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Too many Zelvira feels - they're my OTP, I swear. I mean, we've been RP'ing them since 2012 - that's five years! It's crazy.
Omg no way has it been five years!!! That's crazy!! We've know each other five years too! That is actually so crazy!
It's insane. And think how developed that universe has become - it's got all these other characters, with their own storylines, and drama, and now our Zayn and Elvira are great-grandparents :) Our babies are grown up
Haha we've given them a really big story and even in different RPs, they have different stories :)
I made something for my three OTPs - the childhood sweethearts of our rp worlds.

Awwwwwww that is so cute, I love Liam and Jade too :)

We haven't done any Piper Edward in a while, sorry if I don't reply tonight, I had a shift 16pm-23pm! I've only just sat down and got into bed, depends how tired I am, depends if I reply :)
Have we any ideas to do with Edward and Piper?
Mmmmmm, I don't think we had any for them, so we can try to think of something
Idea: Piper feels stifled being a stay-at-home-mum so she suddenly decides she wants to travel the world. Overnight, she leaves Katy with Edward and goes travelling on her own for a bit, with nothing but a note left for Edward and her parents.
Did you want to do that while she was pregnant? or after she had the baby?
While she's pregnant, I guess? It would make more drama.
Yeah that's fine if you want to do it that way, more than happy with that :)

Did we need ideas for any of the other RPs?
Not sure - is there any pairings you really want to work with in particular at the moment?
Mmmmm not any pairing that I can think of, we have loads to think of them xD
I'm really excited to develop our Marc/Ryan plotline some more, and also Chris' transition process and any budding sexual attraction coming up - I don't think we've ever given our characters plotlines from that young before. Usually we start them on serious stories when they're like eighteen, or at the very least, 16. It'll be interesting to take Chris from a preteen into an actual teenager.
Yeah I think most is from 16 or older, but nothing wrong with doing it now :) and then you also have Stiles and Catelyn with their first loves at nearly 15
I know :D

Any ideas for our All Or Nothing roleplay? I know we have Bay not wanting to go to classes, and Chloe and Jeremy not accepting the twins' relationships, but is there anything else we could do there?
That's going to be cute :)

Ermmm........ you have Jade trying to find her biological parents too and then you had the other idea when it comes to another few years skip of Jade being pregnant and telling Liam before having to fast.. eeeermmmmmm, did you want to keep Chloe and Jeremy not accepting the twins relationship? Maybe it could cause a fall out between Chloe and Jr too?
Yeah - Jr could get really frustrated that Chloe still isn't accepting it, and Chloe can feel betrayed that Jr isn't on her side for once in their lives.