Female Warriors of Feudal Japan (Yuri Rp)

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Haha, I'm saying might as in maybe. Ageha doesn't really care either way
My post is up! I am pretty sure its terrible, but it still makes me happy that I was able to write something longer without breaking a sweat :D

Also I would like to apologize for using ´ instead of normal apostrophe, but my keyboad is patriotic and doesn´t allow me to use english key-bindings.
@Sailor Moon

Hey, to explain Asura's abilities we could say that demon wound caused a form of 'corruption' so to say granting her those.
Haha Awai makes her living so she doesn't care if people knows what her job is.
Just saying, but from what I've wikipedia'd, geisha are sorta respected in the same way one would respect skilled performers and all. So I don't think that it'd matter at all, the whole prostitute thing.

Funnily enough, I think ther was a point where shrine maidens were synonymous to prostitute. XD
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Japan's a funny place like that. Still, there are plenty of people who still think badly about fairly respectable jobs, like morticians or garbageman. Thinking lowly for a geisha by what she does is just a matter of course. She's like a stripper; all she does is cater to carnal desires, but they're essentially indistinguishable from a common whore for the less open minded.

And shrine maids, or any female in religious management, may occasionally (Or more often than one would expect depending on where you pick your people from) have a history of promiscuity. I think Shakespeare has a insult about that, "Get thee to a nunnery", as women who have lost their virginity or otherwise soiled their womanhood were sent to shrines or chapels in order to "redeem" themselves or whatever. Men, ya know. So anal.
A geisha is more accurately a courtesan meaning they're professional entertainers versed in music and culture. Sexual favors isn't a main component in the job of a geisha/courtesan.

Just a minor piece of cultural history to think about.
From what I remember, it feels like sexual favors sorta is one of the main features of a courtesan, due to how some/most nobility back then were married for political reasons and lived separately, meaning that someone (aka their courtesans) had to entertain them one way or the other. But eh, doesn't really matter in the long-run.
It wouldn't surprise me that courtesans slept with their clients, it's just that they are more than just prostitutes, they're party entertainment too.
Wouldn't that simply make them a 'high-class' prostitute? I know that that's what oiran were referred to as.
if the prostitute doesn´t provide entertaiment, you are clearly "using" her wrong... Not that I know anything about these things.
A geisha is more accurately a courtesan meaning they're professional entertainers versed in music and culture. Sexual favors isn't a main component in the job of a geisha/courtesan.

Just a minor piece of cultural history to think about.
Yep. They did have sex for higher prices and with well known, respected customers.

Edit: but yeah they were more for entertaining and worked as hostesses. A lot of the time they just hung out with the clients or went with Yhem elsewhere to make things more lively. Awai's current job with the emperor is certainly more like being a part of a harem just so everyone knows I'm aware it's not traditional.
Hello, everyone. :) Has everyone posted? :o
I did! Asura is awkward as hell. xD
That's what oiran were. Geisha had sex for relatively lower prices, and didn't have the option (might be wrong word here) to refuse any customers, as long as they were paid.
That's what oiran were. Geisha had sex for relatively lower prices, and didn't have the option (might be wrong word here) to refuse any customers, as long as they were paid.
Geisha were the highest level.
>Oiran (花魁?) were courtesans in Japan.

>The highest rank of courtesan was the tayū (太夫?), followed by the kōshi (格子?).[5][6] Unlike a common prostitute, the tayū had sufficient prestige to refuse clients.[7]

>The rise of the geisha ended the era of the oiran. Geisha were originally entertainers who provided a suitable backdrop for the courtesans, and their restrained dress and hairstyles were intended to prevent them from competing with courtesans. However, their sartorial restraint translated into chic, and their relative lack of formality into approachability. The types of entertainment they offered were more to the average person's taste. Most importantly, they were much less expensive than the courtesans. By the late 19th century, geisha had replaced oiran as the companion of choice for wealthy Japanese men.

Copy + Paste stronkest.
I don't think we should focus so much on what other Geisha do, as much as we should focus on how Awai presents herself in the roleplay. Whether Geisha are prostitutes or not doesn't really matter. From what I've gathered, Awai is similar to a prostitute. *shrug*
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Well then. I need to reread Memoirs of a Geisha. Either way, back to napping I think.
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