Guardians: A War of Heroes and Villains

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Long live Carolus Rex...
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
8:00 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
Pretty much all of them
(Group IC Here)

In the year 2020, the inevitable destruction of humanity looms. Terrorism and wars are at an all time high, a state of anarchy is spreading across the globe like wildfire, and villains from lore and legend are emerging to attack innocent people throughout the globe, each striving to establish their own domain. The god's themselves have become divided, with one side supporting the chaos and feeding it, and yet another side opposed to it, then with a third neutral party, determined to let the other gods hash the battle out, and fix whatever is left.

The evil gods have been the ones summoning the villains from myth and legend to battle. Those such as Morgan Le fay, Mordred, and Vlad the Impaler being among them.

However, the gods who have sided with the good have begun drawing heroes from the past to battle these villains. Heroes such as King Arthur, Lancelot, Merlin, and other members of the great legends of heroes are emerging to do battle with the great evil that besets the world. These heroes have been given newer, younger reincarnated forms, and sent to a place known as the Hero's Banquet Hall, an uninhabited island which has been repurposed to serve as a training and staging area for the new force of heroes.

Together with regular soldiers from the nations of the NATO pact, the Heroes of the past have been preparing to take the battle once more to the enemy. Only one side can win. Order or Chaos.

Hello, I have a few things I'd like you to know before you continue any further.

First off, this rp has minimum requirement of one paragraph (5-7 complete sentences) per post with a character, so if your not willing to satisfy that condition, my recommendation is to go ahead and click out, it just isn't worth wasting your time.

On that note however, assuming you do create a character it is important to note that it becomes "canon"
permanently, even if you leave this rp and vow never to return to it, please understand that I will be using them as a GM tool from there on out. If you don't think you could handle someone else using your creation after you leave, it's probably best not to look past here.

On a third note, as there will be minors involved, there will be a zero tolerance for any libertine type roleplaying. That isn't to say you don't have your cutesy hand holding, and maybe up to a bit of kissing, but for goodness sakes, if you wouldn't want your mother to read it, don't put it here.

And on a fourth and final note, there will never be a limited amount to the amount of rpers that are capable of
participating in this rp.

Thanks for reading.

  1. The usual Iwaku rules
  2. No metagaming, godmodding, or creating Mary Sue characters. (I believe this is self explanatory)
  3. As stated in the disclaimer, always make certain you have a minimum of one paragraph (5-7 complete sentences) in your posts. However, i'd also like for it to be good quality as well, don't just shitpost, even if it takes you a bit to post
  4. If you plan to curse, do it sparingly, or if you plan to make a character that falls under the "CursesAlltheTimeforNoParticularReason" category, make sure it's a light swearing, avoid F-bombs, and higher tier swears. Because precision F-strikes work so much better.
  5. Include the name of your character at the top of your post, that way we know just whom your posting with. It should look like this:
Name of character

Post: posiknaonfonaksoif. oamsinf uanojkenf naiunf ksfn. inaoisnf inaosjnfolainnsf mia mniosnfais nnkvianmsof inaosjnf lkjkn kamsimf imai ijminmkajnso. kmiansijnf km iansi kmanjsnkfn im, kjnknajks.

  1. If you post in character, make sure you wait two posts before you go about posting again.
  2. IC drama should not become OOC drama, if you have a problem with a recent post or facts, or spotted something I missed, please make sure to notify me in pm, I will solve the problem accordingly.
  3. I feel as this is a very important thing to state, A GM's word is law. Please do not attempt to defy myself or any GM that I choose to work with me.
  4. Use common sense. If it isn't in the rules, but you think it's probably something you shouldn't do, don't do it. Better to ask me first.
  5. At the bottom of your character sheet please post a color of your choice to show you have read the rules.
  6. Good grammar and spelling is a must! If need be, you can run it by @conman2163, for help with spelling.

We have two systems for combat here. The first main one, which is the classic, on your honor, acknowledge the hits your opponent makes system, and a secondary optional system, that if given a majority vote in favor, allows the system to be used, the system is as follows

Combat Hit System

To keep things fair and ensure no problems occur out of people going back and forth attacking, The person who initiates an attack will roll a single die, using the "more options" tab, in the OOC in a post they make there. The number you roll will determine if it the attack lands, and if it lands, whether or not you get the full hit you describe. For these purposes, there will be no "one hit KO" unless the person taking the hit wants it to end that way, however, successive hits will mean that you are forcibly incapacitated by the GM if you don't acknowledge the damage. (The human body can only do so much ya know?) What you roll determines what you get, and this is the scale.

1 = a Critical Fail

2-5 = Fails how you interpret this fail is up to you

6-10 = You got it, but missed some details or something, what is missed is determined by defender, though it can't be too many things.

11-15= This is the middle of the road, little to no failure

16-19 = Little to no failure

20= Epic Moment

The person who makes the attack can roll a die, determining whether or not that hit lands. However, to keep everything equal, if the number that the person who attacking rolls is undesireable. Say they got an epic moment, the person defending from the hit may "reroll" the die in the OOC. However, the number that is rolled will take a +3 penalty modifier, meaning that even if you roll high, it could still have a chance to take you up on the scale, and therefor hurt you. Risk = Reward but Risk = Penalty too.

Prior to creating your character, check the bottom of this sticky post to see what legends and myths have been taken. In this RP, all legends and mystical heroes in every existing religion and lore exist. Please avoid any "Biblical" Type heroes though, I will not approve them to prevent arguments.

Appearance: (A preferably anime, fantasy, or drawn type picture, though I suppose a "Real Person" picture will do.)




Weapon/tool: (It doesn't have to be something that harms someone else. Maybe you can support someone/something with your weapon? Maybe you have a weapon already associated with your character?)

Power: (This ability should start of as relatively low in power for plot and advancement reasons. Plot wise your character was just summoned from the afterlife to fight in a war, and them being summoned will take a lot out of them. They'll have to work their way up. If you'd like an example starting power, this would be it:

Subject A has the ability to summon fireballs at will. They can summon and throw up to three of these fireballs in a single post. However, summoning these fireballs takes a lot out of them, so they can only summon a maximum of twelve in a single battle)

Skills: (Are you a good tactician? Are you great at counting cards? Perhaps you are a great cook?)

Personality: Minimum of twenty words please.

Bio/legend: (You do not have to use a person from a legend if you don't want. You can create your own original character; a legend from the future or present, here as well. If you choose this route a bio with a minimum of 40 words is needed. If not, a link of the legend will suffice)

Theme: {optional)

Likes: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

Pet hate: (Optional)

Extra things:(Optional)

So it may be confusing over how your character will get more powerful. When you character trains under his/her respective founder, after the end of each training session I will post a list of characters that are eligible for being upgraded power wise. Every time you upgrade you character you can choose either to add an extra ability that must start out on a base level, or to choose to up your current power a bit. So if you had a character who was able to throw fireballs to start with goes up in experience, no instead of just throwing one, maybe they can throw four, or if they could already throw multiple, maybe now they explode on contact with a surface.

It sounds a bit confusing now, but if you have more questions I'll answer them when the time comes for you to "upgrade" your character (Or just PM me of course), you'll post the following when you get to upgrade or add an extra ability.

Previous Power:

Upgraded power/ Added Ability:

Then from there I'll approve it or ask you to modify it.
But once again, you won't need to worry about it in the beginning. (Not that the "beginning" will last too long)


@conman2163(GM): Deanta and Mordred
@Ramboing : Failinis "Nis" and Lugh Lámhfhada
@Dakota K5
@Clyde (CO-GM): Aubrey Weiss
@Kurogane86 : Robin Hood
@Accelerator : Achilles
@SoleStride : Merlin
@jeshem : Alucard (Dracula spelled backwards), Helsing

@Ramboing @Dakota K5 @Clyde @Kurogane86 @SoleStride @Accelerator @jeshem
Last edited:
@conman2163 well ill post the sheet but I thought you were going to take control of the character. I can if you want me to.



Only known by her alias "The Pied Piper of Hamelin" or Piper


??? Looks to be young 20s




Her pipe


Using her pipe she can play music that induces a state of confusion on people or creatures. The charm affects only those who can hear her and those with strong minds such as adults are less susceptible to her charm; however, it is a struggle to do so. The charm ends when the music stops. When those are in that state, they follow Piper's commands, whatever they may be.


She is skilled with her music and her words. She is a natural mother, able to care for children and calm them down.


Piper is very sweet and quite with her words and her actions are almost motherly like. She is easily attached to young or cute things, most of the time it ends up being children. Not in the creepy sense but in a motherly sense. However, when she or her object of desire is threatened, her dark nature appears and she acts ruthlessly. She will get rid of anything that gets in her way showing no emotions.


Most children know the legend or tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin. Most of it is true; however, there are some discrepancies and some things that are never told. First and foremost the piper was a woman, a young mother. She had two young children at a young age whom she loved dearly, playing music to them with her pipe. Then the black death struck, killing her husband and her two kids. In a fit of agony, she fled her home and wandered Europe, playing music to get by. During her travels she gained to ability to control people and creatures with her music, but she never used it for evil, instead using it to help others to the best of her ability.

One town that she frequented often was the town of Hamelin. It was a peaceful town, untouched by the disasters that were striking Europe at the time. One resident in the town drew Piper back to it over and over again. It was the daughter of the mayor, a young girl and an aspiring artist. Piper loved her presence and treated the girl like her own daughter. Sadly, the young girl was constantly abused by her father, who treated her like property to be sold to a husband to gain wealth and power. Piper wanted to do something, but her mind music did not affect the mayor.

Then the plague began to hit the town, accompanied by a horde of rats. Desperate for help, the mayor called upon anyone to solve the problem. Seeing a chance, Piper offered her services into return for only one thing, the mayors daughter. Not believe she would succeed, the mayor agreed to the deal. So Piper used her music to draw the rats out of the town and forced them to drown in a nearby river. Once she returned to the mayor, he refused, calling her a witch and driving her out of town. Now banished, Piper enacted revenge upon the town by using her music to draw all the children of the town away, including the young girl. But she meant no harm on the children, and after a few days she safely returned all but one, that being the young girl.

The two ran away, living like mother and daughter. However, the mayor put a bounty on Piper, causing every mercenary to chase after the two. Luckily she was always one step ahead, until one fateful day the mercenaries kidnapped the girl to draw her out. To save the girl, she turned herself in, but instead of releasing the girl, the mercenaries killed her in front of Piper. Piper enraged by their actions used her music and commanded the group to brutally kill each other. But her actions were more powerfully than she wanted and her music caused a frenzy throughout the entire town, forcing everyone, man and woman, young and old, to kill each other.

After hours of slaughter, she alone lived but the incident changed her. The darkness had consumed her and she become calloused towards all humans. She hated them, for the death of all that she loved. Piper lived only a few years longer until she was caught by the Church and was burned as a witch.

Theme: WIP


Children, cute things, cute people, music, children being loved and safe


Adults, killing, those who harm children

Pet hate:

Rats... Ever since that incident at Hamelin, she connects rats to her fall from grace.

Extra things:

She has no skill in fighting or combat and relies on her music.
I got some bad news everyone.

I have to disappear for a bit do to a vacation im taking. Most likely, the duration of the vacation will be spent in a place without internet access. However, do no distress. It will only be from around the 9th to the 15th. In any case, that happens to be it. In the meantime I will be leaving you in the capable hands of Clyde, my Co-GM, who will guide you into the facility that is the Heroes HQ. Once I return we will begin the second event.
I got some bad news everyone.

I have to disappear for a bit do to a vacation im taking. Most likely, the duration of the vacation will be spent in a place without internet access. However, do no distress. It will only be from around the 9th to the 15th. In any case, that happens to be it. In the meantime I will be leaving you in the capable hands of Clyde, my Co-GM, who will guide you into the facility that is the Heroes HQ. Once I return we will begin the second event.

I won't let you down this time
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I'll have a post up soon
First Dracula post it up. Next post will include him actually arriving at Alder's place and maybe Jeremiah if there is something I can do with him.

Roger that, i'll make that post tonight.
Just a heads up I'm also going on vacation for 1 week. I'm pretty sure I'll have Internet access however there will be alot of physical activity. I won't be able to post as often but I'll try atleast once per day. That is all.

A round of applause for your roll of a 20. Your epic feat will triple the power of the attack and stagger all nearby ghouls. Congrats.
Bad news everyone, I won't be taking that weekish long hiatus from the internet anymore, so you're all stuck with me, mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha! -insert long line of hacking coughs-
Bad news everyone, I won't be taking that weekish long hiatus from the internet anymore, so you're all stuck with me, mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahaha! -insert long line of hacking coughs-

best boss.png Since Conman got one, I thought it would only be fair for you to get one as well
Hey I'll be on and off for a few days still but I will try to post
I will be making my GM post tonight everyone.
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Reactions: Dakota K5
Just letting you know, Jeremiah is helping the target escape. Robin Hood isn't posted in after the horde appears yet.
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