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Name: Darius Brinseilli


Reputation: Standing up for the less powerful, being generally generous, and using broadswords and heavy weapons to take punishment, and dish it out.

Royal Blessing: Full body coverage armor, custom-fitted and custom made.

Holy Blessing: Magically-enhanced speed/strength, which is very necessary when he's in heavy armor, wielding a heavy sword, against powerful foes.

Magic Blessing: Enchantment for his broadsword for durability and sharpness.

Legend: That Darius came from the wilderness beyond the walls, for he had never been known or seen until he just... appeared, one day, having not come from ship or sea, and started training and such.

Off-Duty: Swordsman training sessions, self-run in his apartment-ish home, hand-to-hand combat, and runs something of a business with local homeless kids that he teaches and raises, to be used as messengers. [open floor on the bottom, living quarters above]

Vet or Wet?: Veteran, but he came down with sickness [local rumors say he was poisoned] and missed a long while, due to inability to go anywhere without collapsing and spilling his lunch over the floor.
@The Oddsman
Your holy blessing needs be EITHER speed OR strength. I would recommend strength, then make your holy blessing a lightweight sword that retains durability, meaning you can wield it easily in heavy armour. If you're running around like a ninja in plate armour then people will get suspicious.

Also, if it was rumoured that you came from the wilderness you would have been lynched by a mob the moment you appeared. How about we just say that you are an orphan of the streets with no known background?
And from the perspective of someone who has a surprisingly similar schtick to you, on the speed front if you're using a strength enhancing sword heavy armor wouldn't encumber you as much in the first place.

You won't be running any marathons, but still.
Not like a ninja. The point of the speed/strength is because his armor is so heavy. The point of his unusually heavy armor is so he can be the one up close against heavier enemies that would be avoided by any other. A lightweight broadsword would defeat the purpose of a broadsword; the use is that of a sword and a hammer combined. A crushing blow from a blade longer than a longsword practically guarantees a hit against a rushing opponent, but the weight of an anti-evil heavy sword would reduce attack speed [with the armor] so much that a blind beggar child would be able to beat him before he can bring the sword to strike accurately.

He'd barely be able to run with increased speed and strength. Strength will keep him from getting too tired in his armor; speed will keep him from becoming overly clumsy and slow.

A regular swordsman would be equal to him in speed and strength, though not quite as slow as my character.

However, I'm not that fond of broadswords, so perhaps I'll go with lightweight armor, and, what's it called, a greastsword? Really long, a bit heavier than a longersword, 2-handed. I'ma revise it soon.
I would recommend using one blessing for strength and one for speed.

The durability will have to be sacrificed. But it's no biggie. My character is a weaponsmith and can fix up any breakages between missions.
Name: Darius Brinseilli


Reputation: Standing up for the less powerful, being generally generous, and using broadswords and heavy weapons to take punishment, and dish it out.

Royal Blessing: Titanium-steel Greatsword [Titanium could be newly discovered?] [Strong, powerful sword that's only slightly heavier than a steel longsword, where it should be much heavier]

Holy Blessing: Magically-enhanced strength [stronger]

Magic Blessing: Reaction time/reaction speed [moves faster]

Legend: That Darius came from lands farther from any lands known to the city.

Off-Duty: Swordsman training sessions, self-run in his apartment-ish home, hand-to-hand combat, and runs something of a business with local homeless kids that he teaches and raises, to be used as messengers. [open floor on the bottom, living quarters above]

Vet or Wet?: Veteran, but he came down with sickness [local rumors say he was poisoned] and missed a long while, due to inability to go anywhere without collapsing and spilling his lunch over the floor.
I don't think we can have titanium in the setting. Just have a normal broadsword and I promise not to God-snap it (unless you're naughty).

Also, I'm still confused by the legend. Humans have been in this city for 100 years and have never been able to leave. Your character has to be born inside the walls. If they're from anywhere else then they would have been burned at the Jack-Man-Wolfsin-Woody stake.
sorry, wasn't able to post because I was out of town for the weekend
Then what's the point of


And how can a city survive within set walls? It'd be impossible for the food production to match the food consumption, as well for water, space, etc.
If stepping a foot out of the walls means death, then the city has been the exact same size for 100 years, and there is absolutely no farming, and with what you said, there is no trade. And underground farms are tricky even with genetic modifications and technology, so I don't see it being plausible enough to feed an entire city's worth of hungry mouths.
Okay, easy there.

There are logging and foraging convoys that head out during the daylight hours to collect food. This is explained in the first post of the IC.

They have about 6 good hours of sunlight in which to gather resources. Then they have to come back.

I'm sorry your character needs changing. But it doesn't justify you attacking the entire concept. o_o

*hands Oddsman a cookie*
*Starts expanding the Woodrat-supporting-kerosene-soaked-Jack-Man-Wolfsin-Burning-Scorpion-Ditch*

So are we going to get some time in the following chapter to get some interaction going? As much as I applaud the "Throw em into the fray" approach like we did the first round, I find myself hankering to start getting some established social interaction amongst the new folks.
Yes, there'll be the obligatory drill square scene once we're through with this snake.
Nononono, not attacking the concept, just confused. There would have to be at least half a dozen gates for foraging and woodcutting, but again, I don't quite see how it would work out realistically, unless most of the city runs on fumes and week-old scraps. 6 hours wouldn't be enough for a city, because in only a months time, max, the closest available resources would be depleted, unless there is some freaky super-fast growing fruitstuffs and animals out there.

I like debating stuff, too, though, so that's one reason why I'm doing this.
Then I shall set up said kill then.

Nononono, not attacking the concept, just confused. There would have to be at least half a dozen gates for foraging and woodcutting, but again, I don't quite see how it would work out realistically, unless most of the city runs on fumes and week-old scraps. 6 hours wouldn't be enough for a city, because in only a months time, max, the closest available resources would be depleted, unless there is some freaky super-fast growing fruitstuffs and animals out there.

I like debating stuff, too, though, so that's one reason why I'm doing this.

Take a deep breath and repeat with me the Mystery Science Theater 3000 mantra:

"It's just a roleplaying game; I should really just relax."
It's yours.

@The Oddsman - if you have ideas I'm willing to hear them. Foraging + Mage's Guild + Short Lifespan was a good enough equation for me when I set this up. Plus the prequel once described how the FateGuard eat many of the monsters they kill, in order to boost their natural immunities. That's 1 meal a night right there.

Also, for everyone who thought I was a lazy cunt in the last few weeks, I present to you...... THE CURTAIN BULGE!
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You're all clears kids, now let's kill this thing and go home.

As a side note if you guys haven't yet watch the OOC and the IC thread. Get dem alerts when shit goes down in either.
Hmm... Was about to post, but I think I may wait until Alwyn (or somebody) has a small bit more interaction with Althera, not enough for me to work on given her current status (squishy). I could post if popular vote demands it, but it wont be very fancy.
Well I just got thrown back over there. The snake about to die, allies at your side, seems like a better time than any to wake up.
Oh, I plan on adding that. I just would like to get some things After the snake is dead is all.
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