Fighting the Losing Battle

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Evelyn shrunk away from the window fearfully when she heard the woman's words, they were nice enough but the way she said them scared her. She then turned around and faced the others, seeing the flames. She bit her lip, there was no way they could save her once home. She listened for a moment and, not hearing anyone, she put her feet shoulder-width apart and put her small palms facing down while closing her eyes. While the others simply shouted for their element, Evelyn would just focus and feel it around her. She then lifted her hands and a large piece of the earth raised so the second story room they were in would not collapse and fall to the ground with the rest of the house, and the flames could not reach them from below at least, the floor shook a little but besides that, the only difference the others would be able to feel is the new sturdiness of the floor. "We need to get out!" She shouted, hoping the other would hear her over their attempts to save the building.

Alex sighed and rose from her spot besides Oliver with a new anger for the world and, more importantly, the humans. "EVERYBODY GET OUT!" She shouted, her voice easily heard due to the volume it was at. She looked over at Rin and nodded, showing her mutual agreement to stop their usual hatred for each other due to the circumstances. She cast her gaze to the little cat kid, "Hey brat, can you make a way for us to get out the window safely?" She asked, her tone cold.

Evelyn nodded and ran back to window, being sure not to look in the direction she saw the scary woman and raised a strip of the earth in a ramp form then stepped out onto it but didn't go down it yet. Instead she looked back to Alex for the next orders. Alex ignored her and was shouted to the others again. "EVERYONE GET OUT THE WINDOW! EVELYN MADE A RAMP!" She shouted and, for once in her life, called Evelyn by her name.
The boy rose, coughed, then stumbled- his lungs, weakened by the choking, now had to face smoke. Darkness seeped into the sides of his vision, and he felt himself slowly losing the ability to run. The yelling did help to spur him on though, and he managed to crawl on all fours a respectable distance before falling again. He was so close to the ramp... But not close enough to drag himself over.
Mirri fluttered out the window without need of Evelyn's ramp. Her claws still dripped blood and eye goop from the eyes she had aimed for during the fight. Her wings weren't producing any dust, a testament to her emotional state at the apparent loss of their leader. She let herself drop down to the grass for brief seconds before she zipped back up into the air, trying to fidn a vantage point with which to see the total of the area, looking around to check for anymore humans lurking in the area.
Pandora gave up trying to stop the fire. instead she went up to Scrubz "Are you ok? we need to get out can you manage on your own or do you need a hand?"
She didn't find the idea of going into the burning building at all thrilling but if this guy needed her to she would, she had already lost sight of the new female human.Also knowing that Oliver was dead was taking it's toll on her last nerve* but the one nice thing in all of this at least he has gone to be with his wife so at least there is a small silver lining*.She thinks to herself.
*Its nice to see that everybody is getting out and are more or less ok a few cuts and bruises we can deal with*.
Miyu was finally able to get away from the obnoxious vampire woman, happy that she was able to lose her with her fast speed. At least all that training hasn't gone in to vain, she happily thought to herself as she returned to the branch, seeing at how everyone was panicking with the fire now tearing at the house, despise the fact of someone's attempt of stopping it and the death of that young boy.
But Miyu did nothing to help anyone; she remained standing on the branch, her hands resting on her waist, until Evelyn spotted her. Miyu flashed Evelyn a menacing smile and waving once again. She remained just watching the girl, eyes flicking around her so she didn't have her guard down just in case anyone else tried to attack her for just being a human being and keeping an eye on the girl.
Blue eyes watched as the girl didn't even need to word out the elements and a ramp was made for them to escape. That made Miyu's face glow bright with glee. She raised her hands and clapped them together.
"Well done, my girl! Well done!"
She laughed, jumped down from the tree and landed in the middle of the ramp to stop anyone else from exiting and so Miyu could casually as well as confidently stroll up to the young girl.
"You and I… We need to talk. But not here."
Her eyes scanned along everyone that was in and around the building, she had now jumped in the heart of it all, showing herself to everyone and knowing that she must appear to be a threat to them all, if not just another mere human being. But Miyu showed no fear towards the un-natural beings, nor did she appear to be eager to kill them as if she hated them. But her question on being there and wanting the young girl was enough to be question about.
"I am not going to kill you; I don't even have my sword drawn"
Miyu extended her black gloved hands out, showing that her words were true. Miyu wore nothing but black, a long black dress and a long black coat that hung open and flapped leisurely in the wind around them.
Hearing a familiar voice Scrubz looks up from the ground. Scrubz just laid there staring at this vampire for a few seconds. He shook his head and replied "Sorry you look very familiar but it's not the time for that. Yea I'll be fine thanks just needs time to heal and have a drink…………WIND". Scrubz started floating again "Come on then………. Pandora. Time to get back into the office"
*The poor guy has obviously hit his head, how would he know me i may have been around for a long time but a guy with blue hair i would remember that*
Pandora sighs "Scrubz there is no point going it to the office, everyone is leaving or have got out of the house just come through the door and we ca walk around to find everyone."
*wish i knew were that female was i hope she's not anywhere near Everlyn*
"Ok then Pandora I was just eager to make sure Evelyn alright. Guess we can stroll round the back from through the door. "She should be fine". As Scrubz and Pandora left the house, Scrubz got his bottle out from inside his cape and drank the contents dry. With a sigh of relief "Ahh that hits the spot" Scrubz wiped his mouth with his sleeve and put the lid on his bottle and shook it violently. He opened the lid again and took another gulp out of it. "I definitely needed that"
Evelyn was watching the woman wearily as she approached and bit her lip then glanced back to the others before looking back to face her. Should she take her hand? It truly did not look like she wanted to kill her… she would have a weapon out or ready or she would have already killed her by now, she was just a kid after all but Evelyn still didn't trust her. She studied the human's face for a moment then shook her head, refusing to go with her and took a step back, away from her. "No way. I don't trust you, human." She truly did not trust this woman one bit and the fact that she was human didn't help her cause. Besides, the others would be coming out soon and she'd be outnumbered so it wasn't like Evelyn was in too much danger with refusing.

Alex saw that people were taking her orders and leaving. She then saw the human that barely was able to crawly to the window out and she rolled her eyes. They were all injured to various degrees but none were as desperate as that human. She strode over, favoring her left leg because she had gotten cut on the other during the fight and picked him up, slinging one of his arms around her shoulders and wrapped her own around his waist to keep him up then started to walk over to the ramp out. Everyone would get out or already has so no use her staying in.
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The boy halfheartedly beat against Alex's back, but soon found that she wouldn't let him down- and decided to fade into unconsciousness. All things considered, today had gone well.
Rin had stuffed a good deal of papers and maps into her bag and closed the bag up before slinging it over her shoulder. While there were other things that could be useful they were not as important. She felt the heat of the fire getting closer to her and she turned around to see that she needed to get out now. She was about to exit when all of sudden something caught her eye. A small silver box sat on top of a desk in the corner. Rin dashed forward and grabbed it before running out of the room and back into the office. Immediately she bolted onto the bridge made by Evelyn and out of the building, the box still in her hands.


Rachael was cloaked in shadows and moving unseen through the woods. She should be close to her destination at this point. She stopped and dispelled the shadows so that she was visible. Her leader had dispatched her to check on other branches of the resistance due to news arriving that many had come under attack. This had been one of the further branches and taken her longer to reach. Glancing up at the sky she cursed, "This doesn't look good. I better hurry up and see what is going on." Rachael was pretty sure that if there was smoke then the building was in bad condition. She just hoped the people were not. Once again her shadows fell around her and she disappeared. Taking off towards the smoke she silently prayed that the fire was the worst thing to have happened.
Not far from the woods, a lone assassin slumps down against a tree- weakened and in pain. When he looks at himself, he soon finds that his uniform had become blood-red during the course of the mission. After careful inspection, he soon realized that the blood-red was actually, of course, blood; from an arrow shaft protruding from his chest. Knowing this, he let out an agonized cry and fell on his side. He then began rocking, a mix of pain and regret washing over him and forcing cries of anguish from his blood-soaked lips.
Rachael was getting closer and she was almost there when she was stopped by a cries of agony. She stopped once again and turned towards the direction they came from. She quickly ran that way and dispelled her shadows as she arrived. A man was on the ground covered in blood that came from an arrow shaft in his chest. Quickly she crossed over and was standing next to him, and she rolled him a bit so that he faced her. "Human," the word came out snidely, "I do not like your kind, but do tell. What has happened?" He was to near to where the base was located, so she assumed he had taken part in what had happened. She hoped she could get some information from him before he died, "Tell me and I will end your life quickly."
The man struggles to rise, but falls back to the floor with another cry of agony. His entire face was hidden by his mask, but when he shakily turns to face her, his breathing notably quickens.
"Gaah! Damnit... No... Urk... No..."
He struggles, managing to slide about half a foot away from her before falling again, leaving a trail of blood the entire way.

Rachael sneered at his attempt to get away from her, "I think you should. If not..." She grinned wickedly as she moved to him again and reached down and grasped the arrow, twisting it so he felt a more pain. "I have no real problem making your pitiful, flickering life miserable before you die. Because I am guessing you have already done the same to some of my acquaintances. Now are you still going to say no?" He wouldn't die, not just yet so she could follow through with her threat.
He struggled, managing to bite his lip and hold in his next agonizing cry. This was what he was taught about since birth, that the evil, cruel, maniacal non-humans would seek to make humanity suffer at every turn. He felt a pang of smugness in realizing he had the moral high ground, at least in his mind, but it it was quickly drowned out by another wave of pain. He squirmed, hands grasping loosely at the arrow- he felt blood streaming from his lip...
"M-Monster... M-Monster..."
Rachael's eyes narrowed, "I am a monster? Really now? My parents were killed when I was young. Why? Because of you stupid humans and your desire for power! My friends have been dying and I can do nothing. Why? Once again because of humanity." Her words were growled out and she twisted the arrow just a bit more. "If anyone if a monster it is you and the rest of all your kind." Her voice sounded deadly calm and fury could be seen within her eyes. "If I am a monster then it is because I have learned from humanity. Now once again human. Tell me what you have done."
He struggles to form a reply, but his words are lost amid a fountain of pain. He rolls on his side, letting out another scream of pain before turning his head and locking eyes with her.
"Y... Y-You... And y-your kind... Have d-destroyed... So much... T-Tell me. W-What have you made b-besides suffering? W-We... Are the future... And y-you..."

He coughs up blood, feeling his life seep away; drop by drop.
"You're the past, w-waiting to be erased."
Rachael chuckled darkly, "Is that so? Hm...I suppose you will do so much better than us. You are off to a lovely start by killing us all of and destroying thousand of lives." Strong sarcasm dripped from her voice but then disappeared, "Also I will give you two last sentiments before you die, consider it my parting gift to you. Firstly, the past can never be erased if you want a strong future. Secondly, if you are the future...then the future isn't what it used to be. Quite sad." With that she stood up and crashed her foot down on his stomach. She heard a cracking sound and smirked, "Death and judgement to you. Pathetic human."
Juvo heard a sound that sounded like a cry, out of curiosity and hopes of helping someone in trouble he started to walk in the general direction. Really he would have run but he wasn't sure if it was even safe and was a bit hesitant to get any closer. When he finally made it to the slight clearing he looked threw a bush to see someone twisting an arrow into a mans chest. He was horrified, why was she hurting him? Wasn't he in enough pain? As she spoke he realized one was human and the other wasn't, she was calling him the monster and saying that if she was one too then she learned how to be one from him. The more this went on the more fearful he became and the more he wished she would leave so he could save the poor man.

Then something happened that made him jump out and create a barrier over the human however it cracked under the force of her foot and then he heard a crack and knew it was all over. He didn't move with wide eyes looking down at the man who he assumed was dead. He didn't know what to do...
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