down one day and talk about this Hercules deal," America joked as they went inside.

T'Challa would answer Tommy's yo with another courteous nod and to Kate's question there was only one thing to answer. "It is no trouble, I have already met one of the grooms, it would be rude of me not pay my respects to the other."

"You're the most formal piece of work I've ever met, Panther. Do you ever not sound like a stuffy teacher with no sense of humor?" America asked him with a bemused smirk.

"You are implying to never have seen my comedy special from the 80s? I am hurt, Ms Chavez." America's eyes went wide looking over to Kate with an expression that screamed if Black Panther was actually being serious right now.
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife
Adam gave no reaction to the rules, merely a stiff gaze, getting the simple mechanics of the game. "I will go first." He stated to the group, his words more a statement than a request. With that, he pressed the button on his codex to let the dice roll.

@York @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter@DrawingRoom
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."


Kyoko's gaze quickly darkened as Makoto spoke. Her gloved hand balled into a fist as her arm twitched a bit. She fell silent, letting an uncomfortable silence, letting Makoto's words sink in like a knife. Kyoko had been openly angry with Makoto before in the past, and both times (or in Makoto's reality, just the once), she had merely avoided him like a plague, refusing to even look or speak to him. But for the first time, Kyoko Kirigiri could feel a boiling sensation inside her stomach that made her feel sick. She had not felt so angry in such a long time. She felt betrayed, even. Despite Makoto's bumbling justifications, to Kyoko, the result was the same, and there was nothing to change the fact of the matter that he had just confessed to.


In an almost involuntary gesture, before even she knew it, Kyoko raised her arm and harshly slapped Makoto in the face, her glove doing little to soften the blow at all as her palm hit the young man's cheek. But it wasn't enough. She lifted her arm again and slapped Makoto for the second time in the exact same spot, a subconscious part of her almost wanting to deliberately do so to make it sting more, hoping to have created a pink spot on his face. Still not saying a single word, Kyoko didn't let up, grabbing Makoto by the collar and pushing him, trapping him between herself and the wall behind him. She glared at him with an intensity she'd never given him before in his entire life, a giant mix of thoughts and emotions swirling around in her mind like a discombobulated soup. She could hardly focus on Makoto saying he was focused on her own safety. She could hardly focus on Makoto being so warped by Wanda or whoever that he was out of his mind. She could hardly focus on anything. And from there, that was where her resolve weakened, as did her legs, as she slumped onto Makoto, burying her face in his chest as she slowly, repeatedly hammered her fist on his shoulder, but with little force in her fist this time around, like a defeated doll.

She didn't know where to place her anger. She couldn't tell if her anger was being evenly distributed toward everything, from Makoto, to Lucas, to Wanda, to this accursed place, or if she simply didn't know where to put all of her anger at all. It frustrated her to no end, like she had never been frustrated before. She felt helpless, almost soul-crushingly so. Maybe this was it, maybe this was the culmination of all her struggles and where they led her. More of it. More of all this.

She felt bitter, and only for the first time, felt like just a little girl surrounded by gods, monsters, and powerful entities.

And for the first time in a long time, Kyoko Kirigiri shed a tear, staining Makoto's shirt with a soft wetness, as she simply stayed like that, with still no idea on what to say, to him or for herself.

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.​
Thankfully, Shen was wearing a mask which made the mold less overwhelming, but it wasn't a gas mask, so he wasn't entirely unaffected.​
Saeko once again turned on her pistol's tactical light and pointed it down the hole. "Anyone?" She asked calmly.

" I'm already yellow and would prefer to not go red and dead. Saeko and ... I don't know your name," he said gesturing to Shen. " It might be safest for you to go down first since the lizard and I are in the yellow and we have no clue what is in it." He was being logical and he liked living.
"Very well."

Logic was all Shen knew, so he couldn't do anything other than agree with Phil. He decided that he should go first before Saeko. He was the one wearing armor, after all. He said to Saeko, "Shine the light as I climb down so I can see my surroundings, then follow me and have someone else do the same for you." Turning toward the other two, he said, "We will tell you when it is safe to follow us." After a brief pause, he realized that he forgot to say his name. "If you must know, my name is Shen."

If the area illuminated by Saeko's flashlight did not show any threats, he would climb down the ladder.

@Atomyk @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Monitering Room
Last edited:

Understood. I may have this knife... but I reckon that some need a form of self-defense as well. ❞

Kiyohime had went with those to the drawing room, unsure on what to expect. Better to be prepared in some way than to never be at all. With the others, she lingered close to the group, not wanting to tempt fate and losing another point of her HP.

@The Batter @York @Takumi @Glostechk @Atomyk
The Batter seemed to doubt that he was telling the truth...but there was no point of asking him again. Besides, they had better things to do...like getting out of this place. He looks down. He grabs his shard of the projector. Reiner was right about one thing: they needed better weapons. He needed a bat....not broken shards. He didn't want him and his friends to get hurt. He looks towards Reiner.

View attachment 143181

"I agree Reiner. We need better weapons. I'll follow you." The Batter starts to follow Reiner, but not until after he gave a cold stare to Bullet. He then walks away. He begins to watch for anything that seemed out of place...in case of traps as he went to the drawing room with Reiner and Kiyohime...

@York @Gummi Bunnies
The child showed the other three strangers her lighter. She didn't really know who they were but seeing that they were in the same situation as Amir and Six, the girl decided not to question them. She pulled on Amir's arm, pointing at the two who joined them so that Amir could ask them their names.

@Takumi @The Batter @York @Gummi Bunnies
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife
Adam gave no reaction to the rules, merely a stiff gaze, getting the simple mechanics of the game. "I will go first." He stated to the group, his words more a statement than a request. With that, he pressed the button on his codex to let the dice roll.

@York @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter@DrawingRoom
Reiner Braun
@Takumi @The Batter @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Atomyk
@Drawing Room

Reiner nodded; it seems like he was in an agreement with the others... However, it was evident that things wouldn't be quite so easy. While there was indeed a rifle in the room, they had to go through some sort of strange... Game, one that could potentially kill them. Nonetheless, he knew he couldn't waste time, and thus, seeing that someone else had already taken the initiative to go first... He decided to go next.


"I'm next..." He said, frowning a little as he peered at his codex.

As soon as he was able to (without breaking the rules anyways), he decided to press the button on his codex to roll a dice, even if it did take him a good few moments to figure out how the whole thing worked...​
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife
Cap decided to go with Bullet through the right door. "I don't like this one bit..." He mused aloud but there really wasn't anything else he could say. If they wanted to get out of here they had to play these sick games.

Cap just hoped no one would die this time.​

@Atomyk @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Girl, we really need to sit down one day and talk about this Hercules deal," America joked as they went inside.

T'Challa would answer Tommy's yo with another courteous nod and to Kate's question there was only one thing to answer. "It is no trouble, I have already met one of the grooms, it would be rude of me not pay my respects to the other."

"You're the most formal piece of work I've ever met, Panther. Do you ever not sound like a stuffy teacher with no sense of humor?" America asked him with a bemused smirk.

"You are implying to never have seen my comedy special from the 80s? I am hurt, Ms Chavez." America's eyes went wide looking over to Kate with an expression that screamed if Black Panther was actually being serious right now.

"Neither do I, do be careful Mister." He tells Cap't as he heads towards the middle, looking at Mason. "Coming along, little brother?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement
Makoto and Kyoko entered first, followed by Noembelu and the others. The room didn't immediately seem dangerous. No strange death trap was set up for them to force themselves through, at least.


After a moment though, the door out of the room locked. "It's a question I ask myself time and time again: can trespassing idiots solve puzzles? So far, seems not. Welcome to the next game, 'I'd really like to make it out of this room alive and not die a horrible painful death.' Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it's a title that's served me well so far. If you want what ya seek, you just gotta make it out alive. Think you can do that?"

Well, at least this seemed peaceful enough. Makoto pulled Kyoko aside, thankful that Noembelu was giving them space. "I wasn't sure how to say this, but... I think I screwed up, Kyoko. I wasn't trying to keep it from you, but with everything that has happened, I..." He wavered in his speech. He knew if he didn't get it out now, Kyoko would just be angry with him. "Did you notice in the car booths a red line painted about four meters down? I noticed that whenever I got a question wrong, the car dropped a meter. So... when my car went up two meters once, then two meters again, I panicked and thought... maybe somehow you..."

Makoto looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He thought he could live with himself, but after seeing even more death since then, Makoto felt like he was already falling apart. "I just panicked," he blurted out, voice cracking. He tried to speak low still, so only Kyoko heard. "I raised your car and lowered someone else's, I didn't think I would set off the trap, I didn't... think at all, Kyoko. All that mattered to me... was your safety."

@Verite @Yun Lee @ParentsRoom

As Toffee and the others entered the room, they would be hit with a strong, musky smell. The room was covered in a black mold that couldn't have been good for anyone's health to breathe in. This seemed to be called the monitoring room based on the large collection of television screens piled in the corner of the room. Perhaps they ran through a security system for the house at some point, but now they were covered in mold. In the middle of the room was a crudely made hole in the floorboards. A wooden ladder had been set up so one could step down into the darkness below.

"You'll have to go down there for this one," Lucas said.

@thatguyinthestore @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Otto @MonitoringRoom

To travel to the Drawing Room, one had to squeeze through a tiny space between two walls. It seemed to be a secret passage, though Lucas ensured it wasn't a secret now. As everyone entered the drawing room, they were greeted with the sight of a hunting rifle rigged up on some kind of contraption, pointing at them. A taxidermied deer stared at them as well as it stood across a line of squares that seemed to go along all throughout the room.

"You fellas ever play Monopoly?" Lucas asked. "I never did. Family never had time. So, I thought, why not experience the joy of a board game with you guys? You're some lucky." The squares lit up, the borders of them lit different colors by LED lights. "You're on the starting zone. From here, you'll travel around the board until you get to the supply room. There, you'll get what ya need! However, if you try and cheat the game..." Another gun in the corner of the room went off, firing into the wall.

"You can choose your own order if you'd like. It's a lot like the game of Life, in the sense that you might lose your life! Just hit the button I've put up on your codexes to roll the dice!"

@York @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Takumi @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter @DrawingRoom

"I'm afraid I'm gonna need an even number, folks."

"Then count me," Shane said, joining the basement group.

"Six is a good number, isn't it?" The basement door opened. A dim light set on to the wall illuminated a hall that went left and right. Neither went far before they came to a crudely made metal door. "Now, divide yourselves, three to a door. Hop to it."

Bullet decided to go right, while Shane went left.

@Jeremi @Leon Moretti @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Basement

"Me? Ditching you? Psh!" Kate made a dismissive noise as she continued into the sitting room. "Now, maybe if Hercules showed up..."

Leaning back on one of the couches was Tommy, who only reacted to T'Challa's arrival with a nod of his head. "Yo."

Teddy didn't seem to be sure what to do with himself, so he stood awkwardly. Kate came to his rescue by asking, "Hey, I might go tell Billy another guest showed up. I imagine you don't want to be around when...?

"Oh. Yes!" Teddy pointed back into the hall. "I'm gonna go!"

As he left, Kate gave T'Challa an amused shrug. "Do you mind?"

@Jeremi @Afterlife

"I'll be going last this time." Toffee said dryly as he based down the ladder, seeing as the last time he had gone first he was almost drowned.

@Atomyk @Minerva @Otto @Gands @whoever​
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  • Nice Execution!
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The Batter watches as they entered the strange room. He then looks to the rifle pointing at him and his friends. He did not like it. He then listens to what Lucas had to say. 'He wants to play a game with us?' He questioned of what Lucas was think but then looks on the ground seeing mutliple colored squares. 'So it's a game of chance?' He looks at the gun that was shot as warning for cheating the game...Well he wasn't going to cheat anyways. He then looks to Reiner.

"I'm going after Reiner." He then looks to his codex. He would wait until Reiner has roll the dice and taken his turn.

@Takumi @York @Glostechk @Gummi Bunnies @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @Atomyk

"I'll be going last this time." Toffee said dryly as he based down the ladder, seeing as the last time he had gone first he was almost drowned.

@Atomyl @Minerva @Otto @Gands @whoever​
"Stay between us." Saeko said, pointing her pistol. "We can act as a shield in case Lucas decides to drop something behind us." She looked towards Phil. "Would you like to go next?"

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