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I'M STILL ALIVE, I'm having surgery to correct my stomach this thursday, I'll be laid out for a while, but once I get home and relax a bit I should be up for whatever you throw at me. Besides, sitting on my computer might be the only thing I can do for a week or two... <.<
This is SO the last time we give Jack the keys to the plot.

I think we gave Wolfsin the keys, actually...

And I feel like Corben has angsted enough over current events without angsting some more
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*Peers in, clacking claws together, having just finished all of the current Night Six*

So, we've got two vets (Gordon and Kareos) returning from vacation/injury. Would it be better to drum up a third, go newbie, or hijack an existing character? What would make for the smoothest intro, in your opinion?

Pending that decision: Would anyone present care to plot up character connections with me?

Also, does Jack need to be shanked for a post?
Well, as I've not been in long, I can tell you info about Gordon and his connections...which aren't many. When he worked for the FateGuard prior to his many-year vacation, he was mainly a rear-liner as a cartographer, mapping out any areas he hadn't already. His main connections consist of non-combat personnel, to the point that anyone who has seen combat with Gordon wouldn't find him a highly memorable individual. Other than that, I'd need to be in longer to establish anything more concrete. He kept some connection with the intel as he was always loyal, but he wanted to map out more of the area, so he did so with the very small area outside as he could, which proved difficult given the time allowed and the duty of protecting the loggers from any threats.
Actually, DelChaos, I was hoping you'd say that. Good, good.

*Waits for Asmo to give input*

...Er, Del, do I have you on Skype or not? *Squints*
Sorry Asmo, you took too long. I already started working on a character.

Soon I will post my character whose name starts with A and ends in either -ric/-rek/-rich/-rick or -as/-ys/-us/-os.
Where the hell is Fateguard?

*Continues moving through the Fantasy threads*
Yeah I was just coming through to do some pulse checks. Frankly I'm amazed Asmo hasn't busted out the character hijacking handbook yet.
*wrenches FateGuard out of the graveyard*

Well, I guess that's the sign that you all suck we've waited too long. Prepare for each and every one of your characters to be hijacked in heinous and immoral ways.
Hey, I'm just waiting for other people to post.
Same for me as well
Who the hell are you waiting on, Chaos? o_^
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