Hidden [Signups are STILL OPEN]

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@The Dark Guardian :) thanks for joining hidden.

@Lorchenne ...that sounds wrong in all the wrong ways. But your in chara thing is fantabulous!

Can someone please fill me in on how this works? What do seekers look like? Are hidden just regular people? (all the powers and roles of the two I know) What do levels look like? Are there any natural obstacles? Is the level stage artificial (like a large white room or dungeon) or natural (large, open forests/plains/caves)? Can seekers kill other seekers AND hidden? Can hidden kill seekers AND other hidden?
@Mr. V
Can someone please fill me in on how this works? What do seekers look like? Are hidden just regular people? (all the powers and roles of the two I know) What do levels look like? Are there any natural obstacles? Is the level stage artificial (like a large white room or dungeon) or natural (large, open forests/plains/caves)? Can seekers kill other seekers AND hidden? Can hidden kill seekers AND other hidden?

Did you read the first page first post? Did you check the RP Post? Because both give an overview of how this rp happens. Let me explain as simple as possible.

Both Seekers and Hidden are regular humans who received a text message from a person named "The Maker". when they replied/or not, they are transported somewhere else. Now, as for the Levels, those are secret for now, but Level 1 is set in a medieval castle with 3 different types of monsters and 1 sleeping level boss. As for Obstacles, like I said we don't provide that until the next level happens next. Either the next level could be artificial or natural, but all in all, it could become maze like.

As for the killing, yes. Seekers may choose to kill other seekers and hidden, but it won't be easy. same to Hidden, but Hidden are mostly Defensive players. Seekers are offensive. Hiddens aren't able to equip themselves with ANY weapon unless their PARTNER Seeker hands it to them. So Yes, to both. But there are conditions.

Basically, Hidden is a Hide and Seek game. A player has a partner, either a hidden (if you play seeker) or vice versa. You have a mark on your wrist that will give a clue as to who your partner might be. It would be colored RED if you are seeker, BLUE if you are hidden.

The Hidden are basically that, they are Hidden. And It is the Seeker's role to find these Hidden. The Monsters will try to prevent you from reaching them. Other players may also prevent you from reaching your target.

Basically, the gist of how everything goes IS on the first page. and the detailed instructions are scattered within this thread. We'll try to collate everything as soon as possible. But new rules pop up, every now and then.

Does this answer everything? Because feel free to ask some more. :D I like trying to explain. If I didn't get everything right, @Lorchenne can explain it better.

She's my co-mod. Feel free to contact her too. :)
@Mr. V

Did you read the first page first post? Did you check the RP Post? Because both give an overview of how this rp happens. Let me explain as simple as possible.

Both Seekers and Hidden are regular humans who received a text message from a person named "The Maker". when they replied/or not, they are transported somewhere else. Now, as for the Levels, those are secret for now, but Level 1 is set in a medieval castle with 3 different types of monsters and 1 sleeping level boss. As for Obstacles, like I said we don't provide that until the next level happens next. Either the next level could be artificial or natural, but all in all, it could become maze like.

As for the killing, yes. Seekers may choose to kill other seekers and hidden, but it won't be easy. same to Hidden, but Hidden are mostly Defensive players. Seekers are offensive. Hiddens aren't able to equip themselves with ANY weapon unless their PARTNER Seeker hands it to them. So Yes, to both. But there are conditions.

Basically, Hidden is a Hide and Seek game. A player has a partner, either a hidden (if you play seeker) or vice versa. You have a mark on your wrist that will give a clue as to who your partner might be. It would be colored RED if you are seeker, BLUE if you are hidden.

The Hidden are basically that, they are Hidden. And It is the Seeker's role to find these Hidden. The Monsters will try to prevent you from reaching them. Other players may also prevent you from reaching your target.

Basically, the gist of how everything goes IS on the first page. and the detailed instructions are scattered within this thread. We'll try to collate everything as soon as possible. But new rules pop up, every now and then.

Does this answer everything? Because feel free to ask some more. :D I like trying to explain. If I didn't get everything right, @Lorchenne can explain it better.

She's my co-mod. Feel free to contact her too. :)

So, the Seeker and Hidden teams are like the Big Daddies and Little Girls of Bioshock? The Seeker protects the Hidden, and they both have to get to the save point to win, the Seeker killing anyone who endangers them?
...you DON'T need to kill, you just need to get your way to the save point together.

killing is not required. and I am not aware of that reference.
@Mr. V , Hidden are Hidden. Seekers must find their Hidden counterpart by the symbol that identifies them.

Hidden are pure defense, Seekers are on offense. Both types of players are killable in-game.

The objective is to locate your Seeker before the time runs out. When it does, you must be in the designated save point [where you are healed and transported to the next level]. If you don't find your pair during the Stage, that's fine, you can try again in the next stage.

So no, it's not Bioshock. :(
@Mr. V , Hidden are Hidden. Seekers must find their Hidden counterpart by the symbol that identifies them.

Hidden are pure defense, Seekers are on offense. Both types of players are killable in-game.

The objective is to locate your Seeker before the time runs out. When it does, you must be in the designated save point [where you are healed and transported to the next level]. If you don't find your pair during the Stage, that's fine, you can try again in the next stage.

So no, it's not Bioshock. :(

So, you find your Seeker or the Seeker finds you, and you both have to be in the save point. Now, is your Seeker supposed to kill you?
Nope. A Seeker's objective is to find their Hidden and make it out alive by going to their Save Point. Monsters are set to attack Seekers, and that's what they should fight.
It was already hinted WHY you know... :P read Lorchenne's post above. Robert is Maker's creation. :) And a new post may hint more to why he KNOWS. and no, not because GM. LOL. I'm not that mean. hahahaha

and LOL, he's not bloodthirsty or sadistic, ...okay, sadistic not bloodthirsty. That's Skye. LOL. He's The Twister for a reason. and lol, he likes bunnies and unicorns because he has a baby hidden who's a girl and acts like a princess. XDDDDD

it's a tiger on fire.

Hmmm...you may just have given me Level 2 Monster inspiration. xDDD
LOL oh boy...
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Nope. A Seeker's objective is to find their Hidden and make it out alive by going to their Save Point. Monsters are set to attack Seekers, and that's what they should fight.

Oh, so the Hidden hides from the monsters, and the Seeker goes to find and rescue the Hidden, killing monsters along the way and protecting the Hidden, bringing both of them to the Save Point.
Jeeze Robert's gonna freeze Winter....That sounds weird lol
Technically, we didn't recquire pictures to keep everything mysterious and totally clueless when everything started, but since y'all did it already. that's fine.

So, how do we start out? Do Seekers and Hidden just start wearing whatever they decided to wear that day? Do Seekers get armor? What weapons are available?
@Mr. V equipment depends on the stage, for this one, no armor and a selection of weapons are prepared in Save Point. Clothes are up to the players, but they don't hold any importance to the plot. You may want to read the rp so far. :D
@Obsidian L Scarletta >3 Your fault for changing your avatar. Wonder what the setting should be for Level 2... >DDDD and lol, he was starting to. XDDD But stopped. you can check. :D

@The Dark Guardian Me too! :DDD We're going to now speed things up for our new members!

@Mr. V we want you to play out how you look like in the actual thread as to keep everyone from knowing who is who and keep everyone in suspense. :) I like how your looking at this rp by the threads. Keeps us mods on our toes.

And to everyone else, would it be easier if @Lorchenne and I create another OOC thread just for the rules? Newbies, would that be easier for you guys too? Because there are way too many pages, and the rules now are scattered in all the pages (which we deeply apologize for btw). We can use the BOT method to do it. Make it more concise and easier to digest. (LOL food!)

What do you think? :)
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Maybe they should just ask the bot? -shrugs-
true. but sometimes you'll forget. Maybe a new OOC Thread with the rules listed down would be easier to read you know?

we can just copy past what the bot had posted down already. :P
Or you could blog post it? Or you could program it into the bot.
@Obsidian L Scarletta >3 Your fault for changing your avatar. Wonder what the setting should be for Level 2... >DDDD and lol, he was starting to. XDDD But stopped. you can check. :D

@The Dark Guardian Me too! :DDD We're going to now speed things up for our new members!

@Mr. V we want you to play out how you look like in the actual thread as to keep everyone from knowing who is who and keep everyone in suspense. :) I like how your looking at this rp by the threads. Keeps us mods on our toes.

And to everyone else, would it be easier if @Lorchenne and I create another OOC thread just for the rules? Newbies, would that be easier for you guys too? Because there are way too many pages, and the rules now are scattered in all the pages (which we deeply apologize for btw). We can use the BOT method to do it. Make it more concise and easier to digest. (LOL food!)

What do you think? :)
Oh ya he didnt freeze her he just insinuated a crazy glitched Seeker lady is gonna meet with them....FUN! Lol but hes not all bad....Kinda

Edit: Im good with the rules right now if I have questoins I ask bot but thats just me :)
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