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This is who I'm imagining for Nancy by the way:


Her name's Maisie Richardson-Sellers and she's an actress.
Do you have any ideas for our Wren and Eric roleplay to add some drama?

We could maybe time jump to when they start college?
I thought we were going to do that both Wren and Eric liked the new girl but then Wren has found this older girl anyway :)
We can do if you want, when I'm not tired tomorrow, I'll have a think to see if I can come up with anything! :)
Also for more drama with the Piper/Edward idea, how about if Piper takes Katy with her when she leaves?
Either would be drama, her leaving Katy with Edward and as a single Dad or taking Katy with her, either would cause drama, so I don't mind which option :)
It'd be more drama if she took Katy with her, and makes more sense since she's pregnant, and she wouldn't want to leave her child behind for long.
OMG I had an idea for one of the RPs but I've comoleheky forgotten it xD
Hahaha don't worry, I do that too. Just try and backtrack on that train of thought til you get back to it. Usually that works.
Yeah hopefully I can remember XD or it might be like a Dory moment XD, any specific RP you wanted me to reply to?
Just as many as you can :) I've missed you.
Awwwwwww Becca, I've missed it too, blame work as I've either had awkward shifts or I've been too tired!
You need to remember to take care of yourself and not work yourself too thin.
Did you want me to time-skip Peanut butter to the party? or did you want to do anything else in it before?
Yeah you can skip if you want :)
Awesome :), just thought i'd get it moving, we can also skip You and I to something else as well :)
Could bring Terra into The A-Team to add more drama, I know she's only just come into It's Complicated really, But was just a little idea :)
Ooh yeah I like that idea - Eric could call her for some advice, and they can get together and talk.