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~I'm drinking coffee on a trampoline~
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
Online Availability
3pm - 1am (GMT / BST)
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. No Preferences
Monsters, supernatural, fantasy, romance, criminality, slice-of-life (modern or set in past, usually with some twists)

While Brandon didn't need any excuses to lounge in bed and relax all day, he felt he had a legitimate reason to do just that today. Not just because it was a Monday where classes were cancelled to allow students to settle into their dorms and get acquainted with those they'd be sharing with, but because he was genuinely quite exhausted from the night he had had, and that in itself ought to validate why he was laying in bed at two in the afternoon.

Most 18-year-olds had probably hit the town during the night, enjoying their last night of freedom before university started up after the summer. In fact, Brandon knew full well that there had been a plethora of drunk teens on the town, stumbling about and making out crudely against any building wall they could find. He knew that because he'd seen them with his own eyes, even though he hadn't been taking part in any of those 'shenanigans', as his mother would say. He didn't really like the taste of alcohol, anyway.

No, instead of being a normal teenager and dancing about with a couple of mates at some club with a beer in hand, he'd been scouting out the home of a business owner in the city, waiting for all the lights to go out before making his move. The downside to not planning something like this out properly was that he triggered almost every alarm he could, he had no idea where the valuables were even kept, and, given the fame the businessman possessed, cameras and police cars pulled up to the joint before Brandon had even had a chance to properly search through the drawers for some fancy Rolex watch or diamond necklace. Not that it had really troubled him. The more police that turned up and the more media outlets that arrived, the more of a rush he got from it all.

That much was pretty obvious from the pictures plastered in the newspapers today, and the videos shown on the news of the businessman's 'night of terror', as people had decided to label it. Admittedly, Brandon was tempted to set the main image being circulated around as his phone's screensaver - a picture of him in his mask with his middle fingers crudely raised directly at the camera. It couldn't be seen, but Brandon knew he was grinning under the mask, enjoying every single second. He'd gotten away unscathed, as usual... but the businessman and his wife were being treated for some pretty severe burns, and the man's one-of-a-kind Jaguar had been lifted and tossed at a few policeman by Brandon. Not that he gave a fuck about the police.

It was what he was currently looking at on his laptop, actually. A news report on the attack from the night, with the reporter dramatically delivering a speech on the 'evil' that currently 'tormented London' while flames engulfed the house behind her. By 'evil', Brandon was aware he shared that platform with Skyler... un-fucking-fortunately.

Hearing the door creak open, the teen lifted a head curiously from the pillow before realising the man that entered was probably the roommate he had been told he was sharing with. Now, Brandon had only been at the dorm for a few hours, but he'd clearly already settled in. A few Red Bull cans were tossed near -but not in- the bin, his half-opened suitcase was dumped carelessly and he'd made full use of the bed already, laying in it with only his jeans on, but apparently, he didn't care about greeting a stranger topless with popcorn kernels all down his front and around his mouth.

"Hey, dude-- Skyler, right? I was told you were comin'-- but late, ain't cha? Thought you'd arrive at ten, like me," he shrugged, wiping his hand on his jeans before thrusting it forward with a wide grin. "I don't bite, you can shake my hand, mind. I ain't gonna wrestle 'ya. The tats are nothing, I'm a teddy bear, really~"
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Somewhat like Brandon, Skyler did go to a party he had heard circling through the teen scene, a great opportunity to interact and get to know some other students before being thrust into classes. He may have had a beer or two, to seem cool, but it really wasn't the reason he was late. He only really wandered in late because of the stops he had made to get there. For starters, he had to collect his things from the hotel he had spent the last month in. Secondly, he had a job interview to attend to only an hour later. It didn't affect him much, the time crunch. In fact, it was a bit fun in a way. The day had gone pretty well, after all, and he intended it to go smoothly.

While on the bus, Skyler had read up on the sloppy job from his competitor in the paper, which turned his mood sour. On the plus side, he failed to take anything from the attack. On the down side, Brandon burned everything before he could go in himself. His happy mood dropped almost instantly, but he didn't let it show once arriving on campus.

Already, he knew quite a few students that lounged in the hall. He said hello to some, had quick, meaningless chats, and offered some perfectly faked laughs. Eventually, though, he insisted he had to geeet the man he would be spending the next few months with. Standing outside the door, he inhaled hard before stepping in with a smile.

His smile dropped a tad once seeing the messy state of their room, his eyes locking on the crumbs and cans before they even noticed Brandon. He couldn't get angry, though, at least not when it was their first interaction. Instead, he put some anger in the firm handshake given to Brandon as he smiled.

"Ah, made yourself at home already, eh?" He asked, a tease in his voice as he moved to set his things down. "You must be Brandon, then? It's nice to meet you. I wasn't expecting you to be here yet, to be honest... though i guess there wasn't anything to expect, since I didn't actually know anything about you. Anyway, ah... I'm sure we'll become close friends, yeah?" He drawled, his accent noticeable as he eyed just how empty the room was.
The hard grip on his hand wasn't a move lost on Brandon-- but it hardly affected him, and he didn't think too heavily about it. He wasn't going to start fretting out that it was a sign the newcomer was disgruntled or somehow irritated. Frankly, Brandon never paid that much thought into things, and he sure as hell didn't spent his time analysing things that really didn't bear analysing. If he was honest, he didn't care if Skyler turned his nose up at the state of the dorm. The place could have been a lot worse if Brandon had had more time on his hands.

Nevertheless, he did feel the need to address it the moment he spotted the other's wandering eyes and moved quickly to put the empty cans in the bin, having obviously missed each time he'd attempted to throw them in from the bed. "I, uh... I was gonna tidy up, dude," he promised in his own unsubtle accent which, for lack of a better word, would probably be described as the classic 'Cockney' accent from East London. "I just-- I was watching the news, y'know, about all those attacks and I got carried away with that and... I'll be tidier, I fuckin' swear, alright? You ain't got a reason to panic about moving into a pigsty, 'cos I've got a handle on all this."

Smiling brightly, he made a clear effort to smarten himself up... even if that only consisted of him finding a plain white t-shirt and throwing a baseball cap over his bed-hair. Throwing the bedsheet over his bed haphazardly and shutting his laptop, he flopped down at the computer desk with a low sigh. "So, uh... Skyler's a cool name. You sound Scottish-- or Irish or whatever, I get confused with the accents. It's cool though, totally-- need help unpacking or anythin'? Not that I'm good at that, but y'know, the mother always taught me to offer."
"Ireland, yeah." He confirmed, as he carefully unzipped his one suitcase, pulling out his own bedding and pillows to at least make the small space a bit more homey. Despite his previously clear annoyance, the man offered a thankful smile at the attempt to at least fix his mess.

"Well, your mother must be a very smart woman, then. I mean, you don't have to help - it looks like you haven't fully settled in yourself. It's nice of you to offer, though. Look, I'm not upset about the mess, I just hope I won't wake up in the morning to see bugs scuttling about from a can of soda spilled on the floor. I promise I won't hark on you, okay?" He cooed, only to glance at the computer curiously.

"Oh, that attack? Yeah, I heard the man's house was burned to the ground basically. I wasn't expecting so much crime when I came here, but it's a big city, so I suppose it's to be expected. Not to many men with capes trying to stop 'em though. Unfortunate, yeah?" He offered, naturally curious to get any info on this masked villain. "He seems a bit arrogant, to be honest. I mean, if his intention to start some trouble, he certainly succeeded," he continued, and sighed contently once the bed was made, proud of his skills to move so quickly.

Taking a seat on the bed, he felt the mattress curiously before glancing over once again, a brow raised. "So... What's your major, then? You seem like the type to be into Communications. I'm studying Political Science, haven't really thought of my minor, though..." he admitted, the thought being a genuine concern for him as he glanced out the window.
Having decided he liked the other man almost a few seconds after meeting him, he did prickle just a little at the insults aimed at him-- or rather, his alter. He knew he couldn't get so defensive and be visibly so rustled by the comments, and hell, compared to some of the stuff he'd seen on social media, being called arrogant really wasn't the worst thing in the world.

"Yeah, he's an asshole, right? Same with that other guy. They're both fucking up the city and it ain't right, but hey, what am I supposed to do about it, y'know? The police should just crack down on it already, it's totally embarrassing at this point," he shrugged, opening his laptop up again to scan through the remainder of the article briefly, even if he didn't really digest anymore of it. Pressing his shoulders against the back of the chair, he stuck his feet up on the desk to properly lay himself out-- at least, as much as he could, anyway.

"Huh? Oh, Spanish. Not that interesting, huh? My grandma was Spanish, I thought I may as well give this a go. If it turns out I can't speak a word of the stuff, I'll just... I dunno, I'll figure it out. I don't really do the whole back-up plan thing. I don't plan anything. You don't get any fun out of planning shit," the taller boy shrugged, while reaching into the bottom drawer of the desk to pull out another energy drink, having deciding to stash the several cans there for the time being until he made a wise purchase of a mini-fridge. He had enough money to splash out on one, after all. "Political Science, huh? Sounds... fun? I dunno, I don't do the whole politics thing either. Bunch of manipulative bastards, right? Saying shit to get our vote and then u-turning... Not my cup of tea, pal."
"That's the fun part, you know? We need someone who wants to improve things, and maybe that will be me. I mean, I'm likeable, I'm smart - not to stroke my own ego, by the way." He insisted, while tugging out his own laptop and plugging it into the outlet thankfully right besides his bed. Once hearing the satisfying on-noise, he only really noticed the fact that he was shirtless once seeing him tug one on. He looked away quickly, though, a bit bashful at the sight.

"The two either need to stop altogether, or they find their own turf, you know? It's honestly just annoying at this point. Don't get me wrong, I don't really like big-business guys myself, but the fact that they're acting so petty? It's obnoxious." He murmured, while stretching out on his own bed while glancing at the desk.

"You're... very strange, aren't you? Maybe you should get into something creative? Art, maybe?" Skyler offered, while eyeing the strange setup. "This'll be fun. We should do some bonding before we're forced to shove our faces in books. You look like the sort of guy who likes simple things, pizza maybe?" He offered, while absently typing at his computer, making sure to be subtle enough to not be suspicious, but desperate to keep his screen out of view as he. himself, looked up the latest news on him.
Turning his back on the other to type into his own laptop, he did find the freedom once having his face turned away to roll his eyes derisively. He knew he couldn't do so openly without appearing defensive, but he did find the comment laughable. If anyone should leave the city and work on their boring little plans elsewhere, it really ought to be his competitor, right? He was the newcomer to the city who'd only recently made his appearance around, while Brandon had been prevalent for the last three years. He felt inclined to continue as he was, and like hell was he being pushed out by some idiot in a plain mask and a suit who, from what Brandon could tell, really didn't carry out his crimes in a way Brandon deemed 'fun'. They were all boring and planned out and utterly tedious.

"Yeah? Well, one of 'em needs to go. Preferably both. They're evil sadists, right? That's what the newspapers say-- look, it ain't even our problem-- or my problem. If you end up being some bigshot politician, it'll be your problem," he grinned, leaning back in his chair again and, after spinning himself around to inspect his new roommate over for a few seconds, let that grin widen. He really didn't take being called strange as an insult. He liked being different, standing out from the crowd. Why would he want to be nice and boring?

"Pizza's cool, mate. Hey, you seem cool, y'know? A little stiff, all proper like, but you'll loosen up and chill out a bit," he shrugged, observing him for another moment or two before sighing heavily. "I'm bored. What 'ya typing over there? Stuff about politics?"
"Looking for coupons," he lied, and only peaked up to watch the childish spinning, and smirked at the sight. It was cute, in a way, while still being pretty hilarious. "Like hell am I paying for a full priced pizza. Hey, I'm a hip person, you know. I go to parties, I have friends, I just... Prefer to spend my off time in less havoc, you know? You've been to parties, they can be pretty crazy." He grunted, before glancing at the time. Offering one of his classic, charming smiles, he carefully set his computer off before bending his back, enjoying the loud crack.

"I promise I'm not a stiff. In fact, I have somewhere to be tonight. I get to have a nice meetup with this girl I met today. I need some energy, though, so I don't mind sharing a nice pizza. I guess being roommates means were official friends, yeah? I mean... I guess it's the least I could do for such a tense introduction. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge you." He insisted, his tone soft as he offered his hand to help Brandon from his chair. He could be charming towards women, sure, but that didn't mean his charm didn't work on men, so why wouldn't Skyler offer a bit of flirting towards his new roommate, if only to keep him from being suspicious of him when he, say, went out for hours at a time.
"I actually don't do the whole party thing. Never been to one, actually. I was homeschooled, so I missed out on all the classic school hi-jinks. Not really a fan of alcohol, actually. Hey, I sound fucking boring now, but I'm not, 'kay? Don't go telling people I'm a miserable bastard. I'm pretty upbeat and stuff," he shrugged as he gratefully accepted the hand to pull himself up, while making sure not to hold onto the other's hand too hard. There had been a few examples of times where he'd not meant to hurt anyone, but ended crushing a bone or two in their hand completely accidentally-- and then he'd had to kill them, of course, to prevent them spreading the word that they knew the identity of the man behind the skeleton mask.

"But yeah, we can be mates, pal. Buy me pizza, and I'll totally be your mate-- girl, huh? You got a date already? You move kinda fast, don't 'ya?" He laughed, rummaging in his suitcase for one of his many tracksuit jackets, tossing it over his t-shirt. His mind did move at a hundred miles per hour, and it was often difficult to tie him down to one thought and one conversation when he ultimately grew distracted and moved onto something else before getting an answer. How he'd cope staying focused enough to achieve a university education remained to be seen.

"Is she cute? I bet she's brunette, you seem like you'd be into brunettes-- not that I know you. You could be into blondes or whatever."
"I don't have a type," he admitted, while shoving his hands in his jacket. "Mm... I don't want to talk about my romantic escapades too much, though. To be honest, I'd like to learn more about you. I'm actually really boring, you know? Just some guy from Belfast who got lucky enough to get money and move to London." He explained, while glancing up at the man, his smile slowly creeping.

"You seem interesting, rugged almost. You seem like the kind of guy who could punch someone like me square in the face and knock me out in one blow. I mean... Your style expresses that, at least. I guess I ought to stay on your good side, then?" He teased, his coy smile now a full grin at the attempt at a joke. "I'm sure women swoon all over you, let's be honest."
"My style? Huh... Guess it does. I'm a real nice bloke, you don't have to go worrying about me hurting you-- but hey, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Like the Hulk, y'know? Not that I get all big and green or anythin'. It's a dumb analogy, really," he laughed, though, despite realising he'd just stammered on awkwardly, it didn't at all affect him. Hell, he didn't care if he babbled and droned on on a tangent. That was him, and he wasn't prepared to change anything about himself for the benefit of one person, especially one he'd just met. Admittedly, he did want to boast about how one punch could probably break the other's skull and kill him... but he felt that was best kept secret.

"Girls don't like me as much as you'd think, y'know? I mean, they probably would, but they ain't really the group I go for," he replied honestly, fumbling in the pockets of his jacket and smiling triumphantly once pulling out the cola-flavoured lollipop he knew he had left in there. "I'm totally gay, like... there's no interest in women for me at all. Saying that, I may as well just be some fucking hermit, 'cos I don't think I've gotten close to a guy for months now. Sad, ain't it?"
"Can't get any closer than staying in the same room, then, hm? Hey, don't worry, I'm sure you'll find some cute lad here who would happily smother you. Listen, if you intend to bring anyone to the dorm for a quick fuck, please make sure I'm not around. I really don't want to hear anything at two in the morning, understood? Just as I intend to do the same thing for you. We should establish some rules, to be honest - I can get a whiteboard, we could have it written. This'll be nice, like a married couple." He cooed, while stepping into the damp autumn air, buttoning his jacket up properly.

"For example, we should help one another with laundry, yeah? Every other week, we can help one another out - it'll save us both the time. Maybe share a dinner once a month? It can be as simple as pizza," he continued, while offering smiles to passing students who waved or said hello, it being a sign of his popularity. "We're going to be very close friends."
"...Nah. Nah, I'm not down for that, pal. I told 'ya, I don't do the whole planning thing. I'll keep it tidy for 'ya, I'll do my best and all that, but I ain't down for setting out some strict routine. If there are rules, I'll just abandon them and it'll just end up pissing you off, so... yeah, no, let's not do that," he shrugged casually, rolling his eyes to himself at the other's apparent desire for a schedule, where everything was set out clearly. Granted, that was a smart idea, and in most cases, people would agree with it-- but obviously, Brandon wasn't particularly up for being tied down to anything even a couple of dorm rules. He much preferred doing what he wanted, when he wanted, without being forced to do something.

"Look, you really need to loosen up, mate. Like, you're so stiff, y'know? You act like you're this cool guy, but honestly, you ain't that cool if you want to have 'rules'," he scoffed, mocking how the other talked in his best Northern Irish accent, even if he knew himself that accents weren't his strong point. "And yeah, we'll be mates, hopefully, but I don't really do the whole best friend thing, either. Prefer to keep a distance, y'know? No offence and all. We can share pizza and have a laugh and all that, but I ain't gonna be hanging out with you every freaking day, it's too clingy and... totally not what I do. Never mind about all that now-- jeez, don't you ever live in the moment, or is everything about looking ahead and planning everything out? Holy shit."
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"I like having stability in my life, y'know?" He offered, though twitched his lip into an irritated frown at the mockery. "I'm not saying we need to spend every waking second with one another, I'm not desperate for company, I just thought being on terms and having things run smoothly would be nice. Do you not want your clothes clean? I'm willing to help you out, and I certainly don't want the dorm to smell like month old underwear. I also don't appreciate the teasing, you know. I get that my opinions are different, but as adults, we should be able to act like ones," he scolded, though his annoyance simmered once seeing the girl he allegedly planned to spend time with that night, and offered to pull her close and kiss her lightly, earning bashful giggles. While the girl did seem to have feelings, she also was aware she was being used as an excuse to have an alibi for the night.

"Alice, this my dorm mate, Brandon. Ain't he a charmer?" He offered, his accent loosening almost immediately once around the girl. "You'll be seeing a lot of her in the dorm, alright?"

Meanwhile, the 'Alice' girl offered her hand to Brandon, all the while Skyler looked on critically. "It's a pleasure to meet you. It's good to meet Skyler's new friend, hope you don't mind me staying around, eh?" She cooed.
Admittedly, Brandon did always find it difficult to conceal how he felt. It was why he had to turn his head away or turn his back when he felt something that wouldn't be appreciated openly, like wanting to laugh when he really shouldn't. In this instance, though, he hadn't considered turning away, his eyebrow arched and lip pulled up in a mixture of annoyance and intrigue. The former was mostly obvious: he didn't like being reprimanded by anyone, let alone someone he just met, and especially not by someone he thought was stiff and rigidly tedious like Skyler--

Though the latter did contradict that a little. Brandon hadn't really expected the girl to be this cute, and while he obviously didn't know Skyler, he was impressed by how easy he'd got close to a girl in the very short time he'd been in London. It was downright impressive, though it did just confuse Brandon all the more. He didn't really know how Skyler could attract girls like that when he felt the Northern Irish teen was... well, pretty darn boring.

"I-- Yeah, sorry babe, nice to meet 'ya," he quickly grinned once realising he'd been staring off into space, returning the handshake before twirling the lollipop around absently in his spare hand. "Y'know, why don't you two lovebirds hang out? I got shit to deal with anyway. Finance stuff for uni, y'know? All that real boring crap that I oughta take responsibility for-- you ain't gonna have sex tonight, are you? I haven't got any mates here to crash with, so... if you do do that, try and get it done before ten tonight, hm?"
"No, no. I'd rather be spending time with you, after all. I'll have all night to be with Alice, but I'll only really get to see you every now and then. We're both busy people, yeah?" He reminded, before giving a final peck to the disposable girl's forehead, though his wide grin definitely contradicted his own personal feelings. With a wave to her, and one in return to him, he shoved his hands into his pockets once again, hoping that the alibi was set in Brandon's mind. "We'll go to her dorm, don't worry. I've already met her roommate, after all, and she's pretty cute herself. I've already gotten all my financial stuff done by now, so you can do all of your stuff alone. I get the impression you wouldn't want me around anyway."

Despite his words probably being somewhat sharp sounding, his smile easily proving otherwise. 'It's fine, mate, I get it. Just a bit bummed is all."
"Hey, I know I'm real fun and likeable, but you're sounding clingy, dude. Chillax, would you? We can hang out anytime you want, I just got some stuff to do-- but if you want to come to the bank with me and wait as I discuss boring ass figures with some bossy red-head, you can. Doesn't really sound like fun though, does it? Not when you could be hanging with your girlfriend," he pointed out, trying to act as casual as he could as he opted to lean against the wall behind him, using his spare hand to push the sleeves of his tracksuit up. He hadn't had any intentions to do anything other than relax today, after last night's epic fuck-up, but the insults he'd received from an unaware Skyler had lit a fire underneath him. He wanted to go out and prove to his apparent doubters that he wasn't just some petty criminal. he had a set back last night, but that was rare. Right now, he wanted to storm some bank, leave with thousands of pounds, and then smugly lay in bed in the morning and hear Skyler sound a little more fearful, or scared, or just... something that wasn't casual disregard. If Skyler was some random bloke he'd never see again, he wouldn't care-- but he was going to be sharing a dorm with this guy for god knows how long.

"...I'll bring pizza back and you can eat that with me in the morning, if you want. Nothing better than cold pizza for breakfast, trust me. Especially covered in ketchup, it's lush," he grinned, offering his new roommate a nudge in the hopes of cheering him up a little. "I'm a miserable bastard when I'm tired, Sky. I don't wanna sound like I'm getting rid of you-- I like you, you seem cool."
"... That's a shame, really," Skyler replied, watching as the Alice girl had walked off, tutting at the other's clear lie. "Alright, then. I guess I'll find out somewhere to eat tonight by myself. Hey, what bank do you go to?" He asked curiously, his foot tapping against the dirt absently, to keep himself from shivering. "You don't seem to be the kind of guy. In all honesty, you seem like the guy who would put their cash under their mattress or something. See, it's all about cards these days - now I do sound creepy. Go on, I'll see you in the morning."

With a soft grunt, he pushed off his feet with a frown, though it did grow a tad once leaving the other man behind. There weren't many banks in the area, and he was sure Brandon couldn't drive, so it was probably limited to one or two. Unaware of why Brandon intended to go to the bank, Skyler had the same plan in mind; see the other, scare the shit out of him, and listen to the whole thing the next day.
When it came to his money, it was the only piece of planning the teenager had done. He knew just how careless it would be to leave the two backpacks of money he had full to the brim just lying around his dorm. Likewise, leaving his mask, the black outfit and the baseball bat he swung about just underneath his bed, easily found, really wasn't the wisest option, so he put aside his mantra of spontaneity to plan out a proper way of disguising who he was and the riches he'd hoarded as a result.

Obviously, he didn't use a bank - that wasn't something he'd do even if he wasn't who he was. Instead, all his money and the items he'd stolen were stored safely in an apartment he'd purchased simply to keep his alter identity a secret. Granted, it was a good place to crash and even move into when university was over, but for now, it was simply a place he could head into to grab his things without worrying about anyone finding them - he had spent a shitload of cash on the apartment, with the building flashy and heavily-guarded, so there was quite near no chance of someone breaking in and finding his hoard.

It was where he found himself an hour later, after wasting some time at a small cafe scoffing down some free food, having built up an unlikely friendship with the cafe's owner over the years, who apparently believed that Brandon was some poor kid who barely got fed. Once finishing up with that, and after heading to the apartment to gather his things, it left the teen sat not too far from the bank he intended to storm into. He didn't care about hiding from cameras or using the shadows to his advantage to blend in. He didn't like blending in. He had nobody to fear and he knew he wasn't getting caught anytime soon, so he had no worries about sitting in broad daylight, his earphones in and listening to some rap music as he tried to pick the right moment to head on in. He didn't care about civilian casualties, so he wasn't really waiting for the bank to become less busy. He just didn't want to epically fail like he had the night before because, as amusing as he found the media's reaction of outrage and fear, he was embarrassed by it all.

Eventually, the teenager threw his baseball bat over his shoulder and strolled as casually as he liked to the bank, his first move being to step inside and set the door on fire just to stop people from leaving-- unless they wanted to suffer a few serious burns, anyway. "Alright, alright, calm yourselves, guys~! I ain't gonna hurt no-one, not if you behave yourselves, a'ight? Cool, cool~"
Only minutes prior had Skyler took a step in himself, three civilians already on the ground, injured, as the mysterious villain stood on top of the bank teller's window, a gun firmly pressed against her head. He only seemed to peel his attention away once hearing the familiar voice of the masked man, and physically rolled his eyes underneath his own before turning to face him.

"A little late, don't'cha think?" He taunted, while climbing into the teller's space, keeping the gun pressed to her head, before insisting she get the money. "Unfortunate. I was thinking tonight would run smoothly, but it seems I'm wrong. I suggest you run back to whatever place you enjoy hiding in, and let an adult handle the situation."

Side-glancing the teller, he would have offered a polite smile if it weren't for his mask, and counted out the pack of money. Now, in a normal case, he would have easily slipped into the woman's body as a defense from being shot, but from all of their interactions, he knew Brandon didn't give a shit. So, instead, he took it upon himself to put the woman out of her misery by blowing her brains out, and shoving the money in the black backpack he tended to carry with him on jobs.