His Favorite

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"Fine, fine. While we're together I won't talk about him, kay? Now come out here, babe."
He hesitated, his hands tightening on the blanket as he contemplated. "No... Y-You come here. I'm in the bathroom by my bedroom, so p-please come here."
Sighing, he went to the bathroom, and opened the door looking at him. "Baby, your not mad are ya?"
"... No," He murmured, childishly looking away as he wrapped the blanket around himself tightly. "Y-You still owe me that massage, you know. That would cheer me up."
"Okay okay." He chuckled and moved to massage his shoulders softly kissing b his ear.
He purred softly, he let his eyes flutter as he held onto the blanket tight. Leaning against the man, he easily accepted the kisses and the embrace
"See? Was it so hard to forgive me?" He asked with a smirk as he cuddled close.
"I'm still disappointed," He reminded, his hands lightly running up the vampire's leg and back
"Just because," He replied, squeezing the other's inner thigh teasingly. "I can
"What do you want from me, huh?" He whispered in hi ear before climbing on top of him, pinning him to the tile bathroom floor.
"You know what I want," He whispered, his eyes locked on the vampire as he bit his lip lightly."Do your worst."
Now the turned him all the way on as he easily began to capture his lips, kissing him with a deep moan.
Easily taking in the kiss, the boy's legs almost instantly latched around Eric's waist. He enjoyed the sloppy kiss, a soft moan of pleasure escaping his own lips
He and Aime never had sex. Aime never let him get that far. Eric could have easily got that far if he wanted to beforw, but he respected him.
"If... h-hn... If I let you do more than this, you need to promise me something..." He whispered, running his nose along the other's ear as he tangled his fingers through the vampire's hair. "You need to promise you'll only love me, understood?"
Freezing at that word, he slowly pulled away, looking down at him. "Aime I.....You know I cant.' Damn! He was so close to having a piece of his sweet ass!
"Mm, whelp, I guess we'll save this sort of thing for another time, shall we?" He murmured, letting his legs unattache. "I'm sure you don't mind."
Glaring a bit at him, he slowly got off him, frustrated with the ghost. Why was he so damn persistent on having him as a lover? No good would come from it.
Dusting himself iff, he easily floated out of the room down the hall to the third level- somewhere neither went very often
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