Fate of Fantasy +The World of Norindul+

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Grand Kingdom of Dyanus:

Everyone was in agreement about the event. no one would say a word to anyone outside this room concerning it. This was not the first time they were forced to cover the horrid truths of this city,a nd the recent attacks on the Princess, however this was by far the worst case to be sure. The Coroner was the first to leave silencing the masses as they coralled around him outside. The Guards were no match for the citizens, and soon they would break way unless their numbers were thinned.

This had been very much the case for the Kingdom for a while now. Events would happen and to avoid the fear and doubt of the masses; they were kept from the city. it inspired threats, and fear above all else but what other choice did they have? Godric knelt on his knee and tilted his head down. even as gruff as the man was he did not take kindly at standing on tradition and right of formality. "My princess." He addressed her before rising once more and when all had vanished he formed in her arms pulling her tight he spoke a soft whisper against her ear. "et is okie for ya te let et go when you are alone Princess. I will not judge ye for the pain you mest hide."

This was very much the relationship that the two shared. it was nothing short of intimate despite lack of romance, he cared for her greatly and had been a cornerstone of her strength. Godric then allowed her to go. His normal voice returned and he turned on a heel to march out the door. His presence was greeted by the masses and the guards faltering inward towards the door. Godric routed then commanded the attention of all throughout the kingdom. "Ther will be ne more of all of this, each of ye will return to yer homes immediately!" The people stirred a bit longer but they knew better than to test the generals patience. Godric was of the Paladin Highreign personal order. Born and raised a warrior for the God that he served. The God of Honorable combat. Mediun.

The people cleared and the soldiers sighed in their relief of the General showing up when he did. Godric had nother buisness to attend to however and continued past them. he was soon joined by a fairy young well shaved boy. his eyes were grey with a bit of blue and his hair was neatly cut. He wore armor, though his was not nearly as elegant as Godrics; still it had the same symbol. Godric turned on the boy and handed him his greatsword. "Wher I be goin ther is no need for me to have it, sharpen et good and make sure its ready fer battle Leon." The boy smiled back at his General and spoke. "It will be done Sir." Then the two split ways and Godric made his way to the hidden calling that he was needed for. he would have checked on King Dynamus, but for the Princess to throw up a meeting this quickly; he expected it took quite a bit of precedence.

The streets were easy to navigate for the man and so he did not take long to enter the royal garden. The Coroner had already placed up a barrier for sound. No one would hear in, and their voices would not escape the bubble. Now the only one yet to come, was the princess herself. her guards would bring her shortly he expected and so he took a seat. No doubt she needed time for herself before she was ready to address this crowd. Godric would hold them over with tails of his victory for the time being.

"So ther I was surrounded by the damn foul mouthed illings...."
Heading to Heracia's Lake:

The guards had no idea how to react to this, they were all gushing and trying to calm the little girl down as best as they could but to no avail. Finally one of them spoke up louder than the rest. "Who are we to let this little girl return home without her brother. obviously she needs him, we must help her." others wished to oppose it was apparent in their eyes. the rules of the city were very clear about involving themselves with the Great Dragon Heracia. "If we do not then how can we call ourselves men. To turn away this girl in her time of need would be the epitome of cowardice!" One shouted and the rest sheered. The captain had finally give in and ordered them to prepare. a group fo ten would escort this girl to the Dragons lair; to help her brother.

"she did it Neve... she actually pulled it off.. am I getting fat Neve, please tell me I'm not getting fat and that my young beauty still shows through; oh Neve I can't stand the thought of being old, now when such beautiful youth exists to do things such as this." A wicked grin formed on her features as she surveyed her rival. "Well lets go then shall we. I can not wait to see this girl change history." Neve was not happy but there was nothing they could do but join up with little Kanari as the soldiers armed themselves.

"You did great Litte one!"
She hated it here, so deep in the woods that she feared she may never be free. "Why must I stay here?" Luna found herself asking the sky for the hundredth time. She liked the wilderness, loved it really, but her heart wanted something more. Luna was the freak of her pack, no one wanted her, and she didn't belong. She sighed and jumped down from the tree she had climbed. She walked calmly threw the shadows until she came to a small clearing surrounded by magnolia trees, in the center was a tiny pond. She sat at the edge of the water, letting her feet graze the waves.

This was the only place she felt safe, she laughed quietly as the grass tickled her skin. She hummed gently, letting the wind swirl around her. She stood and took her sword out of its sheath before walking to the center of the pond, the water going to her hips. Together her and the deadly blade danced, there own type of grace weaved into every movement. She felt at peace here, it was something she would miss dearly as soon as her feet landed in the circle of trees that now surrounded her.
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.:High Rest:.
~Kanari > Neve, Stella, Guards~


"Really? Thank you so much!" I smiled as I began wiping my face. "I really appreciate this." I said as Aunty Stella and Neve walked up. Neve looked like she wanted to murder everyone in the area.
"You did great Litte one!"
"Thanks." I smiled at Aunty Stella as I watched my mini army suit up, I was excited. "So Aunty Stella, what do we do now?" I asked quietly, making sure no one but Stella heard me. I wondered if I would be leading the search party, I didn't know where to go though. I imagined myself on a majestic horse, sword in hand yelling charge as we stormed towards the troops set to slay the dragon. The daydream made my smile grow.

.:High Rest:.
~Neve > Stelle~


I was surprised the guards could be fooled so easily. Men, I swear. "Yes, you're a fat, old, cow." I hissed then sighed, I could relate to how Stelemara felt.
"Well lets go then shall we. I can not wait to see this girl change history." I was indeed curious about how Sukoshi would change history, so I followed, 'Sir Maddin' as Kana calls him, followed as well.
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Lake in Norindul ➳ Confronting a Dragon


"You are from another world, and now you come to Norindul, perhaps of prophecy."

Norindul? Did she just hear that correctly? This wasn't the afterlife? Aneira found it hard to believe. This wasn't a fairytale. How was this possible? Aneira didn't find her answer logical. She wanted to protest, demanding for a different answer. However, Aneira held her tongue. Her instincts screamed to listen. She didn't want to admit it out loud, but she was starting to believe Heracia's comment. Based from the forest terrain, Aneira doubted Norindul was set in her present time frame. Everything looked ancient, completely foreign.

"You are not a human Fire petal.."

Aneira stiffened. What? A deeper scowl carved into her expression. Preposterous! She was human! "I'm not a dragon," Aneira denied. If she was a dragon, wouldn't she have a different form? Aneira didn't notice any attributes; no scales, claws, fangs, or wings. She seriously doubted she was a mythical creature. It was hard to believe she was transported to another world! Despite her claim, her instincts purred. Something inside her was changing. A foreign sensation blossomed inside her chest, taking root. "How can I be a dragon?" she muttered. Her attention averted towards a group of skeletal remains. Her expression twisted with disgust. Did this massive creature expect her to cloth in a dead woman's attire? She hated the thought of wearing a dress. It wasn't her style, not one bit.

"Perhaps with a more refined appearance, id consider a courtship with you."

A scoff escaped her lips. "I don't swing that way," she deadpanned. She stepped back, turned around, and inspected the pile of corpses. Much to her dismay, she had no choice. Aneira loathed the thought of traveling in her current state. A few minutes later, she picked the less girly outfit. It was flowy and revealing, but it didn't contain a dress. Peeling the outfit off the corpse was sickening. Aneira swallowed her disgust and pulled on her soaked attire. Despite the icy cold touch, it was oddly soothing. She was relieved she didn't have to travel in her birthday suit. Aneira observed her new apparel. Her friend, Darcie, would approve. It was different from her usual style, more feminine.
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Heracia's Lake~

It was not surprising that the girl would deny her existence, the truth of it at at least. The Dragon stirred and waves splashed on the surface as she waited for Aneira to finish putting on her clothes. She had things to say now that she had calmed downl and was more so amused by her newest find. She would have loved to prove her case, but allowing herself to assume that form took a lot of energy and would leave her very unprotected when she could not change back so quickly. That was the price paid as a Dragon aged and grew in size.

Azel spoke to the Dragon and earned himself a sharp glare with the rude words of his mouth. At least his had been a much more monotone simple defiance rather than the other woman's consistent use of less favorable words and insults. Though she chose not to respond and instead looked over the little Dragon before her. The outfit seemed perfect honestly for her personality, her style and Heracia commented so. "Your style fits well with that piece Fire Petal." She hummed and mused on the idea of doing it despite how she knew the risks. "I guess there is only one way I can make you believe me, words are not anything that will help someone with your personality." Heracia raised her head to the sky before falling back into the lake.. As she merged further into the water her body took on a light glow, a beautiful form light that looked almost aurora over the water. It was gone as fast as it came and the water split around a new figure that approached from the deep.


"Do you understand now?"

Lake in Norindul ➳ Confronting a Dragon


"...words are not anything that will help someone with your personality."

Before she could react, Heracia submerged in the lake. A bright, ethereal glow ignited within the water. A few minutes later, a figure surfaced from the pristine lake, approaching the shore. Aneira inspected her silently. Her scent was the same. Her eyes filled with realization. "H-how in the hell can I be a dragon? I'm not from this world!" she snapped. She instinctively stepped back, distancing herself from the beautiful woman. She didn't understand the possibility. Aneira was born a human, not a dragon. She understood the woman's demonstration, however. Inside her, she had the ability to transform. Unfortunately, it was hard to believe considering her position. "How would I unlock it?" she added. Aneira strengthened her resolve, crushing her hesitance. She wouldn't appear weak in front of a massive creature.

"Are there more of our kind? I have a feeling I'm not going to turn blue like you," Aneira inquired. She flexed her fingers, stretching her gloves. They were a little small, but she didn't care. She preferred not to think of the origin of her current attire. She discarded her stick, finding it useless. If she wanted to survive, she needed a proper weapon.
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Princess Alyssa Highreign
Royal Cygnet, the Bearer of Highbloom, the First Born
En Route to the Royal Garden

"The walls have eyes and ears," whispered Alyssa under her breath as she pondered General Godric's words. The man was no stickler for tradition and that gave way to many positive encounters with him given Alyssa's inclination to non-traditional activities in a world that demanded firm adherence to tradition. That was the reason Alyssa liked him as more than just a member of her faction. A flight of fancy which had no place in her reality; a mere fantasy. Through him, she felt more like the person she desired to be. A person befitting of the world she sees in her sleep.

The thought left her staring blankly, having halted along her way. Theo watches the Princess concernedly, only to have her concerns allayed when the Princess righted her posture characteristically. "Let us not dally," she says as she strode onwards.

Royal Garden

As expected, highly efficient Cleo had already brought her followers in before she arrived. The Coroner was already setting up the sound barrier, General Godric stood about speaking of his exploits - which reminded Alyssa that she had completely forgotten to talk about that earlier at the Church. She turned to look at the other followers, each one a man or woman of certain skill, each one more valuable than their superiors in their respective fields. There was no doubt they would serve her well when placed in the right position.

She only hoped they will live long and prosper, unlike the High Priest. The revisit of the High Priest in her mind soured her mood once again, but she showed no signs of it outwardly. She stepped into the garden. Her followers immediately stood at attention and bowed. Only Godric smirked and kept upright, a minor transgression that Alyssa immediately forgave. She proceeded to the main seat facing the garden, taking her seat at the head of the row of chairs.

One by one, each one of the followers took their seats as befitted their respective fields. There was one for General Godric, which usually remained empty, depending on the General's penchant at that point in time. Then there was the other empty seat, made empty by the High Priest.

"Thank you all for coming today at such short notice," Alyssa began, tearing her gaze from the empty chair.

"The body of the High Priest has been found. The man was murdered, but in a manner so specific it seemed to be a divine message."

Alyssa nodded to the Coroner at the emphasis. The quickness of the man to assume it to be a direct message from the God the High Priest prayed to left Alyssa distasteful. After all, the piety of the High Priest to his faith was not at all unknown to the masses. It is that same piety that helped Alyssa convince the man to join her faction and to support her wholly. Granted, he was just as likely to break away from her at the drop of a hat once their ideals came into conflict, but to imply that his God would punish him for it implied not just his lack of piety, but the 'wrongness' of siding with Alyssa.

Implanting such ideas into the heads of her followers would do her no good, and with the firm gaze she placed on the Coroner, she expected him to figure out as much.

"The burning questions are: who and why? This is the reason why you are here today. Have there been any strange activities from the other faction, and what are your theories about this situation."

Alyssa sat back on her chair as she rested her arms on the arm rest. This was going to be a long day.
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Heracia's Lake
Heracia> Aneira/Azel.

Heracia cast Aneira a much different smile that what had been the case before. Her features were beautiful to behold, and she had the elegance of a swan as she approached. His hands formed light blue spirals and then her body was entirely robed in something far more elegant than before. "I suppose that if I am going to be in this form, I might as well feel pretty in it." Her voice was light; charming even; which didn't match that of the Dragon from before very well at all.

"It is difficult question for one who was born as such to answer, though i would imagine that it is very similar to the creation magic that each Dragon and Phoenix possess. It took me a long time to perfect my form, for you it might not be so hard... Picture your soul, and then mold it into what you could see yourself to be. In this case you must fully accept that you are a Dragon."

The next question amused her more than she cared to admit, and cheerful laughter sprung forth as she darted her eyes over the woman. She probably would never of asked if she could see the features that had become her. Her hair was pure snowy white, her eyes were at times an icy blue color. Heracia laughed once more. "No, no you are not the same species as myself, you a White Dragon... It makes sense that you would be too now that I think of it." However she did not muse on the subject any further rather she approached and attempted to place her soft hands upon Aneira's shoulders. "Perhaps a little boost of Magic will help you..." A surge would easily shoot through Aneira's body and bring her mind face to face with the truth of what she was, the Dragon inside of her.

Heracia would sit her unconscious body at the side of the lake and turn to Azel. "She would have died on the spot, for you to have a chance to live." That was all she said though before resting on her rump. The clamor of voices reached her hyper sensitive ears and she turned to see the mass of black cloaked forces closing in. Over them... a Creature that may have even Dwarfed her... a Creature much like a dragon but different, as if manufactured... bent to the will of its black armored rider... Heracia growled low... but she knew... she was VERY much in trouble here.

Lake of Norindul - Communicating with a Dragon - Caught by another​


Annoyed at the fact that he managed to let himself get punched by the measly woman who decided to act overly mannish for his liking, Azel couldn't but help to restrain himself from touching the woman. Scratching his head, he turned away, pulling off the clothes from the corpse with remorse that he was stripping them off of the last thing that was made in this world for them. Smooth as if the clothing were made of silk, it lightly impacted Azel's skin and flowed with no resistance as the wind blew. Then just as Azel turned around, almost distracted by Aneira's clothing that hung over her slimmed body, the dragon that once was hauntingly distracting was now replaced with a heavenly woman that glowed with a rare tint. The realization that the dragon turned into the woman made all the reason to believe that Azel was definitely dealing with something magical. It was as if things were moving within a blink of an eye that Azel didn't need to act shock or freak out. There was no room for such an emotion. He actually found the whole thing interesting as he sat down a couple feet back on a rock as he watched the whole conversation between the dragon and Aneira. However, just as the dragon made Aneira drop to the ground unconscious, Azel felt a twinge of fear that was spilling from his face. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he opened his mouth about to speak but then she cut him off. Deepening his furrowed brow, Azel stared at Aneira until he saw the dragon paralyze in fear.


Quickly moving up from the rock, Azel took a couple steps forward, trying to get closer to Aneira. Heaving out a heavy breath, Azel's expression showed a mask full of anger. Gripping his fist with irritation, he looked at mechanical dragon that flew above them all with much furry.

"You must have a plan. I don't expect you to die by this thing."

Calm in his words, Azel surprisingly was losing his composure through his expression on his face. Kneeled down by Aneira's body, Azel pulled her upper body up as he continued to keep eyes on the dragon while it circled around them like it was playing with its prey.
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Lake in Norindul ➳ Confronting a Dragon

"Picture your soul, and then mold it into what you could see yourself to be. In this case you must fully accept that you are a Dragon."

A frown marred her lips. She closed her eyes and listened. She breathed in deeply and exhaled through her nostrils. Acceptance? She was denying her status a minute ago, ready to dig her own grave with her uncouth nature. Her rational mind screamed this was impossible, but her instincts assured her it was real. She was transported into an ancient world, similar to fantasy games she used to play with her brother. Something inside her changed, adapting to the unusual environment. She wanted to believe Heracia's words, but how was it possible? Was this power always inside her? Aneira recalled a few signs; her enhanced senses, her sharp reflexes, and nimble movements. Back in her world, she was unusually resilient, never backing down from a fight. Her strength and speed were above average, but she assumed it resulted from her training.

"Accept it..." a voice whispered inside her mind, tugging at her soul.

"...you a White Dragon..."

A growl of approval escaped her lips. What did a White Dragon contain? She wasn't exactly an expert on dragons, considering she never payed attention when her brother gushed about his fantasy obsession. Aneira opened her eyes. A scowl carved into her expression. "It's not work-" she was cut off by a powerful surge of magic. After Heracia clamped her hands on her shoulders, a wave of magic filled her veins, clawing at her soul. Her eyes widened slightly. A groan elicited from her throat. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head. She succumbed to unconsciousness. After she was transferred on the ground, Aneira remained unresponsive. A calm, blank expression settled on her features. A gentle breeze circulated past her face, brushing her bangs towards the side.

"Wake up."

Her face twitched.

"Open your eyes."

Her eyelids fluttered.

"Wake. Up."

She obeyed the powerful command. Aneira opened her eyes. She was laying in a sea of black. Darkness surrounded her, cloaking her body. However, something illuminated a brilliant silvery blue. Her eyes averted towards the source. A massive white dragon laid a few feet away from her position, encased in an ethereal glow. Albeit, this dragon was smaller than Heracia, it still conveyed a menacing aura, demanding for respect. A wave of déjà vu washed over her. Why did this dragon look so familiar?

"Who are you?" Aneira demanded.

A snarl tore through the dragon's throat. She stepped forward, creating a sheet of ice beneath her feet. A ominous mist emitted from her lips, resembling ice particles. "I am you. I have been watching over you since you were born. You cannot deny your destiny any longer. We are meant to be one. Accept me," she growled.

She stiffened. This was her dragon form? "I assume my element is Ice?" Aneira mused.

Her eyes narrowed. "You will learn more about yourself through experience, hatchling. An evil force is closing in. I will be able to help you once you accepted me," she answered.

Aneira rose from her spot. "How do I do that?" she countered.

Her dragon rose and stood, spreading her wings valiantly. She released a mighty roar. "Declare who you were meant to be!"

Her hands curled into fists. A snarl tore through her throat. "My name is Aneira Dragomir! I'm a descendant of the Great White Dragon!" she announced.

Her dragon purred with approval. "Good. There is a long road ahead of you, hatchling. You will overcome various obstacles. The important thing to remember is protecting only two things; your mate and yourself. Nothing is more important than your mate. Remember that," she replied.

"My mate?" Aneira inquired.

"You will choose your soul bound mate soon," her dragon remarked.

Before she could continue, her dragon released a strong cloud of mist, covering Aneira's body. She closed her eyes and braced herself, expecting pain. However, it was different. She shimmered a beautiful aquamarine. Frost traveled up her eyes, covering her fingertips. Her amber irises transformed into a icy blue. A cold sensation blossomed inside her chest, swirling around her rapidly. Her body thrummed with energy, threatening to burst. Aneira threw her head back and released a mighty roar.

"I will be in your dreams, guiding you. Do not fret, my little hatchling..." a voice murmured.

She remained unconscious, vulnerable to the incoming enemy. Suddenly, her body grew ice cold. A silvery ball of energy ignited in her chest, gleaming a brilliant shade of blue. A few seconds later, it vanished. A groan pierced through the air. Aneira opened her eyes. Her gaze dimmed, returning to her normal amber. "Wha's happening?" she muttered groggily. She gazed upon the sky, noticing a imposing army flying in their direction. Her eyes widened with alarm. She scrambled to her feet, teetering towards her side. However, she managed to stabilize herself.

"What the f-ck is that? A mechanical dragon? Why in the hell am I being targeted?" she snarled.
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The Garden:
The Private Party>Alyssa.

The circle was comprised of the most influential and dedicated members to support the private party under the Princess of the Highreign regime. There was of course the Coroner Pensworth, General Godric, First commander of the Highreign army, Icarus; a scribe that handled the paperwork of such meetings, Lauran the Minister of Knowledge for the city, Diane; External Affairs mistress, Marcus; Eye to the King, and There had been the High priest Cobalte until this day. Each had their duty, each fulfilled that duty to its fullest and only on the worst of occasions would they all be pulled together.

"Cobalte? He was a fine man but the conditions of such a death, they do not bode well for the scrutiny and stability of the kingdom over all, have we no leads?" Diane was the first to speak up noting what Alyssa had been careful to realize already. The next voice to speak out came more from the shadows than anywhere. "My Intel brings me nothing of this event, I must express my utmost regret and guilt that whom ever did this were able to slip by my birds." The raspy dark voice of Marcus chimed in before falling silent once more. No one aside of select few had ever seen this mans face, they only knew that next to Godric he was among one of the strongest men in the capital and had thwarted far too many attempts at a royal usurping.

Diane spoke again this time towards the Shadow. "Perhaps you should allow me to do my job and worry about keeping your 'birds' in the city they belong. This entire event will sour things in the alliances that we forge with the other societies princess, if they find out we were so weak to allow one of our high political figures to die under our very eyes, then their trust will dwindle in us and we will have lost the aspirations of our last few months worth of campaign." Diane spoke true even if she was a snooty bitch, it could not be denied. Marcus said nothing else, it was apparent he was already berating himself enough without her help.

Lauran spoke next offering a foreshadow and respective look into the past of their lives. "The Kingdom of Dyanus, lead by the high family Highreign has never faltered in the ages it has stood. The times of old have taught us the resiliency of this land, and its people, and I do not think that someones pathetic attempt to play God will thwart the resolve of something as steadfast as Dyanus." This was when the Coroner stepped in; his voice quite morbid. "You did not see it. The body... the way the body was. In all of my years, an expert of the most heinous deaths; I still have never seen a death like this. The eyes had melted from his skull, the bones protruded at points, and the skin tightened as if it had suffocated the blood flow and just by the posture, his position you can tell how he died in so much pain.. This is the work of something beyond our comprehension; and something beyond what Dyanus has seen in any book of history." His words were cold, precise but the council stirred by them.

Diane thought to speak, but found now words.. it was a gruesome detail of course none of them had any idea, and even the one person that might be able to make sense of it was obsessed by the idea that divinity had done its work over the priest... but.. why? The Coroner turned to the princess with a grim expression. "Princess the guards searched the house of Cobalte up and down, they upturned everything in attempt to uncover this mystery; I am afraid nothing that would help us was found. Only notes of his study, of his love and prayer to the God Provius, and how even though he chose to pledge himself to this god he respected the others... I can not understand why this would happen it is beyond me Princess." The Coroner was distraught as he admitted his failure but it was a short lived trip of pity as Godric took the floor.

"You all er a bunch of bloody idiots! This talk ef divinity and the Gods and punishment, open yer eyes this is an attempt te thwart the attempts of the campaign our princess is working so hard to complete!" His voice was thick with anger, and he got up from his seat. "My campaign was by our princess personal strategy. She sent me te meet the rabble in the Endless Valley, and so I did jus that!" The thought reminded him of what he'd seen, the encounter and even though part of his still was angry over the stealing of his sheets he didn't worry about that now. "I met a group... not just a group; at lest seventy or so young men and women naked in the woods. None of them had any idea where they came front, nor do they now... Strange things are happening in this world... and we as survivors of that attrocity ages ago.. some as retainers to it we must remember the words of prophecy granted to us by the White Witch when she sent away the heroes of old. Things are changing in Norindul, and I don't feel that its so simple as what we are seeing." Godric rumbled on and some looked quite apprehensive to his words others were not pleased.

"I met four from this strange group that stood out, some in ways id not say til im certain but they reminded me of the past of when I fought alongside those mighty champions... The prophecy was in ther eyes I say.. Ryath, Halimae, Serius, Nix. I could see them... in those kids..." The mention of the heroes names put everyone on edge, parts of them filled of sorrow and others thankful for the sacrifice of the heroes that saved Norindul so long ago. "Princess the prophecy is what we must look to here.. " His words were cut off by Diane first and foremost. "Oh so the idea of some scribble on a wall is more believable than the prospect of a Gods vengeance? How sad Godric I took you as a paladin." Godric turned and grabbed the woman by her dress sputtering in her face as he commanded her attention. "In all due respect ambassador, et is exactly because i em an paladin of the Order that I do not think that the God provius would sentence and innocent man to death, and well if you wish to remain a puppet to the whims of er enemy then you have no place in this council." he let her go then and straightened out regarding his attention once more to Alyssa.

Be not the age of prosperity
The world will crack once it hath begun
Upon black winged beast rain hell upon the land
The heroes from earth need a guiding hand
A clash of titans forged from ash and blood of legacies past.
The world will burn without the help of those of Prophecy
Atop the high citadel the world will fall to ruin
If not for The white crowned champion and the Lords of time and fate.
Return them to the world from wence they came.
Only to return when Norindul will call again.

"I implore that we set out a watch and try to bring in the kids that I speak of. They must be equipped, they must be trained to fulfill the prophecy it is our part as retainers to the legacy of old to teach them."
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GM Post>
@Sinopa, @DarkHost, Aneira.

A unit of guards now rushed along the lush grassland of the near by lake. Some had spears and shields. Each had a chain attached to them and the butt end of their spear. this was a Dragon slaying unit; or atleast as much of one that could be mustered for the situation. The spears and other weapons would in the last case situation, The magic of the Sentinel was their main weapon of course but this task was not bound to be anything very easy.

A roar shook the sky in the distance as a very large gust of wind shot through the air and nearly knocked all of them from their feet. Stella was the first to comprehend; and Neve was very much the same. Stella stumbled and grasped Kanari with an expression much unlike her. "Kanari... we can't go over there.. we.. we... " her voice was lost her eyes filled with terror, Neve would understand. Something had not been accounted for. Stella had not seen everything and something awaited them... something they THEY and the guards could never pray to handle. "We can't go there.. we are going to die if we go Kanari... we have to stop just let them go!" Stella spoke softly as if not for the guards to hear but she realized that it was far too late, as the routed around the large mountain offside of the lake.

In the sky a Monstrosity, and only by the black, green, and dull grey of its webbed wings did Stella truly realize how right she was. They would all die if they continued towards this Lake. "Neve you have to stop her if we don't then there will be no hope for her or us.. we will all die by that creature.. we would only have One hope Neve.. and you know the rules... If we do that... you know.." Stella was so far out of character now, fear destroyed her resolve, any idea she had to deal with the situation had since faded, but despite that Kanari had a fire about her... no doubt the girl was terrified but the drive that brought her this far kept her going now... None of them knew what they could do. The two birds had choices; a way to stop this but it would force them to pay a VERY heavy price in the end...

The mighty dragon let out another roar as the group neared.. the soldiers... stare on with fear but they didn't stop either, not until the menacing aura shot through the field. Stella was the first to say a small incantation that protected them from it, but it seemed to stall the guards. About 30 men were beneath the foul creature of the sky all of which looked upon the enemy, and before all of them stood three people. One with messy hair, a boy that none of them recognized, another with Snow white hair and icy like features about her... and the final much older elegant beauty was a woman dressed in blue gown... Stella knew instantly that the woman was Heracia, which only made this situation THAT much worse... at her age transforming to and from her real form... would be... Stella tried to shake it off.. there was no stopping now and as they all approached the scene Immediately they were forced to look upon a tragedy.

The Wards of the sentinels had finally wore down and they fought toe to toe with the enemy foot soldiers. The great devil of the sky bared its layered eyes down upon them and then as energy formed in its throat. Stella screamed no longer able to hold it back... she couldn't stand it.. Her words fell upon ash...The Dragon erupted with a massive force wave and like that the bodies of every soldier armor and all vanished.. ash remained as a small breath of wind took it. In a second the small unit they had brought along... the enemy soldiers everything was wipe away as if it had never been there. The Dragon and its rider stood alone against the remainder.

Stella screamed out in rage and the voice soon turned to a Loud Screech that pierced the sky and summoned forth a rain of fire to fall from the sky; pelting the Dragon as it tried to sway in and out of the line of fire... Her body had begun to glow and she turned one more time to look at Neve...

"Sorry I have to...I guess we will never get to finish our game huh?"

Her body burst into flame as her smile faded and she screamed out. The earth shook under her raw power and she turned his eyes to the sky. Light beckoned from her... her eyes distorting her flesh fell off in large flakes of the person she had just been and beyond it and inferno... Wings... a tail of fire... and the angular skeleton of a bird... a giant bird consumed in a brilliant flame... Stelemara shot for the sky like a comet and the fire that rained down now was being directed as if it were missiles of magic aimed directly for the Dragon.. A roared emerged from the beast but it was nothing in comparison to Stelemara... the Phoenix..


I'm sorry
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.:Heracia's Lake:.
~Kanari > Neve, Stella, Heracia, Aneira, Azel, Guards~


As we marched forth towards what everyone called Heracia's Lake a roar filled the air, accompanied by wind which threw my small body back, luckily Stella caught me.
"What was..." I was about to finish but Aunty Stella started to speak fearfully, I was beginning to worry but I didn't turn back, nor would I. The lives of and entire city rely on us preventing the enemy from causing Heracia to flood the area. I was charged with leading this and that was exactly what I was going to do, no matter my age and no matter my size.
"Men this has become bigger than expected, but we mustn't back down. We can't allow that thing or anything else in this forest to attack our homes and families." I yelled as I broke lose from Stella's grasp. The guards gave a cheering grunt and marched forth with confidence.

Suddenly I saw the beast in the sky, it was a dragon, but it looked kind of different from what I imagined, but it looked evil, from what I heard Heracia wasn't evil, which means there are now 2 dragons in this forest, though I felt in my gut that another was out there, though it was faint. As we got closer I saw a lake with 3 people beside it, then the army was in view, it was huge compared to my little unit, I started trembling faintly, what if that other dragon belongs to them? I shook my head and tried to regain composure.
"Those men seek to harm Heracia, this will result in High Rest's destruction, slay them, for High Rest! For your home! And for your loved ones!" I yelled pointing at the army. The guards charged at the enemies with battle shouts and swords raised. I should have brought a sword or something I felt bad about not helping, though maybe I would just get in the way.
"Deities of this world, please let us win this one." I said as I watched the battle.

Soon though the dragon above roared at the soldiers in battle then shot out a wave of energy, destroying every last one of them, the only thing left were piles of ash. My eyes widened as I watched and I screamed. What have I done? Stella started to scream, though hers was in anger. A rain of fire poured from the sky and started hitting the dragon in the sky who tried to dodge. I looked back at Stella who was glowing. "Sorry I have to...I guess we will never get to finish our game huh?" Stella told Neve before shooting into the sky, morphing into a beautiful bird of fire, a phoenix. I gasped as I watched her charge. "Heh, you idiot, you're not getting out of it that easily." I heard Neve say as she jumped up. Her skin began to turn a whitish-blue and her body took the shape of a bird of ice, I wasn't sure what this one was but it explained so much about Stella and Neve and how they act around eachother. Ice soon joined the rain of fire and Neve charged along side the phoenix towards the beast.

I smiled as I watched them and confidence filled me. They can stand up to a beast like that, despite their fear, I looked over at the people near the lake and started to run towards them. I can mourn later when people aren't in danger, I refuse to be useless anymore. I approached the 3 people panting but with determination in my eyes. I looked at the woman, she looked to be older than the other. I walked up to her, she was beautiful and the closer I got to her there was a feeling in my chest that told me I could trust her, her presence was familiar and comforting. It took all of my strength not to embrace her.
"We need to get somewhere safe, if we go that way we can get out of range." I said to everyone as I pointing in the direction of the city. "Please come with me I don't want to see anyone else killed." I pleaded.
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Princess Alyssa Highreign
Royal Cygnet, the Bearer of Highbloom, the First Born
Royal Garden
Alyssa gazed into the distance, letting the flowers and greenery soothe her weary mind, bogged down by a growing frustration. She had hoped her followers would have gotten wind of something suspicious, but clearly, none of them had any idea about this matter. However, each one rightfully brought up points already visited in Alyssa's mind. For the moment, seeing as the conversation was prompting her followers to speak up one by one, Alyssa was content to let them verbalise the thoughts she had internalised moments earlier.

It was when the Coroner spoke that Alyssa nearly rolled her eyes. Fortunately, she avoided doing so. Still, she could not stop her eyes from narrowing as she shot a glare at the Coroner. Thankfully, Godric took the stage almost as soon as the Coroner was done sounding pathetic. A small trace of a scowl quickly faded away at Godric's vehement response to the group.

The Coroner was a talented man in his own field, or rather, talented enough. To Alyssa, she had need of someone who could deal with the more morbid side of internal affairs... Dead bodies. Who better than a Coroner who could not only provide her direct access to the body but also explain in detail the circumstances? It helped that he had other skills aside from the average Coroner, the sound barrier being one of those. Now if only he was left quick to dismiss whatever he deemed incomprehensible as an act of a divine being, thought Alyssa.

Which was why Godric's interjection was well-received, even though it inevitably steered towards the idea of a greater being pulling the strings. What caught Alyssa's interest was the mention of the strange group of people. When Godric recited the prophecy, she promptly drew the links, immediately realising the prospects of that 'other world' being the exact same one she sees in her dreams. The possibility, although unproven at the moment, made Alyssa sit up with interest.

As no one present at the moment knew of Alyssa's ability to glimpse the future, they naturally inferred the Princess' interest in granting Godric's request. Diane was about to speak up when Alyssa held up her hand, silencing her before she spoke. For a brief moment, Alyssa remained silent as she gazed at Godric. Her mind wandered, contemplating the implications of his request. Would the other faction question her motive? Would they interfere? What are the costs of doing this?

Her followers kept silent, watching the Princess intently, knowingly. It was not the first time they came to the meeting after all, and no one would had doubts about the Princess' ability to come to a wise decision.

"I repeat my stance on the matter: I do not believe in divine interference in this situation," Alyssa stated, more forcefully than she had been speaking before. Her eyes swept past Diane, Lauran, Icarus, also glancing at Marcus, enshrouded in the shadows, before fixating on Pensworth. A firm gaze gave way to an aggressive glare; enough was enough, she allowed them to share their theories, but she would not stand for a repetition of what she hinted against suggesting.

"Pensworth, from this point forth, I do not expect to hear any more talk from you about this being a result of some manner of divine interference. To simply dismiss something incomprehensible as an "act of God" is downright ludicrous. You would suspect a God the pious Cobalte believed in would strike him down as an act of vengeance? Disappointing!"

There was no doubt Pensworth was cowed by the sudden focus on him. After all, it was rare that the Princess singled out anyone even when discussions got heated. More so that she would use word and tone of such strength. To emphasise her disappointment too! That was what struck the hardest blow. The Princess hand-picked most of them personally into her faction. It was a fact worn by members of the faction like a badge of honour.

He knew that and remained silent. He would not make a similar mistake.

"Nevertheless, I thank you all for your opinions on the matter. Now as to the matter of this prophecy..."

Alyssa's voice trailed off. She paused for only a short moment before continuing.

"General Godric. As I said before, I do not believe in divine interference. Likewise, I have my reservations about putting my faith in a dated prophecy. However, I must admit we do not yet have any definite course of action aside from this. It is for that very circumstantial reason that I shall grant your request. Do what you must to find them, and bring them to us.

I do not believe I need to remind you, but our Kingdom does not yet have a sufficiently friendly relationship with the other races. These people you bring will be under your charge, General. If they do not fulfil the prophecy, and if they lack talent, I do not expect them to remain."

With that, Alyssa allowed herself a soft sigh as she leaned back on her chair. The discussion wound up ending much faster than she had expected. Then again, it was because no one had anything concrete to contribute.

"Well, with that, I conclude this emergency meeting. For the time being, Marcus, please keep closer watch on the movements of the other factions. Lauran, do try to find out about the modus operandi discreetly. I imagine some scholars under your charge may be familiar or vaguely aware. Diane, you will have to keep watch on our neighbours. Take especial note of unusual movements and bring them up in our next meeting. Icarus... Well, you know what to do, as always."

The scribe nodded and bowed low.

"Now, I shall retire to my chambers to rest," Alyssa said, getting up. The others followed as soon as she did, each one bowing before they took leave of her. She watched as they exited one by one, leaving Godric, who had not yet moved.

"I'd love to hear about how went your mission, but I think a lot better when I'm asleep, so I'll take this much needed nap. Do hurry and find those four you mentioned. We have little time to waste and I'd like for you to not be so far from me in these dangerous times."

Alyssa then turned, proceeding to her Chambers, but not before playfully turning and adding," If they don't fulfil the prophecy and do not have talent, just make sure they have the looks. I have openings for servants specialising in the provision of pleasure, if you know what I mean."

With a cheerful chuckle, Alyssa waved Godric farewell and proceeded back into her Chambers. She hadn't been completely forthcoming earlier. While it is somewhat true she did think a little better while laying in bed, she had no intention to simply ponder the day's events. Flash forward; that was more important at this point. She hadn't any visions of late, but now seemed a better time than ever to find out if she will.
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Location: Caramine forest, Druid's Circle
To: Grim, Hobbler, Anabelle and Tirian


Sera listened to the gnome with tight lips, skin stretching over her knuckles in a frustrated fist. The longer her went on, the more mind-boggling things became. You'd have thought that her years of playing DnD and gaming with Tyler and Griffin would prepare her for something like this. But no, you would be wrong. It was one thing to play fantasy games in your free time and another entirely to be dropped in a magical world where suddenly you're this new race of being you'd never even heard of existing. Not to mention... she was half of something else. Half drow, which sounded like all sorts of fun she would rather not have.

By the time he settled back into his chair and stopped talking, Sera had heard enough fantastic news to last her a lifetime. Her head was pounding, too, from nerves or frustration or perhaps a lack of sleep, though when she stopped to think about it, elves didn't even need sleep, did they? Granted, what she knew about elves from the fantasy games she'd played didn't necessarily apply here. But from what she'd seen, most of the races and attributes matched up pretty decently. Drows were evil, trolls were big and ugly, elves had pale skin and pointy ears. She still felt exhaustion and physical fatigue, but did that mean she needed actual, human sleep? Though she wasn't particularly keen on asking Hobbler much about being a star elf or drow, this question seemed mild enough that it wouldn't spark some excessive rant about things she couldn't bare to hear about for the moment.

"Hey, Hobbler. Do elves need sleep in Norindul? Like, human sleep?" The kind where you conk out and have no awareness of your surroundings? Part of her wished she wouldn't have to sleep anymore. It had been a dream of hers for as long as she could remember - sleep was an unnecessary waste of time when you had so much to do. But at the same time, sleep was her strongest addiction. It was the perfect cure for sadness, pain, irritation... even if she woke up with headaches constantly. She wasn't so sure how to feel when he answered, torn between her love-hate relationship with napping.

"Elves don't sleep like humans do. They enter into a meditative unconsciousness for periods of time when their bodies need rest, but any practiced and well-trained elf can maintain perfect consciousness of their surroundings while resting, and can wake themselves immediately." Similar to the elves in DnD, then. Sera could learn to live with that, she supposed, for however long they would have to be here. Thanking him softly for the answer, Sera sat back for a while and closed her eyes. There were many more questions she wanted to ask, but her pounding temples screamed for stillness and silence. She needed time to think, to absorb what she'd already learned and come to terms with this new fantasy world she never believed would exist.

It wasn't as if she'd come into this world blind, at least, not like she suspected Anabelle had. Tyler and Griffin had prepared her well for something like this to happen. She'd already known about elves and trolls and other magical creatures, although her knowledge of them likely would not apply in some cases to the folk of Norindul. No, she wasn't necessarily in culture-shock at least... what bothered Sera was the fact that, although she'd been exposed to fantasy before now, she had never allowed herself to believe in any of it. Sera wasn't the type of person to dream of being a fantasy creature or hope that one day magic would surface in the world and whisk her away from her painfully mundane existence. Up until now, such fantastic dreams were a waste, because how in the hell would they ever come true? She'd told Tyler that so many times, and when they were younger he hadn't given up hope on magic and fantasy, despite her comments about living in reality.

The tables had turned since then, unfortunately. Now all grown up and no longer really friends, Tyler had been the one to denounce the unrealistic and label it nothing more than childish games. A fact Sera had been angry about, when they fought behind the bleachers of the soccer field. That had been the final arrow in the coffin of their friendship, the final sign that her old Tyler was lost. She wondered how he felt now. What he dreamed about in his near-death comatose. When Tyler woke up, would he be the jerk she'd finally convinced herself to give up on? Or would he be Tirian Bladefell, the game master, the nerd-at-heart who just loved magic and fantasy? She guessed that it wouldn't matter either way. He'd spoken his piece, back in real life, he'd denounced any claim to the past relationship they shared and the games they played. Even if, when he woke up, Tyler became Tirian and somehow her childhood crush was restored to his former glory, even if that were to happen... Sera wouldn't be able to forgive him. She wouldn't let herself, because doing so would only cause her more pain, pain she apparently couldn't even sleep off in this weird world.

A deep sigh spilled from Sera's tight lips, and as her train of thought came full circle, she found herself thinking about the problem at hand. Hobbler had given her two suggestions, neither one she felt particularly comfortable with, though she didn't feel very in-control at the moment anyway. She needed to think more on the subject, to discuss it with someone that didn't make her head hurt. Preferably not in the presence of gnomes and nymphs and unconscious idiots. "Hey, Grim." Sera bit down on her lip, glancing up at Griffin, who had been very silent since they'd arrived. "Join me outside for a little bit?" He nodded, shuffling up from his chair to open the door for her. She climbed the little latter carefully, brushing dirt from the gown when she reached the top. He followed close behind, shutting both doors on his way out, but somehow she still felt to close for comfort. Hooking an arm through his own, Sera lead him away from the magical house, traveling just far enough into the forest so that she felt they had some privacy before slinking down onto the ground and leaning her back against a tree. Griffin did the same, taking a seat at her side, and the sat in silence for a little while, just listening to the early-morning forest.

~ ~ ~

"Well that was entirely too much information to take in at once..." She sighed heavily, running small hands through her hair out of frustration. "I mean I've heard of drows before, but... star elves? What the hell even is that?" Griffin shook his head, a look of disbelief clear on his face.

"Beats the hell out of me. I have no clue what the hell any of this means, but at least Tyler is enjoying himself." Griffin tossed her a sarcastic smirk, which made her smile. "You think yours is bad, what about me; I am pretty sure that old gnome could have glared holes in my head if he had super man's x-ray vision." His laugh was rich, genuine, and she could tell he wasn't all that offended despite how rude Hobbler had been.

"That's okay, I'm sure you could burn him with your dragon's breath before little old yoda could lift his little chin," she grinned, nudging his shoulder lightly with a small laugh. "Seriously, though. How did he expect us to respond to all of that? I can't even begin to understand what we are, or where we should go."

"I think that was the point though right? I mean he gave us options, well... You options anyways. You could go to this Carmentine place or travel to the home of your people... what are you thinking about it all? I mean it is at least more information than we had before, and we can't deny how real this place is anymore; that much is apparent." Griffin had a point there. Their options seemed pretty limited, especially considering how close they'd come to death already. Sera sat quietly for a while, leaning her head against Griffin's shoulder. She didn't like the idea of doing more things that would put them in danger, especially given how ignorant they all were about this world and their abilities.

"To be honest, I don't really feel super comfortable with either of the options he gave me. Both seem like good ways to wind up in a ditch somewhere. Though it would be nice to meet some people like me... You know, see a live example of what people are expecting of me in this place? The drow thing is easy, just act like a sadistic, egotistical bitch. Anabelle can coach me on that stuff... but I wouldn't even know where to begin when it comes to the star elf thing." Griffin considered that for a moment, flicking pebbles away from his feet.

"Well I guess if these are the only two choices we have outside of wandering around waiting to die..." He chuckled sarcastically, "our choice should be pretty easy. We need to go there to get you sorted out." Not so easy a choice in her opinion, but it did seem like the more favorable option to Sera at this point. "I personally would have said the Carmentine route was better because its probably safer, but from what we were told I don't think that it will help as much as us doing this the right way. Besides, would you really pass up the idea of seeing Anabelle squirm and possibly get lost in a forest of illusions?" They both laughed at the probability of Anabelle having a nervous breakdown in such a place, though after a few moments a small frown stretched over Sera's lips. They seemed to be forgetting something.

"Yeah, but... What about you? I mean, you just got told you're a dragon-elf, or something. Don't you want to find answers for yourself?" She paused, her eyes wandering to the dirty forest floor, another sigh leaving her lips. "Maybe we should ask Hobbler about you, see if there's a place nearby that would help you understand what you are. I don't want to just drag you along for my own selfish reasons... drow heritage or not."

"Sera... come on, how out of character would it be for me to worry about this sort of thing? If I am a race that's hated then so be it... Ill prove em wrong... simple as that. I'm used to being the bad guy in almost everyone's eyes. So long as you, Kanari, and Tyler have clear eyes about me then I'll be fine, plus I don't think I'm equipped at the moment to deal with anything 'dragon' related."

Sera turned her head to look at him, a serious expression settling over her face. "You're not the bad guy, Griffin. You never could be." The smallest smile curved her lips. "You're too much of a goofy derp all the time to be evil, anyway." She murmured with a teasing smile, leaning over to hug him. "Still, are you sure you want to come with me? From the sound of it we're going to come across some pretty crazy, dangerous stuff. I wouldn't want you to die for my sake." In light of Tyler's near-death experience, the threat of something happening to him was all-too real, and no matter how lighthearted the situation seemed at the moment, she was still very serious about putting him in danger for her own gain. Not that Griffin seemed to share her concern all that much.

"Hahaha. Danger you say? Cute... No, I would tell you not to worry but that would be out of character for you, and if you became all mean and not caring then I think GM Tyler would lecture us for not sticking to our characters. I am sure I want to come along, I'm not very frail and after we get out of here I am going to start training to get used to the weight of that sword... I can't afford to be weak if this place is constantly like it has been so far." Again, he had a point, though she admitted so begrudgingly.

"Very true... Alright, then. I guess we should talk to Tirian and his nymphomani-" She coughed, an innocent smile lighting her face. "I mean his nymph girlfriend, and see if they feel like tagging along. Something tells me he won't mind, but if Anabelle has anything to do with it, I'm sure they'll decide to find Carmentine before anything else. Not that I would mind their lack of company..." If she were a completely honest person, Sera would have admitted right there that she preferred not to even exist on the same planet as Tyler's girlfriend. Hell, she wasn't entirely sure she wanted to travel with Tyler, himself, though having him around definitely improved their chance of survival a little bit. Though, if they wound up on their own, she was sure Griffin could protect her just fine. He was the stronger, more physically-capable one anyway, despite Tyler's little kill-steel back in the valley. Something she would've bitched him out for if they'd been playing League of Legends, but the opportunity hadn't opened up at the right time, sadly.

"Yeah I suppose I can't say I would mind it either, but in an ideal situation Anabelle would trip on a vine crack her skull and be a zombie so that you could borrow my sword for a pleasure kill. It'd be like when we played Left for Dead, only I expect it would be much more gruesome..." The violence of his statement both shocked and elated Sera, something she didn't even try to hide as she burst into uncontrollable laughter. She had to admit, the idea was tempting, though she doubted she could ever really kill Anabelle. Unless she turned full-on evil... then it was a possibility. Nevertheless, his comment made her grin ear to ear with amusement. She was feeling a lot better by the time Griffin pulled himself up and offered her a hand. "Anyway, we should probably go back inside and check on Ser Tirian Bladefell, the Troll Slayer." She would have preferred to stay out here and talk until the rest of her headache vanished, but Sera remained silent and took his help in standing. They walked back together laughing over Tyler's previous declaration, enjoying their moment of peace for as long as it would last before they joined unwanted company again.​
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GM Post:
@Key Tuzi

The door creaked eerily for a second until the pair passed through and to their surprise they were met by two icy blue orbs. A crown of white hair partially covered the eyes of the boy and he hissed in pain as the gnome placed his hands at the wound itself. Flesh melded in upon itself and the spot looked as though it had never been touched all except a small scar that remained. Tirian glanced over in their direction and gave a silly wave as he smiled past gritted teeth. "Well hey there good to see you guys!' he commented in a silly tone much to Anabelle's distaste, though she seemed to be legitimately fawning and sweet at the moment when it came to him, it was a switch definitely.

Tirian pushed himself up from the bed and started to stretch out, the Gnome did not care to stop him; only retired to his seat again. "This situation has cost us a lot of time... but I guess I should just be happy that I didn't wake up at this point." His voice might have been morbid if the rest didn't understand him; and it earned a soft of smile from Griffin. Tyler was fairly derpy himself when he was being himself and not extremely stressed over the life of an adult, this was the best friend that Sera and Griffin knew. Anabelle didn't like it at all, she seemed like a cat that had just been ducked in a pool of cold water, fritzed and angry and ready to snap. Though Tyler wasn't exactly happy with her either.. she was just proving what he guessed to be right; over and over again.

Tyler finally having made rounds about each of them found the beady eyes of the gnome. "I seen you and heard you; though faintly. I have questions." The Gnome grinned in his seat and Tyler took a moment to bring up his own thoughts. His body was healing rapidly and it was strange to him, he hadn't noticed it before but he felt light, agile... as if air was less heavy around him, his body was not so restricted as it felt before.. and he wanted to run; to test himself when he wasn't hurt.. "I am half High Elf, and Human? That being the case I know generally what it means to be a High Elf, what are they like here?" Question after question was asked and answered as necessary. The result gave him a lot of answers.

"Racist bastards huh? Well that is promising, but I guess i should take comfort in their adeptness of agile sword play, might even be able to beat Griffin now." He smirked in Griffins direction but Hobbler piped in. "Foolish if you think that to happen young one, of the fighters, the warrior races of Elf; the Dusk Elf are the most barbaric harsh fighters in all the land; they are the wild card of this land, a force that few understand said to be the creation from the Goddess Lariaht, and Dragon God Gaderions unnatural union. Sealed within them are latent powers of Dragons and with that the ferocity speed and strength of a dragon... Evil or good.... no one knows which path they will choose." Hobbler left it at that as everyone and some looked at him accusingly. "Anyways I will get you to the next city so that you may equip yourselves better for the times to come."

The Gnome wasted no time pulling out a large pile of coal, he placed his hands upon the piece and they began to glow lividly green. "Please remember this gold will only work in cities of less intelligence, luckily that is exactly where you are headed." The Coal started to spin and shed its blackness, eventually its texture changed and soon its over all make was a shimmering gold, piles of the stuff. Hobbler handed each of them a bag to scoop their own share of the currency and a tie for them to attach it to a part of their body. "It should be enough to get you by in the city and start you wish equipment in your travels."

Each said their thanks, not really sure how else they could react in a situation. Anabelle was near giddy; and it was sickening to the rest of them, even Tyler. He did not share her enthusiasm for wealth, not having much of it all his life he didn't see the splendor of stupid earthly things like that, but at least it would shut her up about the damn barbarian clothes for the time. Hobbler lead the way, and for being so small he was fast, extremely fast. it tempted Tyler to try and bypass him but he chose to just keep a steady pace. The wraps and the healing 'magic' that had been used were... incredible; he felt nothing, hell he may of guessed it would have numbed even one of his god awful tooth aches. The rest were doing well also, Griffin was not the fastest in the world but he didn't have too much trouble keeping up, and with Sera... shit.. Tyler sometimes felt like he was racing her with as fast as she moved now.. Poor Anabelle a bit behind; Tyler finally opted to slow down and run at a snails pace that she could follow.

The Forest was thick with shrubs, and broken branches. The path could have been entirely unclear, but Hobbler seemed to know exactly what he was doing, and continued to lead the way until Lights came into view. The city ahead was nothing spectacular, walls lined its border and it had fires lit in tall spires, some houses were larger, and one in particular was huge, but mostly a quaint little medieval city; Tyler noted that quickly and all of them took a moment to catch their breath. Hobbler didn't seemed to have any issues and sat back at the tree line of the hill that separated them from the village. "This is far enough for me, I am not so openly accepted in a society as this, but to each of you a gift." A large bulge in the ground came rushing and soon a large badger bust from the surface. Hobbler pet the creature for a second and then the badger reached in its hole to pass out a pile of grey cloaks. "Secrecy is valued, and will keep you alive in a society that does not know you... wear these until you can fit in."

The Gnome saluted to them and was ready to say his farewells, his lips went to move and then the sound of a quick thump moved him forward and red fell from his lips. His eyes surprised by the perpetrator he looked to all of them with utmost caution. The air behind Hobbler fluctuated and soon a shadow formed, a black masked shadow cloak, and at her side in one hand a Bloody dagger of absolute obsidian. The eyes behind the veil were blood red, and the bare skin that shown only partial was dark dark grey as a ghost. Hobbler fell face first and the shadow stepped forward.


"Were you all close, does it make your hearts swell to see him bleed with no chance of saving him? Please tell me it does. That will make this so much more fun." The voice was sadistically woman and as light filled in her features it confirmed it.. The group had realized pretty quickly what this meant, if for no other reason the coincidence; but running didn't seem to viable either... They were back to a small cliff and a steep hill that would probably hurt them quite a bit, and front forward with... an assassin.

"Do not worry children of prophecy you will join your friend very soon."
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GM Post:
@Sinopa @DarkHost @KETSUEKI

The sky roared in discontent as the fire and hail merged and the sky spit the proclamation of a cataclysm. Titans were now upon the field, a beautiful bird of pure white and ice like blue that showered snow from her wings, Her ice like mist filled the area and clouded vision for most, it was something grant to see as she weaved in and out of the Dragons maw, the General stop made no attempt to attack but that was likely a good thing. On the other hand shooting like a blazing comet across the sky, rains of fireballs fell fromt he sky and pelted the Dragon with deep scars. The Dragon was obviously pissed as it let out a terrifying roar that would have normally sent creatures fleeing its very sight, Neve and Stella were no such creatures to be swayed so easily. A dance of Orange and red upon the sky of black a level of wonder that none had seen in a very long time.



Fluctuations of fire and raw energy destroyed the ground below and rocks seemed to float abnormally with the raw power that was being released over the world. Stella let down an inferno over the Dragon, which seemed to be bounded away by wards placed upon its form. The ice joined with fire and still the wards held but idt did keep the Dragon busy. That would hopefully be enough for things to happen as they needed to.

Kanari understood the plan and stepped to the situation; having approached the group she ushered them to plase follow her. Aneira was not so easily swayed either however, the mount of destruction that had just been witnessed had changed her features. Her teeth were sharper her eyes an ice like blue... she growled low and the oldest blue haired woman had a stupid smirk about her face, only Azel seemed even remotely tempted by the idea of leaving the situation though all of them had a sense of wonder in their eyes as they watched the battle of monoliths in the sky. The woman spoke up... "They will not be able to stop him if the rider finishes whatever he is doing, right now it is the dragon fighting alone, we have to stop them before the Rider wakes up." It didn't make much sense considering the ferocity of the creature but; when they glanced upon the back of the destroyer they noticed that the rider was indeed in some meditative state of mind... This was there chance..

Kanari tried her best to urge them but none wished to budge. The blue haired Heracia moved back into the lake and began to concentrate her power; trying her best to build it up as the water around her rose in large pillars to the sky. it was a sight to see, something Kanari would never forget in her young life. Aneira continued to watch, no one could tell what went on in the woman's mind, even if Azel tried to coax her into leaving the situation she would not. Her pride had taken over now and... to some of their greater surprise whatever she was doing made her emit a frost like chill, and a icy mist like aura that froze the ground at her feet... She was accepting a certain truth about this situation.. She was accepting who she was and no one could interrupt her.

The Battle in the sky had heated up, the Dragon moved with a grace very out of place for the monsters size, and when it released its breath it exuded a black mist that seemed to burn away even oxygen in the air, and make the air seem much more thick, On the off chance the fire of Stella hit the place the Dragon had fired upon a large explosion much like a bomb set off and reacted in a chain of smaller explosions. Neve had chilled the wings of the beast and the altitude of its flight had lessened drastically. The wards burnt that away as well however... and things did not look good in this situation. Still the two battled as they ever could. Kanari did the only thing she could in this situation, and the rest looked upon the battle in awe, in fury. The Pillars had formed more and more and the shape of an egg of water was just about to close around Heracia... her power eminent in the sparkling water... Aneira started to shift.. an odd light forming around her... Kanari had to back away as to not be frozen on the spot... her awakening was being realized for the first time... Hope of the city of High Rest lay upon the people gathered on this shore; perhaps the hope of Norindul.
.:Heracia's Lake:.
~Kanari > Neve, Stella, Heracia, Aneira, Azel, Dragon~


No one would come, as much as I pleaded no one listened. "Why?"
I watched as all of the events with wide eyes. Everything was happening so fast and it was overwhelming. When one of the people at the lake started to change and ice began forming around her. I jumped back in time to not be frozen but I tripped and landed on something soft. I was afraid to avert my eyes from everything that was happening in front of me. I could feel something inside of me, madness.

I started to breath heavily as people fought this beast. I shifted my hand but felt powder, which caused me to look down at it to find out what I was touching. Ash. My eyes widened as I grasped a hand full and watched it stream down. "No..." I whimpered. My chest felt heavy and my vision was beginning to blur with forming tears. I tried to stay strong, fight the feelings of weakness and fear, but they were too overwhelming. I need to hold it in, I need to stop relying on people so much and let them rely on me for a change. I need to be stronger. As much as I tried to convince myself, it just wasn't enough.

"No..." I couldn't contain the pain I was feeling. These men, they died because I led them here under false pretenses, they had a home, a family, and I led them here for some heroic crusade of my imagination. I grabbed another handful and stared at it. I remembered their faces as they cheered, convincing themselves and eachother to help me. "No, no, no..." I quickly scooted back into a tree and put my head in to my hands, still holding the ash. "I'm a horrible person." I bleated before slowly looking up at the chaos and destruction in the air, my face covered in the ash of the fallen.

"Everyone is fighting so hard. I feel so helpless, what can I do?" I mumbled to myself between sputters. "I'm too weak to do anything. I'm a deceiving... Useless... Whore..." I repeated what mother had called me a while ago before she slapped me that first time. I brought my knees up to my face. "I can't take this... It's too much... I can't keep it together..." Tears started to stream down. "No! I made a promise! Stop it!" I yelled at myself as I felt the madness swell up inside me. There was only one thing, one person, that could comfort me, like he always would when I felt like all hope was lost, but he wasn't here.
"Brother! Where are you when I need you!"

.:Heracia's Lake:.
~Neve > Stella, Heracia, Aneira, Azel, Dragon, Kanari~


Stella and I were soon joined by Heracia and another dragon. I could hear Heracia say something about the rider and when I looked at the person on the dragon I found that he wasn't controlling the dragon. "That doesn't look good." I said as I swirled around the dragon. "No, you think?" Stella said sarcastically. It looked like the rider was building up for something big, but he was vulnerable in this state. I had to test something before a plan could be made. I stopped and flew backwards about 2 feet, then spread my wings wide as energy could be seen between them. Soon that energy became a large solid shard of ice. I flapped my wings once hard towards the rider and the shard shot towards him. Before it could connect the dragon spun around and smashed the shard with his tail, then roared at me. "Just as I thought." I said as I started circling the dragon again as I began forming a plan. "Hey, you thinking what I'm thinking?" Stella chimed in mischievously. "If you're thinking about visiting the brothel after this to drown the current events in alcohol and mad sexual intercourse then no, I am not thinking what you're thinking." I replied as I simulated the plan in my head.

"Ok, if we're all willing to work together on this one we may all win. I'm sure this thought may have crossed everyone's mind and I'm almost positive it will work." I yelled to everyone fighting the beast. I flew beside Stelemara, matching my speed to hers. "We need to surround it, the four of us. I'm sure it can't dodge all of our attacks at once. You and I will keep the dragons attention and Heracia and the other dragon can go for the rider. you and I need to be in front of him." I whispered before we flew separately from a blast of energy. I flew to the others and repeated the plan, though it was up to them whether or not they would listen, I would distract the dragon either way.

Soon I was in front of the dragon. I blew out and covered his face in frost, this wouldn't hold long but it would keep him busy for a few seconds. I flapped my winds hard at him and hail began pelting his face. Large attacks make him turn more, if I use these small ones he won't resort to using his tail. He swung his head from side to side glaring at me when he got the chance, and trying to get the coat of frost from his head so he could rip me to shreds.

I smirked, I'd forgotten the rush of these life threatening times, I had lived peacefully for way to long. The fear, the excitement, the adrenalin, it was just as I remembered it to be...
Pure ecstasy.
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Escaping The Assassin Part 1.
Tyler, Griffin

The crime was witnessed last second, just like that; the little gnome that had been helping them was now dead on the ground. A shadow stood before them tall and proud as she held her dagger at the side. Her face was hidden, her skin, her lips, hair... Everything about her was a mystery and yet she was here to kill them. Her voice was taunting, a deathly sadistic voice, but one things stood out about her. The very little that could be seen, the skin and the blood red eyes, Tyler recognized the traits instantly and mouthed the word near silently. "Drow"

Griffin acted like he heard the words but didn't say anything back; his hand slipped around the hilt of the stolen sword as he watched the assassin carefully; almost tempting her to make the first move. Tyler was not so casual, he turned to the two girls and spoke right to them as his blade drawn. "Go, both of you need to get out of here while we hold her off." His words were rushed last minute when the woman jolted forward like a black streak of lightning. Griffin was able to deflect a lethal blow aimed for Tyler when his back was turned and it brought Tyler back into the fight. "You need to pay attention, you know better than to give your back to an assassin idiot." Griffins words were harsh, but Tyler knew them to be right. They both had to concentrate for this fight... They had to escape this.

Griffin moved first; his blade lazily at his side as he waited for her to make a move, but she stood still and made no attempt to attack them. Griffin was strong; way too strong when it came to fighting, even Tyler was envious of his friend. Griffin swung with a strong glancing blow aimed at the woman's shoulder, then backed up readying to thrust inward at her chest, but He was far too late, her body had moved almost like wind itself and Griffin could only bring the hilt of his sword up fast enough to block an incoming bladed knee to the face. It wasn't enough. The assassin's body spun around rapidly and nearly crossed a powerful bladed heel kick into Griffin's body, only to have come short due to Tyler's interference.

Tyler's stand was a bit more wild, he was constantly moving, and like to rest the sword against the ground. His slash aimed at her torso mid attack on Griffin had forced her to rethink her actions and back up, but that was the end of that. The Assassin drew a second blade from her back, and now had twin daggers with green liquid dripping from the edge.. The name of the game was about to change, they could NOT get hit by those weapons at all. Griffin noticed as well and attempted to capitalize on the situation as he charged her and brought down several very heavy blows. "Aghh, aghhh, Aghhhhhh!" His war cry was loud enough it resounded throughout the forest, but none of the attacks had even come close to landing.

Before Tyler could even hope to react; Griffin was on the defense, barely keeping up with swift deft and dangerous movements. His sword danced almost automatically in his hand try to deflect blows, and kicks that came from the woman, Griffin was amazing with being able to keep up with her... Tyler joined the fight taking a quick swing at her lower back, but she easily flipped backwards aiming a downward strike toward the crown of Tyler's shoulders that would kill him instantly. Griffin was only quick enough to raise his large foot and plant it into Tyler's chest knocking him back on his ass, when the woman landed on her hands and brought her legs around like a bladed wheel aiming to cleave Griffin's head from his shoulders.. They had no chance in this fight, that was apparent; but they had to find a way to get out; to at least give the others time to get out.

Griffin finally stepped in low and forward and below the reach of the bladed part of her legs, he took a very powerful kick to the right shoulder and landed a very light slash across her stomach before she jumped back, and landed behind Tyler. Griffins eyes widened and he rushed forward, but Tyler was quick enough to catch her arm before she could bring her blade to his throat, His body moved and he flipped her ridiculously light body, but not without consequence. her legs wrapped around Tyler's throat constricting his breathing before she used the full strength of her legs to fling him into griffin and knock both of them over, a swift movement of her hand sent a sharpened knife flying towards them, and Griffin was the one to notice; quickly shifting weight to roll both of them out of the way; he shoved off Tyler and got to his feet huffing in harsh breaths as he tried to stay in the game... Any time the girls had moved, she had made a point to corner them again.. This was a losing fight, Hell it wasn't even a fight, they both could tell by her subtle and shallow movements that she was not even trying.. yet.
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