Guardian Angels

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"Ren look closer. It was a hallucination, but mind you his death date is marked." Alojz waved a hand, a trail of fog following revealing that the man was alive. "You can choose to keep the man safe, but know this: he is not yout responsibility." Alojz walked to Ren and grabbed her arm becoming only visible to her. "Do you understand? I will not have allies killed over trivial matters." Alojz released her and pushed her away at the same time grabbing the crystal from underneath her foot. "This crystal is how you summon me, not capture. I will answer a call, but deny an order. I am the teacher you are the student. Now, my last order was to kill your father." Sirens started wailing, sounding as if they were coming this way. "Ren I don't know much about the human world, but my masters tell me you deal with the sin of killing via death penalty. How do you plan to explain the bodies?" Alojz tossed her the crystal. "Especially looking like that."
Micheal silently listened to everyone's input as he pondered where they should go for training. They couldn't be out in the open for normal mortals to walk in on them but they couldn't be somewhere so isolated if the demons attacked the mortals they wouldn't be able to respond in time. After everyone gave their input he nodded " we're all in agreement we will all take our humans somewhere safe and train them all we just need to find a place to do so" As he spoke he felt a rise in demon power and instantly turned his head in the direction it was coming from. Natsu. was all he thought. He could recognize the demon lords energy but he knew that it wasn't actually him at the attack the level of demonic power wasn't that high. It must be his human. Micheal thought. He turned back to the angels and spoke in a commanding tone that left little room for debate "alright looks like Natsu's human is up to something and it doesn't appear to be good. Arururum, and Anaella you two come with me so we can put a stop to whatever it is thats happening the rest of you! gather all of our humans in a safe place and wait for our return keep them safe I will call you if we need back up now go!" with that he jumped into the sky his wings folding out from his back as he shot towards the source of the demon power.
Natsu silently watched Evelyn's progress through the link they shared. He was feeling torn inside since Kimi now known as Kysindra had stormed off in anger. He only hoped that once she had calmed down he could reason with her. She was his demon queen and he would do anything to keep it that way no matter the cost that much he could promise anyone. As he watched the young woman easily bust through the wall he grinned to himself but then he paused. He felt a rise in Heavenly power and it was heading straight for Evelyn cursing he spoke a warning in her mind "be careful Evelyn..the Angels are coming and they aren't as easily defeated as these pathetic humans are"
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Evelyn, Crimson
Evelyn heard Natsu speaking to her as she pried the CDC labs vault door open. She began to laugh "I saw death.. I built this suit to face death.. I will destroy them!" She began to laugh as she felt the demonic energy seeping into herself. Entire suit seemed to be radiating Red as it continued to climb in power as she tore the massive Vault door off. She barged in knocking deadly diseases and virus's off of the holders. In doing so she could have released them but in the cold would have died instantly. She began looking around like a shopper browsing their wares. "What do you think... I can revitalize the black plague.. Ohh... I think that sounds nice... What of Small Pox... Another outbreak of that and... IM TAKING THIS!" She screamed and she picked up a large box with a massive Bio-Hazard sign on it. She lifted it up and placed it on the suits back. She felt the suit latch onto it and began to laugh "I feel like its Christmas... I wonder... I think I want this as well." She said as she picked one of the dead humans up. She slung the doctor over her shoulder before leaving the vault.

She turned and slammed the vault door shut after tossing a blinking object into the room. She cocked a fist and before driving it through a nearby wall and making it crumble. She walked through and out of the door. "I am carrying a mobile Bio-Weapon.. Attached to my armor... Let them kill me!" She began to laugh. She wasn't dumb and nearly armed herself with a dirty bomb. If she was taken out her suit would self-Destruct causing the Bio-Haz materials on her back to be released. "It is not safe for me to return home.. so.. I will wait for them to do my work for me." She spoke to Natsu before going quiet. In the mean time the suit continued to power its combat capabilities up.

Aururum, Skyblue
Aururum could feel the power radiating from the massive suit as they approached overhead. He was the first to touch down in the small clearing the girl had chosen. On the suits back he could something with a large Bio-Hazard sign on it. Within seconds of them touching down an explosion ripped apart the CDC lab. He could hear laughed echoing from the suit. It was then that he felt the girls connection to the after life. "Shes not exactly alive... Shes been dead before. Also... That soul... Shes... Unique.. shes not evil either... Mislead and turned to this path by others..." He said to Michael and the others. He then opened a telepathic link to Lily "Hey, Something major is going on.. Get somewhere safe and someone is coming to get you.. Her name is Elena.. Trust her."
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Rena got down so that only her head and the curve of her butt could be seen over the counter another second and she was flying through the air and on top of Drakken. Latched on around his neck she smiled. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Rena looked at him with big 'ole puppy eyes and began to move his cheeks to slowly form a smile. She nuzzled her face in his chest letting her hands fall onto his shoulders. "Did you think Kimi was pretty when you found out she wasn't so evil?"
"Rena? What in the- well ok Im falling now." said Drakken as Rena tackled him. Aside from the fact he had fallen on the ground, his posture had not changed from when he was on the chair. Soon she was asking to build a snowman for whatever reason, why was she so damn random? Her next question however, showed him that she really was listening to what he was saying.

"I dont know... I mean, physically, she has always been pretty, but I never really thought much of her since she is Natsu's. But I dont really think of relationships anyway. One, Im not interested, and two... Im too busy watching over you to worry about someone else." he said in reply to her question, looking down at her as she nuzzled him.
The Angel of Light

"W-wait what?!" Elena said as Michael ordered out his commands. She watched her older brothers and sisters take off, extending there large feathery wings towards the heavens. They shot off like shooting stars, leaving the youngest one staring up in awe. When Elena did regain her composure she sighed loudly. "Man.. Sometimes it really sucks being the youngest.." She said as she stretched out her large white wings and ruffled her feathers as she pushed herself off the ground. Suddenly she noticed Rhapsody there and smiled. "Yay! Guess I'm not alone after all." She said. "So, I can take Alex and Aururum's human Lily. Sound good? I can tell you where I drop them." She said before taking off towards the sky. As she flew, dipping though the clouds gracefully she thought of a safe place to drop the other humans off. Looking below she noticed her delicate human boy gazing up into the sky.

Landing softly on her feet she nodded to him. "Alex, Come on" She beckoned. Not waiting for his response she took his hands and pulled him up to his feet. Wrapping her pale arms around his waist she looked around quickly before shooting up into the sky. Slowing her wings to a calm flapping she angled herself towards the west. "So, Alex. While I was gone I was given a mission of collecting the rest of the angel's humans. Our leader, Michael, has decided we all train you at once. Unfornately some things have come up and it's been assigned to me to gather the rest of the humans." She told him. Looking over the rooftops she noticed the house of Lillian, Aururum's frisky human girl. Aururm and Lily had been linked for a few months and already he seemed to really care for the girls. Elena noticed the window had a small crack in it and set Alex's feet on the window sill. Using her foot she kicked up the window and pushed Alex into the room.

Elena crawled into the window herself and brushed her white t-shirt off. The teenage girl sat on her bed wearing a rather shocked expression. Her eyes went from Elena to Alex who lay on spwaled out on the girls bedroom floor. "I'm guessing you're Elena?" Elena nodded, a smile spreading to her face. "I'm her." Lily nodded. "Aururum told me.. So.. who's the guy?" She asked, her eyebrow raising towards the young man. "Oh. This is Alexander. MY human. Alex meet Lily. Lily meet Alex." She introduced them quickly. "Okay now Alex, grab Lily's waist." She ordered her human. He gave her a look but did as he was told. Grabbing the tiny brunette human around her waist. "Hang on tight please" She said as she beckoned the two out the window and jumped out herself. Picking the two up and taking off towards the skies. "Now.. a place to drop you two off.." She muttered softly.

The flight was quiet, smooth. Though Elena's strength was really being tested with the weight of all three of them. She noticed below a small meadow. It seemed rather secluded from the rest of the town. A small flowering meadow between the trees and forest area. "Perfect." She said. "Hang on" She said as she drove down between the trees and simply dropped the two on their feet before swooping up into the skies again. Sending a message via their mind link, Elena told Alex. "Again, stay put. I'll be right back. Stay together and stay safe." Now.. Who was next.

§ Lillian Natalie Winters §
"It's Lily. Just Lily"

Lily sat firmly on her bed as she play with her x-box controller. When Aururums deep voice entered her mind. She sat thinking over his words. An angel named Elena was coming for her and to trust her.. Odd request but Lily didn't bother arguing.. Though she really hated the idea of flying with anyone else but him. A few minutes later she heard someone's footsteps outside her window. A few seconds her wondering was answered when the window was forced open and a teenage boy fell into her room, followed by a beautiful angel. Her eyes widened before her expression relaxed. This must be Elena.. She looked rather young.. Compared to Aururum and Michael at least. "I'm guessing you're Elena?" She asked as she moved to get off her bed.

The angel confirmed that she was indeed Elena. Lily nodded her head. "Aururum told me.. So.. whose's the guy?" She asked as her eyes went down to look at the guy who was peeling himself off her floor. "Oh. This is Alexander. MY human. Alex meet Lily. Lily meet Alex." Elena said quickly. Lily simply waved to him, a hand on her hip as she looked him over. He was cute.. in a dorky kind of way. Not as cute as Aururum of course. Though he wasn't exactly cute to begin with.. Lily shook her head as Elena told Alex to grab her waist. Lily felt herself being pulled tightly to the boys chest. Wrapping her arms around his neck she silently cursed to Aururum for making her fly with someone else. The tow were quickly hurried out of Lily's bedroom before being tossed into the air and caught by the angel.

'Do you like the idea of me in the arms of another man' She thought to Aururum mentally. The smirk evident on her face as she buried her head into Alex's neck to shield her face from the harsh wind. The two didn't speak at all, though Lily clung to his neck as they flew. Se couldn't help but think about how she had done this with Aururum a few hours before this. How different she felt when flying with him.. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden realize of Elena's protective arms as the two dropped into a meadow together. Falling into Alex she stumbled to regain her balance as she watched Elena shoot off into the sky again. Probably to go regain the other humans? Well whatever the reason now Lily was left alone with this stranger boy. She let go of his nck and took a few steps back. Looking around before looking at him and saying in a flirty tone. "So, Come here often?"
|Ren| @ShiroKiyoshi

Ren's mind was going blank. Nothing she could think of resulted ain anything more than a dead end. Dead in a couple of meanings. She fell on her knees, tears building up in her eyes. The drop in adrenalin resulted somehow in her appearance to change back. Long blonde strands were now covering her face. 'Blonde?' she thought. "Alojz" she started hoping to keep her voice steady enough "Please, get back into the crystal" she said getting her earring back on. She then got near her father and ripped her clothes with a piece of broken glass; she tore her left arm where she could have been hit if she tried to protect herself from a blade and then, after having taken a pretty deep breath, she cut through her skin and flesh, taking a pretty deep wound and dripping blood on her clothes. She then took her father in her arms and checked if he was really alive. He was. "Thank you Alojz" she simply said in a whisper hugging her father, deciding to break a heel and doing it. Her blood really splat around her. She had been strong, or crazy, but she didn't care. Her father was still in time to call her by her name. On the while sirens were approaching the place.


At Michael order she spread her wide black wings in the night and took off, easily matching their speed "I don't think it's Natsu's doing, I mean, it's a SINNER's energy I felt---" she started as she started to feel Evelyn's energy and Natsu's "Wait Aururum, Michael... I have to go elsewhere... My duty isn't here" she usually had very clear priorities: sinners first and Demons after but... She was torn apart: The sinner's energy she was feeling just got a lot weaker as if subduing while that strange... machanical... thing was pulsing with sin. Like a lightsign reciting Here's the fun! probably due to the biological weapon the angels didn't know Evelyn was bringing along.

"Wait Aururum... what? I know what dead and alive mean so is it like her heart stopped for some time and started again?" that was even worst than a sinner randomply killing a couple of people. "Ok, Michael. Just for this time" she said. Her eyes were glowing icy blue as she got a glance in the sinner's direction 'Don't fear, I'll get you' Anaella thought before facing their target. Ready to follow Michael's instruction she got away from the moon. Having black wings was pretty useful in these cases.​
|Vergot Nargoorth|
"Hmmm, well, i don't think i'd be much of a leader, though getting rid of Natsu is a favorable idea, i'd need more than just me and you to take him down. If i can convince the angels that i want to help them take down Natsu, they might not believe, and then we'd be on the run from both angry angels thinking we were pranking them, and angry demons who follow Natsu's word like the lapdogs they are..." Vergot ranted as he kept trying to think of a few ways to get rid of Natsu. He could try to turn Michelle into a demon, but that isn't possible, as Natsu is the only one who knows how to do the process, let alone being powerful enough to do it in the first place. It would be a possibility if they managed to take down Natsu and Vergot absorbed his powers like Natsu did to Satan, but neither were options right now.

"For now, we're going to begin your training. Follow me." Vergot said as he walked out of the sand cabin and walked a good distance away. Once he was sure he was far away enough he used his powers to summon a large circular platform of obsidian below him and raised it out of the sand until it was resting on said sand. He then waited for Michelle to come so that they could begin.
|Joseph Karrigan|
Joseph stood up from his meditating position, as he had finished his exercises around an hour ago and needed to get his daily Meditation in. Currently he was only dressed in his pants and Rhapsody's necklace, showing off his powerful but lithe body, his defined body that looked to be hard as stone as he got up and stretched, each muscle moving along with him showing that they were made for combat and not something like sports or just to work out for fun. He looked over to the tree in his backyard and went to go grab his shirt. As he pulled it on he set out to work, it wasn't hot enough for him to sweat so he didn't stink nor did his baggy clothes cling to his skin. Joseph walked around his house until he arrived at his garage. He opened it revealing a light cyan blue motorcycle with dark blue flames as he got on it, put the key in, put on the helmet, and zoomed off to get to work. He had gotten a learners permit for the motorcycle and he looked old enough to ride one, as he had been riding it since he found it, and he smiled gently as he stopped at a red light.​

Kysindra vanished from the crystal as a strong wind seeped out of the crystal and a minor tornado that only flew papers and such, scattered around them, as she materializes in front of Daniel. Her leather red wings covered her revealing body as her head was bent down as her horns curled back and her arms holding herself as the wind died down to reveal her on her knees. Her long red hair surrounded her on the floor she slowly opened her blood red eyes. She blinked a few times and lifted her head to see Daniel. The knowledge she obtained was clear and she understood it all now. Just like her Human form that seems so faint of a memory when Natsu used to be her demon. Natsu…she thought… She wasn't ready to see him yet. She felt hurt still that she was now a puppet to a mere human and Natsu has a human of his own. Quickly she became jealous and grinded her teeth as her wings flicked open irritated as she rose in front of Daniel. Her pointed ears twitched from the sounds around her that she could hear a mile away. So many different sounds… she thought. So much powerShe grinned now as she dazed off bit thinking of the new powers she did gain despite the new human she had to protect now. She put her hands on her hips, as her seductive curved body revealed most of her skin. She wore a choker with thorns around and stuck up behind her head. Leather pieces of material barley covered her breast and her bottom piece was a thorn belt with hoops on each hip and the leather covered her front and back. "So…"Her voice spoke out in two tones. She wonder how she would correspondence to his summon. "You know my name…I know your's…What is it that you seek?" She raised a brow in wonder.


Rhapsody looked on her face was contuse that it hurt her that Michael didn't ask her to go. She stood there a solid moment and watch him take off as she suddenly lost the will to breath. She gulped down her emotions and shook her head. She told herself to forget it and become strong and now isn't the time to show weakness. She stiffened her stand as her shoulders became square and she held her chin up a bit higher as she locked away her heart with a frozen wall. Her high spirit bubbliness was complete gone from the atmosphere and as her face became hard and serious. When Elena spoke up , Rhapsody didn't smile but gave her stern nod that she understood.

Rhapsody massive wings spread as each feather stretched upon its own accord high into sky and she pushed herself with all her might off the ground and full speed she dove up into the air and above the clouds. She wouldn't let her mind think, she was numb. She didn't want to think or feel. The demons we're on high alert and nothing else mattered. With a self-assuring nod she made her way to Joseph work landed upon the roof. She crouched down and kept her eyes out for him so she would catch him to bring him to the safe training area. She telepathic a message to Elena, "Show me the spot where I need to take Joseph. Who else did you take? Besides your human?" Her words were serious and needed answers soon for she wanted to act quick and precise.​
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Alex felt a theme coming along. Like his life was some sort of anime. He had only known the girl for a night but Elena had already gotten under his skin. He felt the need to protect her from ever being hurt again, even if it was her job to protect his life and not the other way around. There was this nasty habit of hers that pissed him off. Making him stay put. Not like he had a choice, when the angelic being came to him and told him they were leaving, that was it. There was no saying no to someone with such a innocent face.

So their he was floating above the clouds only to be shoved into another beautiful women becuase why not right? not like he didn't have a curfew or a house or a bed he would much rather be in then the floor he found himself. Maybe the situation had yet to sink but to Alex this was all still just a game. Lily has Elena said she was waved semi awkwardly before wrapping her arms around his neck, his arms around her waist. They were in the air and back to earth in a matter of a few minutes. Their final destination a secluded meadow her parting words for him to stay put. Looking to the fading view of the angel flying away back to the brunette he was left with he felt a sigh coming on that was only confirmed when she asked him with that coy flirtatious voice only a women that beautiful could pull off. "Come here often?"

Too bad Alex wasn't much of the flirt type. He just turned his head to look her up and down for the first time and more importantly to glare. "Oh yah I totally do. I come here all the time Lily with every hot girl this random angel sets me up with. Actually this would make you the what..." He paused to sarcastically count his fingers. "Yep definitely 7. You would be the seventh Lily." He continued to galre at her, as he crossed his arms. "Now are you done with the whole flirting thing or do I need to just not talk to you."
The Angel of Light

Elena was feeling a bit nervous just dropping them off in the middle of nowhere like that. It was her duty after all to keep them safe. Considering Aururum would rip her apart if Lily even got a scratch on her head. She wondered why Aururum felt so protective over this one particularly. She'd always known Aururum to be a good guardian but something about this time felt different. Though she could say the same of herself. Somehow, Elena felt herself more drawn to Alex then ever before. Her mind was spinning as she imagined the horror of loosing him. Elena felt her body launch forward as her powerful wings stopped flapping. She wanted to go back. She had to go back to them. Suddenly she heard Rhaposdy's voice in her head and returned her thoughts to her mission. "I've dropped them off in a clearing just past that national forest sign. You can't miss it if you're looking straight down." She mentally thought back. Just then she turned her body and swan drove straight into the clearing. "I'll wait here with them. I've gathered my human Alexander, and Aururum's human Lillian. All that's left is Michael's human Isabella and yours Joesph. I don't believe that Anella even has a human."

Now that her feet were settled on the ground she made her way over to the two humans she had dropped off. "Looks like I have some help in this after all. I'm going to stay and protect you two while we wait." She said kindly. Looking up at the top of the trees she placed her hands over each other and pushed them up to the sky. A beam of light shot up from her hands and radiated a beautiful glowing light. "This should help Rhaposdy find us a little easier. She said as she looked over to Alex. "Well while we are waiting, How about we work on you channeling my element Alex?" She asked her human with a smile.

§ Lillian Natalie Winters §
"It's Lily. Just Lily"

"Did he really just.." Lily's mouth opened, forming a small little "O" shape. She shook her head as she regained herself but starting laughing softly. "Uh Ouch." She said with a look at him. "Do you say that to all the hot girls you encounter?" She asked with a little shake of her brown hair. "You're the first guy to ever reject me like that. Damn.. That hurts a bit Alex." She said with a fake hurt look. "But on the upside you did say I'm hot." She said. She smiled at him and said simply. "I'm Lily, I'm Aururum's human. My element power is fire and I fight with my brand new bow and arrows." She said with a smile that was only growing.

She looked over her shoulder to see Elena walking back to them. Nodding simply as she took a seat on the grassy hill. "Well Thank You Elena." She thanked the angel softly as she looked up at the beam of light. "So Isabella and the others will be joining us? Cool" She said softly as she looked over at Alex. 'He must be newly bounded to Elena. The way he looks at her is obvious'
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"Do what you must Anaella but i would greatly prefer you to be there with us" he continued on his path as his thoughts turned to the others he could only hope they would remain safe. With that final thought Micheal landed beside Aururum and looked at the girl in the giant metal robot. This was something different and as far as he knew none of them had fought anything like this before. And the fact that she had a bio hazardous bomb strapped to her back wasn't helping anything. "We need to be careful about this..we can't let her leave with that package nor can we risk setting it off here.." he slowly eyed the metal construct up and down he could easily use his lightning on it but the debate was if it would help or not.

Natsu growled low in his throat as the three angels approached his new human. She showed great promise and he wouldn't let her be defeated easily but he wanted to see what she could do on her own. He wouldn't help her unless she truly needed it "don't be foolish girl these three won't be so easily defeated and you would be a fool to underestimate them just as you would be a fool to underestimate me if you do something to get yourself killed I guarantee I'll save a special spot in hell for you don't dissapoint me. Micheal Is the leader of the Angels and Aururum is second in command. Anaella is no less deadly then the two of them if not more so"
Aururum/Evelyn, Skyblue
Aururum watched the suit as it moved slowly towards them. Its movements were not labored or industrial. The suit was beyond well made. It was then that Evelyn began to speak. "You don't understand! I know the truth... The truth is that Good and evil do not matter. There is not god.... There is not Satan... I know! I've seen it!" She said as she began to laugh. The noise of hissing and steam being released from the armor could be both seen a heard as the core vented its excess heat. Aururum raised his hand as a massive flaming Holy/Demonicly corrupted sword formed into it. To those watching it was obvious that his darker side was starting to show more. His wings formed as the true size of his Angelic form let itself be known. Evelyn began to laugh "Im not afraid to die! I've already died... Ill just come back again... I cant seem to stay dead.. I've tried." She continued to say.

Aururum looked to Michael "We move quick.. That suit will match may not match our strength but we do not know what it is capable of." He spoke quiet. Evelyn giggled "I can hear you... Quick is what this suit is designed to do... It match's strength well enough but I made it able to sustain constant movement..." She said before the joints began to unlink and limber up. It may be leaving itself more open but it was becoming far more maneuverable. During that moment Evelyn began running checks on the suits Jet functions. She knew she wasn't staying long. Aururum himself knew that the fight wouldn't be a long one.

The black angel smiled 'Same old Michael' she thought before landing in the shadows. 'Master Michael, Aururum, maybe I can block it with my ice. If that symbol on the jar is right, that's a bio-weapon. Weak against cold...' she said in their minds, her voice serious. Her calling him master happened just two times in the past: the worst period of the Great War and when they confronted the Demons a couple of centuries earlier. That had been an awful battle in which she managed to hit Natsu and even so, it ended in another tie. Now, after years, her feathers were itching: she had the Greatest Sinner before her once more and there was the possibility that once more she wouldn't be able to catch him.

Anaella slowly walked to reach Michael "Oh, Natzy you'll make me blush like this, you adulator!" she said stopping in the light. "Do you still have my gift?" she asked smirking touching her right shoulder on the spot she hit. She knew it hadn't been anything serious, and very likely there wasn't even a scar anymore, but she managed to wound something much more important than that: Natsu's pride. "I'm honored to be considered so much" she said as around her appeared glass-like ice blades, the size of a knife. She stepped forward, right foot first and the ground started to freeze unnoticed, in Evelyn's direction.
Rhapsody crouched down below the rafters as her eyes stayed sharp as they searched for Joseph. The beat of her heart begun to flutter with anxiousness as the thought of one of the demons kidnapping flicker fear within her. She wanted to transport back into her crystal where she could connect with him but he was too far away. Her fist balled up tightly as she held back the tears as she thought to herself, Please Joseph come to me... I need you
Suddenly Rhapsody grabbed the rails in front of her as Elena vigorous voice boomed into her mind, catching her off guard. She had forgotten that Elena was supposed to report back. Rhapsody physically nodded her head understanding the location as her mind searched for memories of the National Forest sign and she replied back to Elena, Thank you my friend. I'll have Joseph any second and then I'm off to Isabella house hoping she'll be there. Ending her train of thought to Elena, she gulped down her distressed and tried to think logically to settle her nerves. Get it together girl, he should be here any second now.
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Tells hot people how reality works

"Lily," Alex began, using a exasperated tone he knew would bother her. "When A girl like you, talks o a nerd like me. Its not because you like me. They, you, always have an ulterior motive. I don't like ulterior motives. I don't know If I like you." He eyed her up and down, not caring about the curves of her hip but instead how she was dressed her hands, trying to size up her character from the small overlooked things. He sighed before giving in and smiling. "But I am willing to give you a chance. My names Alexander, Nice to meet you."

It was then did Elena appear back into the clearing, a beautiful eruption of light filling the sky. His smile grew as he turned to greet the new found protector of his life. "Heyy El, do you mind me calling you that. By the way. " he dropped his smile instead switching to a glare. "Stop. Telling. Me. TO STAY FUCKING PUT. I will kill myself and you will be out of a job." He let t glare drop, smiling apologetically to both her and then Lily. The thought had been nagging him and if he was going to speak his mind to anyone it was This angel that had found her way into his bedroom. "Now," clapping his hands together. "How do I do that whole channel your element thing? Does it give me super strength? Because there are some bullys at my school who really should be shoved into a locker sometime."
After a few moments, Drakken stood back up, lifting Rena with him. He had a lot on his mind, part of it doing with the girl clung to him at the moment. He set her back at the chair and said "Im... going to go for a walk... I know you probably wont listen to me, but try not to wander off. It's late, so you should get some rest. If you want, ill come tuck you in when I get back."

Tuck you in when I get back? Where the fuck did that come from?! He thought to himself as he left.

With a sigh, he opened his wings and took off into the sky, not sure where he was gonna go, and in no hury to get there.
Micheal listened to Anaella and chuckled to himself. it was true. She had managed to wound Natsu long ago but flesh would heal itself his pride would not. He really wished she wouldn't push Natsu's buttons like that the last thing they needed was for Natsu to go on a war path and level an entire city. "Anaella as much as I enjoy making Natsu angry lets not force him to do something that would cost innocent people their lives. instead work on giving him the cold shoulder" To that he grinned to himself. it was as much of a dig towards Natsu as it was a hint towards Anaella to go ahead and do her best to freeze that bio-weapon that was on the girls back but to do so carefully as he had said before they couldn't afford to set that bomb off and kill hundreds if not thousands of people. He turned his head slightly towards Arururum and spoke softly so Evelyn wouldn't hear "your with me..we need to buy Anaella time and give her an opening so she can freeze the bomb on her back beyond use" With that he looked back at Evelyn "whether you've died before or not or whether you'll stay dead or not is no concern of mine at the moment. right now all I care about is stopping your madness before innocent people lose their lives." with that in a brilliant flash of light Micheal summoned his sword and shield and held them tightly in his hands "so what do you say Evelyn? shall we dance?"
Natsu felt his blood boil when Anaella started running her mouth about how she had managed to hit him. It had been a lucky shot and a cheap one at that that she had taken when he had been distracted fighting Micheal! she had nothing to be proud of the Holy bitch! He growled low in his throat and gently touched his shoulder. every once and a while he would still feel the icy sting of her ice daggers but for the most part the wound was gone like it had never happened. "Evelyn..if you don't mind would you bring me the head of that female angel? if you do so I would be ever so grateful and I would be willing to recharge your machines whenever they need them..oh and make sure she suffers for her insolence"
Evelyn, Purple
Evelyn watched them closely before she discharged the suits excess heat once more. The heat caused the metal of the box to heat up red hot. She then began to move her arms "I can promise anything....- I dont want to hurt them." Evelyn suddenly said both to Natsu and out loud. Evelyn shook her head as her Conscious kicked in once more. "I thought I buried you." She began to argue with herself. The front she put on was beginning to fade as she was faced with something good in nature instead of evil for once. "What would mother think!" She said outloud.

Evelyn shook her head again "It matters not! Mother and father are dead! So are you... When I died I lost you!" She said as she began to loose focus on what was going on. "Why... Why now... Why do I have to have emotions now! Why cant I just be blank.... I was for so long.." She said as she looked down at the ground. "I cant do this.... It won.. Fuck my mind.." She mumbled before she turned around and walked back into the CDC lab. "If I see you come in here I will detonate this..." She yelled out as she swung the vault door open once more. "Natsu...I don't know whats going on with me... Im feeling emotions... I don't like it... I feel like a kid again.. I... My parents wouldn't have wanted this..." She mumbled.

Aururum, Skyblue
Aururum watched the entire scene unfold completely unsure of how to react. "Well, I really don't know what to think." He said to Michael as she began to talk to herself. "If I had to make an assesment. She is hiding who she truly is. She isn't evil but is Mislead." He stated before he was about to take a step forward. It was then that she looked up before turning around. He just watched as the girl walked back into the CDC center. Evelyn yelled out making Aururum shake his head "I don't think she can detonate it anymore. Unless Natsu forces her mind to break down her emotions again. We need to move quick. She wont be able to pull the trigger." He said before beginning at full run towards the CDC.

The angel was perplexed as she felt Evelyn's aura shiver and shift. She decided to change her move: if the lost lamb would ever give them her back, she would have freezed the device. She grew more perplexed by the second and didn't seem to get what Aururum wanted to imply but she didn't care, at least not for now: the girl turned and her ice was close enough. With a flick of her hand, some ice, resembling almost diamond dust, arose from the frozen puddle and enveloped the box, spreding and growing around it like a spider web: the more it was melted by the heat, the more it grew until it was frozen for good just before entering the CDC. Like a crystal. The black angel ran through it "We have to find Natsu. The viruses won't work anymore but fire could be pretty bad for us here..." she said in their minds making her little ice knife melt randomly around as they proceeded.
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