FANTASY - Heavenfall (A Truly Epic RP)

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I want to wait before I open the door for more than one character/player.

The Albita Handler is yours.
Okay ^_^
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*clears her throat and steps forward* I might be interested in playing an Otravit female. Muirgen and Adelaide are friends and RP partners of mine. So if references are needed, I *think* they'll vouch for me.
*clears her throat and steps forward* I might be interested in playing an Otravit female. Muirgen and Adelaide are friends and RP partners of mine. So if references are needed, I *think* they'll vouch for me.
Lol I dont believe references are needed, Warrior is a pretty chill guy.
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  • Name: Sahale [translation: 'Falcon']

    Race: Erodate

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male


    Powerful and well-built where his twin sister is tiny and slender, their parents often joked Sahale stole all Hiawee's rightful size from her in the womb. The young man stands 76 inches tall, is well-muscled and quick on his feet. He often wears his long, straight black hair tied back from an often somber, thoughtful face that has already begun to see the first weathering touches of the sun.

    Role: apprentice Vrajitor, hunter and Barbatesc (rider)

    Gear: Sahale always carries various dyes, powdered pigments and/or animal fats to mix to create his own artwork, often depicted on rock, leather or - far more rarely - papyrus or parchment. He also carries various small tools that serve as his 'brushes' when he is not painting with his oft-stained hands.

    Arsenal: Sahale possesses a long bow crafted for him by his own father, a breathtaking piece of craftsmanship from an ironwood tree. He has a full quiver of onyx-tipped arrows, as well as a bone-handled hunting knife.

    Personality: Sahale seems an often solemn and thoughtful man who, though still very young, has learned to speak far less than he listens. It was this trait that first brought him to the attention of the tribe's Vrajitor, whose only children were two young women - lovely and talented in their own rights of course, but not suitable to take up their father's mantle as Vrajitor. Sahale loves his parents dearly, and has a very special and protective bond with his twin Hiawee. Being the firstborn of the twins by the space of minutes, he feels the responsibilities of the elder sibling keenly. He often delights in bringing her small gifts, pigments with which to dye her threads, or even the fleece of wild sheep he hunts to provide her with the wool to spin. 'Falcon' and 'Dove,' they are virtually inseparable and to Sahale, there is no man alive worthy of twin.

    History: Sahale and Hiawee, his twin sister, were born to two of the most noted artisans of all the Erodate peoples, Kimama and Anakausuen. The pottery crafted by their mother Kimama includes pieces both functional and ceremonial, but invariably exquisite. Though both belong to the Ipanoquat (People of the Great Night Sky) tribe of the Erodate, their work is much sought after throughout these lands, and often bartered for during the Erodate great gatherings. She and her husband both developed the masterfully-hued glazes that have become the signature touch of their craftsmanship. Anakausuen is a noted sculptor and woodworker in his own right, a craftsman who can make even the simplest bone handled knife or bow into a breathtaking work of art.

    Sahale and Hiawee both performed the Cadea ritual when they were 10, bonding with their respective balaure who were - unsurprisingly - clutch mates. By this time, Sahale's own talents as a masterful painter had begun to emerge, and the young boy would have been content to simply become an artisan in his family's tradition, and a hunter for his tribe from Dustu's wide and steady back. But it did not go unnoticed that when Sahale paints, he often slips into a meditative trance where loses all time and thought for the outside world, walking the lands and communing with the various spirits, whose visages and essence he reproduces from his waking dreams. The spirit world is never far from Sahale's thoughts or mind.

    His ability to truly listen and see more of what people did not say aloud, his skill as an artist, quick intelligence and his thoughtful nature all brought Sahale to the attention of the Ipanoquot tribe's current Vrajitor, Nininga, who fathered two daughters and not a single son.

  • Name: Dustu [aka 'Little Frog,' name chosen by Hiawee of course]

    Gender: Female


    Relationship: Dustu is a clutch mate of Hiawee's own enormous balaure Lomasi. She is a far more high strung creature than her gentle giant of a brother (hence the name "Little Frog," for all her antsy prancing/pacing on one claw, and then another). When in flight with her beloved Sahale though, the pair seem to fairly dance on the winds with a grace that sings these two were born to fly as one. Dustu and Sahale are virtually inseparable. Not only is she an exceptional hunting partner, but Dustu has also learned to still her natural nervous tendencies while Sahale meditates, studies or enters into the communal trances of the Vrajitor.
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*clears her throat and steps forward* I might be interested in playing an Otravit female. Muirgen and Adelaide are friends and RP partners of mine. So if references are needed, I *think* they'll vouch for me.
You are more than welcome!
*clears her throat and steps forward* I might be interested in playing an Otravit female. Muirgen and Adelaide are friends and RP partners of mine. So if references are needed, I *think* they'll vouch for me.
Doofus... *shakes head and grins*

Anyway, obviously CS up and just FYI, this does not refer to the same tribe the previously accepted Erodate belongs to. If you wished more names and details for this tribe @WarriorHeart just let me know.
If you guys want to come up with your own tribe names, go ahead. Just make sure if there's several of you IN the same tribe, you coordinate the effort.
Of course, though at the moment it would only be Sahale and his twin Hiawee as PCs in this tribe.

eta: That I know of - if someone else wishes to join or be a part of that, of course there would be no problem with that at all.
I've added a line under race on my Cs where I've put in my tribe's name, also if anyone did want to be in the same tribe as her I'm absolutely fine with it. ^_^

  • Name:
    Race: Erodate
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    You may provide a description (be thorough) or use a pic or both!

    Use a few sentences to describe your character's…character.
    History: Include whatever you wish; family ties, political agenda, a blast from the past or a coming of age tale that will make your peers weep!
    Other: Anything else you want to include.
    [/tab ][tab=Mount]
    Use this to describe the personality of your mount and how rider and beast coincide.
Hey! Thanks for signing up!

One thing...err... We already have too many Erodate. Since you already made the CS, I can put it in a hold until we get more players for the other races or you can pick a different race. I hope this doesn't deter you from playing.

Depending on how the next few days of sign-ups go, I may open things up where people can have 2 chars.
I thought Erodate would be rather unpopular when I started putting my CS together, I'm pleasantly surprised to see how popular it is. ^_^
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  • Name: Din Dae

    Race: Albita
    Age: 127
    Gender: Male


    Role: Rider, assassin/scout

    • Cloak
    • Light cloth armor, optimally designed to be as quiet as possible. (It's a thing; they did it when they were making Thief)
    • Steel, arm-tight bracers
    • Carving knife
    • Many small pouches of herbs and poisons, for cures and remedies.
    • Longbow
    • Small quiver (Approximately 20 arrows)
    • 5 throwing knives
    • 1 dagger
    • 1 parry knife
    • Twenty five feet of black silk rope that is usually wrapped around his torso.
    Personality: Shadow has a dark sense of humor. He's quiet unless he sees a reason to speak, and is often observing to take in as much information as he can about everything. He's not really cold or friendly, but rather detached. He doesn't often show emotion, or at times, even understand it, as his mind is logically inclined instead of emotionally. He enjoys strategic battle and setting traps, and is hugely delighted simply by being in vicinity of his enemies when they have no knowledge of his presence.

    History: Din was orphaned at a young age. His parents had attempted to spread the praise of the Goddesses to other cultures, and were promptly murdered for trying to do so. To survive, he began stealing, learning the ways of the shadows. Due to his skill, he was taken in by the thieves guild, who offered a more steady source of food, as well as a home. As he grew older, he began to train himself how to hunt, killing for food and selling what he didn't use while also apprenticing under an apothecary. When that didn't sate his wallet, he began taking mercenary and assassination contracts. He favored the latter, though after a few too many close calls, he paid a fairly well known mercenary to teach him the way of the sword. Though he was a quick learner, Din never moved past standard swordplay. He found instead that he greatly preferred a knife as opposed to a heavy, slow, cumbersome blade. Through the tale of his wife, he followed the path of Purpuriu, finding the most power in combat and killing. He also developed a slight friendship with one of the Death Goddess's Maicas, a girl who he occasionally saw from afar and rarely spoke to, though she seemed nice enough, since he felt that he had no place in doing so; spending most of his life as a rogue, he had no place in the social structure, and had grown up feeling mostly like an outsider. Before he began the ritual to choose a mount, he sought Purpuriu's blessing through her, vowing to himself that one day he would return to the floating caves, with power and prestige.

    Other: Din often makes use of his talents to carve things like caltrops (spikes) and, though he hasn't gotten very good at it yet, arrows. Also, bats are essentially silent predators, and Din and Gurth have trained hard to further augment that.

  • Name: Gurth

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Sleek, dark, and fairly small compared to the other Lilieci.

    Relationship: Din is close to his mount, and justly so. They train often together, and though they haven't quite mastered they're synchronization in combat, outside of it, they're like a pair of brothers who work in perfect unity.
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Lots missed while I slept. Lovely to see such activity. I'll have to tweak my CS to be a nice as @Muirgen and hopefully figure out how I mangled the tabs so badly.

@WarriorHeart: Should I be making my character more combat oriented?
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I'd like to reserve an Erodate rider chara. Just gimme a few days to configure a character sheet!
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I'd like to reserve an Erodate rider chara. Just gimme a few days to configure a character sheet!
You can make an Erodate but until we get more people as Cenusiu and Otravit, I am putting a hold on the Erodate.

I have decided that players may make two characters. For those of you that I have asked to make something other than an Erodate, you may go ahead and make a CS for one. HOWEVER, until we get more of the other races, I will not allow those Erodate to be active.

Nice CS! I have one knitpick. I really like the wandering aspect of your character but I think it would make more sense to be a temporary thing. I can see a Cenusiu using an Albita for a contract hit or two but it wouldn't beget a great deal of work. The Otravit would make a show of it and do it themselves and Erodate might trade with your character but I don't feel like either race would very open or inviting to the creepy little white folk. If you could tweak it to sound more like he had been gone on a long assignment instead of wandering for year I would be grateful.

Fun fact: I used that same character for my shapeshifter in Thought Manifest's RP. XD
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I've edited my CS though I ditched the tabs, every time I tried to make them work it got more labyrinthine. So for now it is done and I will await approval or not. Also, @WarriorHeart , I had wondered about the combat level of this RP. Is my Character going to be at a severe disadvantage?
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@WarriorHeart - I have updated and edited Sahale's CS with the smaller tribal details like the name of the tribe and its Vrajitor. I also made some general all around edits for late night writing and other less excusable literary abominations, and I pray the CS is ready for your approval.

As for a second character? Tempting, simply because I normally play female characters and generally prefer them; however, I really like Sahale, looking forward to writing for him, and I want to give other players the opportunity to write more male characters as well.
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I may try and make up a guy's sheet, been a few months since I've rped a man though so I might come off rusty if I go that way. to go see which of the unloved tribes I like best (even if I end up playing another girl).
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