Faraway Castle

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Whoa your aiming for four?

I think I can barely handle two. Haha. c:
4 is no problem =]… well untill everyone gets sick of seeing my username and pic ^.^
I love your avatar.

Bleach is amazing. I'm like a Toshiro fan-girl. :>

And Byakuya is flipping badarse.
I'm going to go back to school on Jan 3. I will be available only in the mornings and early evenings. Sorry guys.
Its ok ^.^

So did you want him to have the bunny bag too? (Do you remember that episode?)
Is it too late to join in as a guard?
I'm not sure. Red normaly posts in the morning and at night but I hope I can get more guards to boss around ^.^ lol
Name: Felicitas Venus
Age: 16
Sex: female marauding as a male
Status: Castle Guard (Hoping to be personal guard to Roland since it seems like the bastards never really get a guard. This is her requested position)
Appearance: View attachment 17729
Pets: View attachment 17730
Story: Felicitas' mother died during childbirth and due to an unfortunate sword accident her father could have no children. Felicitas was their first and only child. All Archduke Denson had wanted was a son, so he made one out of Felicitas. She became known as Felix and was raised a male with secret lessons from her nanny on how to be a woman. Felicitas' father forced her to be a squire to a high knight eventually leading to her being a castle guard
Other: Denson, Felicitas' father died when she was 15. She only keeps up the charade to uphold his name.
Name: Felicitas Venus
Age: 16
Sex: female marauding as a male
Status: Castle Guard (Hoping to be personal guard to Roland since it seems like the bastards never really get a guard. This is her requested position)
Appearance: View attachment 17729
Pets: View attachment 17730
Story: Felicitas' mother died during childbirth and due to an unfortunate sword accident her father could have no children. Felicitas was their first and only child. All Archduke Denson had wanted was a son, so he made one out of Felicitas. She became known as Felix and was raised a male with secret lessons from her nanny on how to be a woman. Felicitas' father forced her to be a squire to a high knight eventually leading to her being a castle guard
Other: Denson, Felicitas' father died when she was 15. She only keeps up the charade to uphold his name.

There's something wrong with your attachments?
YES! You must fix the pictures at ones!!!
Huh? But they show up for me!
Still not working v.v
"Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator"

Is what I get. :/

Try a different way of putting them in there? Like Photobucket
Random comment real quick~!!!
That's Aya from Parasite Eve~!!! I loved that game when I was younger~!!!
Never got to play the second game though. :/
We are at dinner and Cadmar just walked past you. (He still needs the report)
And tymel is just outside in the garden looking out on the horizon.