Hate to Love You

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Jake couldnt speak... he was too surprised about the entire thing. Ken chuckles, "I think it went rather well."
"Yeah me too, shall we go to class and see what happens there?" Terri was feeling more positive about everything. as she held Ken's hand again. As Terri looked at Jake she laughed "Oh come on your the one who said he liked me you can't be that shocked"
Jake closes his mouth, "Yeah! But I didt expect you guys to be together so soon!"
Ken laughs and takes her hand, "Come on guys. Lets just go."
Terri just laughed and walked along with Ken while still holding his hand. "Yeah Jake, but when things happen they happen." Terri said as they got to the class room.
Ken walked with her
As they got into the classroom everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them both Terri whispered to Ken "Shall I do what we done outside in here too" With a slight laugh to cover up her nervous.
Ken smirked, "Naw. You know what?" he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, he kisses her deeply and he hears everyone gasps. Ken pulls away and smirks, "Its my turn."
Terri just smiles and play slap his ass as she walks off to her chair This guy is going to be the death of me she thought with a huge grin on her face as she got ready for class to start.
Ken smirked and took his seat. Everyone was staring at him. He simply looked at all of them "What? You never seen a guy kiss his woman before, "he paused and chuckled, "You all really need to get out more." he said all this in his southern accent everyone looked even more surprised.
Terri laughed as they looked from Ken to her "What can I say love and hate such a thin line who knew" she said shrugging her shoulders, looking over at her man who she was so proud of for just being himself.
Ken simply smirked while his fellow students were whispering to one another. The teacher came in and instantly said, "Alright kids settle down." she sets her stuff on her desk.
As the teacher walk's Terri just sit's at her desk with a huge grin on her face and wait's to see how long it takes for her to notice what the other kids are talking about.
The majority of the kids quiet down but one student whispers to another student pretty loudly so that the teacher could hear, "I cannot believe Ken and Terri are going out. They have always hated each other" the boy glances at the teacher to see her reaction, Ken smirked. The teacher (I need to give her a name I am just going to call her Mrs.Smith XD) didnt look at all surprised. She just smiled, So it finally happened,, she thought. She smiled at Terri and Ken. Ken noticed that she wasnt at all surprised. Did she know this would happen? he thought.
Terri was rather disappointed with her reaction well lack of reaction she looked over at Ken and then back at Mrs Smith what the hell she wouldn't of known we would of got on well enough to start dating surely could she Terri thought as she got her books out ready.
Mrs. Smith smiled and began the lesson for today. Ken was still thinking, I am going to have to talk to her about it after class...
Terri couldn't help but wonder what he thought about all of this Think i'll talk to him once class is done with and then maybe Mrs Smith too she thought just as the class began.
All off a sudden Jake bursts into the room with his ipod blaring 'Foxy Lady' (
) doing a funny dance as he walks in. Jake knows thats always makes Ken laughs. As he dances in there Jake says, 'Whats up people?!" he says with a goofy grin. Ken bite his lip although still smiling, the way he does to keep from laughing.
Terri can't stop herself from laughing but tries her best to give Jake an evil look but fails badly and just smiles and shakes her head at him instead. (love the song)
Everyone laughs and Ken just gives up and bursts out laughing. Mrs.Smith couldnt even help but smile a bit. Still smiling she shook her head, "Sit down Mr. James." Jake grinned, turned off his IPod and sat down. He has always been the class clown. ((I do too XP))
As Jake turned off the song Terri still had a huge grin on her face but put her head down to wait for Mrs Smith to continue with the lesson.
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