His Darkest Wish

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Pam giggled, feeling young and perfect once more until Eric tensed and bared his fangs. Her brow furrowed and she looked around, seeing nothing menacing immediately then looking back to him, placing a gentle hand on his chest. She was a bit worried at his reaction and the way he'd pulled her closer as if the threat was directed at her.

"Wh-what's wrong love?"
"It's nothing." retracting his fangs and loosening his grip around her. "Just my protective instincts going off. Hope I didn't scare you" he said jokingly at the last sentence. "You know how I get when I sense danger when you're around." unbuttoning the top three buttons of his shirt before pulling her closer to him. "God, I love you. Pamela." he said smiling, showing every inch of affection that he had for her. "You seem a bit tense. What's got you so stressed. Hmm?" as he started to massage with his free hand and the other holding her.
She relaxed as he did and laughed a bit, shifting on his lap a bit and running a finger in circles on his chest, a warm smile gracing her lips as he pulled her closer, telling her how much he loved her. This man was so strong and special, and she was very lucky to have him.

"Nothing's wrong, darling, I was just confused as to why you were so tense. Is there anything I can do to help you relax, my love?"
"A massage could help a lot. I haven't had one in awhile." leaning back into his chair as he watch the crowd in the club and letting his go, so she could stand. "Give me one more kiss, before you start the massage."
Pam leaned forward, her lips slowly moving to linger over his, brushing barely against his before she kissed him slow yet passionately, then she slid from his lap and stood, moving around behind him and sliding her hands up his chest to begin rubbing his shoulders.
He grabbed her hand as she moved behind him. Once she started massaging him he relaxed more, "That feels good, a little deeper. Right there." It felt good having a massage again. He ordered himself another round of Tru Blood. "Hope you don't, I'm not craving human blood tonight."
As Pam rubbed Eric's shoulders, she scanned the crowd for anything out of the ordinary. When Eric ordered a Tru Blood, she smiled gently but otherwise ignored it. She didn't much care for the beverage, seeing as there was an aftertaste and it tasted much different because it had to be warmed up.
"Don't worry I'll drink human blood, before we close." knowing that it would please her. "Are you happy again and do you still want to do something, like take a walk through the woods, or something?"
Pam looked to Eric. He was being so nice. Too nice. This wasn't the Eric she knew. Not the man she loved. She just shook her head, making sure to run his upper back and shoulderblades.
He wanted to make up for the neglect, but this another a side to him. A rare one, that reminded of his Norwegian past. He stroked her wrist as she massaged him. "Thank you" he said when the waitress brought him the bottle of Tru Blood. "Not bad for a second."
Pam stopped and went to the bar, making drinks and serving people. Every once in a while she would glance at Eric and sigh a bit, not knowing what to think any more. It was when she smelled the odd, wonderful smell again when she stopped. There, in the doorway was Bill Compton and that little blond girl.
Eric noticed them as well and motioned Pam to come to him. "Go to them and find out the reason why they're here, and then let come to me." he ordered getting comfortable in his chair as he watched them.
Pam nodded and approached Bill and the girl at a normal pace, her eyes looking over the femal with faint interest and she rose an eyebrow.

"What, may I ask, do you want?"
"We need to speak with Eric, Sookie here has questions she would like answered. Vampires from this area are attacking humans in Bon Temp. We need his advice." Bill said before Sookie could say anything.

Eric felt Sookie's gaze on him, but couldn't help to look back, her scent intoxicated him.
Pam paused for a moment, looking at the blond- Sookie- with an unreadable look before sighing.

"Fine. Go on."
He motioned Pam to return to his side. "Hello. What can I do for you two?" he said inviting Pam to sit on the chair arm, so he could wrap his arm around her waist.

"There have been vampire attacks in Bon Temp and we suspect that they're from Area 5." mentioned Bill.

"Well then, I'll look into it." he said looking at Pam and not at Sookie, even though he was attracted to her because of her scent. He wanted to know what she was, taste her blood, but with Pam there, that couldn't happen.
Pam smiled down to Eric and reached out, cupping her chin. She knew exactly why he was looking at her. Because he didn't want to look at the other girl. They both knew the second he would look at her it would be over, but at least for now he was looking up into Pam's eyes.
He didn't want to make Pam jealous, since she was the jealous type and it was really easy for her to become jealous. "I'll do my best to stop the attacks." Eric said looking at Bill and motioned him forward. "What is she?" he whispered to him, so that Pam nor could Sookie could hear. "I don't know, I was hoping you might know. We'll be on our way" said Bill, before departing. Eric shook his head, "Sorry, I don't." focusing his attention back to Pam, "I think I want human blood now, get me on the dancers and have them basement chained up. Join me?" stroking her cheek lightly.
Pam eyed the girl as Eric and Bill spoke and she stepped forward, walking in a slow circle around her, making sure she didn't have a tail or anything. She snuffed a bit and crossed her arms, bending closer to the girl's face, making her blush and stare at Pam with wide eyes. Pam spoke first, her voice low and slow.

"What... are you?"

Sookie looked at this pale woman in the face, her cheeks flushing red and she stuttered out.

"A w-waitress."

Pam went back to Eric's side, unamused just as Eric ordered her to obtain a dancer. Quickly, without an answer to his question, she went to the most beautiful female dancer and glamoured her to the basement, where she chained her up.
He left the throne and met Pam on the staircase. "I see found Bill's companion compelling, just as I did." looking her in the eye and then over to the dancer. "Good choice, Pam, care to join me" taking of his shirt and jacket. He walked over to the dancer and smelled her, perfect, no sign of alcohol, which is what he liked. Soon he sunk his fangs into her neck and started to drink till he was full, "Are you coming for some blood. Do you think we should please her or just let her go." his animal side coming out again.
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