Forbidden Love of Another

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
She chuckled and kissed him. "I love that. Come on let's go. It'll be closer to the door too for when you change also. Come on." She smiled softly and went out of the attic and to the living room to look for a crappy chick flick.

After watching What Happens in Vegas and Isaac constantly saying how he would gladly have sex with Ashton Kutcher on the spot, Isaac looked out of the window and noticed the sun slipping under the horizon.

"It's time," he said softly.
Shade looked at him. "O-Okay. Come on." She got up and helped him up before walking over to the door and opening it for him. "I love you. I love you so much, Isaac. Remember to come back here so I know you're okay."

Isaac's back spasmed. It was coming.

"I love you too, sweetheart," he said softly, before twitching again. "Oh, shit. Okay, lock all the doors and windows and go to the attic. I love you."

Isaac burst out the door before he could spasm again, and bolted toward the forest.
She nodded and closed the door and locked it before doing g the same to all the doors and windows then went to the attic and looked out the window up there for him. She sighed and then went and got a few pillows and blankets in case.

Isaac had just hit the woods as he truly began to change. As his body expanded, his clothes ripped, the shreds scattering around him. White fur sprouted from every inch of his body. Long, savage fangs replaced his teeth, and claws sprouted from the beds of his fingernails. Isaac tried to cry out in pain, but the noise instead came out as a howl, long and pitiful.

The searing pain stopped, and Isaac looked at his feet -- or, rather, paws. His fur was pure white, and though he couldn't see them, his eyes were tawny yellow.

He realised, with a shock, that he kept his human conscience. He was still himself. He could still think. Joy filled him.

Isaac turned around and ran back to the house. He looked up at the attic window, and could see Shade through it.
She looked down and opened the window. The attic was four stories above the ground. "Babe? My love? Is that you?"she asked, happy. She looked down and smiled. "You're such a beautiful wolf. I don't know if you can understand me or even know who I am but I love you and you are gorgeous. I love you so much!"

Isaac understood the angel in the attic perfectly. He howled once more, fixing her in his gaze, before running back into the woods.

~skip to the next day~

At exactly the crack of dawn, Isaac changed back into his human form. He didn't even feel the change back. He was just suddenly standing in the middle of the woods, fully naked. Isaac ran back to his house.

The doors were locked, like he had asked Shade, but Isaac, being a total badass, could pick a lock with a stick anyway. It was the wolf he had wanted Shade to be protected from. Isaac burst into the house, quickly threw on some dirty clothes from the laundry basket and ran upstairs to the attic.

Shade was sleeping on the floor. Knowing he couldn't move her without waking her, he lay down next to her and wrapped his arms around her tiny body. After a night of running around in the woods, he was exhausted, and quickly fell asleep.
She smiled and went back into the attic.

The next morning, Shade was asleep. Yet she felt someone hold her. She then smelled a familiar scent and knew it was him. She turned and cuddled up to him. "Mmm... Isaac..."she muttered in her sleep before cuddling up a bit more.

Isaac slept on, but his unconscious brain registered her scent. Cinnamon, smoke, salt water and roses. Average smells on their own, but forming together a perfect harmony of aromas that signified Shade.
Shade wrapped one leg around his as they slept, happy to be with him. She missed him the entire night and just wanted to see him.

At around twelve p.m., Isaac finally woke up. He sat up straight, looking down at the beautiful girl who slept beside him.

"Hey," he said, bending over and whispering in her ear. "Hey, princess. Guess what? I'm a werewolf."
"Mmm.... What?..."she muttered as she slightly woke up. She looked at him and smiled. "So I was right then?"she asked softly, her voice scratchy from sleeping. She smiled and hugged him.

"For once." Isaac rolled away before she could hit him.

"I kid, I kid. I don't kid."
She glared at him, yet had a smirk on her face. She moved over and hit his arm before stretching. "Ass."

"Yeah, whatever," said Isaac. "Come downstairs, I'll make you pancakes."

Isaac slid down the trapdoor leading to the fourth storey of his house. Feeling particularly invincible, Isaac jumped over the banister rather than taking the stairs. He landed like a cat on the bottom storey. "Hey, babe, this werewolf thing is cool."
She chuckled and looked at him. "Okay baby." She went down with him and smiled. She went down the stairs and smiled. "I love you but please be careful. I'm still scared to hurt you." She smiled and finished going down the stairs and smiled.

"Never," Isaac proclaimed. He picked Shade up and carried her to the kitchen, sitting her down on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. He kissed her passionately. "I am an indestructible being of ultimate force and I shall never take caution."
She chuckled and kissed him back. "Babe you should still be cautious. You aren't 'indestructible.' Remember what a werewolfs' can actually get hurt by? Silver."

"Oh, yeah," said Isaac. "Wait, aren't some of your rings silver?"

A knock sounded on the front door. Before Isaac moved to open it, he caught a scent; deep, woodsy and fresh, but also sharp with salt.

A wolf. Though Isaac had never met another werewolf that he knew of -- well, other than the one that bit him -- he automatically recognised the smell. A growl built up in his chest.