History Reapeats Itself

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Zayn Jr just laughed, trying to calm down. He just couldn't though, because the topic of conversation was just so funny. He chuckled as he drove. "Chloe Doniya Malik, do not hit my boyfriend! I need him in one piece for tonight." He teased.

Jeremy covered his ears. "Ok, I am not listening anymore." He complained.
Chloe pouted and shook her head. "If i can't have any fun and have sex with Jeremy then you aren't allowed tonight either, i will make sure you don't and i can hit your boyfriend, if you remember correctly, you have hit Jeremy loads of times when you were younger, he may not of been my boyfriend then but he is now"

Nick laughed at the twins both teasing with each other. "Aww you really are jelous you can't get some love making from Jeremy" he said smiling. "I'm sorry Mrs Hunt, but i can't go against my boyfriend and i want some fun"
"You don't know what goes on in our bed, dear sister." Zayn Jr grinned, and slowed to a pause at the traffic lights. "Besides, you and Jeremy can still please one another." He pointed out with a mischievous grin.

Elvira took a deep breath to calm her nerves as they approached the apartment building, and stopped outside. "Ok - can you please come in with me? I need some support here." She looked over pleadingly at Zayn.
Chloe looked at Jr and shook her head. "Jr, i think i have a very good idea of what goes on in that bed of yours" she said with a giggle and shrugged. "I mean yeah and i have pleased Jeremy a couple of times"

Zayn pulled up and looked at her and nodded. "Yeah i guess i'll come up with you" he said with a sigh.
Elvira got out of the car, and took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She slipped her hand into Zayn's as they headed into the building, and up to the first floor. "I wonder which apartment he's-" She started but then cut herself off when she heard yelling coming from the second floor, "Horan, you are nothing but trash! Screw you!"

She bolted up the stairs and saw through the open door of an apartment, a blonde girl slapping Niall hard across the face. The sight of blood seeping from the scratches on her husband's face did it for Elvira and she strode in, shoving the blond girl out of the way. "Excuse me? What the hell do you think you're doing?" She spat at the girl.

Taylor was stunned slightly when she was shoved, but it instantly clicked and her eyes narrowed. "Don't tell me - you're the slutty ex-wife who slept with some other guy behind his back?" She sneered. "He's my boyfriend, and I can do whatever the hell I like."

Oh, it was on. Elvira snarled as she swung at Taylor's head and connected with it, sending the girl to the floor. "First of all, he's my husband, and second of all, he deserves to be treated with love and respect, because he's one of the best guys in the world to be with, but you, you don't even deserve to touch him. And you won't anymore." She grabbed the scruff of Taylor's t-shirt, and yanked her out into the hall. "And don't ever come near him, or me, or any one else in our family, or things will get ugly."
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Zayn got out the car himself and looked at Elvira as she calmed herself and he held her hand when it was slipped into his and he gave it a squeeze as he walked in with her and the first floor and shrugged and was about ti answer before he looked. He didn't even have a chance to let go of her hand when she bolted up the stairs and he went with her and let her hand go.

Niall ran his fingers through his hair as he was shouted at. "If i'm nothing but trash then why are you with me? I took you in when no one would Taylor, i pay for this whole apartment and i let you stay here heck i do everything for you and all i get is-" he started but was slapped across the face and put his hand to his cheek with it stinging and he saw blood on it and looked to see Elvira and his eyes widened.

He quickly went over to her and took a hold of her. "Elvira, stop, it's not worth it okay, i'm fine" he lied and pulled her away from the door and put her in Zayn's arms to hold her and keep her from doing anything bad.
Taylor stood up, and scowled at Elvira. "Fine then, slag, you have him then. See if I care." She turned and stalked off down the stairs.

Elvira glared after her, and said through her teeth, "Zayn Javadd Malik, let me go, or so help me, you won't be able to reproduce after this."
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Niall looked at Taylor as she scowled and what she said. "Taylor don't call her that, just go and come pick your things up later" he called to her before looking at Elvira and made her look her him as he took a hold of her chin carefully. "Elvira what were you thinking, why did you come here" he asked her.

Zayn shook his head. "I'm not letting you go Elvira and don't you even think about doing anything to my package" he said to her and looked at Niall. "What the hell, she comes here to save your ass and all you do is ask why, she wanted to see if you were okay you idiot"
Elvira was made to look at Niall, but the instant she met his eyes, all her anger was gone. "I went to meet you earlier on at the cafe, but you didn't come. That's how I realised something was wrong, since you never break a promise." She couldn't look away from him. "I miss you, Niall, so so much. Every time I see something that reminds me of you, I burst into tears, because it hurts that much." As she poured her heart out to him, she noticed that there was bruises up and down his arms and even on his face. "I haven't been able to sleep or eat these past few days, because I'm crazy for you, and I miss you like crazy."
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Niall looked at her back into her gorgeous coloured eyes and he even saw himself that her anger went. He sighed at what she said. "El, there was a reason why i didn't come to the cafe earlier, that's why i cancelled, believe me i never wanted to but i have a reason" he said and chewed on his lip but let it go when he remembered there was an old cut there. He sure did have bruises up his and arms and on his face but he had worse than them on his stomach and back and even cuts on them. He sighed and wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her into his chest, ignoring all his aches and pains. "I have missed you too"
She wrapped her arms around his waist, and tears fell from her cheeks. "I can't stand being without you - you're my Irish Leprechaun." She mumbled into his chest. "Please come back..." Elvira whimpered slightly at the heartache she was feeling right then.
Niall buried his face into her hair and gave her head a kiss. "Don't cry, please don't and you're my Bradford Beauty" he said to her and rubbed her back. He let out a breath as he thought about it. "I will come back if you want me to" he said to her.
"Please, boo." Elvira mumbled. "I really need you back with us." She glanced back at Zayn and mouthed to him, "Thank you, Z." She really did love Zayn for all he did for her - he had told her earlier that he would tolerate Niall for her sake, because she loved him, and that was the sweetest thing ever for Elvira.

She turned back to Niall, and looked up at him. "The house and the people in it are not the same without you, babe. You're still 1/5 of 1D, even if the band doesn't perform anymore. You guys are brothers."
Niall sighed and took his head off of hers. "You're not going to beat me and shout at me are you?" he asked her and was actually afraid of being hurt badly and being beat and shouted out. He had even had to go to the hospital after one time of being beaten. He let out a breath and nodded. "I'll come back, only if i'm not shouted at or anything" he said to her and let her go and sighed as he saw blood on his t-shirt and he took it off, no point in hiding all the black bruises and everything because Elvira would see it anyway.

Zayn smiled at him and gave her a wink back and his mouth dropped at the state of Niall's back and chest.
Elvira's hand flew to her mouth when she saw the bruises and cuts. She was actually speechless for a long moment, but when she regained use of her voice, she whispered out, "You're coming back with us, and if that bitch thinks she can hurt you anymore, she's got another think coming." She took his hand, and gently kissed each fingertip. "I'm in love with you, and all your little things." She softly quoted, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.
Niall looked at them when he saw their reactions and he gave a small shrug. "It's worse than it looks, i'm in so much pain from it all, i've had to take painkillers for the pain but it doesn't matter, they will heal over time" he said as he cleaned the new cuts up, something he was used to doing by now. He put plasters over them before sorting the scratch out on his face that was left but he had a couple of bruises on his face anyway and a cut on his eyebrow and lip and now more scratches to his cheeks. He looked at her and shook his head. "She's not worth it, i will get my stuff moved back to the house when i can and sell the apartment or rent it out" he said and looked at her when she sang before placing his lips gently on hers and kissing her.

(^^ Hehe thought i'd do the Irish Flag for Niall's part, seeing as it's the only part XD)
Elvira was surprised by the kiss, but her insides melted at the gentle touch, and she kissed him back, her arms winding around his neck. She even forgot that Zayn was in the room, because she was so into the kiss that she had missed too much over the last few days.

When they got back to the apartment, Zayn Jr unlocked the door, and led the way in. He took off his shoes and left them in the hall with his jacket while he headed into the kitchen. "Anyone hungry? I made some cookies yesterday - whether my boyfriend has eaten them or not, that's the question." He teased with a grin.

Jeremy laughed. "Ooh, Nicholas, have you eaten your boyfriend's cookies?" He chuckled as he sat down in the living room beside Chloe
Niall cupped her cheek as she kissed him back and he wrapped his arms around her waist and even he forgot that Zayn was in the room and mad at him already anyway.

Zayn raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes before clearing his throat. "I'll er be in the car waiting for you both"

Nick walked into the apartment and raised his eyebrow and blushed a little. "No I haven't eaten them all, I've eaten most of them but not all, I think there is some left" he said with a chuckle.

Chloe rolled her eyes with a smile and sat in the living room on the sofa. "Nicholas" she teased with a smile.
When Zayn spoke, Elvira slowly came back to earth, and she broke the kiss for a brief moment, turning to her best friend. "We'll be down in a few, and Zayn? Thanks for everything." She smiled gratefully, and then turned back to Niall with a smile. "So, how about we get your stuff gathered? You're not going to spend another night here, if I have anything to do with it." She kissed the tip of his nose cutely.

Zayn Jr laughed, and took the bag of cookies out from the cupboard. His eyes widened, and he yelled, "You left me ONE cookie? Only one! I made two dozen chocolate cookies the other day!"

Jeremy laughed, and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders. "Jr isn't happy..." He joked with a grin. "Believe me, if I ate any of Chloe's food, I would regret it afterwards. I've been expressly banned from eating any of her oranges for example." He rolled his eyes. "Baby El likes oranges apparently, which means a huge craving for them at weird hours of the night."
Zayn smiled at her and winked. "No problem, like i said, if you are happy, then i am happy" he said smiling and got his car keys out of his pocket and went out the door and back down to the car.

Niall looked at Zayn and gave him a small smile before looking at Elvira. "Mmmm i'll pack what i need and my other things i'll get a different time" he said as he got a bag out from the wardrobe and got things out he would need.

"What you never said people were coming round, so i left you one, i did say i left some in there" Nick called back as he went into the bedroom and put his phone and everything else on his side before sitting in the livingroom with the others. "He will get over it, he always does" he said smiling and laughed. "That's because she is pregnant and hormonal"

Chloe shrugged her shoulders. "Those are my oranges and it's not my fault i'm hormona; and pregnant, Jeremy was the one who knocked me up" she teased with a smile. "And oranges are nice at 4 in the morning"
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