Ghost Isle Boarding School [IC] [OPEN and ACCEPTING]

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Evan walked in to the orientation room to find Sydney and Jade in there. He really was clueless on the whereabouts of his next class, and he hoped his cousin wasn't joking when she said she would take him. "Hey, um I still don't know where this class is and I don't feel like being late. So could you take me there when the period ends?" He questioned Jade. His cousin agreed and his focus shifted to Sydney. "Hey, so how is your first day going?" He chuckled, he new Sydney almost better than anyone else in this hell hole, she probably didn't feel like she belonged here yet, but she would soon enough. Especially with all the stories his cousin tells about the stupid students, playing pranks on each other, but with a bit more magical twist.
Sydney gave him a weird face,"Ehh. It's school. You know how much I hate that,"she laughs."I'm not sure, I mean it's different but it seems alright so far. Hey what room is it? I'll walk you. I want to talk anyway,"she says smirking. As Sydney took his arms and drug him away from the small group that was talking, she waved to Declan and smiled before pulling Evan out to the hallway."Sooo we all heard about your little explosion. You okay?"she asks nudging his shoulder with her own small one. Although Evan was quite a few inches taller than her, it didn't stop her from acting tough around him. Sydney knew Evan better than anyone, and he knew her better than anyone also. She knew that he was still mad at Alexiana and she didn't want to pick sides, but they both had a little fault in it in her opinion. She just couldn't wait to see her best friends reaction when she told him that she was rooming with his ex.

Evan smiled at Sydney, he liked to know she still cared about him. "Yeah, I'm fine, you should now me, I am so tough I could get into the Salty Platoon." Evan couldn't help but laugh as he made a spongebob joke, he was completely childish some times. "But seriously, yeah I am fine, you know how my scar acts up when I have flash backs of that night. I just haven't seen her since then and it sparked a memory." Evan felt his scar burn, and ten remembered his ring. "Oh, hey um this girl Avalia, she followed me and well gave me this ring." He said holding it up like a girl, "I am so FABULOUS!" He laughed, being with Sydney, always made him loosen up, she always made him feel like he could be himself. "Thanks for asking, it really helps to know you are there for me." Evan spoke as he gave her a hug. "Um, my next class is bass lab and i think the office lady said it was moved to 27B, I don't know, but LETS GO ON A ADVENTURE!" Evan ran down the hallway like Bilbo Baggins. He was happy to see Sydney, it was like putting a kid in a candy store and saying it was all you can eat.
Sydney nodded and listened as her best friend talked about his scar. She couldn't help but laugh at him and his hilarious SpongeBob joke. As she saw his ring she chuckled at his childish self and wondered how she got stuck with an idiot like him as a best friend. Then she remembered she wouldn't survive without him and gave him a hug back, smiling brightly. Although Sydney never really smiled that much, when she was around Evan or Declan or someone she really cared about, she couldn't help but always smile. Sydney chuckled and chased after him, quickly catching up. She jumped on his back and laughed, pointing forward down a hallway."Onward my brave, erm, bird?"she teases as they ran down the hallway looking for 27B. Her class was 29B so her room probably wasn't far from his.

Evan ducked left and right through pretend obstacles, just to see if Sydney would get sick, but the girl always seemed to have a iron stomach. He rounded a corner, slamming straight into a teacher exiting the lady's bathroom. The teacher dropped her things and Evan let do Sydney, "I am so sorry, err, teach." He said as he bent down to pick things up, he hand signaled Sydney to hide behind the wall, so the teacher didn't see her. "I was worried about being late so I was running to find my class." Evan straightened up and handed the supplies to the teacher. She then told how important it was not to run in the halls and that she should punish him for it, but seeing as it was his first day, she would give him some slack. Then she went on to tell him her name wasn't teach it was Miss Langcaster. "Sorry again, Miss. Langcaster." Evan spoke once again as she walked away into a far class room marked 27B. Evan sighed "I found my class," turning around the corner to Sydney.

As Evan motioned Sydney around the corner she groaned inwardly, hating that she had to sit out on all the fun. As she listened to Miss. Lancaster talk to Evan with a stern voice she chuckled and was suddenly glad that the teachers weren't running the party that night. As she heard the footsteps of the teacher walking away, Sydney walked around the corner with a small laugh. Chuckling lightly, she poked his cheek,"Well you be good and don't be running in the halls, Mr. Wright,"she teased, mocking his teachers voice. She walked with him until she saw her class a few down from his and she stopped."Well this is my class, have fun with Miss. Lancaster,"she joked."I'll see you later. Oh! Before I forget, you're coming to the party thing tonight, right?" She asks raising an eyebrow. There was no way in hell that she was going to that party if Evan didn't. Everyone always thought she'd have fun at parties, but truthfully Sydney never really cared for them. If she was force to go then she was going to make her best friend go too.

Rose had smiled and rolled her eyes at Jonathan's antics, then gently removed his arm from around her and looked at Ivy, "Yes I plan on attending if you want to go with me that is fine." she smiled and then looked back at Lucifer. "I will be back Ivy, just give me a moment." She took a deep breath and approached Lucifer and War, when she finally managed to reach then she tripped and landed in Lucifer's lap her face now a bright red as she looked up at him timidly. "I am really sorry Lucifer... I was coming to see if you were coming to the welcome back party in the cemetery... you are as well War." she kinda stayed there somewhat frozen her voice wavering as she spoke to him.

@RogueRaven12 and @Autumn_Burns_Red
Ivy grinned as she approached Rose with the two boys. She then giggled and said "hey Lucifer would you like to go out sometime with my shy little friend here?" She laughed a little. She saw the way the two of them looked at each other and despite not being a relationship type person, she couldn't let them suffer in silence. She also couldn't let them wonder "what if" for the rest of their lives. They wanted to be together so she would get them together no matter what. She stuck out her tongue at Rose.

@Poisoned Rose @Autumn_Burns_Red
Amelia landed gracefully in the cemetery of the school. She was running a hell of a lot later than she'd intended. Having just arrived, she wanted to put her things away into her dorm before doing anything school related. Amelia guessed that it must have been at least homeroom already, she was just going to have to skip and blame her late arrival on having woken up late or something. Amelia retracted her wings into a smaller and less space-taking form. She took her single bag of belongings and rushed into her dormitory, putting her things away. She had gotten a notice of who would be in the same room as her. To her surprise, Mercy was on the list. Amelia wanted very much so to see Mercy sometime that day.
Alexi smiled and popped a chocolate in her mouth. "Great! It'll be so much fun! I'm glad you'll be there." She hadn't been to a party in a while and the last one she went to it was so drama-filled and shitty. Fucking Evan, fucking up her social life. "Do we have any classes together Luka? Other than homeroom." She looked over at him

Luka laughs lightly. "I don't know." He says handing her his schedule. "Well I guess we will have to party all night until dawn. We vampire are the embodiment of night." He smirks falling back into the grass. Today had been a pain and he didn't want to be there but more or less it was better then being with is blithering idiotic family.

1st: homeroom
2nd: Languages (what ever language)
3rd: Free Period
4th: Mythology
5th: Lunch
6th: Art
7th: Alchemy
8th: Club Activities? (If no its music)

His arrival was slightly unbecoming of a Mortisian
Prince. The soft ambience of
the rift that becked him forth from within the grips of the Necropolis that was Mortis. His pale complexion mixed with the grin that tilted slightly. His gaze that seemed to echo a sinister madness within the blue of his intoxicatingly alluring eyes as he looked up from a book. Gave his over all appearance of an endearing teenager a more malevolent aura. Maybe it was the full moon mixed with the lighting of the rift that caused such an aura..maybe just maybe.

As the rift closed he walked off towards the school, a soft hand gently grazing the surface of a tombstone as he walked past. Softly humming an old shanty as he thought about if anyone here would remember him. He had left after three fourths of his freshmen year. Family issues. Is what he and the school had been told. Though he soon discovered it was more then that. He had been taken out of school for a trial and by the time it had finished the school year had also reached its conclusion. But that didn't mean his school year was over. Nope infact his father had made him go to an academy to make up for any potential "lapse" in his more unnatural abilities. ......

After successfully missing the orientation and instead speaking to the Chancellor about his rooming. He looked up from the eerie tomb from wich his head was buried. "Homeroom." He thought to himself. The christening of the school day. The start of an abysmal day. Maybe it was the fact that they were all just sitting here doing nothing academic. Maybe it was because he hadn't seen anyone he knew or gave a piss about that made him frown. Infact the only person who seemed to remember him was the school librarian who remembered he had been checking out some of the most off kilter books. She also remembered and reminded him that he had promised to get her a copy of Solomon's Grimoire. With a soft sigh he looked back to his tome and resumed what he had been doing. Reading, waiting for it to be over. Hoping that AP Physics would be somewhat more interesting.
Lucifer chuckled and rubbed his hair, "Yeah I am going tonight, you should come with me. Only as friends, I mean unless you want it to be a date or something. I am fine either way." Lucifer could hardly breathe. He had never had the guts to talk to her for more than a minute, and even then it was about how she was doing. Now he was asking her out, and he didn't know how she felt about him. It gave him a head ache.
@Poisoned Rose
Evan smiled, "Hey we are you leaving so fast, we still have a while, we left before first ended." Evan laughed, he wasn't really into the partying scene right now, but he knew Sycney would kill him if he didn't go, "Yeah I am going tonight, and I am pretty sure Declan is to, don't think I din't see how you have been looking at my brother. Sydney i know you, and I know Declan, he would be stupid not to like you." He pulled her to his side, a motioned his hand up to the skies, "I can see it now, you and him being all relationship like, and me asking both of you not to talk about the "details" cause I do not need to know that. Speaking of I forgot to wake my brother up this morning I should text him." Evan pulled out his phone ~Hey did you make it finally, come find me a Sydney, by room 27B.~ Evan looked up, "There your prince charming is coming, now my princesses, run from the the evil that is me." Evan spoke as he pretended to be a monster of some sort.
@Alison and @Little_Ghost98
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Aria walked though the halls like a champion, as always. She was on time, poised, and prompt, like she was taught from a young age. But there was something different about her. She carried herself like she could take down anyone at anytime, because she could. She wore today a pair of light blue exercise pants that revealed her strong calves, a pullover that was blue, and her long white hair up in a ponytail, swaying as she walked. Her hands where stuffed in her pockets, but even then, she had her sleeves rolled up tot he elbows, exposing her rippling muscles as she walked. She could hear the scuttling of scared students running out of her way as she stepped with purpose into the school hallways. A few of the girls sent glares her way, but she stayed as cold as ever, watching them flip their hair in annoyance. There was no way they could hurt her, she was at the top of the food chain, she practically ruled the school! With a flick of her gaze, she passed Evan and whoever he was talking to, she wasn't that importantly. She instantly felt her heart skip, and she looked away, chastising herself. A queen could not fall for a night! She couldn't end up with him! That would end horribly. She gave a short huff and rolled her shoulders as she kept walking towards her first class.
Sydney of course turned a bright red as her cheeks heated up as Evan spoke about Declan and Sydney being together."I do not like Declan!"She says playfully punching his side. When he pulled her close to his side she rolled her eyes and stared up at the imaginary future that she would never have with Declan."Oh whatever,"she chuckles as he texted his brother."Does he really look at me differently?"she asks awkwardly. Although Sydney had always had a HUGE crush on Declan, she didn't want to get in a relationship with him if it meant it would ruin hers and Evans friendship. So far he seemed thrilled by the idea of his brother and best friend dating. As Evan made an evil face and acted like a monster, she couldn't help but laugh and step back a few steps. As they messed around being the idiots and carefree friends they were, Sydney laughed and thought about not seeing him all summer long and how much she missed both him and Declan. She was happy to have them back and to hang out with them.

She blushed a deeper red removing herself from his lap. "A date would be nice," she said mumbling some. Her hair in her face as she had her head. This was nerve raking for her she didn't know if he was simply joking or if he was actually serious about it being a date. She hoped he really meant it when he said it could be a date. She was biting her bottom lip nervously her eyes darted quickly over to Ivy, then to War and back to Lucifer her face a bright red.
Lucifer stood up, "Um, cool...So I will drop by your dorm and we can go then, see you later Rose." He smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek. He had no clue why he did that, but it was too late. "Bye Ivy." He waved as him and War walked past the two girls. Halfway down the hall, Lucifer let out a huge wave of air. "Did you just start breathing again?" War questioned him. "Yeah, My head hurts, that was harder than ever before." Lucifer spoke towards War. Truth is for some reason being around Rose, made him so nervous to the point her couldn't breathe. "So your going tonight, right?" He asked War. "Nah, I don't have a date, and ain't nobody here that damn good at dancing that I would be willing to go." War said sarcastically. Lucifer stopped and looked at him, "Of course I am just kidding, can't wait to see how well you bomb this first date. Oh and would daddy dearest mind you dating someone outside the underworld, someone outside of his control. Being his your his new son and all, and he would do anything to prevent "good" from damaging you again." War laughed, "Oh wait too late, the young leader has been damaged beyond repair, and by a girl at that."
Lucifer stared at him "Of course dad would mind, his the damn devil, but that is why no one is going to tell him, at least not any time soon." Lucifer said as he realized War was not looking at him "War do not even think of telling him," War only laughed "I won't bro, come on I am not that dumb, I know he would send you right back to the underworld for like an eternity before allowing you to return to the surface." Lucifer let out a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but be thankful, but then his mood was short lived, by realizing he left his bag back in the room. Smooth move he thought.
@Poisoned Rose
Evan stopped all his clowning with Sydney when he saw a girl he recognized as Aria, "Hey um, Sydney, Declan should be on his way, I got to go love." Evan didn't take his eyes of Aria until he had to to give Sydney a hug. "You get you prince, I need to go catch my Princess." Evan loved spending time with Sydney so much, he hated leaving her and he hoped she understood the major crush he had for Aria. "I promise I wouldn't be leaving you like this if it wasn't important." He smiled and jogged after Aria. "Hey, Aria. I see you are cold as ever." He smiled at her. "How was your summer?" He knew she was a Princess and all, but he couldn't help but try for her. He knew deep down that it might not work, cause he only came from a family with much less than she did, but he was at least, from a good blood line.
@Alison @IceQueen
Ivy put an arm around Rose and laughed a little, acting like a child. "I couldn't let you go around moping. And if it makes you feel better, I will help you look stunning tonight. I promise. now lets go to class. Can't be late now can we?" She grinned, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm going but I'm going alone. I don't stand out at this school. I'm not pretty like you and I don't talk to the boys here so..." She shrugged. "But I know we will all have a blast because... well, I like dancing and you have a date who you've been drooling over for the past half hour." She rolled her eyes as she pointed out the obvious. "Now lets go."