Family Matters |⚤| OOC

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Hiiii guys!!!!!!
Hello. I am just waiting for the next reply. I wonder whose next
I am waiting as well
I guess we all are.
I was waiting for @Shayla and @Brea so that I can do the timeskip ^^. I'll be posting on Friday the latest
I've been waiting for happily
Finishing the rest of my posts today for all.
I'm going to post the timeskip post later today (around 5pm est or so) ... I was planning on skipping to around evening does anyone have any preferences or want me to hold off on the skip or anything?

@Princess Poisoned Rose @Scorpio Queen @Thingtastic @Shayla @Shin-Ryu Lightning @Brea

also, I will be copying and pasting all of the stuff on the first three tabs over onto the second post of the thread, so if you go to look at that don't panic... it's still around, just trying to make stuff stay pretty and make the site update a little easier ^^
I'm good with the time skip however I do wanna have the pregnancy conversation between our characters
I am good

may have a small problem replying right away with all going on. you know Happily
I would have liked replies first but I'm cool with the timeskip.
I mean she could do the reply then time skip for each character
I mean she could do the reply then time skip for each character
I'm almost done actually, but for any characters that were interacting I tried to tie eveyrthing up then timeskip ^^ (you guys can do the same thing if you want (: )
Can I have Toby to if no one has taken him cause now I'm feeling so bad about it
lol , yeah of course ^^ (but don't feel bad, he'll get over it)
I just his posts are making me sad his siblings are making me sad
Well he is going to be my kid now and somehow Sorcha's love is gonna have to adjust to having 3 kids on the way to four until Tia gets adoptes
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