Hoods & Capes Signups/OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I can't tell if I'm still laughing at my own joke, or laughing because you guys appreciate it so much.
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Reactions: Mobley Eats
Nellie = Currently Hates Her Life.
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Reactions: Seductress
Boris is a delight, although if I had a guy in a box poking at a hole with a knife I would just...turn the other way
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I feel like David is the straight man in this madness
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Boris already seems like he is insane.
I'm excited for Marcus being the villain though
But knowing our humble Gm she has something planned and won't tell
Heh...I am muy excited for more Boris. Also Nellie, you savage bean you
If anyone knows my tenancy for secrets and plans, Zero, it's you. I have multiple big things planned. Only two people know fragments of my plans, but nobody knows the full extent of it.
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Trust me our humble but awesome Gm has plans and secrets upon one another. She will give details of what may happen but never fully explain. But it does leave excellent suspense and story telling.

Also how many villains do we have in this or is it just Marcus?
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I have no doubt in my mind that the GM has horrendously awesome ideas in store for us.

And I currently have a villain named Insomnia. I know that the GM made a few villains as well. Can't quite remember off the top of my head if there's anymore.
I have no doubt in my mind Seductress has plenty wicked but wonderfully conducted ideas to share with us. Our fair Gm, I've got faith in ya o7.

Er, I think that's it for villains. I was tempted to make one but I gotta wait for finals week to be over before my brain goes back to full capacity
The villains established so far are Sadist and Surge, but those have officially been added to Iron Head's rogues gallery. Sadist is in custody, and as we've established recently in a one on one plot with Iron Head, Surge is still at large. Marcus is the only official villain that has been revealed right now, but introduced to the continuity of our living, breathing universe is another villain, Finn, who's a bad day away from being Night Watcher's arch nemesis. With that being said, Finn is now in custody, and a full write up and report will be posted here on him soon.
  • Spicy
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"The Night Watcher left me in charge, so don't even think about it you fuck."
WHEEZE. Okay, okay, listen, that part cracked me up so freakin much, Jem was not expecting that XD. also may or may not have done the nicknames based off that one MST3K episode, but its fine.
You're basing your nicknames off an episode, that's 100% okay as long as it's okay that I'm basing The Night Watcher's condescending jabs at Jem off of how The Tick talks. Like, just search up even a clip from The Tick and you'll see exactly what I mean.
I feel like Marcus would be a good major villain
Maybe he brings all the other villains together because he knows he can't face the heroes alone.
But I'm open to whatever @Seductress wants to do with him
God I have such a good idea for Marcus that would blend in very well with our first major plotline. I can't spoil anything though, so we'll roll with him while the plot thickens, and then I'll talk to you about my idea once the big plot twist has been revealed.
  • OMG
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Bro, nerd obscurity references are on, lets go bro. Im gonna go look up the tick real quick so I can get a good laugh before the crippling anxiety of finals hits me XD
Bro Night Watcher is just the Tick and I fuckin love it
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