Faraway Castle

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
How's my Fran? You'll see her in a bit. She is Lydia and Evairy's servant.
Fran is just great. Now I'm off to the thread. I'm jealous at how much more you guys get to write. I have other stuff to do. I much rather live on Iwaku. *cries*
Aweee Red... Don't feel bad. I've been on here all day and haven't been able to write much because people haven't been on. :( So being on here is a bit sucks at times too. *hugs*

You're very Welcome Alice. Anything to help a friend.
hahah can I ask why my post got a like? I cant see anything special about it.
[MENTION=3415]NorwayFOO[/MENTION] I was wondering if you would like for Cadmar and Lady to have some sort of past that links them close together. I was thinking since they are the same age he could have been her personal guard, as he is now, as well as being her close childhood friend. This would explain why she trusts him over any other and perhaps make their relationship a bit more interesting. Hows this sound to you?
O.O im so confused! why do peoples like my thingies?
I was thinking along the same lines actually. I posted in one spot that he had been her personal guard before he was captain and she was a queen, had fought off four men at the same time trying to protect her. If we link them even further back that would be cool.
You now have me for a "prince". Ellis is a prince, not a princess...
Oh I do! HA! Okay fixed that.
I saw that NorwayFOO and thats kinda what gave me idea. I'm glad we're on the same page.
:( I sad... Can not post with out someone answering... *sniffles*
You all are having so much funnnnnnn. Hehe
it ok Val it ok. *pats her head* you will have your fun.
My fun is just getting started~!
Giving heads up, I'm thinking about dropping out of this... So I apologize now if I actually choose to.
WHAT! *Tackles* You're not allowed to LEAVE! *Ties to chair* You must stay! The queen demands it!
But... but... I pwomised you I wouldn't leave the site. I will stay though... *sniffles while being tied to a chair*
Where is everyone?