Gods and Goddesses Have Lives Too! OOC

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Otaku Mode Activated
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
  6. 1-3 posts per week
  7. One post per week
Online Availability
11:00pm to 2:00am weekdays 11:00pm to 4:00am weekends
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Beginner
  3. Elementary
  4. Intermediate
  5. Adept
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Fantasy, magic, adventure, comedy, anime, slice of life, high school, fandom, romance, but I am always open to many others.

Romance | Comedy | Slice-of-life | Anime | Fantasy

Character Index | In Character

… ⛩ ...

Have you ever wondered what the gods and goddesses do during their free time? Do they have relationships? Family? Rivalries? Do they go on vacation? What is their work really like?

Gods and Goddesses have lives too like going on vacations, fighting over the last dumpling, dating, and trying their best at their work. But when it comes to divinity, mundane isn't quite so mundane. After all, that fight over the last dumpling might turn into a war with their god powers. We'll be playing those gods and goddesses in a feel good rp with anime physics and over the top antics. We'll be focusing mostly on the characters themselves, their lives, and relationships. It's a slice-of-life, romance, comedy but as gods and goddesses.​

  • - This rp is largely focused on the romance and comedy between the gods and goddesses while we rp out their daily lives.

    - Friendships, friendly rivalries, and romances are allowed and encouraged.

    - All gods and goddesses will be original. No gods and goddesses from real mythology or religions though feel free to take inspiration from them. You can be creative and fun when making your character(s). They can be as weird as you want (or as normal as you want).

    - While the setting takes inspiration from Japan and anime, your characters don't have to.

    - Anime physics apply, so anything can happen just like an anime

  • While the gods and goddesses' work revolves around humans in the Human Realm, most of the rp will take place in the Divine Realm.

    Human Realm: Basically the same as Earth and current modern times. To prevent having to deal with real mythology and religions, we'll be keeping settings in the Human Realm vague. Their detail won't matter as much as the Divine Realm.

    Divine Realm: The realm of the gods/goddesses. It's the same size as a world with many different places but to keep our characters closer together, we'll be focusing on a smaller section of the realm like a city. I'll be taking inspiration from Japan and anime for this realm. Basically, the Divine Realm is like the Human Realm.

    While the gods/goddesses' shrines are spread out throughout the world in the Human Realm, in the Divine Realm they are much closer together. Imagine the shrines like normal houses with other gods' shrines like neighbors. The rest of the surrounding area is just like any human town or city as well, with stores, places to eat, entertainment, and vacation spots. The Divine Realm doesn't just consist of gods and goddesses. There are also other beings that work and live there so these places do have staff and employees that serve the gods/goddesses when there. For instance, if a god goes to a restaurant, there will be cooks and waitresses there though they are not gods/goddesses themselves.

    We'll make up the more specific details of the Divine Realm together while we're rping.

    "The Creator": The first being to ever come into existence. Not necessarily a god or goddess, it is just a "being" that can take the form of either or anything it wanted in order to communicate with those it wants. It is the very fact that this being exists that anything else can exist. It is also what created the gods/goddesses, the realms, the humans, and other beings. However, it did not directly create them. They come into existence because "The Creator" but still are 'born' on their own, at their own times, in their own way. "The Creator" does spend it's time in the Realms and interacting with others, however, since it can take any form it wants, most are unable to tell. It will take time to purposely speak with the gods/goddesses if they request to talk with it.

  • - Please do not just disappear. Let me know if you need/or want to drop out. I'd rather have you tell me. Don't be afraid. I'll understand.

    - Please post character's name, location, and preferably picture during the IC posts.

    - Be nice to everyone in the OOC please.

    - Keep things PG-13 or so, we are in public view and have a range of ages playing.
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  • Love
Reactions: Stray Shinku
Azazel and Moira: *EXIST*

People, and other deities: *run away for their lives, screaming with fear*


  • Haha
Reactions: Monbon
@Monbon YOU ARE A BBCODE WIZARD! I didn't even know you could change the cursor like that!

I honestly took a look at the fundraiser codes and noticed that one had a cross-hair. so i looked it up on that css site they recommended and tried finding if you could customize them/

You can. idk what the image needs to actually be accepted. Some images wont do it and idk why. maybe it just needs to be small enough? idk. gifs are a no tho.

im still experimenting >>

How 2 get these codes

I have my wallet ready

they're in rissa's most recent resource. It looks like they're still in the process of completing them. I think Nemo is the one who found the cursor thing out.

The rest i found there.^

The image thing i tried was
cursor: url(https://img.icons8.com/nolan/30/butterfly.png), auto;
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
Immediately added to multi-quote.
@Monbon I second that you are BBWizard.
Updated my relationships to include Auriel now! Lien will speak with words, Biyanka is taking action rather than speaking. Both cautious and wanting to heal her, yet both doing different methods for it. Man, Biyanka really thinks water can heal. xD Or at least the motions. Lien wants to speak but doesn't know how and also him being an awkward baby turtle. ...He's still gonna try to speak, if only in a whisper or being helped with his magic, since he knows how to use magical runes to make a "voice" for himself. Not speaking directly, but just making a voice.
  • Love
Reactions: Monbon
Updated my relationships to include Auriel now! Lien will speak with words, Biyanka is taking action rather than speaking. Both cautious and wanting to heal her, yet both doing different methods for it. Man, Biyanka really thinks water can heal. xD Or at least the motions. Lien wants to speak but doesn't know how and also him being an awkward baby turtle. ...He's still gonna try to speak, if only in a whisper or being helped with his magic, since he knows how to use magical runes to make a "voice" for himself. Not speaking directly, but just making a voice.

That's so wholesome, I cant.


It sounds good to me. I still need to read over the rest of the characters though and fill out my relationships section. Ill have to do it tomorrow but I will definitely get to it. I look forward to reading all about them and playing with you!
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
Scarlet will have such a hard time reading our shitposts here once she comes back! Press F for RESPECC, guys!
Poor Scarlet, bombarded with messages since we're on the other side of the world it seems. Man she gonna die indeed.
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
I can already hear the funeral song playing the distance for our poor leader's computer.
It seems chaos ensued while I was away (๑• . •๑) and yaaaaay! New characters! Michiko will invite them over for tea and lessons

edit: can we please have a discord so I can catch up to all the talk and drama?
It seems chaos ensued while I was away (๑• . •๑) and yaaaaay! New characters! Michiko will invite them over for tea and lessons

edit: can we please have a discord so I can catch up to all the talk and drama?

GM said no Discord because her internet would be too slow and useless to check it
It seems chaos ensued while I was away (๑• . •๑) and yaaaaay! New characters! Michiko will invite them over for tea and lessons

edit: can we please have a discord so I can catch up to all the talk and drama?

You can definitely chat with @Pupperr and I if you'd like, but it doesn't seem we'll be able to get an official group Discord due to the GM's tech situation.
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Reactions: Pupperr
XD The forum posts are so fast.. I cannot even keep up. When I post, there's like 4 others already bahahha
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Reactions: AceSorcerer
What about if we go rouge, and create a top secret Discord server behind Scarlet's back?

*laughs in villain kitty*

*realizes he just confessed his evil plot on the public OOC where Scarlet can clearly read*

Eh, more like a friendly chat than an actual group OOC. Wouldn't want to spoil everyone's fun here, now, would I?
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Reactions: Monbon
Go on, I dare you.
What about if we go rouge, and create a top secret Discord server behind Scarlet's back?

*laughs in villain kitty*

*realizes he just confessed his evil plot on the public OOC where Scarlet can clearly read*

View attachment 191922

<_<.... we might have talked about this >_>..... first rule about fight club!
  • Haha
Reactions: Stray Shinku
I would very much appreciate a discord server, especially when it comes to ooc chats since just like what pupper said, the forums are slow ( • ̀ω•́ ) buuuuut I'm fine with anything.