Gang Members Have Lives Too! (Sign-ups/OOC)

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After Steins;Gate I really got invested into the mindset of a Chuunibyou. It's quite interested, since I'd known of it even before that, but it was much better because now it was the main character and stuff. xD
Steins;Gate!!! I agree. That's why I've been into making the crazy characters lately. I love the way Okabe acts, I really want to play similar characters lately.
I feel sad at the rebound it causes, though. Like, he got into something he definitely shouldn't have. xD (not that I wasn't expecting that from the start, especially with the hacking)
Yeah, but it made it all into a pretty good story. (Of course, time travel always has issues anyway.)
Exactly. xD

Maybe Luca will get along with the hacker... uh, what was her name again. The green girl, wasn't she green? o-o
Sakura was the hacker and she is Justaddnutts character, so if Justaddnutts did drop out then we won't have her anymore unfortunately.
That's okay, I'm the same way right now. I did edit the list of characters just tonight if that would help to see who there is for choices, then you can click them to see things about them because they are linked.
Thanks, I'll make sure to do that x.x

It's morning and our first class has been math, I'm sooo dead.

It's 3:13 am for me, so I still technically need to go to bed since I'm sick and have three classes in a row tomorrow while one having my Hamlet presentation for my Shakespearean Tragedies class. But, either way, I feel you there (I'm a college student and time along with work and classes is just crazy most of the time).
D: Poor, poor Quentin. Forgotten by his parents and by the friends of his creator. ;)
Well people are too focused on the homos. Quentin should just be gay then he'll be noticed. xD
xD Quentin isn't gay, per say, but he doesn't really date either. Any gender, for that matter. ;)
I find it kinda ironic that we have three guys; two are gay for each other and the last one does not date at all. Such an unlucky group of girls we have. xD
Aww you just gotta break down his shell. He's all tender meat on the inside, but you need the tools to crack open his outside first. ^.^
Luca's biggest issue is how he deals with embarrassment using anger and insults. I mean, Cas can take it but if he acts like that with the girls he might make them cry. xD
Oh wow, my character just loves teasing people who are usually serious. She finds it cute how serious people can get all flustered :P
She'll probably be teasing Quentin.
A lot.
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