Fantasy High

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Laec was heavily focused on the book he was reading. One might mistake it for a small dictionary, but it was actually one of his favorite mystery novels that he grew to like. It was one of the few things he liked that needed to strictly stay on the land. He had almost finished one of the last pages as he felt a chill run down his spine, forcing him to stop reading. He felt like someone was watching him and was near him. The young merman tried to shake the feeling away, but to no avail. Instead, Laec turned to where he felt the new presence in the room and saw a boy older than the merman crouched over Laec's shadow. His pale blue eyes stared down at the boy with slight curiosity before finally asking him what he was up to, something that he does not normally do. "Excuse me? Are you in need something?" His voice was soft, but stern as he wanted to try and keep a friendly approach. He slowly turned his wheelchair, his long pale blue tail slowly swaying as Laec tilted his head, making some of his white hair brush over his forehead.

Lilith giggled as Alexander spun her. While they were walking to the cafeteria, the teasing seemed endless. Their walk to the cafeteria seemed to calm her down. Her dilated pupils had returned to normal, her heart rate was spiking, and her senses seemed to return to their previous state. In short--she didn't feel like she was having a heart attack in the midst of hell aka school.

As they arrived into the cafeteria, she raised her eyebrow at Alexander's joke, "down boy, down. You're about a hundred centuries off mark." She laughed softly, this boy really was something. Straightforward and a hell of a puzzle, that's for sure.

"Oooh, perfect," Lilith hummed. Coffee and chocolate cake sounded absoulutely perfect at the moment. She needed the caffeine, though blood seemed to give her quite the rush, and some uh, protein like chocolate cake. Gotta get that daily dose of protein to keep healthy, right? I mean... Close enough.

Alexander looked at her. "Centuries? oh dear such a time can be oh so dreary." He said as he looked at her. "I might get board and wonder off. what'd you do then?" he asked as he sat down and then shrugged. "Mind you, it is a interesting concept through." He shrugged and settled back as their food and drink arrived, he'd gotten himself a hot chocolate and a strawberry cheese cake. He then looked her over again. "so, why didn't you tell me your real name?" He asked as he started to eat lazily. he was perplexed as to why she'd not given him her actual name.
"Oh and Please don't confuse me with The Death, I am just Death. In the sense that There is my father, the grim reaper, the one who actually does all the souls and afterlife shebang, and I'm his Son, technically I am the same as him but while he looks after those who die, I am the horseman, as in the rider on the pale horse, as in Death, War, Famine, Pestilence." He explained and then smiled at her. "do you have your room key yet?"

He froze as the the boy spoke to him and slowly turned his head so he was looking at the boy "uhh" what was he meant to say 'oh don't mind me I'm just eating your shadow?' He'd just sound weird! So Yami slowly retracted his hands away from the shadow and put them into his pockets "I was just picking something up that I had dropped!" He said hastily "So what are you reading?" He said trying to change the subject....
"Oh, well, try to be careful with your supplies. Some people are liable to steal them." Laec's voice swayed as he spoke, sounding almost distant. His gaze softened when the other boy asked about his book, a small smile growing on his face. He glanced down at the book before his gaze shifted and focused on the boy once more. "This? It is a mystery novel called 'Murder of Crows'." He placed his book marker on the page he last saw and closed it, placing the book on his lap as he gave the boy his full attention. He moved slightly in his wheelchair, hiding the discomfort that his tail was enduring.

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To be truthful Yami didn't care about books, he didn't enjoy them and he found them hard to read anyway so it didn't matter. Now being able to calm down and look at the boy properly, he saw he had a beautiful blue tail, and extraordinary eyes. "My names Yami, a demon you?" He said staring at the boy with his green and red eye curiously, this one was definitely going to be fun to play with at a later date, he licked his lips under his mask.....
Laec was slightly surprised by the greeting, but only because it was one that he wasn't used to. Thinking it would be rude if he didn't return the same courtesy, he slightly lowered his head. "I am Laec Wynchell. It is nice to meet you. I am a..." He grew silent and scoffed to himself, deciding to stray away from the term before he made a self-mocking joke. "Well, you can tell what I am, right?" The young merman stared at Yami's eyes, interested in the different colors of eyes he had. He was also intrigued when the other boy said he was a demon, having only heard stories by the mermaids of his kingdom. Laec's gaze gradually shifted towards the nearby door as different kinds of creatures ran past it, waiting for a fish joke or something of the matter.


While Laec was staring at the door, a curious thing he never seen before happened. The glass on the door fogged up as a girl walked past, his interest piqued. He turned towards Yami, giving a slightly apologetic look. "Forgive me. I will be back shortly." The merman rolled towards the door and immediately felt another chill, but instead of paranoia it was just cold. He didn't know what kind of creature made it cold this quickly, especially in the last few weeks of summer. As a precaution, he quickly pulled out a blanket that he stuffed in the bag, wrapping it around his tail to keep it as warm as possible.

Laec slowly opened the door as he could suddenly see his breath, the air seeming to freeze. He glanced towards where he saw the girl and saw her, his eyes locked on her and the wolf that walked beside her. He stared at her white hair flow, wondering what she was. He was about to enter the hallway, but his wheelchair slipped on the floor that was caused by the sudden change in temperature and some of the remaining water area from a janitor. Laec fell out of his wheelchair and nearly hit the lockers across the room he was in, huffing softly in agitation and embarrassment.

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"Hahah yes, so have patience young one," Lilith jokes, giving Alexander a boop on the nose. Taking a sip of her coffee, she sighed contently. Although she wasn't afraid of the cold and wasn't particularly affected by cold weather, the warmth of the coffee on a cold day still felt nice. She took a bite of her chocolate cake, dancing in her seat. She absolutely loved chocolate cake. And chocolate ice-cream. And chocolate covered strawberries. In short, she absolutely loved chocolate. "My name? Well my full name is Lilith Ruby," she mumbled with a mouth full of chocolate cake. Hm, so Alexander is Death, but not The Death she thought to herself. It's weird to think that he actually had a family--a family life. She had grown up on the streets, and hadn't really experienced a family life. The closest she had was having a stray black cat following her for two months before it mysteriously disappeared. "I haven't gotten my room key yet, have you?" She asked, washing down the cake with some coffee.

"Young one? How old do you think I am?" He said biting at her finger before sucking on it lightly. "so why did you call yourself Lilac? rather than Lilith?" He asked lazily as he continued to eat his cheese cake and enjoy the hot chocolate. He looked at her as she looked at him. "You look perplexed, what confuses you?" He asked as he paused and then shrugged. "No, I don't have my key, I don't even know how they allocate dorms. or anything like that." He said and then shrugged. "I could be very cheeky and ask about sharing a dorm, but maybe thats a few decades early." he shook his head, "Honestly, you go from looking as if you've not slept at all to looking as if someone's injected you with sugar and caffeine." He finished his cake and looked at the empty plate. "oh..." he then shrugged. "by the way, the coffee and cake are on me. On one condition."
(Sorry for the late reply!)

Travis pinched his nose before disposing the remains of his now-eaten apple. He thanked God for stopping the headache—before getting another one in return, momentarily forgetting that he was stripped of the right to say His name.

Screw you too, Ya—Geedee, for that headache!

He continued to follow the girl, but halted once he heared the groans of several fellow students behind him, as if in pain.

Then he felt something, something horrible.

Something, or some one, tapped on his shoulder, just as the person did, he heard a soft but ominous whisper in his head that said "Alexander" . Only then did he steel his resolve and turned around to a sight he didn't expect.

The whitet from earlier, with a Glasgow smile on his face.

His eyes widened in surprise, but quickly narrowed his eyes. Now that the guy—Alexander his name, he presumed—was in close proximity, he could quickly "scan" his soul.

He focused, remembering the teachings of Old Man Messi about the kinds of souls.

All angel's souls are pure, clean of any sin, and radiates eternal brightness. Although, with a few exceptions, such as the 7 Archangels, who are unique.

The fallen are the complete opposite, dirtied by the stains of lust, greed, selfishness and jealousy. A dying, white orb that is marked with the unholy symbol of sin.

Most Demons—the ones with horns, scaly exteriors and breath fire— are repugnant, fleshy masses of fire and ice with the ever present mark of the Beast, chanting blasphemous curses to His name

Humans are the wildcards, their souls are changed by the different actions they make. Travis has seen Humans with souls as pure as Michael, and as vile as Demons.

What he saw perplexed him, it was a single, human soul. Neutral in morality because of its color, or lack thereof.

Impossible, this Alexander is clearly not human nor an angel, since angel's cannot interfere with the powers of others. Not a Demon as well, since Demons never dare to stay in close proximity to an angel.

But the next revelation horrified him to his very core.

human soul.

N-no, could this be...?

But before he could think any further, Alexander was gone, literally. The moment he was here the next he disappeared.

Travis was shocked, curious, and scared. All at the same time.

He shook his head, Be scared later on, you have a fallen to help. Calming himself down, he was still scared, yes but he had a job to do.
Yoshiko hurried her way through the crowd, her mind reeling after her encounter with the strange male student. She could barely get out a full sentence, I mean, talking isn't that hard, right? What if she had viewed him like an angel? Would that have eased her mind? Oh, gracious that young man must thing she's very odd. In the midst of Yoshiko's thoughts, a sudden overwhelming sense of vulnerability rolled through her very being. Yoshiko came to an abrupt stop in the middle of the rather crowded hallway, students nearly colliding with her sudden still form. She whipped her head around quickly, any thoughts of her awkward situation quickly vanishing as her eyes flickered from student to student, attempting to find the source of this feeling. Yoshiko had felt this feeling before, and she hated it with every fiber of her being. Someone is looking at her, but not looking at her. It's as if they're looking at her celestial like being, her soul.

Yoshiko felt like an open book, and she practically was. Her eyes continued to scan the crowd, her eyebrows furrowing together ever so slightly as her gaze finally landed upon a boy with white hair who had perched himself upon a large, white pillar. Yoshiko had taken notice that the boy had his golden eyes on her momentarily before glancing away, scanning through the rest of the crowd. As the boy looked away, that sudden sense of vulnerability had slowly faded away. He definitely was the source. Yoshiko turned around fully, striding with purpose towards the pillar, opting to interact with the strange being. Yoshiko wasn't sure why, but she felt definitely more confident in this interaction. As Yoshiko approached the pillar, it was suddenly as if time had skipped momentarily. Not quite ''skip'' perse, but as if everything had just stopped for a moment.

Yoshiko blinked a few times, coming to a complete stop before glancing carefully around the hallway. A few students had become rather unsettled by something, some stumbling and some reaching for their heads. Yoshiko's eyebrows furrowed together ever so slightly before she directed her attention back towards the pillar, only to find the mysterious white haired boy missing. Yoshiko glanced around the hallway before letting out a small sigh before noticing a boy moving towards herself while eating an apple. A sense of familiarity rolling over Yoshiko and her aquamarine colored eyes had widened. She kept her rather obvious gaze on the fallen angel boy, feeling a slight sense of relief, but also a slight sense of fear. He was definitely a fallen angel like herself, but Yoshiko had never dealt with another fallen personally. When Yoshiko resided in heaven, it was practically drilled into her head that having any sort of communication with a fallen was forbidden, for they were the failures of Heaven.
"Ow," she flinched lightly as she felt Alexander's teeth on her fingers. Though it didn't hurt, it was more of an automatic response. Like when someone brushes against you, and you instinctively say ow. Unless it's just Lilith... Swatting as his cheek gently yet hard enough to turn his head to the side, she continued eating her chocolate cake, staring at Alexander as he threw question after question at her.

"I mean Lilac is also my name. Growing up, I had many nicnkames. They ranged from abomination to bitch and I guess Lilac was just one that was nicer to the ears, so I stuck with it. Someone had once told me my eyes were similar to the color of the lilac flower, so I stuck with it," Lilith replied, shrugging. It hadn't occurred to her that it would be something he'd be curious about.

"I don't know, seven-billion-trillion-gazillion?" She guessed, shrugging. Since he was in high school, his age would probably be around hers, but hey, who knows how Death (and his offspring) ages. He didn't look to be much younger or older than her, but then again, who knows how youngsters these days look. They seem to age and mature quicker and quicker which each and every generation.

"You're right, a few decades early," she winked, laughing and taking a sip of her coffee. Honestly, this coffee was just what she needed to wake her up this morning. And probably the next. And next. Actually, she wasn't sure if she's survive this school year without coffee. It just went from a luxury, to a necessity.

"Okay, what's the condition..." Lilith looked at Alexander suspiciously, as if he were going to ask for some impossible task. She quirked her brow--something she often did--and waited for him to ask her to do something like 4,38263627 times 255.6727736372 in her head or to fly to neptune. Either way, it would mean she had to pay for her own food.

"I guess, which would you prefer me to call you?" He said, He lent back a little as she swatted at him, letting her pass before he caught her hand and kissed it again, this time palm up. "dont boop me and I won't bite, well exept in one case, but I still owe you for that one." He teased before he sighed. "I'm nearly the same age as you are. I just can chose not to age physically." he said and then grinned. "so don't tease me eh." he said before stretching.

"well, I have two technically. seeing as we get on and arn't going to stab each other, sharing a dorm dosn't sound like a abomination. and, your phone number." He said with a grin, he'd put her in a corner, neither were unreasonable, but both ment that there was little way of getting away from the fact she'd bitten his neck and he'd promised vengeance on her for it.
After thinking about it, she really didn't mind whichever he chose to call her. "Surprise me" she replied while grinning. She decided to reverse it back to him, and have him decide what he wanted to call her. "Well, Alexander's kind of a long name. Do you mind if I call you Alex? Or would you prefer Xander," Lilith scrunched her nose, "Well to me, Xander sounds like an outer space alien planet."

She booped his nose right after he had kissed her palm, knowing to take back her hand quickly this time. She grinned devilishly, resting her chin on her palm. "Hm, so same age huh? What if I'M seven billion-trillion-gazillion? Then are you also seven billion-" She furrowed her eyebrows together. Lilith had forgotten what number she had said, and couldn't recall it, "y'know. Whatever I said."

"Sharing a room with you, or giving you my number? Oh no, both sound absolutely terrible," she teased and enunciated dramatically, throwing her hands in the air. She closed her eyes and sighed dramatically, acting as if the world was about to end. Opening one eye, she grinned, "but if I had to choose, I guess I'd rather give you my number."

"Alex, or Lex, I don't mind." He said and stood and held his hand out. "Did I say you were allowed to chose which one? I ment both." he teased and then laughed. "Just your number is fine. Let me pay for our food and then we can swap numbers." He said and then looked at her. "You're 17, I looked in to your very soul remember?" He said before shaking his head. "people tend to forget that death incarnate can see things like that. also, if you are going to nom on me, let me know beforehand." he said and then stretched. "let us see what we can do about room keys and time tables and the rest." He decided before looking at Lilith. "or would you rather I just let you recover from a night of no sleep?"

"Both? Wow, greedy greedy..." Lilith laughed, shaking her head. If he hadn't mentioned he had looked into her soul earlier, she may as well have just forgotten. It was odd to have someone know everything about you. It left a bad taste in her mouth. If he had known everything she had done in the past, why was he still even talking to her? Grinning, she shrugged it off. There's no point in losing brain cells brooding over it. After all, as a reaper, she was sure he's seen a lot worse.

Taking his hand, she pulled herself up. "Yesss score. Free food!" She did her little victory dance, a ritual for whenever she was happy. Lilith was tired, but the coffee should be able to last her for a couple hours at least. If not, more coffee should do. "Nah. Sleep is for the weak," Lilith grinned.

"You drank my blood, you can't talk." he then paused. "Erm....I was the first person you...." he then broke down giggling as he used his powers to rifle through her past, sure it was rude but it was funny to him, he was going to make a joke about him taking her 'vampire virginity' but he was laughing far to hard. he managed to pay for the food before he cracked up again. "sorry...." He said once he'd wiped the tears from his eyes and regained some semblance of sanity.
"so, keys, and then time tables, and then maybe I can unpack at last." He said before he squeezed her hand lightly, he'd not let go of it, probably due to the crowds of people.
Hearing a crash, Iona turned and saw a boy had fallen out of his wheel chair on a patch of frozen ice. Gasping, the young ice witch ran towards him with ease, her boots making light tapping noises upon the frozen ground, Sir Winter not far behind. Sliding to a halt in front of the boy, Iona knelt down and looked at him to see if he was alright. Her crystal blue eyes shined a bit in wonder at him as her fear was extinguished and the cold air gradually became warmer again. "Are you okay?" She asked softly as Sir Winter fixed the boy's wheel chair by standing it up correctly. She held out a hand to the boy, a small smile playing on her lips. "Here... let me help you."

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"Adsgadshwgsg-don't-flatter-yourself-shut-up," Lilith mumbled, speaking so fast her words seemed connected. This was one of the few times she was every flustered or embarrassed. Having thick skin, this didn't happen often. "I can't believe you intruded on my memories," Lilith gaped, cheeks still tinted pink. "-Hey! Stop laughing," Lilith whined, although a smile made its way on the corners of her lips, threatening to turn upward. "It's not funny," Lilith concluded, though she herself had started to laugh too.

"Its way too funny" he said and then gave her another of his huge grins. "well, I'm honoured you'd chose me to be the first. I hope I didn't disapoint." He said before he sighed. "Ok, Ok I'll stop going through your memories, but still. you had a intresting childhood." He said and then hugged her. "feel free to ask me questions I'll answer as best I can, I feel like I've been doing most of the quizzing." he said as he looked at her then smiled before whispering in her ear. "feel like letting me be the first anything else?" He teased before bouncing backwards and sticking his tongue out.
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